地球物理学顶尖刊物《Journal of Geophysical Research》和《Geophysical Research Letters》上,先后主持5项国家自然科学基金项目。2005年获教育部“
2.2013 国家自然科学基金面上项目 中间层逆温的综合实验观测与数值模拟研究
3.2012 “973"计划课题:120°E子午链上空临近空间响应和应用模式
4.2008 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金,中高层大气
5.2006 湖北省自然科学基金计划青年杰出人才项目
6.2005 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划.
(1) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi, C. M. Huang, K. M. Huang, Q. Gan, Y. H. Zhang and Y. Gong (2013), Latitudinal and altitudinal variability of lower atmospheric inertial gravity waves revealed by U.S. radiosonde data, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 2197-2206, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50623. (影响因子:3.441)
(2) Gong, Y., Q. Zhou, and S. D. Zhang (2013), Atmospheric tides in the low latitude E- and F- region and their response to a sudden stratospheric warming in January 2010, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 118, doi:10.1002/2013JA019248.(影响因子:3.441)
(3) *Huang, K. M., A. Z. Liu, X. Lu, Z. Li, Q. Gan, Y. Gong, C. M. Huang, F. Yi and S. D. Zhang (2013), Nonlinear coupling between quasi two-day wave and tides based on meteor radar observations at Maui, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50872. (影响因子:3.441)
(4) Gong, Y., Q. Zhou, S. D. Zhang, N. Aponte, M. Sulzer, and S. Gonzalez (2013), The F-region and topside ionosphere response to a strong geomagnetic storm at Arecibo, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, doi:10.1002/jgra.50502. (影响因子:3.441)
(5) *Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang, F. Yi, C. M. Huang, Q. Gan, Y. Gong, and Y. H. Zhang (2013), Third-order resonant interaction of atmospheric gravity w
鸟纲, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 2197-2206, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50252. (影响因子:3.441)
(6) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi, C. M. Huang and K. M. Huang (2012), High vertical resolution analyses of gravity waves and turbulence at a mid-latitude station, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D02103, doi:10.1029/2011JD016587. (影响因子:3.441)
(7) *Gan, Q., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2012), TIMED/SABER observations of lower mesospheric inversion layers at low and middle latitudes, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D07109, doi:10.1029/2012JD017455. (影响因子:3.441)
(8) *Huang,C. M., S. D. Zhang, Q. Zhou, F. Yi and K. M. Huang (2012), Atmospheric waves and their interactions in the thermospheric
Neutral wind as observed by the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D02102, doi:10.1029/2012JD018241. (影响因子:3.441)
(9) Gong, Y., Q. Zhou, S. D. Zhang, N. Aponte, M. Sulzer and S. Gonzalez (2012),Midnight ionosphere collapse at Arecibo and its relationship to the neutral wind, electric field, and ambipolar diffusion,Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, A08332, doi:10.1029/2012JA017530. (影响因子:3.441)
(10) *Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2010), Reflection and transmission of atmospheric gravity waves in a stably sheared horizontal wind field, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D16103, doi:10.1029/2009JD012687. (影响因子:3.441)
(11) Yi, F., C. M. Yu, S. D. Zhang et al. (2009), Seasonal variations of the nocturnal mesospheric Na and Fe layers at 30oN, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D01301, doi:10.1029/2008JD010344. (影响因子:3.441)
(12) S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2008), A numerical study on the response of wave number spectra of atmospheric gravity waves to lower atmospheric forcing, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D02102, doi:10.1029/2007JD008957. (影响因子:3.441)
(13) *Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang, and F. Yi (2008), Propagation and reflection of gravity waves in a meridionally sheared wind field, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D09106, doi:10.1029/2007JD008877. (影响因子:3.441)
(14) Yi, F., S. D. Zhang et al. (2008), Some ubiquitous features of the mesospheric Fe and Na layer borders from simultaneous and common-volume Fe and Na lidar observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, A04S91, doi:10.1029/2007JA012632. (影响因子:3.441)
(15) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (2007), Latitudinal and seasonal variations of inertial gravity wave activity in the lower atmosphere over central China, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D05109, doi:10.1029/2006JD007487. (影响因子:3.441)
(16) *Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2007), A numerical study on the nonresonant interaction of gravity waves in a compressible atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D11115, doi:10.1029/2006JD007373. (影响因子:3.441)
(17) Yi, F., S. D. Zhang, et al. (2007), Simultaneous observations of sporadic Fe and Na layers by two closely-colocated resonance fluorescence lidars in Wuhan (30.5oN, 114.4oE), Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, D04303, doi:10.1029/2006JD007413. (影响因子:3.441)
(18) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (2004), A numerical study on global study on global propagations and amplitude growths of large scale gravity wave packets, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D07106, Doi:10.1029/2003JD004429. (影响因子:3.441)
(19) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (2004), A numerical study on the propagation and evolution of resonant interacting gravity waves, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D24107, Doi:10.1029/2004JD004822. (影响因子:3.441)
(20) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (2002), A numerical study of propagation characteristics of gravity-wave packets propagating in a dissipative atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D14), 14-1-14-9. (影响因子:3.441)
(21) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (1999), A numerical study of nonlinear propagation of a gravity-wave-packet in compressible atmosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, D12, 14261-14270. (影响因子:3.441)
(22) *Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang, and F. Yi (2009), Gravity wave excitation through resonant interaction in a compressible atmosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L01803, doi:10.1029/2008GL035575. (影响因子:3.792)
(23) Yi, F., S. D. Zhang et al. (2002) Zeng, Yujin He, Xianchang Yue, Jinbo Liu, Hongfang Lu, Donghui, Xiong, Lidar observations of sporadic Na layers over Wuhan (30.5oN, 114.4oE), Geophysical Research Letters, 29(9), 59-1-59-4.(影响因子:3.792)
(24) *Zhang, Y. H., S. D. Zhang, and D. J. Seidel (2013), Trends in Planetary Boundary Layer Height over Europe, Journal of Climate, 26, 10071-10076, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00108.1. (影响因子:4.362)
(25) *Huang, K. M., A. Z. Liu, S. D. Zhang, F. Yi, C. M. Huang, Q. Gan, Y. Gong, and Y. H. Zhang (2013), A strong nonlinear interaction event between 16-day wave and diurnal tide from meteor radar observations, Annales Geophysicae, 31, 2039-2048.(影响因子:1.757)
(26) *Huang, C. M., S. D. Zhang, F. Yi, K. M. Huang, Q. Gan, Y. H. Zhang and Y. Gong (2013),
频率 variations of gravity waves interacting with a
时间varying tide, Annales Geophysicae, 31, 1731-1743. (影响因子:1.757)
(27) *Huang, Y. Y., S. D. Zhang, F. Yi, C. M. Huang, K. M. Huang, Q. Gan, Y. Gong (2013), Global climatological variability of quasi-two-day waves revealed by SABER/TIMED observations, Annales Geophysicae, 31, 1061-1075. (影响因子:1.757)
(28) *Huang, K. M., A. Z. Liu, S. D. Zhang, F. Yi and Z. H. Li (2012), Spectral
能量 transfer of atmospheric gravity waves through sum and difference nonlinear interactions, Annales Geophysicae, 30, 303-315. (影响因子:1.757)
(29) Wang, R., S. D. Zhang, H. G. Yang and K. M. Huang (2012), Characteristics of mid-latitude planetary waves in the lower atmosphere derived from radiosonde data, Annales Geophysicae, 30, 1463-1477. (影响因子:1.757)
(30) *Zhang, Y. H., S. D. Zhang, F. Yi and Z. Y. Chen (2011), Statistics of lower tropospheric inversions over the continental United States, Annales Geophysicae, 29, 401-410. (影响因子:1.757)
(31) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi, C. M. Huang and Q. Zhou (2010), Latitudinal and seasonal variations of lower atmospheric inertial gravity wave
能量 revealed by US radiosonde data, Annales Geophysicae, 28, 1065-1074. (影响因子:1.757)
(32) *Huang, C. M., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2009), Intensive radiosonde observations of the diurnal tide and planetary waves in the lower atmosphere over Yichang (111o18’E, 30o42’N), China, Annales Geophysicae, 27, 1079-1095. (影响因子:1.757)
(33) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi, C. M. Huang and Z. Y. Chen (2008), Intensive radiosonde observations of gravity waves in the lower atmosphere over Yichang (111o18’E, 30o42’N), China, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 2005-2018. (影响因子:1.757)
(34) Zhang, S. D., C. M. Huang and F. Yi (2006), Radiosonde observations of vertical wavenumber spectra for gravity waves in the lower atmosphere over central China. Annales Geophysicae, 24, 3257-3265. (影响因子:1.757)
(35) *Huang, C. M, S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2006), A numerical study on the impact of nonlinear interactions on the amplitude of the migrating semidiurnal tide, Annales Geophysicae, 24, 3241-3256. (影响因子:1.757)
(36) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (2005), A statistical study of gravity waves from radiosonde observations at Wuhan (30oN, 114oE), China. Annales Geophysicae, 23, 665-673. (影响因子:1.757)
(37) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi and J. F. Wang (2000), The nonlinear effects on the characteristics of gravity-wave packets: dispersion and polarization relations,Annales Geophysicae,18(10), 1316-1324. (影响因子:1.757)
(38) Yi, F., S. D. Zhang, et al. (2013), Simultaneous and common-volume three-lidar observations of sporadic metal layers in the mesopause region, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 102, 172-184. (影响因子:1.671)
(39) Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang, and F. Yi (2011), Atmospheric gravity wave excitation through sum nonresonant interaction, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73, 2429-2436.(影响因子:1.671)
(40) *Zhang, Y. H., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2009), Intensive radiosonde observations of lower tropospheric inversion layers over Yichang (111o18’E, 30o42’N), China, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71, 180-190.(影响因子:1.671)
(41) *Huang, C. M., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2007), A numerical study on the impact of nonlinearity on the amplitude of the migrating diurnal tide, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 69, 631-648. (影响因子:1.671)
(42) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi and X. Hu (2004), MF radar observation of
平均数 wind and tides of winter mesopause (80–98 km) region over Wuhan (30oN,114oE), Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 66(1), 15-25. (影响因子:1.671)
(43) *Huang, C. M., S. D. Zhang, and F. Yi (2007), A numerical study on amplitude characteristics of the terdiurnal excited by nonlinear interaction between the diurnal and semidiurnal tides.
地球 Planet and Space, 59, 183-191. (影响因子:1.025)
(44) Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang, F. Yi and Z. Y. Chen (2009), Simulation of the equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation based on the parameterizatoin with a continuous spectrum of gravity waves, Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(17), 1940-1948. (影响因子:1.243)
(45) *Huang, C. M., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2005), A numerical study on nonlinear propagation and short-term variability of the migrating diurnal and semidiurnal tides, Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(17), 1940-1948. (影响因子:1.243)
(46) Huang, C. M, S. D. Zhang and X. Chen X. A topographic parameter inversion method based on laser altimetry, Sci. China Ser E-Tech Sci., 55(5), 1273-1280. (影响因子:1.243)
(47) Huang, K. M., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2012), A numerical study on match relationships of gravity waves in nonlinear interactions, Sci. China. (影响因子:1.243)
(48) Liu, F. C., F. Yi, J. Y. Jia, Y. P. Zhang, S. D. Zhang, C. M. Yu and Y. Tan (2012), High resolution full-spectrum
液态水 Raman lidar, Sci. China Ser E-Tech Sci., 55(5), 1224-1229. (影响因子:1.243)
(49) *Wang, R., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2010), Fan, Radiosonde observations of high-latitude planetary waves in the lower atmosphere, Sci. China, (40), 5, 603-617.(影响因子:1.243)
(50) *Ma, L. M., S. D. Zhang, and F. Yi (2012), Radiosonde observations of lower atmospheric gravity wave momentum flux spectra at a single mid-latitude station, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, (in Chinese), 55(10). 3194-3202, DOI: 10.6038/j.issn.00001-5733.2012.10.002.(影响因子:0.749)
(51) *Cao, W. X., S. D. Zhang, F. Yi, C. M. Huang (2012), Variation of the mesopause observed by SABER/TIMED satellite, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, (in Chinese), 55(8). 2489-2497, DOI: 10.6038/j.issn.00001-5733.2012.08.001.(影响因子:0.749)
(52) Zhong, S., F. Yi, and S. D. Zhang (2012). A new method for inversion of atmospheric
温度 and aerosol backscatter coefficient using pure rotational Raman spectrum. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, (in Chinese), 55(11): 3527-3533,doi: 10.6038/j.issn.0001-5733.2012.11.002. (影响因子:0.749)
(53) *Ding, X., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2011), A numerical simulation on gravity waves generated by thermal source and their influence on
平均数 flow. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, (in Chinese), 54(7). 1701-1710, DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.00001-5733.2011.07.0002.(影响因子:0.749)
(54) Li, J. and S. D. Zhang (2010), Wave mode analyses of gravity waves propagating in the mesospheric thermal duct, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 53 (2): 237-246.(影响因子:0.749)
(55) *Hang, K. M., S. D. Zhang, and F. Yi (2007), A numerical study on gravity wave excited through nonresonant interaction, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 50(1), 24-33.(影响因子:0.749)
(56) *Li, J., S. D. Zhang and F. Yi (2007), A numerical simulation on gravity waves propagation in mesospheric thermal duct, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 50(4), 1030-1039.(影响因子:0.749)
(57) Zhang, S. D., F. Yi, J. F. Wang and D. H. Xiong (2001), A numerical study on
色彩饱和度 mechanism of gravity wave in mesosphere, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 44(4):454-460.(影响因子:0.749)
(58) Zhang, S. D. and F. Yi (1999), Breaking of a upward propagating gravity wave packet, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 42(3), 289-295.(影响因子:0.749)