Disney's Doug follows 12 1/2 year old Doug Funnie in his town of Bluffington. With his best human friend Skeeter
valentine and best non-human friend (also his dog) Porkchop, they have great adventures! Doug is secretly in love with Patti Mayonnaise but gets bullied by Roger Klotz. Sometimes Doug imagines he is Quailman, a superhero from the planet Bob to help him solve problems.
11岁的男孩阿德和他的家人搬到了小镇Bluffington,开始了新的生活。在小镇里,阿德遇到了他最好的朋友Skeeter,他暗恋的女生patti,还有阿德最大的死对头Roger和他的紫红色的猫。阿德用他的日记记录了他的新生活,日记里不但有真实的生活故事,也有阿德幻想的各种奇妙冒险。对于很多人这仅仅是一本小学生的蹩脚日记,但对于阿德和喜欢阿德的人而言,这却是一段最美妙旅程。"It's not a diary, it's a journal."