张国杰,工学博士,博士生导师,省青年学术带头人。2001 年
太原理工大学煤化工研究所化学工艺专业硕士研究生毕业,2012 年 太原理工大学煤化工研究所
二氧化碳转化利用方向研究。对甲-二氧化碳重整进行了深入研究(结果发表在Chem.Eng. J.,Int.l J.
氢 能量等国际知名期刊上)。
二等奖1 项;近5年来,在International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Chemical Engineering Journal,Journal of
功率 Sources 和Journal of Industrial and Engineering
Guojie Zhang*, Peiyu Zhao, Ying Xu, Jiangwen Qu.Characterization of Ca-promoted Co/AC catalyst for CO2-CH4reforming to syngas production. Journal of COUtilization, 2017, 18: 326-334.
Guojie Zhang*, Peiyu Zhao, Ying Xu, Yongfa Zhang.Characteristics of
压强 Drop of Charred Layer in Coke Dry Quenching over Coke Oven Gas.
能量 \u0026 Fuels, 207, 31 (4): 4548–4555.
Guojie Zhang*, Yinghui Sun, Yuliang Shi, Yong Jia, Ying Xu, Peiyu Zhao, Yongfa Zhang.Characteristic and kinetics of corn stalk pyrolysis in a high pressure reactor and steam gasification of its char. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2016, 122: 249–257
Guojie Zhang*, Yannian Du, Ying Xu, Yongfa Zhang. Towards understanding the
碳 catalyzed CO2 reforming of
甲烷 to syngas. Journal of Industrial and Engineering
化学 2014, 20(4):1677–1683.
Guojie Zhang*, Yannian Du, Ying Xu, Yongfa Zhang*.Effects of preparation methods on the properties of
碳 catalyst for
甲烷 reforming with carbon dioxide to syngas. Journal of Industrial and Engineering
化学 2014, 20(4):1677–1683.
Guojie Zhang*, Yannian Du, Yongfa Zhang*, Ying Xu.Desulfurization reaction model and experimental analysis of high sulfur coal under
氢 atmosphere. Journal of Industrial and Engineering
化学 2014, 20(2):487-493.
Guojie Zhang*, Aiting Su,Yannian Du, Jiangwan Qu, Ying Xu.Catalytic
表演 ofactivated
碳 supported
钴 catalyst for COreforming of CHJournal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2014, 433: 149-155
Guojie Zhang*, Jiangwen Qu, Yannian Du, Fengbo Guo, Haixiang Zhao, Yongfa Zhang, Ying Xu.
氢 production from CO2reforming of
甲烷 over high pressure
过氧化氢 modified different semi-cokes. Journal of Industrial and Engineering
化学 2014, 20 (5): 2948–2957.