程成,副教授, 研究方向:
中国计算机学会人机交互委员会专家组成员。研究方向为人机交互、虚拟环境和虚拟制造。先后参加过多个大型企业信息化咨询和改造项目,熟悉离散制造行业的信息化事务和产业现状。在多通道人机交互、虚拟环境3D直接操作、虚拟环境的感知机制和核心算法、虚拟对象模型和行为构造、虚拟制造和虚拟装配技术、辅助设计技术等方面有浓厚的兴趣。曾参与了国家973、863、国家自然科学基金、国家十五和十一五国防预研等科研项目10多项。目前负责自然科学基金面上项目1项,国家重点实验室开放课题1项。在 SCIENCE CHINA ,Journal of Computer Science and Technology(JCST),软件学报,计算机研究与发展,辅助设计与图形学学报等一级学术期刊和高水平国际学术会议上发表论文30余篇。出版
CHENG Cheng, Jiang Ru,
越南盾 Xuemei, Human Knowledge Acquisition from 3D Interaction in Virtual Environments, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, Vol.55 No.7,Jul,2012,
Cheng Cheng,Xueqin Cai, Ru Jiang, Object Behavior Specification and Simulation in Virtual Assembly, International Conference of Computer Animation and Social Agents 2011( CASA'2011), May, 26-28,Chengdu, China.
Cheng Cheng, Jia Lu, 3D Interaction oriented object model, Proceedings of GRAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 17-21, May, 2010, Angers, France.
Cheng Cheng, Ru Jiang, Yueji Bao, Formal Specification of Human-Centered Interactive Assembly and Application, Conference of the 8th China Computer Graphics (ChinaGraph’2010) , Oct, 13-15, 2010, Nanjing.
Cheng Cheng, Zhenling Xu, Jia Lu, Formalization of 3D Interaction Oriented Object Model Construction, VRIC’09 (Virtual Reality International Conference 2009),22 -24, April, 2009.
Cheng Cheng, Feixiang Lan, Danjie Chen, On The Way toward Virtual Assembly Planning, Proceeding of International Conference on Cyberworlds 2008, Hangzhou, China, September 22-24, 2008, 389-394.
Cheng Cheng, Zhenling Xu, Yan Li , Semantic Space Construction for Virtual Assembly, 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, Wuhan, China, December 12 - 14, 2008,
Cheng Cheng, Junmin Deng, Danjie Chen, Temporal Assembly Model for Virtual Environment, Proceeding of International Conference on Human System Interaction 2008, Krakow, Poland, May 25-27, 2008,948-953.
Cheng Cheng, Guangjv Li, Research on Concurrent Assembly in Virtual Environment, Proceeding of International Conference on CAD/Graphics 2007, Beijing, China, October 24-28, 2007,407-412.
Cheng Cheng, Jingjing Du, Feixiang Lan, Research and Realization on Real-
时间 Linear Prediction Algorithm for Desktop Eye-Tracking , Chinese Journal of
电子学, No.
飞鱼座37, Apr. 2009.
CHENG Cheng,WANG Hongan, DAI Guozhong,The Construction of Feature-Matching Perception in Virtual Assembly, Journal of Computer Science \u0026 Technology, V
二氧化氮, 2003, 163-171.
Cheng Cheng, Research on Perception mechanism for Virtual Assembly, Journal of Software (Chinese), No.12, Vol. 13, 2002, 2324-2330.
Cheng Cheng, Dai Guo-zhong, Chen You-di, The Formal Description of Perception in Virtual Assembly, VRAI’2002 International Conference Proceeding, pp171-178,Hangzhou, China, April 8-12.
Cheng Cheng, Research on Construction of Face Mating Perception in Virtual Assembly, Journal of Computer Research and Development (Chinese), Vol.39, No.10,2002,1331-1336.
The National 863 project of China : ' 3D interaction technology in virtual manufacturing', 1999-2000;
The National Science Foundation of China : 'Research on natural, efficient and mainstream multimodal interface', 2000-2002;
The National Science Foundation of China : ' Semantic understanding and semantic consistency in human computer interaction', 2001-2002;
The Cultivating project of Science Academy of China : ' The technique of Product
设计 and Simulation in Virtual Environment', 2001-2002;
The sub-project of National 973 project: 'The theories and algorithms of natural and harmonious human computer interaction ', 2002-2005;
The National 863 Project of China : ' High powered stereo vision real-
时间 computing ', 2006-2008.
The National Natural Science Foundation of China : 'Research on user models for virtual environments ', 2008-2010.
The National Key Laboratory Open Project of China: ' The application of temporal logic in virtual manufacturing', 2009-2011.
1. 国家863项目“虚拟制造中的3D交互技术”,项目经费20万元,于2000年
2. 自然、高效和主流的多通道用户界面研究(国家自然科学基金项目,
4. 基于笔和语音多模式融合的人机交互技术研究与应用(国家863项目),项目经费80万元;
5. 虚拟环境下产品设计与仿真技术研究(
6. 基于多功能笔式交互的用户界面(中科院培育基金,50万元);
7. 虚拟现实的基础理论、算法及其实现(国家973项目,子课题题目:自然和谐的
人机交互理论 和算法,项目编号:2002CB312103), 项目经费:400万元;
8. 某辅助决策支持系统(国防十五预研课题), 项目经费 100万;
9. 高性能立体视觉实时计算技术,(国家863项目,项目经费100万。
10. 某虚拟装配与装配过程控制技术, (国家”十一五”总装预先研究,项目经费40万。
11. 虚拟环境的用户模型研究, 国家自然科学基金项目。