H₂O Resources Research、Science Bulletin、Acta Geologica Sinica等刊物副主编,中国
联合国任职期间带领约20人的团队将多年的研究成果应用于孟加拉国地下水资源的开发,解决了200万高暴露人口的饮水安全问题。现任或已经担任过国际刊物(Environmental Health
透视, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Science of the Total Environment, Science Bulletin)的副主编或专刊主编。2010年当选
1994-1999: 博士(
环境科学, 主修海洋
哥伦比亚大学1993-1994: 哲学硕士(地球与环境科学, 主修化学海洋学), 美国哥伦比亚大学
1991-1993: 硕士(地质学, 主修同位素地球化学), 美国哥伦比亚大学
1983-1988: 学士(地球化学),
纽约市立大学公共卫生学院 教授
2012-2016: 美国纽约市立大学皇后分校 Executive Director of Facilities Professor
2007-2009: 美国纽约市立大学皇后分校地球和环境学院 主任
2006-2007: 美国纽约市立大学皇后分校 教授
2002-2006: 美国纽约市立大学皇后分校 副教授(终身职)
纽约市立大学皇后分校 助理教授
1988-1991: 中科院生态环境研究中心 助理研究员
2005:联合国儿童基金会驻北京办事处 顾问
地球科学中国科学院青年创新促进会(IPACES) 财务理事、主席当选人、主席
2014-至今:国际学术刊物《Journal of Geochemical Exploration》副主编
2014-至今:科学通报(英文版)《Science Bulletin》副主编
2014: 国际学术刊物《Science of the Total Environment》专刊主编
2013-至今:地质学报(英文版)《Acta Geologica Sinica》副主编
2013-至今:国际水文学会(IAH)地下水回补委员会可持续发展小组 负责人
哥伦比亚大学拉孟特地球观测所 资深研究员
纽约土壤和水保护区 理事(board member)
2007:国际学术刊物《Environmental Health
2006-2008:美国哥伦比亚大学拉孟特地球观测所 研究员
1999-2006:美国哥伦比亚大学拉孟特地球观测所 副研究员
Publications (2016) n=8
2016.01 Radloff, K.A.**, Zheng, Y., Stute, M., Weinman, B., Bostick, B., Mihajlov, I., Bounds, M., Rahman, M.M., Huq, M.R., Ahmed, K.M., 2015. Reversible
吸附 and flushing of
砷 in a shallow, Holocene aquifer of Bangladesh. Applied Geochemistry. In press
2016.02 Aziz, Z., Bostick, B., Zheng, Y., Huq, M., Rahman, M., Ahmed, K.,
Van Geen, A.*, 2016. Evidence of decoupling between
砷 and
磷酸盐 in shallow groundwater of Bangladesh and potential implications. Applied Geochemistry. In press
2016.03 Zhang, Y., Li, S., Zheng, L., Chen, J., Zheng, Y.*, 2016. Evaluation of arsenic sorption and mobility in stream sediment and hot spring deposit in three drainages of the Tibetan
高原 Applied Geochemistry. In press
2016.04 Keimowitz, A.R.**, Zheng, Y., Lee, M.-K., Natter, M., Keevan, J., 2016. Sediment Core Sectioning and Extraction of Pore Waters under Anoxic Conditions. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e53393-e53393
2016.05 George, C.M.**, Inauen, J., Perin, J., Tighe, J., Hasan, K., Zheng, Y., 2016. Behavioral Determinants of Switching to
H₂O Wells An Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Health Education Interventions Coupled With Water Arsenic Testing. Health Education \u0026 Behavior, 1090198116637604
2016.06 Flanagan, S.V., Spayd, S.E., Procopio, N.A., Chillrud, S.N., Braman, S., Zheng, Y.*, 2016.
砷 in private well
H₂O part 1 of 3: Impact of the New Jersey Private Well Testing Act on household testing and mitigation behavior. Science of The Total Environment 562, 999-1009
2016.07 Flanagan,
马特斯堡足球俱乐部, Spayd, S.E., Procopio, N.A., Chillrud, S.N., Ross, J., Braman, S., Zheng, Y.*, 2016b.
砷 in private well
H₂O part 2 of 3: Who benefits the most from traditional testing promotion? Science of The Total Environment 562, 1010-1018
2016.08 Flanagan, S.V., Spayd, S.E., Procopio, N.A., Marvinney, R.G., Smith, A.E., Chillrud, S.N., Braman, S., Zheng, Y.*, 2016c.
砷 in private well
H₂O part 3 of 3: Socioeconomic vulnerability to exposure in Maine and New Jersey. Science of The Total Environment 562, 1019-1030
Publications (2015) n=7
2015.1 Zheng, Y.* and J. D. Ayotte. At the Crossroads: Hazard Assessment and Reduction of Health Risks from
砷 in Private Well Waters of Northeastern America and Atlantic Canada. Science of the Total Environment. 505:1237-1247.
(Guest Editor with J. Ayotte, Science of the Total Environment Special Issue “
砷 in Private Wells of Northeast America” Feb, 1, 2015)
2015.2 Flanagan, S.V., R. G. Marvinney and Y. Zheng*. Influences on domestic well
H₂O testing behavior in a Central Maine
面积 with frequent groundwater
砷 occurrence. Science of the Total Environment. 505:1274-1281
2015.3 Flanagan,
马特斯堡足球俱乐部, R. G. Marvinney, R. A. Johnston, Q. Yang and Y. Zheng*. Dissemination of well
H₂O arsenic results to homeowners in Central Maine: Influences on mitigation behavior and continued risks for exposure. Science of the Total Environment. 505:1282-1290.
2015.4 Yang, Q, C.W. Culbertson, M.G. Nielson, C.W. Schalk, C.D. Johnson, R.G. Marvinney, M. Stute and Y.Zheng*. Flow and sorption controls of ground
H₂O arsenic in individual boreholes from
基岩 aquifers in central Maine, USA. Science of the Total Environment. 505: 1291-1307.
2015.5 O’Shea, B.**, M. Stranskya, S. Leitheisera, P. Brock, R.G. Marvinneyc and Y. Zheng. Heterogenous
砷 enrichment in meta-sedimentary rocks in central Maine, United States. Science of the Total Environment. 505:1308-1319.
2015.6 N. Mladenov, Y. Zheng, B. Simone, T. Legg, D. McKnight, D. Nemergut, K. A Radloff, M M. Rahman, and K. M. Ahmed. (2015) Dissolved Organic Matter Quality in a Shallow Aquifer of Bangladesh: Implications for
砷 Mobility. Environ. Sci. Tech. 49 (18): 10815-10824.
2015.7 Hun Bok Jung**, Yan Zheng; Mohammad W Rahman; Mohammad M Rahman; Kazi M Ahmed. 2015. Redox Zonation and Oscillation in the Hyporheic Zone of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta: Implications for the Fate of Groundwater
砷 during Discharge. Applied Geochemistry. 63:647-660.
Publications (2014): n=2
2014.1 Yang, Q., P. Smitherman, C. T. Hess, C. W. Culbertson, R. G. Marvinney , Smith, A. E. and Y. Zheng*.
铀 and radon in bedrock aquifers in central Maine: one family, two tales. Environ. Sci. Tech. 48 (8):4298-4306.
2014.2 Sultana, S., Ahmed, K., Mahtab-Ul-Alam, S., Hasan, M., Tuinhof, A.,
Ghosh, S., Rahman, M., Ravenscroft, P., and Zheng, Y.* (2014). Low-Cost Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Implications for Improving Drinking
H₂O Access for Rural Communities in Coastal Bangladesh. J. Hydrol. Eng. , 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001100 , B5014007.
Publications (2013): n=6
2013.1 Wen, D., Zhang, F., Zhang, E, Wang, C, Han, S. and Zheng, Y.* 2013.
氟化物 and
碘 in Ground
H₂O of China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 135:1-21.
(Guest Editor, Journal of Geochemical Exploration Special Issue “Arsenic and Fluoride in Groundwater of China” 2013 volume 135, page 1-140)
2013.2 Li, S., Wang, M., Yang, Q., Wang, H., Zhu, J., Zheng, B. and Zheng, Y.*, 2013. Enrichment of
砷 in
surface H₂O, Stream Sediments and Soils in Tibet. Journal of Geochemical Exploration135:104-116.
2013.3 Zheng, Y.*,
永恒沉睡Hakim, Q. Nahar, A.
Van Agthoven and
马特斯堡足球俱乐部 Flanagan, 2013. Sanitation Coverage in Bangladesh since the Millennium: Consistency Matters. Journal of
H₂O, Sanitation and Hygiene Development, 03.2:240-251
2013.4 Flanagan, S.V., X. Meng and Y. Zheng*, 2013. Increasing acceptance to chlorination for household water treatment: Observations from Bangladesh.
H₂Olines, 32:125-134
2013.5 Mailloux BJ*, Trembath-Reichert E, Cheung J,
Watson M, Stute M, Freyer G, Ferguson A, Ahmed KM, Alam MJ, Bucholz BA, Thomas J, Layton A, Zheng Y, Bostick BC,
Van Geen A. 2013, Advection of
surfacederived organic
碳 fuels microbial reduction in Bangladesh ground
H₂O Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(14):5331-5. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1213141110.
2013.6 George, C.M.**, Inauen, J., Rahman, S. and Zheng, Y., 2013. The Effectiveness of Educational Interventions to Enhance the Adoption of Fee-based
砷 Testing in Bangladesh: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Tropical Medicine \u0026 Hygiene, doi:10.4269/ajtmh.12-0664
2013.0 Zhang, Y., Li, S., Wang, H., Wang, M., Zeng, B., Zheng, L., Yang, Q., 4 and Zheng, Y.* 2013. Evaluation of
砷 物种形成 of Stream and Hot Spring Deposits through X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Sorption Experiment. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 87(supp.): 665-666.
2013.0 Li, S., Wang, M., Wang, H., Zhang, Y., Zheng, B., Yang, Q. and Zheng, Y.*, 2013. Enrichment of
砷 in Rivers Originating from the Tibetan Plateau. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 87(supp.): 638-639.
2013.0 Zhou, M., Clauson, K. M., Sun, Z., Zheng, C. and Zheng, Y.*, 2013. Preliminary Assessment of Chemical Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Carbon in
surface H₂Os of the Hulugou Watershed, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 87(supp.): 669-671.
2013.0. Zheng, Y., Yang, Q., Seltzer, A.M., Hemming, N. G. and Hemming, S. R. 2013. Provenance of High
砷 Holocene Sediment and Low Arsenic Pleistocene Sediment in Bangladesh Aquifers: A Preliminary Assessment. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 87(supp.): 667-668.
Publications (2012): n=7
2012.1 Jung,
HB托尔斯港**, Yun, S.T., Kwon, J.S., Zheng, Y. (2012) Role of iron colloids in copper
物种形成 during neutralization in a coastal acid mine drainage, South Korea: Insight from voltammetric analyses and
surface complexation modeling. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 112:244-251.
2012.2 He, Y.*, C. Pedigo, B. Lam, Z.
成姓 and Y. Zheng (2012) Bioaccessibility of
砷 in various types of rice in an in vitro gastrointestinal fluid system. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 47:74-80.
2012.3 Jung,
HB托尔斯港, B. Bostick, Y. Zheng*. (2012) Field, Experimental, and Modeling Study of
砷 Partitioning across a Redox Transition in a Bangladesh Aquifer. Environ. Sci. Tech. 46 (3), 1388-1395.
2012.4 Yang, Q.,
HB托尔斯港Jung, R. G. Marvinney, C. W. Culbertson and Y. Zheng*. (2012) Can arsenic occurrence rate in bedrock aquifers be predicted? Environ. Sci. Tech. 46 (4),
2012.5 Legg, T.*, Y. Zheng, B. Simone, K. A. Radloff, N. Mladenov, A/ González Peña, D. Knights, H. Siu, M. Mo. Rahman, K. M. Ahmed, D. M. McKnight, D. R. Nemergut. (2012).
碳, metals and grain size correlate with bacterial community composition in sediments of a high
砷 aquifer. Frontiers in Terrestial Microbiology, 3(82), 23
2012.6 George CM**, Zheng Y, Graziano JH, Hossain Z, Rasul SB, Mey JL, et al. Evaluation of an arsenic test kit for rapid well screening in Bangladesh. Environ Sci Technol 2012. 46(20), 11213-11219
2012.7 Flanagan, S.V., Jonston, R.B and Zheng, Y.* 2012.
砷 in tube well water in Bangladesh: health and economic impacts and implications for arsenic mitigation, Bulletin of WHO, 90(11), 839-846.
Publications (2011): n=2
2011. 1 Radloff, K.A.**, Zheng, Y., Michael, H.A., Stute, M., Bostick, B.C., Mihajlov, I., Bounds, M., Huq, M.R., Choudhury, I., Rahman, M.W., Schlosser, P., Ahmed, K.M. and
Van Geen, A. (2011)
砷 migration to deep ground
H₂O in Bangladesh influenced by
吸附 and water demand. Nature Geoscience, 4(11): 793-798.
2011.2 Dhar R.**, Zheng Y., Saltikov C.W., Radloff K.A., Mailloux B.A., Ahemd K.M. and
Van Geen A. (2011) Microbes enhance mobility of
砷 in Pleistocene aquifer sand from Bangladesh. Environ. Sci. Tech. 45:2648-2654
Publications (2010): n=6
2010.1 Mladenov N.**, Zheng Y., Miller M. P., Legg T., Simone B., Hageman C., Rahman M. M., Ahmed K. M., and McKnight D. M. (2010) Dissolved organic matter sources and consequences for iron and
砷 mobilization in Bangladesh aquifers. Environ. Sci. Tech. 44:123-128.
2010.2 He, Y.** and Zheng, Y. (2010) Assessment of in
vivo Bioaccessibility of Arsenic in Dietary Rice by a
质量 Balance Approach. Science of the Total Environment, 408:1430-1436.
2010.3 Paul M.*, Reisberg L., Vigier N., Zheng Y., Ahmed K. M., Charlet L., and Huq M. R. (2010) Dissolved osmium in Bengal plain groundwater: Implications for the marine Os budget. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(12): 3432
2010.4 Garnier J. M.*, Travassac F., Lenoble V., Rose J., Zheng Y., Hossain M. S., Chowdhury S. H., Biswas A. K., Ahmed K. M.,
成姓 Z., and
Van Geen A. (2010) Temporal variations in
砷 uptake by rice plants in Bangladesh: The role of iron plaque in paddy fields irrigated with ground
H₂O Science of The Total Environment 19:4185-4193.
2010.5 Zheng, Y.* (2010) Flushing of arsenic from aquifer: Implications for safe drinking water options in high arsenic occurrence areas. In J.-S. Jean, J. Bundschuh, and P. Bhattacharya (ed.)
砷 in Geosphere and Human Diseases: As2010. CRC Press, Taylor \u0026 Francis Group, Leiden, the Netherlands, pp.90-93
2010.6 Zheng, Y.* (2010) Mobilization of natural arsenic in groundwater: Targeting low
砷 aquifers in low arsenic occurrence areas. Geology in China. 37:723-729.
Publications (2009): n=4
2009.1 Morabia, A.* and Zheng, Y. 2009. On the influence of a raffle upon responses to an urban
搬运作用 survey in New York City , Int. J. Public Health, 54:1-4.
2009.2 Yang, Q., Jung,
HB托尔斯港, Culbertson, C., Marvinney, R., Loiselle, M., Locke, D., Cheek, H., Thibodeau, H. and Zheng, Y*. 2009. Spatial Pattern of Groundwater
砷 Occurrence and Association with
基岩 Geology in Greater Augusta, Maine, USA. Environmental Science \u0026 Technology. 43:2714–2719.
2009.3 Jung,
HB托尔斯港, Charette, M.A., Zheng, Y.* 2009. Field, Laboratory, and Modeling Study of Reactive Transport of Groundwater
砷 in a Coastal Aquifer. Environmental Science \u0026 Technology. 43:5333-5338.
2009.4 Datta, S., Mailloux, B., Hoque, M.A., Jung,
HB托尔斯港, Stute, M., Ahmed, K.M., Zheng, Y.*, 2009. Enrichment of Arsenic in Sediments from the Meghna River Bank in Bangladesh: Implication for Recycling of
砷. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106:16930-16935
Publications (2008): n=8
2008.1 Zheng, Y.*, (2008) The benefit of public
搬运作用: Physical activity to reduce
肥胖症 and ecological footprint, Preventive Medicine doi:10.1016/
Van Geen A.*, Zheng Y., Goodbred S., Horneman A., Aziz Z.,
成姓 Z., Stute M., Mailloux B., Weinman B., Hoque M. A., Seddique A. A., Hossain M. S., Chowdhury S. H., and Ahmed K. M. (2008) Flushing History as a Hydrogeological Control on the Regional Distribution of
砷 in Shallow Ground
H₂O of the Bengal Basin. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42(7), 2283-2288.
2008.3 Dhar R. K., Zheng Y*., Stute M.,
Van Geen A.,
成姓 Z., Shanewaz M., Shamsudduha M., Hoque M. A., Rahman M. W., and Ahmed K. M. 2008. Temporal Variability of Groundwater
化学 in Shallow and Deep Aquifers of Araihazar, Bangladesh. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 99:97-111.
2008.4 Horneman, A.*, Stute, M., Schlosser, P., Smethie Jr, W., Santella, N., Ho, D.T., Mailloux, B., Gorman, E., Zheng, Y.,
Van Geen, A., 2008. Degradation rates of CFC-11, CFC-12 and CFC-113 in anoxic shallow aquifers of Araihazar, Bangladesh. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 97:27-41.
2008.5 Weinman, B.*, Goodbred,
sl, Zheng, Y., Aziz, Z., Singhvi,
安德烈·基里连科, Nagar, Y.C., Steckler, M.,
Van Geen, A., 2008. Contributions of floodplain stratigraphy and evolution to the spatial patterns of groundwater
砷 in Araihazar, Bangladesh. GSA Bulletin. 120:1567-1580.
2008.6. Aziz, Z.*., van Geen, A., Versteeg, R., Horneman, A., Y. Zheng, Goodbred, S., Steckler, M., Stute, M., Weinman, B., Gavrieli, I., Hoque, M.A., Shamsudduha, M., Ahmed, K.M., 2008. Impact of local recharge on
砷 concentrations in shallow aquifers inferred from the electromagnetic conductivity of soils in Araihazar, Bangladesh
H₂O Resources Research. 44, W07416, doi:10.1029/2007WR00600.
2008.7 Radloff, KA.**, AR Manning, B. Mailloux, Y. Zheng, MM Rahman, MR. Huq, KM Ahmed, M Stute, A
Van Geen, 2008. Considerations for conducting incubations to study the mechanisms of As release in reducing groundwater aquifers, Applied Geochemistry , 23:3224-3235.
2008.8 A. van Geen*, K. Radloff, Z. Aziz, Z.
成姓, M.R. Huq, K.M. Ahmed, B. Weinman, S. Goodbred,
HB托尔斯港 Jung, Y. Zheng, M. Berg, P.T.K. Trang, L. Charlet, J. Metral, D. Tisserand, S. Guillot, S. Chakraborty, A.P. Gajurel, B.N. Upreti. 2008. Comparison of
砷 concentrations in simultaneously-collected ground
H₂O and aquifer particles from Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, and Nepal, Applied Geochemistry , 23:3244-3251.
Publications (2007): n= 4
2007.1 Stute, M.*, Zheng, Y., Schlosser, P., Horneman, A., Dhar, R.K., Datta, S., Hoque, M.A., Seddique, A.A., Shamsudduha, M., Ahmed, K.M.,
Van Geen, A., 2007. Hydrological Control of
砷 Concentrations in Bangladesh aquifers.
H₂O Resources Research. 43, doi:10.1029/2005WR004499.
2007. 2 Zheng, Y.* 2007. The heterogeneity of arsenic in the crust: A linkage to occurrence in groundwater. Quaternary Sciences, 27:6-19.
2007.3 Yu, G., D. Sun and Y. Zheng*, 2007. Health effects of exposure to natural
砷 from ground
H₂O and coal in China: An overview of occurrence, Environmental Health
透视, 115(4) 636-642.
(Guest Editor, mini-monograph, "Occurrence and Health Effect of Arsenic in China", Environmental Health Perspective, 2007)
2007.4 He, Y., Y. Zheng*, D. C. Locke. 2007, Cathodic stripping voltammetric analysis of
砷 物种 in environmental water samples, Microchemical Journal, 85(2): 265-269.
Publications (2006): n= 6
2006.1. Wasserman, G. A.*, X. Liu, F. Parvez, H. Ahsan, D. Levy, P. Factor-Litvak, J. Kline, A.
Van Geen, V. Slavkovich, N.. J. LoIacono, Z.
成姓, Y. Zheng, J. H. Graziano, 2006.
H₂O 锰 exposure and children’s intellectual
函数 in Araihazar, Bangladesh, Environmental Health Perspectives114 (1): 124-129
Van Geen, A.*, Y. Zheng, Z.
成姓, H. Yi, R. Dhar, J. M. Garnier, J. Rose, A. A. Seddique, M. A. Hoque, and K.M. Ahmed,2006, Impact of irrigation with groundwater elevated in
砷 on rice paddies in Bangladesh, Science of the Total Environment, 367 (2-3): 769-777
Van Geen, A.*, Y. Zheng, Z.
成姓, Z. Aziz, A. Horneman, R. K. Dhar, B. Mailloux, M. Stute, B. Weinman, S. Goodbred, A. A. Seddique, M. A. Hoque, and K. M. Ahmed, 2006, A transect of groundwater and sediment properties in Araihazar, Bangladesh: Further evidence of decoupling between As and Fe mobilization, Chemical Geology, 228 (1-3): 85-96
Van Geen, A.*, Z. Aziz, A. Horneman, B. Weinman, R. K. Dhar, Y. Zheng, S. Goodbred, R. Versteeg, A. A. Seddique, M. A. Hope, and K. M. Ahmed (2006), Preliminary evidence of a link between
surface soil properties and the
砷 content of shallow groundwater in Bangladesh, Journal Of Geochemical Exploration, 88, 157-161.
2006.5. Jung, H. B., and Y. Zheng* (2006), Enhanced recovery of arsenite sorbed onto synthetic oxides by L-ascorbic acid addition to
磷酸盐 solution: calibrating a sequential leaching method for the
物种形成 analysis of
砷 in natural samples, Water Research, 40, 2168-2180.
2006.6 Dean, W. E.*, Y. Zheng, J. D. Ortiz, and A.
Van Geen (2006), Sediment Cd and Mo accumulation in the
氧-minimum zone off western Baja California linked to global climate over the past 52 kyr, Paleoceanography, 21. doi:000242370800001
Publications (2005): n=2
2005.1. Zheng, Y.*, A.
Van Geen, M. Stute, R. Dhar, Z. Mo, Z.
成姓, A. Horneman, I. Gavrieli, H.J. Simpson, R. Versteeg, M. Steckler, A. Grazioli-Venier, S. Goodbred, M. Shanewaz, M. Shamsudduha, M. A. Hoque, and K. M. Ahmed, 2005, Geochemical and hydrogeological contrasts between shallow and deeper aquifers in two villages of Araihazar, Bangladesh: Implications deeper aquifers as drinking water sources, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 69:5203-5218
2005.2. Keimowitz A. R.**, Zheng Y., Chillrud S. N., Mailloux B., Hung
HB托尔斯港, Stute M., and Simpson H. J., 2005,
砷 redistribution between sediments and
H₂O near a highly contaminated source. Environmental Science and Technology, 39:8606-8613.
Publications (2004): n=7
2004.1. Ortiz, J. S.*, B. O’Connell, J. DelViscio, W. Dean, J. D. Carriquiry, T. Martchitto, Y. Zheng, A.
Van Geen, 2004, Enhanced marine
生产率 off western North America during warm climate intervals of the past 52 k.y. Geology, 32:521-524
2004.2. Dhar, R. K.**, Y. Zheng, J. Rubenstone, and A. van Geen, 2004, Rapid spectrophotometric determination of dissolved inorganic
砷 in groundwater, Analytica Chimica Acta, 526:206-209.
2004.3. Cheng, Z.**, Y. Zheng, R. A. Mortlock, A.
Van Geen, 2004, Rapid multi-element analysis of groundwater by high-resolution inductively coupled plasma
质量 spectrometry, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 379:512-518.
2004.4. He, Y., Y. Zheng*, M. Ramanaraine, D. C. Locke. 2004, Differential Pulse Cathodic stripping voltammetric
物种形成 Analysis of trace level inorganic
砷 in natural waters, Anal. Chim. Acta., 511:55-61
2004.5. Horneman, A.*, A.
Van Geen, D.V. Kent, P.E. Mathe, Y. Zheng, R.K.Dhar, S. O'Connell, M.A. Hoque, Z. Aziz, M. Shamsudduha, A.A. Seddique, and K.M. Ahmed. Decoupling of As and Fe release to Bangladesh groundwater under reducing conditions. Part 1: Evidence from sediment profiles, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 68, no. 17, p. 3459-3473, September, 2004
Van Geen, A.*, J. Rose, S.Thoral,
Jackie McLeanGarnier, Y.Zheng, and J.Y.Bottero. Decoupling of As and Fe release to Bangladesh groundwater under reducing conditions. Part II: Evidence from sediment incubations; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 68, no. 17, p. 3475-3486, September, 2004.
2004.7. Zheng, Y.*, M. Stute, A.
Van Geen, I. Gavrieli, R. Dhar, H. J. Simpson, K. M. Ahmed, 2004, Redox Control of
砷 Mobilization in Bangladesh Groundwater, Applied Geochemistry 19:201-214.
Publications (2003): n=5
2003.1. van Geen, A.*, Y. Zheng, J. . Bernhard, K. G. Cannariato, J. Carriquiry, W. Dean, B. Eakins, J.
Pike, 2003, On the preservation of laminated sediments along the western margin of North America. Paleoceanography, 18:1098-2016
2003.2. Zheng, Y.*, B. Weinman, T. Cronin, M. Q. Fleisher and R.F. Anderson. 2003, A Rapid Procedure for Thorium,
铀, Cadmium and
钼 in Small Sediment Samples by Inductively Coupled
等离子体质量 Spectrometer: Application in Chesapeake Bay, Applied Geochemistry 18:539-549
2003.3. Shan, X.*, H. Wang, S. Zhang, H. Zhou, Y. Zheng, H. Yu and B. Wen, 2003, Accumulation and uptake of light rare
地球 eleents in a hyperaccumulator Dicropteris dichotoma, Plant Science, 165:1343-1353.
Van Geen, A.*, Y. Zheng, R. Versteeg, M. Stute, A. Horneman, R. Dhar, M. Steckler, A. Gelman, C. Small, H. Ahsan, J. Graziano, I. Hussain, and K. M. Ahmed. Spatial Variability of
砷 in 6000 Contiguous Tube Wells of Araihazar, Bangladesh. Water Resources Research, 39:1140, doi:10,1029/2002WR001617.
Van Geen, A.*, Y. Zheng, M. Stute and K. M. Ahmed. Comment on "Arsenic Mobility and Groundwater Extraction in Bangladesh" (II), Science, 2003, 300: 584c
Publications (2002): n=6
2002.1. Zheng, Y.*, R.F. Anderson, P.N. Froelich, W. Beck, A. P. McNichol, T. Guilderson, 2002, Challenges in radiocarbon dating organic carbon in opal-rich marine sediments, Radio
碳, vol. 44(1) 123-136
2002. 2. Zheng, Y.*, R. F. Anderson, A.
Van Geen, and M. Q. Fleisher, 2002, Preservation of Particulate Non-lithogenic
铀 in Marine Sediments, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 66(17):3085-3092.
2002. 3. Zheng, Y.*, R. F. Anderson, and A. van Geen, M. Q. Fleisher. 2002, Remobilization of authigenic uranium in marine sediments by bioturbation, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 66:1759-1772
2002. 4. Pailer, D. E. Bard**, F. Rostek, Y. Zheng, R. Mortlock, A.
Van Geen, 2002, Burial of redox-sensitive metals and organic matter in equatorial Indian Ocean linked to
岁差, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 66:849-865.
2002. 5. He, Y., Y. Zheng* and D. C. Locke. 2002. Differential Pulse Cathodic Stripping Voltammetric Determination of Nanomolar Levels of Dissolved Sulfide Applicable to Field Analysis of Groundwater, Anal. Chim. Acta, 459:209-217.
2002. 6.
Van Geen, A.*, H. Ahsan, A. Horneman, R. Dhar, Y. Zheng, I. Hussain, K. M. Ahmed, A. Gelman, M. Stute, H. J. Simpson, S. Wallace, C. Small, F. Parvez, V. Slavkovich, N. J. Lolacono, , M. Becker, Z. Cheng, H. Momotaj, M. Shahnewaz, A.A. Seddique and J. Graziano, Promotion of well-switching to mitigate the current arsenic crisis in Bangladesh 2002, Bulletin of the World Health Organization , 80:732-737
Publications (2000): n=3
2000.1. Zheng, Y.*, R. F Anderson, A.
Van Geen, and J. S. Kuwabara, 2000, Controls of authigenic Mo formation in marine sediment: Linkage to pore water
硫化物, Geochim. Cosmochim Acta, 64(23):4165-4178
2000.2. Zheng, Y.*, A. van Geen, R. F. Anderson, J. V. Gardner, and W. E. Dean, 2000, Intensification of the northeast Pacific oxygen minimum zone during the Bolling/Allerod warm period, Paleoceanography, 15:528-536
2000.3. Ahsan H.*, Perrin M, Rahman A, Hasnat A, Parvez F, Brandt-Rauf P, Zheng Y, Stute M,
Van Geen A, Graziano J. 2000, Association between drinking water and urinary arsenic levels and skin lesions in Bangladesh. J Occup Environ Med 42(12): 1195-1201.
Publications (1989-1999): n=15
1998.1 Pearson A.*, McNichol A. P., Schneider R. J., Reden K. F. v., and Zheng Y., 1998 Microscale AMS 14C measurement at NOSAMS. Radiocarbon 40:61-75
1997.1. Zheng, Y.*, P. Schlosser, J.H. Swift and E.P. Jones, 1997.
氧 utilization rates in the Nansen Basin, Arctic Ocean: Implications for new production. Deep Sea Research 44: 1923-1943.
1997.2. Zheng, Y.* and Kastner, M., 1997. Pore fluid trace metal concentrations and implications for fluid-rock interaction in Barbados Accretionary
棱柱 In Shipley, T.H., Ogawa, Y., Blum, P., and Bahr,
Jackie McLean (Eds.). Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 156: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 163-170.
1997.3. Kastner, M.* and Y. Zheng 1997. Chemical and isotopic compositions of pore fluids in accreted and underthrust sediments of the Northern Barbados
数据 Report In Shipley, T.H., Ogawa, Y., Blum, P., and Bahr,
Jackie McLean (Eds.). Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 156: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 353-356.
1997.4. Kastner, M.*, Y. Zheng, T. Laier, W. Jenkins, T. Ito, 1997. Geochemistry of fluids and flow regime in the décollement zone at the northern Barbados
山脊 In Shipley, T.H., Ogawa, Y., Blum, P., and Bahr,
Jackie McLean (Eds.). Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 156: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program),)311-320.
1996.1. Fisher A. T.*, Zwart G., Shipley T., Ogawa Y., Ashi J., Blum P., Bruckmann W., Filice F., Goldberg D., Henry P., Housen B., Jurado M. J., Kastner M., Labaume P., Laier T., Leitch E., Maltman A., Meyer A., Moore J. C., Moore G., Peacock S., Rabaute A., Steiger T., Tobin H., Underwood M., Xu Y., Yin H., and Zheng Y. (1996) Relation between permeability and effective stress along a plate-boundary fault, Barbados accretionary complex. Geology 24(4), 307-310.
1996.2. Housen B. A.*, Tobin H. J., Labaume P., Leitch E. C., Maltman A. J., Shipley T., Ogawa Y., Ashi J., Blum P., Bruckman W.,
Felice F., Fisher A., Goldberg D., Henry P., Jurado M. J., Kastner M., Laier T., Meyer A., Moore J. C., Moore G., Peacock S., Rabaute A., Steiger T., Underwood M., Xu Y., Yin H., Zheng Y., and Zwart G. (1996) Strain decoupling across the decollement of the Barbados accretionary
棱柱. Geology 24(2), 127-130.
1995.1 Moore J. C*., Shipley T. H., Goldberg D., Ogawa Y., Filice F., Fisher A., Jurado M. J., Moore G. F., Rabaute A., Yin H., Zwart G., Bruckmann W., Henry P., Ashi J., Blum P., Meyer A., Housen B., Kastner M., Labaume P., Laier T., Leitch E. C., Maltman A. J., Peacock S., Steiger T. H., Tobin H. J., Underwood M. B., Xu Y., and Zheng Y. (1995) Abnormal Fluid Pressures And Fault-Zone Dilation In The Barbados Accretionary Prism - Evidence From Logging While Drilling. Geology 23(7), 605-608.
1995.2. Labaume P.*, Henry P., Rabaute A., Ogawa Y., Shipley T. H., Blum P., Ashi J., Bruckmann W., Filice F., Fisher A., Golberg D., Housen B., Jurado M. J., Kastner M., Laier T., Leitch E. C., Maltman A. J., Meyer A., Moore G. F., Moore J. C., Peacock S., Steiger T. H., Tobin H. J., Underwood M. B., Xu Y., Yin H. Z., Zheng Y., and Zwart G. (1995) Pore-Water Flow And Overpressure In The Northern Barbados Accretionary Prism - Results Of Odp Leg 156. Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii 320(10), 977-984.
1995.3. Zheng, Y.*, P.N. Froelich, M. Torres and A. Dia, 1995. Stable isotopes (18O/16O) and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in pore fluids of the Chile Triple Junction accretionary prism: implication for diagenesis and fluid migration. In: Proc. ODP Sci. Results. 141:313-319.
1992.1. Shan, X.-Q.*, Chen, B., Jin, L.-Z., Zheng, Y., Hou, X.P., Mou, S.F. 1992. Determination of
硫 Fractions In Soils By Sequential Extraction, Inductively Coupled
等离子体Optical Emission-Spectroscopy And Ion Chromatography. Chemical
物种形成 and Bioavailability, 4 (3): 97-103
1991.1. Zheng, Y.*,
XQ Shan, P. Sun and L-Z Jin, 1991. Metallothionein separation and analysis by reversed phase high performance
羧基液体丁腈橡胶 chromatography coupled with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, Chemical
物种形成 and Bioavailability, 3:30-36.
1991.2. Sun, P.*,
XQ Shan, Y. Zheng, L-Z Jin and
微博电子竞技俱乐部 Xu, 1991. Determination of dietary cadmium-induced metallothioneins in rabbit kidneys and cadmium in metallothioneins by anion-exchange high-performance
羧基液体丁腈橡胶 chromatography coupled with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, J. Chromatogr. 572(1-2): 73-84 (England.)
1990.1. Shan,
XQ*, Y. Zheng and Z-M Ni, 1990. Determination of
铬 in urine by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after solvent extraction with high molecular weight secondary alkyl amine, Atom. Spectroscopy, 11: 116-124.
1989.1. Shan, X-Q*, Y. Zheng and Z-M Ni, 1989. Determination of
铍 in urine by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, Anal. Chim. Acta, 217: 271-280.