化学 and Physics、Materials Science and Engineering B、Applied Physics A、Physica Status Solidi A、Ceramics International、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Journal of Materials Science and Technology、功能材料、压电与声光等国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文近30篇。现有在研项目两项。获得省级奖励3项/次。
1. Yunwen LIAO, Dingquan XIAO, Dunmin Lin, et al, The Effects of CeO2-doping on Piezoelectric and Dielectric Properties of Bi0.5(Na1-x-yKxLiy)0.5TiO3 Ceramics, Mater. Sci. and Eng. B, 2006,133(1-3):172-176.(SCI收录)
2. Yunwen LIAO, Dingquan XIAO, Dunmin Lin, et al, Synthesis and properties of Bi0.5(Na1-x-yKxAgy)0.5TiO3
铅free piezoelectric ceramics, Ceramics International, 2007,33: 1445–1448. (SCI收录)
3. Yunwen LIAO, Dingquan XIAO, Dunmin Lin, Piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of Bi0.5(Na1-x-yKxAgy)0.5TiO3
铅free piezoelectric ceramics.
APPL Phys. A, 2008,90:165-169. (SCI收录)
YunWen LIAO, Dingquan XIAO, et al., Dielectric characteristics and phase structure of lead-free Bi0.5(Na1-x-yKxAgy)0.5TiO3piezoelectric ceramics, Mater. Chem. Phys., 2008,107:413-417. (SCI收录)
5. Chen Xiaoming, Yunwen LIAO(通讯作者),et al.Microstructure and piezoelectric properties of Li-doped Bi0.5(Na0.825K0.175)0.5TiO3 piezoelectric ceramics. Phys sol stat. a, 2009,206(7):1616-1619.
YunWen LIAO,Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Li-modified Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-BaTiO3
铅free Piezoelectric Ceramics.Journal of Materials Science and Technology,2009,6 (SCI收录)
7. Ding-quan XIAO,Jian-guo ZHU, Dun-min LIN, Ping YU, Yan
壮族, Qun WEI, Ling-zhi LI, Yunwen LIAO, Jiagang WUBi0.5(Na1-x-yKxLiy)0.5TiO3
铅free Piezoelectric Ceramics and Their Applications . Applications of ferroelectrics, 2006. isaf '06. 15th ieee international symposium on the, July 30 2006-Aug.3 2006:182-185. (SCI收录)
8. Dingquan XIAO, Dunmin LIN, Jian-guo Zhu, Ping Yu, Yunwen LIAO, et al, Recent Progresses on the Research of Newly Developed BNT-Based
铅free Piezoelectric ceramics, FERROELECTRICS, 2007, 358: 93-97. (SCI收录)
9. Lang WU, Dingquan XIAO, Dunmin LIN, Jianguo ZHU, Ping Yu, Yunwen LIAO, et al, The Dependence of Electric Properties of [Bi0.5(Na1-xAgx)0.5]1-yBayTi
臭氧 Ceramics on
温度, FERROELECTRICS, 2007, 358:144-147. (SCI收录)
10. Dingquan XIAO,Lang WU, WU Jiagang, Dunmin LIN, Jianguo ZHU, Ping Yu, Yunwen LIAO, et al,Investigation on the composition
设计 and properties study of perovskite
铅free piezoelectric ceramics.J Mater Sci,2009,.44(SCI收录)
11、廖运文,赁敦敏,肖定全,et al.. Bi0.5(1-y)(Na1-x-yLix)0.5SryTi
臭氧无铅陶瓷的压电性能和微观结构。压电与声光,2004,26(5): 393-395.(EI收录)
12、廖运文,赁敦敏,肖定全,et al..CeO2 掺杂Bi0.5(Na1-x-yLixKy)0.5TiO3陶瓷的压电性能与微观结构。压电与声光,2006,28(4):554-556. (EI收录)
13、廖运文,赁敦敏,肖定全,et al..高性能无铅压电陶瓷(Bi0.5Na0.5)0.94Ba0.06TiO3的制备与性能,功能材料,2006,37(6):886-888. (EI收录)
14、廖运文,肖定全。无铅Bi0.5(Na1-x-yKxLiy)0.5TiO3陶瓷的制备工艺研究。压电与声光,2009,2. (EI收录)
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