《真实桌球》是一款休闲益智类游戏,支持Android 1.6平台。
真实台球Virtual Pool Mobile一款从PC端植过来的台球游戏,专门为Android手机和平板电脑打造的,它是逼真程度绝对会超过以前的类似的台球游戏,也算是最畅销的精品台球游戏!
Easy to Use Interface
The player interface is intuitive and a snap to use。Aim cue by using your finger to rotate left or right。Shoot by touching the cue,pull back with your finger and flick 前锋。The faster you move your finger the harder the cue ball is hit。
Quick Play
Set up and play your buddies or a computer opponent at any one of 6 different pool rooms。You get to choose!Play pool on a 4x9 championship or 3.5x7 bar table。
Computer Opponents
The VP Mobile computer adversaries know how to play pool!The better players can really stroke it,but luckily for you,the poor players are not any better than the sucker at your local bar。There are 128 computer opponents of varying skill levels,so you\u0026apos;ll always have somebody to play。Play any skill level of computer opponent,from sucker to pool Shark
Hit the Road
Career mode starts you out as a rookie in the Garage。You\u0026apos;re not alone,because Curly,the ultimate road player is there to guide you。Work your way through 6 different pool rooms by beating the Room Boss and earning enough cash to travel to the next room。Each room has a different player and table。As you progress in your career the competition gets tougher and tougher and the bets go up!You must beat Curly in the beach house for the big money to complete your career。

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