科 研 成 果
2000-2005, 973项目,
地球表面时空多变要素的定量遥感理论及应用, 第三课题:地球表面时空多变要素的遥感综合反演研究(G2000077903),课题负责人,200万;
2001-2004, 863项目, 全国典型地物光谱数据库,第二课题:全国典型农作物光谱数据子库及其应用示范(2002AA130010-2),课题负责人,255万;
2001-2003, 国家科技部, 863项目, 对地观测数据处理
1997-2000, 国家科技部, 95攀登预选项目,地球表面能量交换的遥感定量研究(95-预-38)主要研究骨干。
1. Jing Li, Qiang Liu, Qinhuo Liu, Yong Tang, Qing Xiao, A Patch Spectral Purification Method to Extract Field Patch Average Parameter from Moderate Resolution
数据 International Journal of Remote Sensing Vol.29, Nos.17-18, September 2008, 4993-5011.
2. WEN JianGuang, Liu QinHuo, XIAO Qing, LIU Qiang, LI XiaoWen, Modeling the land
surface reflectance for optical remote sensing
数据 in rugged terrain. Science in China Series D:
地球 Sciences Aug.2008 Vol.51, No.8 1169-1178
闻建光, 柳钦火,
肖青, 刘强,
李小文 山区光学
遥感反射率计算模型. 中国科学(D辑).38(11),1419-1427
3. CHENG Jie, LIU QinHuo, LI XiaoWen, XIAO Qing, LIU Qiang, DU YongMing. The Correlation Based
温度 Emissivity Separation Algorithm. Science in China Ser. D 2008,Vol.38(3):357-369
杜永明 基于相关性的热红外温度与发射率分离
算法 中国科学D辑;Vol.38(2)
4. Yang, GJ; Liu, QH; Liu, Q, Xiao Q, Gu XF, 2008, Adjacency effect analysis in imaging simulation of high-resolution mid-infrared (3 similar to 5 mu m) remote sensing, JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES, Volume: 27, Issue: 3 Pages: 233-240
肖青,顾行发. 高分辨率中红外
遥感(3-5um)成像模拟中邻近效应分析. 红外与毫米波学报. 2008年6月.Vol.27,No.3 233-240
5. Chen, LF; Gao, YH; Yang, L, Liu QH, et. al., 2008, MODIS-derived daily PAR simulation from cloud-free images and its validation, SOLAR
能量 Volume: 82 Issue: 6, Pages: 528-534
6. Cheng, J; Liu, QH; Li, XW, et al. 2008, Algorithm study on soil mid-infrared emissivity extraction, JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES, Volume: 27, Issue: 1 Pages: 21-26
肖青,杜永明. 土壤中红外发射率提取算法研究. 红外与毫米波学报 2008,27(1):21-26
7. Cheng, J; Xiao, Q; Li, XW, Liu QH, Du YM, 2008, Multi-layer perceptron neural network based algorithm for simultaneous retrieving
温度 and emissivity from hyperspectral FTIR
数据, SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, Volume: 28, Issue: 4, Pages: 780-783
李小文,柳钦火,杜永明. 基于多层
感知器网络的FTIR高光谱数据温度和发射率光谱同步反演. 光谱学与光谱分析. 2008年4月. VOL.28 No.4. 780-783
8. Zhou Guanhua; Liu Qinhuo; Ma Ronghua, et al., Inversion of chlorophyll-a concentration in turbid
H₂O of Lake Taihu based on optimized multi-spectral combination, Hupo Kexue, Volume: 20, Issue: 2, Pages: 153-159,MAR 2008
9. Chen, LF; Gao, YH; Li, L, Liu QH, et al., 2008, Forest NPP estimation based on MODIS
数据 under cloudless condition, SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, Volume: 51, Issue: 3 Pages: 331-338
10. Yao, YJ (Yao, Yanjuan); Liu, QH (Liu, Qinhuo); Liu, Q (Liu, Qiang); Li, XW (Li, Xiaowen) .LAI retrieval and uncertainty evaluations for typical row-planted crops at different growth stages .REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 112 (1): 94-106 JAN 15 2008
11. Du, YM (Du, Yongming); Liu, QH (Liu, Qinhuo); Chen, LF (Chen, Liangfu); Liu, QA (Liu, Qiang); Yu, T (Yu, Tao) .Modeling directional
明度 temperature of the winter wheat canopy at the ear stage .IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
地球科学 AND REMOTE SENSING, 45 (11): 3721-3739 Part 2 NOV 2007
12. Liu, QH (Liu, Qinhuo); Huang, HG (Huang, Huaguo); Qin, WH (Qin, Wenhan); Fu, KH (Fu, Kaihua); Li, XW (Li, Xiaowen) .An extended 3-D radiosity-graphics combined model for studying thermal-emission directionality of crop canopy .IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
地球科学 AND REMOTE SENSING, 45 (9): 2900-2918 SEP 2007
13. Sun, GY (Sun, Genyun); Liu, QH (Liu, Qinhuo); Liu, Q (Liu, Qiang); Ji, CYY (Ji, Changyuan); Li, XM (Li, Xiamen) . A novel approach for edge detection based on the theory of universal gravity .PATTERN RECOGNITION, 40 (10): 2766-2775 OCT 2007
14. Yang, GJ (Yang Gui-Jun); Liu, QH (Liu Qin-Huo); Huang, HG (Huang Hua-Guo); Liu, Q (Liu Qiang); Gu, XF (Gu Xing-Fa) .Methods for simulating infrared remote sensing images based on scene models .JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES, 26 (1): 15-21 FEB 2007
15. Xin, JF; Tian, GL; Liu, QH; Chen, LF .Combining vegetation index and remotely sensed
温度 for estimation of soil moisture in China .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 27 (9-10): 2071-2075 MAY 2006
16. Li, J; Liu, QH; Liu, Q; Chen, LF; Bo, JH; Li, SK .Cotton pixel identification with CBERS-02 CCD
数据 based on spectral knowledge .SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-ENGINEERING \u0026 MATERIALS SCIENCE, 48: 129-144 Suppl. 1 DEC 2005
17. Chen, SS; Chen, LF; Liu, QH; Li, X; Tan, QY .Remote sensing and GIS-based integrated analvsis of coastal changes and their environmental impacts in Lingding Bay, Pearl River
河口湾, South China .OCEAN \u0026 COASTAL MANAGEMENT, 48 (1): 65-83 2005 OCEAN \u0026 COASTAL MANAGEMENT. ISSN, 0964-5691. 出版国, ENGLAND. 所属大类,
地球科学 所属小类, 海洋学. 全文链接, Elsevier (Vol. 26, Iss. 1 (1995)) ...
18. Chen, LF; Gao, YH; Cheng, Y; Wei, Z; Xiao, Q; Liu, XH; Yu, T; Liu, QJ; Gu, XF; Tian, GL .Biomass estimation and uncertainty analysis based on CBERS-02 CCD camera
数据 and field measurement,SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E, 48: 116-128 Suppl. 1 DEC 2005
陈良富、高彦华、程宇等. 基于CBERS-02卫星数据和地面测量数据的生物量估算及其影响因素分析. 中国科学E辑信息科学.2005.35(增刊I)
19. Xin, XZ; Liu, XH; Tang, Y; Tian, GL; Gu, XF; Li, XW; Zheng, HS; Chen, JY .Estimating surface evapotranspiration using combined MODIS and CBERS-02
20. Deng, RR; Liu, QH; Ke, RP; Cheng, L; Liu, XP .Model for
H₂O pollution remote sensing based on double scattering and its application in the Zhujiang River outfall .ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA, 23 (1): 119-127 2004
21. Chen, LF; Li, ZL; Liu, QH; Chen, S; Tang, Y; Zhong, B .Definition of component effective emissivity for heterogeneous and non-isothermal
surfaces and its approximate calculation .INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 25 (1): 231-244 JAN 2004
22. Xiao, Q; Liu, QH; Li, XW; Chen, LF; Liu, Q; Xin, XZ .A field measurement method of spectral emissivity and research on the feature of soil thermal infrared emissivity .JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES, 22 (5): 373-378 OCT 2003
23. Chen Liangfu, Liu Qinhuo, Fan Wenjie et al.A bi-directional gap model for simulating the directional thermal radiance of row crops, SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series D),
韩国铁道9201系柴油动车组2002, 45:(12): 1086-1098
陈良富, 柳钦火, 范文捷等,行播作物
孔隙率模型, 2002, 中国科学(D辑),第32卷第4期,290-298
24. Liu Qiang, Liu Qinhuo, Xiao Qing,Tian Guoliang, Study on geometric correction of airbome multi-angular imagery, SCIENCE IN CHINA (Series D),Dec.2002, 45:(12): 1075-1086
遥感图像的几何校正方法研究, 2002, 中国科学(D辑),第32卷第4期,299-306.
25. C. Y. Ji, Q. H. Liu, D. F. Sun, S. Wang, P. Lin, X. W. Li, Monitoring Urban Expansion with Remote Sensing in china, lnt. J. Remote Sensing, VOL. 22, NO. 8, p1441-1455, 2001
26. Q. H. Liu,X. F. Gu,X. W. Li, et. al., Study on Thermal Infrared Emission Directionality over crop canopies with TIR camera imagery, SCIENCE IN CHINA(Series E), Vol. 43, Supp.:95-103, Dec. 2000
柳钦火,顾行法,李小文等,地表热红外辐射方向特性的航空飞行试验研究, 2000, 中国科学(E辑),第30卷,增刊,99-105
27. Niu Zheng, Liu Qinhuo,, Gao Yanchun et al., The gap probability model for canopy thermal infrared emission with non-scattering approximation, SCIENCE IN CHINA(Series E), Vol. 43, Supp.:83-94, Dec. 2000
高彦春等零散射近似的冠层热红外辐射间隙率模型, 2000, 中国科学(E辑),第30卷,增刊,89-98
28. Chen Liangfu, Zhuang Jiali, Liu Qinhuo et al., Study on the law of radiant directionality of row crops, SCIENCE IN CHINA(Series E), Vol. 43, Supp.:70-82, Dec. 2000
陈良富,庄家礼, 柳钦火等,行播作物热红外辐射方向性模型, 2000, 中国科学(E辑),第30卷,增刊,7-88
29. Xu Xiru,Liu Q. H,Chen Jiayi, Synchronous retrieval of land surface
温度 and emissivity, 1998.12, Science in china (Series D) Vol. 41 No. 6,, EI会议论文45篇
30. Yang, Gui-Jun (State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Liu, Qin-Huo; Huang, Hua-Guo; Liu, Qiang; Gu, Xing-Fa .Methods for simulating infrared remote sensing images based on scene models.Hongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao/Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, v 26, n 1, January, 2007, p 15-21
31. Yang, Guijun; Liu, Qinhuo; Liu, Qiang; Gu, Xingfa .Fusion of visible and thermal infrared remote sensing data based on GA-SOFM neural network .Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, v 32, n 9, Sep 5, 2007, p 787-790
32. Wen, Jian-Guang; Xiao, Qing; Yang, Yi-Peng; Liu, Qin-Huo; Li, Xiao-Wen .Spectral mixing model and its stability of chlorophyll-a concentration extraction based on hyperspectral
数据Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in
H₂O Science, v 18, n 2, March, 2007, p 270-276
33. Huang, Huaguo (State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Xin, Xiaozhou; Liu, Qinhuo; Liu, Qiang; Chen, Liangfu; Li, Xiaowen. Modeling soil component
温度 distribution by extended CUPID model.Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, v 23, n 1, January, 2007, p 139-145
34. Xin, Jingfeng; Tian, Guoliang; Liu, Qinhuo; Chen, Liangfu. Combining vegetation index and remotely sensed
温度 for estimation of soil moisture in China.International Journal of Remote Sensing, v 27, n 10, May, 2006, p 2071-2075
35. Guanhua, Zhou; Yongchao, Zhao; Qinhuo, Liu; Guoliang, Tian; Xiurui, Geng; Ran, Liu; Zhigang, Liu .Ground-based hyperspectral measurements of the skylight polarized properties.International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2006 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS, 2006, p 593-595
36. Huang, Huaguo; Liu, Qinhuo; Liu, Qiang; Li, Xiaowen; Qin, Wenhan. An extended radiosity-graphics model for directional
明度 温度 research. International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2006 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS, 2006, p 3778-3781
37. Yao, Yanjuan; Liu, Qinhuo; Liu, Qiang; Li, Xiaowen .The LAI inversion uncertainties in heterogeneous surface. International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2006 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS, 2006, p 2689-2692
38. Liu, San-Chao; Liu, Qinhuo; Gao, Maofang; Chen, Liangfu. Detection of dust storms by using daytime and nighttime multi-spectral MODIS images. International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2006 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS, 2006, p 294-296
39. Liu, Sanchao Liu, Qinhuo; Gao, Maofang .On Asian dust storm in China by combining daytime and nighttime Terra and Aqua MODIS
数据Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, v 31, n 12, December, 2006, p 1051-1054
40. Xin, Xiaozhou; Liu, Qinhuo; Tang, Yong; Tian, Guoliang; Gu, Xingfa; Li, Xiaowen; Zheng, Hongsheng; Chen, Jiayi. Estimating surface evapotranspiration using combined MODIS and CBERS-02
数据. Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences, v 48, n SUPPL.1, December, 2005, p 145-160
41. Li, Jing; Liu, Qinhuo; Liu, Qiang; Chen, Liangfu; Bo, Junhua; Li, Shaokun. Cotton pixel identification with CBERS-02 CCD
数据 based on spectral knowledge,Source: Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences, v 48, n SUPPL.1, December, 2005, p 129-144
42. Chen, Shui-Sen; Chen, Liang-Fu; Liu, Qin-Huo; Li, Xia; Tan, Qiyu. Remote sensing and GIS-based integrated analysis of coastal changes and their environmental impacts in Lingding Bay, Pearl River
河口湾, South China. Ocean and Coastal Management, v 48, n 1, 2005, p 65-83
43. Chen, Shui-Sen ; Fang, Li-Gang; Liu, Qin-Huo; Chen, Liang-Fu; Tong, Qing-Xi The
设计 and development of spectral library of featured crops of South China. International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 2, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005, p 817-820
44. Xiao, Qing; Wen, Jianguang; Liu, Qinhuo; Zhou, Yi .The monitoring of
H₂O quality using remote sensing at Taihu Lake. International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 3, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005, p 1605-1607
45. Yao, Yanjuan; Du, Yongming; Liu, Qinhuo; Chen, Liangfu; Gao, Yanhua; Liu, Qiang; Huang, Shuya Inversion and validation of leaf
面积 index based on the spectral and Knowledge database using MODIS
数据 International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 4, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005, p 3013-3015
46. Chen, Liang-Fu (State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Gao, Yanhua; Liu, Qinhuo; Yu, Tao; Gu, Xingfu; Yang, Lei; Tang, Yong; Zhang, Yong. The MODIS-based NPP model and its validation. International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 4, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005, p 3028-3031
47. Chen, Shui-Sen; Liu, Qin-Huo; Tong, Qing-Xi; Chen, Liang-Fu; Tang, Xiaoling .Spectral statistic characteristic and spectral library based pure maize pixel recognition - A case study in Luancheng, North China Plain.International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 6, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005, p 3807-3810
48. Wen, Jianguang (Beijing Research Institute of
铀 Geology); Xiao, Qing; Liu, Qinhuo; Zhou, Yi Extraction of chlorophyll-a concentration based on spectral unmixing model using field hyperspectral
数据 in Taihu Lake. International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 8, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005, p 5703-5705
49. Huang, Shuya (Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Science); Liu, Qinhuo; Li, Xiaowen; Liu, Qinhuo. Spectral analysis of soil salinity using the Grey System Theory.International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 6, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005, p 4455-4457
50. Huang, Shuya; Liu, Qinhuo; Li, Xiaowen; Liu, Qinhuo Spectral model of soil salinity in Xinjiang of China. International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 6, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005, p 4458-4460
51. Deng, Rum; Tian, Guoliang; Liu, Qinhuo; Xing, Xiaozhou Research on remote sensing model for soil
H₂O content on rough
surface. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 6, 25th Anniversary IGARSS 2005: IEEE International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2005, p 4440-4442
52. Chen, L.F.; Li, Z.-L.; Liu, Q.H.; Chen, S.; Tang, Y.; Zhong, B..Definition of component effective emissivity for heterogeneous and non-isothermal
surfaces and its approximate calculation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, v 25, n 1, Jan 10, 2004, p 231-244
53. Zhong, Bo; Liu, Qinhuo; Liu, Qiang; Chen, Liangfu; Yan, Chunyan. Inversion of aerosol optical depth in agriculture region based on the support of spectrum
数据base.: International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 7, 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings: Science for Society: Exploring and Managing a Changing Planet. IGARSS 2004, 2004, p 4375-4378
54. Li, Jing; Liu, Qinhuo; Liu, Qiang. A Spectral-Lib based algorithm to pick up pure crop pixels from hyperspectral image.International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 2, 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings: Science for Society: Exploring and Managing a Changing Planet. IGARSS 2004, 2004, p 1273-1275
55. Du, Yongming; Chen, Liang-Fu; Yang, L.; Liu, Q.H. Inversion and spatial scale effects analysis of leaf
面积 index.: International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 7, 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings: Science for Society: Exploring and Managing a Changing Planet. IGARSS 2004, 2004, p 4474-4476
56. Xin, Xiaozhou (State Key Lab. Remote Sensing Sci., Inst. of Remote Sensing Applications, CAS); Liu, Qinhuo; Tian, Guoliang; Li, Jing .Two-source micro-advection turbulent heat fluxes model for partially vegetated
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 6, 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings: Science for Society: Exploring and Managing a Changing Planet. IGARSS 2004, 2004, p 4123-4126
57. Chen, Shui-Sen; Liu, Qin-Huo; Chen, Liang-Fu; Zhong, Bo; Sun, Lin. The preprocessing of TM images towards the destination of endmember retrieving, International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 7, 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings: Science for Society: Exploring and Managing a Changing Planet. IGARSS 2004, 2004, p 4758-4761
58. Xiao, Qing; Wen, Jianguang; Liu, Qinhuo; Ye, Qinghua; Li, Jing The evaluation of
H₂O eutrophication using spectrum reflectance at Taihu Lake. International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 1, 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings: Science for Society: Exploring and Managing a Changing Planet. IGARSS 2004, 2004, p 586-589
59. Tang, Yong; Liu, Qinghuo; Chen, Liang-Fu; Liu, Qiang; Du, Yongming. Normalization of Sun/View angle effects in vegetation index using BRDF of typical crops. International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 6, 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings: Science for Society: Exploring and Managing a Changing Planet. IGARSS 2004, 2004, p 4063-4065
60. Du, Yongming; Liu, Qiang; Liu, Qing-Huo; Chen, Liang-Fu .Estimate LAI of crops using airborne multi-angular data.International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 7, 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium Proceedings: Science for Society: Exploring and Managing a Changing Planet. IGARSS 2004, 2004, p
61. Xiao, Qing (LARSIS, Inst. of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Acad. of Sci.); Liu, Qin-Huo; Li, Xiao-Wen; Chen, Liang-Fu; Liu, Qiang; Xin, Xiao-Zhou. Field measurement method of spectral emissivity and research on the feature of soil thermal infrared emissivity. Hongwai Yu Haomibo Xuebao/Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, v 22, n 5, October, 2003, p 373-378
62. Chen, Liang-Fu; Zhang, Qiang; Liu, Qiang; Xin, Xiao-Zhou; Chen, Shui-Sen; Liu, Qin-Huo; Li, Zhao-Liang .The spatial scaling effects study of NPP using airborne and field data based on BEPS.International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 5, 2003, p 3407-3409
63. Xin, Xiaozhou; Chen, Liangfu; Liu, Qinhuo; Tian, Guoliang; Liu, Qiang; Xin, Jingfeng. About the optimum view zenith angle for estimating sensible heat
熔剂 from surface
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 5, 2003, p 3219-3221
64. Liu, Qiang; Liu, Qinhuo; Menenti, Massimo .Polynomial Expression for Analysis of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
数据 International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 6, 2003, p 3763-3765
65. Xin, Jingfeng (LARSIS, Inst. of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Tian, Guoliang; Liu, Qinhuo; Chen, Liangfu; Xin, Xiaozhou. Drought Monitoring from the Remotely Sensed
温度 and Vegetation Index in China.International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 1, 2003, p 389-391
66. Liu, Qiang; Liu, Qinhuo; Menenti, Massimo. Spatial Resolution Limits in Extraction of BRDF Feature from Remote Sensing Image
数据 International
地球科学 and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 2, 2003, p 726-728
67. Chen, Shui-Sen (Lab. of Remote Sensing Info. Sci., Chinese Academy of Sciences); Liu, Qin-Huo; Chen, Liang-Fu; Xia, Li; Xin, Jingfeng. Monitoring of Coastal Changes and Environmental Impacts for the Last Two Decades using Remote Sensing - A Case Study in Lingding Bay, China. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v 4, 2003, p 2365-2367
68. Qinhuo Liu, XiaoWen Li, et al. Field Campaign for Quantitative Remote Sensing in Beijing IGARSS,2002, IEEE
69. Liangfu Chen, Qinhuo Liu, et al., The Couple-inversion of Atmospheric profile and surface temperature and emissivity from MODIS data, IGARSS,2002, IEEE
70. Liangfu Chen, Qinhuo Liu, Zhaoliang Li, Xiru Xu, The New Definition of Effective Emissivity of Non-isohermal Rough
surface and Its Approximate Expression for Continuous Canopy Vegetation, IGARSS,2002, IEEE
71. Ruru Deng, Qinhuo Liu, Guoliang Tian, An Applied Vegetation Canopy Model and Its Application in Inversion of Vegetation Coverage and
H₂O Content, IGARSS,2002, IEEE
72. Xiaozhou Xin, Qinhuo Liu, Qiang Liu, Simulation of land surface fluxes using an improved dual-source model over row crops, IGARSS,2002, IEEE
73. Liu Qinhuo, Q. Liu, X. Z. Xin, R. R. Deng, G. L. Tian, L. F. Chen, J. D. Wang, X. W. Li, Experimental Study on Directionality in Thermal Infrared Observations of Corn Canopy, IGARSS , Sydney, Australia, July 2001
74. Qiang LIU, Qinhuo LIU, Qing XIAO, Xiaowen LI, G. L. TIAN, Registration and BRDF Extraction of Airborne Multi-angular Images in Different Resolutions, IGARSS , Sydney, Australia, July 2001
荣 誉 奖 励:
专著三部 1.
张兵、尹球等,中国典型地物波谱知识库,2009,科学出版社 2.田国良等编著,红外
电子工业出版社,2006. 3.李小文、汪骏发、王锦地、柳钦火,多角度与热红外对地遥感, 2001, 科学出版社.
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