1980.09-1984.07吉林农业大学农学系学习,获学士。1984.09-1987.07吉林省农科院研究生,获硕士学位。1992.03-1994.12在东北农业大学博士研究生,获博士学位。1995.02-1996.11在华南农业大学博士后工作站工作。1997.12-2001.12在华南农业大学工作,副教授,硕士生导师。2001.12-至今,教授,博士生导师。其中1999.10 -2000.10 在日本冈山大学资源生物研究所,访问学者。
1. NianHai, ZM Yang, SJ Ahn, ZJ Cheng, H Matsumoto, A comparative study on the aluminumand cooper-induced organic acid exudation from wheat roots, Physiol. Plant. 2002.116(3),328-335.
2. NianHai, SJ Ahn, ZM Yang,H Matsumoto. Effect of P deficiency on Al-induced citrate exudation in soybean. Physiol. Plant. 2003,117(2),229-236. 9.
3.NianHai,ZM Yang, H huang, X Yan,H Mastrumoto. Citrate secretion induced by aluminum stress may not be the key mechanism responsible for the differential aluminum tolerance of some soybean genotypes, Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2004. 27(11), 2047-2066.
4.NianHai,ZM Yang, H huang, X Yan,H Mastrumoto. Combined effect of short-term H₂O deficit stress and aluminum 毒性 on citrate secretion from soybean roots,Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2004,27(7)17, 1281-1293.
5. Baogui Du, HaiNian(通讯作者), Zhisheng Zhang,Cunyi Yang. Effects of aluminum on superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities, and lipid peroxidation in the roots and calluses of soybeans differing in aluminum tolerance. ActaPhysiol Plant (2010) 32:883–890
6. QiaoYingZeng, CunYi Yang, QiBin Ma, XiuPing Li, WenWen Dong, HaiNian*(通讯作者). Identification of wild soybean miRNAs and their target genes responsive to aluminum stress. BMC Plant Biology, 2012,12:182,1471-2229.
7. Xiuping Li,Yinghui Mu,Yanbo Cheng,Xinguo Liu,HaiNian(通讯作者). Effects of intercropping sugarcane and soybean on growth, rhizosphere soil microbes, nitrogen and availability. ActaPhysiol Plant,2013, 35:1113–1119.
8. HaicuiSuo, Qibin Ma, Kaixin Ye, Cunyi Yang, Yujuan Tang, Juan Hao, Zhanyuan J. Zhang, Mingluan Chen, YuqiFeng, HaiNian*(通讯作者). Overexpression of AtDREB1Acauses a severe 矮星 phenotype by decreasing endogenous Gibberellin levels in soybean [ Glycine max(L.) Merr.]. PLOS ONE, 2012,7(9):e45568.
9.Xiaolong Fang, Yunyun Zhao, Qibin Ma, Yian Huang, Peng Wang, Jie Zhang, HaiNian*(通讯作者), Cunyi Yang*. Identification and Comparative Analysis of CadmiumTolerance-Associated miRNAs and Their Targets in Two Soybean Genotypes. PLOS ONE,2013,8(12):e81471.
10. Xiu-xiang Zhang, Yu-juan Tang, Qi-bin Ma, Cun-yi Yang, Ying-hui Mu, Hai-cui Suo, Lai-huiLuo, HaiNian*(通讯作者). OsDREB2A, a rice transcription factor,significantly affects salt tolerance in transgenic soybean. PLOS ONE,2013,8(12):e83011 .
11. Lei Wang, Chenlong Cao, Qibin Ma, QiaoyingZeng, Haifeng Wang, Zhihao Cheng, Genfeng Zhu,Ji Qi, Hong Ma1, HaiNian* (通讯作者)and Yingxiang Wang*. 核糖核酸seq analyses of multiple meristems of soybean: novel and alternative transcripts, evolutionary and functional implications. BMC Plant Biology. 2014, 14(69): 5-19.
12. Jing Lü, HaicuiSuo, Rong Yi, Qibin Ma, HaiNian*(通讯作者). Glyma11g13220, a homolog of the vernalization pathway gene VERNALIZATION 1 from soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.],promotes flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology. 2015, 15:232. DOI 10.1186/s12870-015-0602-6.
13. Haicui Suo, Jing Lü, Qibin Ma, CunYi Yang, XiuXiang Zhang, Xing Meng, Shangzhi Huang, Hai Nian*.The AtDREB1A transcription factor up-regulates expression of a vernalization pathway gene, GmVRN1-like, delaying flowering in soybean. Acta Physiol Plant, 2016, 38:137 DOI 10.1007/ s11738-016-2136-4
14. Yanlei Yue, Nianxi Liu, Bingjun Jiang, Mu Li, Haijie Wang, Ze Jiang, Huanting pan, Qiuju Xia, Qibin Ma, Tianfu Han*, Hai Nian*. A single nucleotide deletion in J encoding GmELF3 confers long juvenility and is associated with adaption of tropic soybean. Molecular Plant. 2016, 10(4): 656-658.
15. Yanbo Cheng, Qibin Ma, Hailong Ren, Qiuju Xia, Enliang Song, Zhiyuan Tan, Gengyun Zhang, Hai Nian*. Fine mapping of a Phytophthoraresistance gene RpsWYin soybean (Glycine maxL.) by high-throughput genome-wide sequencing. Theoretical and Applied Genetics.2017, 130(5): 1041- 1051.
16. Nianxi Liu, Mu Li, Xiangbao Hu, Qibin Ma, Yinghui Mu, Zhiyuan Tan, Qiuju Xia, Gengyun Zhang, Hai Nian*. Construction of high-密度 genetic map and QTL mapping of yield-related and two quality traits in soybean RILs 种群 by radsequencing. BMC Genomics. 2017
17.Zhandong Cai, Yanbo Cheng, Zhuwen Ma, Xinguo Liu, Yinghui Mu, Hai Nian*,Fine-mapping of QTLs for individual and total isoflavone content in soybean (Glycine max L.) using a high-density genetic map. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2018
18. ZhandongCai,YanboCheng,PeiqiXian,QibinMa,KeWen,QiujuXia,GengyunZhang,HaiNian. Acid phosphatase gene GmHAD1 linked tolow tolerance insoybean throughfine mapping. 2018
1. 2014年,高产抗逆大豆新品种选育及配套栽培技术应用,获得广东省科技进步一等奖(第一完成人)。
2. 2012年,高产抗逆大豆新品种选育及间套作高效栽培技术推广应用”获广东省农业技术推广一等奖(第一完成人)。
4. 2016年,获第十三届广东省丁颖科技奖。
5. 2016年,获得国务院政府特殊津贴。