When Agent Neil Shaw (Snipes) comes out of hiding to vindicate his former mentor's murder, he winds up on the trail of betrayal and lethal corruption. Under the charge of his friend and a senatorial candidate, his mission is to set things straight. But when more people turn up dead, Shaw realizes that he's been set up as bait.
代理人Neil Shaw站出来为他前导师的谋杀案辩护,这把他与一场涉及出卖,而又致命的腐败案件绞在一起。在他的朋友和参议员竞选人的安排下,他开始摆平这件事。但是当越来越多的人相继死去的时候,Shaw意识到他只是一个诱饵......
韦斯利·斯奈普斯 Wesley Snipes Lochlyn Munro Lisa Caruk
当探员Shaw (Snipes)从为他的前教练的谋杀辩护的阴影中走出来时, 他开始查找背叛与严重腐败的线索. 在他的朋友和一位参议员候选人的帮助下,他的任务是查明真相。但是当越来越多的人遭遇死亡的时候, Shaw意识到自己就像是在一个圈套中被人设好的诱饵...