申义庆,男,1969年12月生,博士。现任中国科学院力学研究所研究员。2011年6月从美国Miami 大学作为引进国外杰出人才全职到中国科学院力学研究所工作。2012年4月进入中国科学院“引进国外杰出人才”计划(A类)。
1987.9 1991.7云南大学数学系 学士计算数学
1994.9 1995.9 1995.9 1997.7 云南大学数学系中国科学院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所硕士 计算数学
1997.9 2001.8 中国科学院力学研究所 博士流体力学
1991.7 -1994.9云南磷化学工业(集团)公司昆阳磷矿 计算机软件开发 计算机软件助理工程师
2001.9 -2003.9清华大学数学科学系 数值方法研究 博士后
2003.10-2004.12中国科学院力学研究所 计算流体力学 助理研究员
2004.12-2006.7中国科学院力学研究所 计算流体力学 副研究员
2006.7 -2011.6 Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Miami 计算流体力学 研究科学家
2011.6 至今 中国科学院力学研究所 计算流体力学 研究员
提出有限紧致格式的概念,并发展了有限紧致无振荡格式。提出并证明了利用光滑因子关系式判别界面所在模板是否光滑的引理,不需要引入任何人为的、问题相关的参数,对复杂流场具有普适性。利用此引理进一步发展了广义有限紧致格式。有限紧致格式结合了紧致格式的高精度和TVD/ENO格式的无振荡性质,是模拟复杂流动中的激波/涡、激波/边界层干扰现象的有效方法。两篇发表在J. Comput. Phys.(2006, vol.216;2011, vol.230)的论文共三次被评为该杂志的“Top 25 Hottest Articles”。
第一作者 Generalized Finite Compact Difference Scheme for Shock/Complex Flowfield Interaction Journal of Computational Physics 2011, 230(12):4419-4436
第一作者 High order conservative differencing for viscous terms and the application to vortexinduced vibration flows Journal of Computational Physics 2009, 228(22): 8283-8300
第一作者 High-resolution finite compact difference schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws Journal of Computational Physics 2006, 216(1):114-137
第一作者 Low diffusion E-cuspscheme with implicit high order WENO scheme for preconditioned Navier-Stokes equations Computers \u0026 Fluids 2012, 55:13-23
第一作者 Generalized Finite Compact Difference Scheme for Shock/ Complex Flowfield Interaction Journal of Computational Physics 2011, 230: 4419-4436
第一作者 Rotated Hybrid Low Diffusion ECUSP-HLL scheme and Its Applications to Hypersonic Flows
The 20th AIAA Computational Fluid 动力学 Conference 2011, 27-30 June, Honolulu, Hawaii,USA
第一作者 A Constrained-Transport E-CUSP scheme for Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Equations The 20th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference 2011, 27-30 June, Honolulu, Hawaii,USA
非第一作者 An improved low diffusion E-CUSPupwindscheme Computers \u0026 Fluids 2011, 48: 214-220
第一作者 E-CUSP Scheme for the Equations of Magnetothydrodynamics with High Order WENO Scheme 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2011,4-7 Jan., 奥兰多, Florida, USA
第一作者 Large Eddy Simulation Using a New Set of Sixth Order Schemes for Compressible Viscous Terms
Journal of Computational Physics 2010, 229(22):8296-8312
第一作者 Improvement of the WENO scheme smoothness estimator International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2010, 64:653-675
第一作者 Application of Low Diffusion E-CUSP Scheme with High Order WENO Scheme for Chemical Reacting Flows 40th AIAA Fluid 动力学 Conference and Exhibi Chicago, Illinois, USA , 28 June – 1 July 2010
第一作者 Simulation of Hypersonic Shock Wave/Boundary Layer Interaction Using High Order WENO Scheme 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition Jan. 2010
AIAA paper 2010-1047
第一作者 Improved Seventh-Order WENO Scheme 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition Jan. 2010
AIAA paper 2010-1451
第一作者 High order conservative differencing for viscous terms and the application to vortexinduced vibration flows Journal of Computational Physics 2009, 228(22): 8283-8300
第一作者 Improvement of stability and accuracy for Weighted Essentially Nonoscillatory scheme AIAA Journal 2009, 47(2):331-344
第一作者 Improvement of weighted essentially non-oscillatory schemes near discontinuities 19th AIAA Computational Fluid 动力学 Conference June 22-25 2009, San Antonio, TX
AIAA Paper 2009-3655
第一作者 Comparison of High Order Schemes for Large Eddy Simulation of Circular Cylinder 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Jan. 5-8, 2009, Orlando, FL
第一作者 High Order Finite Differencing Schemes and Their Accuracy for CFD 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Jan. 5-8, 2009, Orlando, FL
第一作者 Simulation of Flows at All Speeds with High-Order WENO Schemes and Preconditioning 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Jan. 5-8, 2009, Orlando, FL
第一作者 High Order Conservative Differencing for Viscous Terms and the Application to vortexInduced Vibration Flows AIAA 38th Fluid 动力学 Conference and Exhibit 23 - 26 Jun 2008, Seattle, Washington
AIAA Paper 2008-4059
第一作者 Large Eddy Simulation of Circular Cylinder Flow by Using High Order WENO Scheme AIAA 38th Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit 23 - 26 Jun 2008, Seattle, Washington
AIAA Paper 2008-3748
非第一作者 Detached-Eddy Simulations of a Circular Cylinder Using a Low Diffusion E-CUSP and High-Order WENO Scheme AIAA 38th Fluid 动力学 Conference and Exhibit 23 - 26 Jun 2008, Seattle, Washington
AIAA Paper 2008-3855
第一作者 A Robust Seventh-order WENO Scheme and Its Applications 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Jan. 7-10, 2008, Reno, NV
AIAA Paper 2008-0757
非第一作者 Calculation of Transonic Flows Using WENO Method with a Low Diffusion E-CUSP Upwind Scheme 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Jan. 7-10, 2008, OPPO Reno, NV
AIAA Paper 2008-0745
第一作者 Hybrid finite compact-WENO schemes for shock calculation
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2007, 53(4):531-560
非第一作者 Wave propagation and the 频率 domain Green’s functions in viscoelastic Biot/squirt (BISQ) media International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007, 44(14-15):4784-4794
第一作者 Comparison Study of Implicit Gauss-Seidel Line Iteration Method for Transonic Flows 25th AIAA Computational Fluid 动力学 Conference June 25-28, 2007, Miami, FL
AIAA Paper 2007-4332
第一作者 Implicit WENO Scheme and High Order Viscous Formulas for Compressible Flows 25th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference June 25-28, 2007, Miami, FL
AIAA Paper 2007-4431