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・ 1998 毕业于清华大学材料物理专业获工学博士学位,师承中国科学院院士 柳百新教授;
・ 1998-2000 在德国卡尔斯鲁厄研究中心作为洪堡研究员从事研究工作,联系导师 是O. Meyer博士和G. Linker博士;
・ 2000-2006 在日本的产业技术综合研究所先后担任日本科技厅STA研究员和日本压着端子制造株式会社/CREST研究员从事研究工作,联系导师分别是小林直人博士(现在为早稻田大学大学教授)和大串秀世博士;
・ 2006-2009 担任产业技术综合研究所(日本)常勤研究员;
・ 2009-至今 在上海大学材料学院任教。目前,领导一个压电薄膜材料与器件研究小组,主要从事耐高温等恶劣环境的压电薄膜材料的制备及新型器件方面的研究开发工作,提出在氮化铝二元系统中通过可控掺入过渡金属元素的方法来大幅增强合金薄膜材料的压电响应特性。在过去的研究中,先后用离子注入的方法合成金属硅化物,在通常不能合金化的二元金属系统中通过多层膜界面控制的方法合成多种非晶态合金和亚稳态合金相,系统研究了器件级同质外延金刚石薄膜的生长、微结构和电学性能并成功制备了多种基本电子器件和深紫外发光器件,系统研究并开发了极低温度下使用的低功耗半导体器件,研制了低温超导探测器并成功应用于飞行时间质谱分析。先后作为研究骨干参加了德国政府研究项目一项、日本日本压着端子制造株式会社战略研究项目两项,上海市政府资助项目两项,发表国际学术论文约40篇,获得日本专利一项,申报国内发明专利5项。
1996年 国家教委科技进步三等奖
1997年 年度SCI论文数全国排名第二(第一作者);
1998年 北京市科技进步一等奖;
1998年 德国洪堡研究奖励金
1999年 中国国家自然科学三等奖;
2000年 日本STA研究奖励金
2002年 日本CREST研究奖励金
2009年 上海市人才发展基金
2010年 上海市自然科学基金项目评审专家
1. N. Zen, YG娱乐 Chen, K. Suzuki, M. Ohkubo, S. Miki and Zhen Wang, Development of Superconducting Strip Line Detectors (SSLDs) for 时间of-Flight 质量 Spectrometers (TOF-MS), IEEE Transactions on Applied superconductivity 19, 354 (2009).
2. YG娱乐 Chen, T. Itatani, M. Ohkubo, n-channel GaAs MESFETs for cryogenic application, Physica Status Solidi C 5, 2805 (2008).
3. T. Makino, H. Kato, M. Ogura, H. Watanabe, S. Ri, YG Chen, S. Yamasaki and H. Okushi, Electrical and optical characterizations of (001)-oriented homoepitaxial diamond p�n junction, Diamond and Related Materials 15, 513-516 (2006).
4. T. Makino, H. Kato, S. Ri, Y.G. Chen and H. Okushi, Electrical characterization of homoepitaxial diamond p-n+ junction, Diamond and Related Materials 14( no.11-12), 1995 (2005).
5. YG娱乐 Chen, M. Ogura, T. Makino, S. Yamasaki and H. Okushi, Diamond Schottky barrier diodes with low specific on-resistance, Semiconductor Science and Technology 20(No.12), 1203 (2005).
6. Y.G. Chen, M. Ogura, S. Yamasaki and H. Okushi, Ohmic contacts on p-type homoepitaxial diamond and their thermal stability, Semiconductor Science and Technology 20, 860(2005).
7. Y.G.Chen, M.Ogura and H.Okushi, Schottky junction properties on high quality B-doped homoepitaxial diamond thin films, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 22(4), 2084 (2004).
8. YG娱乐Chen, M.Ogura and H.Okushi, Investigation of specific contact resistance of ohmic contacts to B-doped homoepitaxial diamond using transmission line model, Diamond and Related Materials 13, 2121 (2004).
9. YGChen, M.Ogura, M.Kondo and H.Okushi, High performance diamond/amorphous p-n+ heterojunctions,Applied Physics Letters 85 (11), 2110 (2004).
10. YG娱乐Chen, M.Ogura, H.Okushi and N.Kobayashi, Characterization of 电容电压 features of Ni/diamond Schottky diodes on oxidized doped homoepitaxial diamond film, Diamond and Related Materials 12 (8), 1340 (2003).
11. YG娱乐Chen, M. Ogura, N. Kobayashi and H. Okushi, 温度 dependence and effect of series resistance on the electrical characteristics of metal/diamond Schottky diodes based on doped homoepitaxial diamond films, Applied Physics Letters 82 (24), 4367 (2003).
12. YG娱乐Chen, M.Hasegawa, H.Okushi, S.KOIZUMI, H.Yoshida, T.Sakai and N.Kobayashi, Electrical properties of graphite/homoepitaxial diamond contact, Diamond and Related Materials 11, 451(2002).
13. Y.G.Chen, M.Hasegawa, S.Yamanaka, H.Okushi and N.Kobayashi, Electrical properties of graphite/p-type homoepitaxial diamond contact, Materials Science Forum 389-393, 945 (2002).
14. YG娱乐Chen and B.X.Liu, Interface-driven alloying and metallic glass formation in nano-multilayers in an immiscible Y-Nb system, Acta Materialia 47 (4), 1389 (1999).
15. C.Lin, Y.G.Chen and B.X.Liu, Sequential disordering observed during ion-induced amorphization in the Mo-Fe multilayered films, Nucl. instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. B 148, 946 (1999).
16. YG娱乐Chen and B.X.Liu, Solid-state amorphization in Y-Nb and Au-Ta systems, Progress in Natural Science 9(3), 223 (1999).
17. Y.G.Chen and B.X.Liu, Metastable alloys synthesized by ion mixing in immiscible Ti-Nb and Ti-Ta systems, Materials Science and Engineering B 52, 1 (1998).
18. B.X.Liu and Y.G.Chen, Synthesis of metallic glasses in an immiscible Y-W system by solid-state reaction of multilayered films, Thin Solid Films 334, 201 (1998).
19. YG娱乐Chen and B.X.Liu, Glass-forming ability of binary metal systems, Progress in Natural Science 8(2), 129 (1998).
20. C.Lin, Y.G.Chen and B.X.Liu, Amorphous Co-Mo alloy films obtained by alternate-deposition, phys. stat. sol. (a) 169, 105 (1998).
21. YG娱乐Chen and B.X.Liu, Amorphous films formed through multilayer-technique in an immiscible Y-Mo system and their elastic properties, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 30, 510 (1997).
22. Y.G.Chen, B.X.Liu and Q.Zhang, Formation of amorphous alloys through multilayer-method in an immiscible Y-Nb system, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9, 389 (1997).
23. YG娱乐Chen and B.X.Liu, Observation of ion-induced alloy phase formation in an immiscible Y-Ta system, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 217, 308 (1997).
24. Y.G.Chen and B.X.Liu, Formation of amorphous films by solid-state reaction in an immiscible Y-W system, Applied Physics A 65, 73 (1997).
25. YG娱乐Chen and B.X.Liu, Amorphous alloys formed by ion mixing or solid-state reaction in immiscible Y-refractory metal systems and their elastic properties, Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. B 127/128, 145 (1997).
26. YG娱乐Chen and B.X.Liu, Irradiation-induced alloying in immiscible Mo system through multilayer-technique, Journal of Applied Physics 82, 3815 (1997).
27. Y.G.Chen and B.X.Liu, Interface-driven solid-state-alloying in an immiscible Cu-W system, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 30, 1729 (1997).
28. YG娱乐Chen and B.X.Liu, Alloy phases formed in an immiscible Mo and Cu-W system by multilayer-technique, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 261, 217 (1997).
29. Y.G.Chen, Q.Zhang and B.X.Liu, Irradiation-induced alloying in an immiscible Ti-Ta system, Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Physics. Res. B 124, 523 (1997).
30. YG娱乐Chen and B.X.Liu, Different driving force for metallic glass formation in Nb-Ni and Nb-Y systems by ion mixing and solid-state reaction, Mater. Lett. 33, 167 (1997).
31. Y.G.Chen and B.X.Liu, Multilayer-method to synthesize metallic glasses in immiscible Mo system, Chinese Physics Letters 14, 194 (1997).
32. B.X.Liu, YG娱乐Chen and O.Jin, Progress on formation and theoretical modeling of metastable alloys studied by ion mixing of multilayered films, Chinese Journal of Materials Research (in English) 11, 561 (1997).
33. F.pan, YG娱乐Chen, Z.J.Zhang and B.X.Liu, Role of atomic size in the amorphous alloy formation in the Au-Ta system, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 194, 305 (1996).
34. Y.G.Chen and B.X.Liu, Amorphous films formed by solid-state reaction in an immiscible Y-Mo system and their structural relaxation, Applied Physics Letters 68, 3096 (1996).
35. Liu Baixin and Chen Yigang, Progress of alloying theoretical research in thin films, Physics (in Chinese) 11, 641 (1996).
36. D.H.Zhu, YG娱乐Chen and B.X.Liu, Formation of a CoSi2 layer by Co ion implantation using a metal vapor vacuum arc ion source, Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. B 101, 394 (1995).
37. D.H.Zhu, Y.G.Chen and B.X.Liu, Metal vapor vacuum arc ion implantation to synthesize FeSi2 layers on Si(100) and Si(111), phys. stat. sol. (a) 152, 467 (1995).
38. D.H.Zhu, YG娱乐Chen and B.X.Liu, A new silicidation technique by metal vapor vacuum arc ion implantation, Nucl. Instr. Meth. in Phys. Res. B 106, 1908 (1995).
39. F.pan, Y.G.Chen and B.X.Liu, spontaneous vitrification in the Au-Ta system with a small size difference, Applied Physics Letters 67, 780 (1995).