国际中文与东方语言处理学会常务理事、 Language and Computing Series编委、中文信息学会理事、中文信息学报编委、汉语词汇学CLSW指导委员会成员、NTCIR国际信息检索评估平台组织委员会成员、PACLIC23,24大会联合主席、IALP08,09会议主席、CLSW2010会议主席、LIIP2010会议主席。
1.自然科学基金面上项目:汉语语篇连贯的事件链模型研究 2014-2017
2. 自然科学基金青年项目:基于推理现象的中文文本推理资源建设和自动分析研究 2015-2017
.3. 国家科技支撑项目:麦积山文化遗产保护和示范平台;2015-2018
4. 新浪合作项目:大学生新浪微博发展报告;
5. 企业合作项目:汽车领域大数据平台;
6. 企业合作项目:食品领域大数据平台;
7. 企业合作项目:教育领域大数据平台;
1. 省自科重点项目:语义搜索关键技术研究
2. 应用项目:基于语义搜索的互联网舆情PAD系统
3. 应用项目:国家电网能源舆情分析系统
4. 应用项目:基于互联网迭加协议的全息位置地图汇集融合技术
1. 自然科学基金重点项目:中文篇章语义处理的理论和方法(和哈尔滨工业大学清华大学合作);2012-2015
2. 自然科学基金面上项目:中文文本推理的资源建设和统计分析研究;2012-2015
3. 自然科学基金面上项目:汉语复杂名词短语的资源建设和自动分析研究;
4. 国家社科重大招标项目:基于本体演化的语义网模型研究;2012-2015(和武汉大学文学院合作
5. 预备科研项目:深网(Deep Web)内容分析
6. 预备科研项目:新浪微博信息挖掘
7. 预备科研项目:掌纹分析系统
8. 自主项目:生物医学领域事件信息挖掘与推理
9. 自主项目:电子病历系统深度语义挖掘
1. 科技专项:语义需求分析,(和遥感重点实验室合作);2011-2012;
2. 国际合作项目:中文搭配的自动获取研究(和新加坡国立大学合作),2011-2012;
3. 自主科研项目:信息监控平台,2011-2012;
4. 自主科研项目:语义需求分析,2011-2012;
5. 自然科学基金面上项目:基于部分指导的词义学习和词义排岐综合研究(和武汉大学外语学院合作,主持人:吴鸿缈教授),2011-2013
6. 自然科学基金面上项目:复杂网络在词语语义相关性度量中的应用,2011-2013 (主持:杨华副教授)
7. 应用项目:互联网内容深度分析 I 2011
8. 应用项目:互联网内容深度挖掘 II
9. 应用项目:跨语言信息抽取,2011
10. 应用项目:跨语言内容挖掘,
1. 自然科学基金认知重大计划 基于特征结构的汉语资源建设和自动分析,2009-2011
2. 自主创新项目 基于语义的网络舆情智能监测平台研究(和武汉大学文学院合作),2009-2010
3. 国家汉推资源基地项目 中文菜谱分析及饮食文化网站建设,
4. 985子项目 基于汉语特征结构的语义描写及其应用,2009-2010;(和武汉大学文学院合作);
5. 富士通株式会社项目 中文菜谱自动分析,
1. 自然科学基金面上项目 信息检索中的文本重排研究,2008-20102. 日本Institute of Informatics: NTCIR评测系统,2008
王跃龙, 姬东鸿. 树库综述. 现代语言学, 2009, 第1期 (CSSCI)
刘德喜, 姬东鸿. 基于基本要素的文摘内容连贯性评测模型. 计算机学报, 2008(4): 628-635. (EI)
陈锦绣, 姬东鸿. 基于图模型的半监督系抽取. 软件学报(已接受).(EI)
Ji Donghong, An Attribute Structure Resource for Chinese Nominal Compounds. Accepted by Language Resource and Evaluation (SCI, EI)
Ji Donghong, He Yanxiang, Xiao guozheng. Word sense learning based feature selection and MDL principle, 2006, 40(3). Language Resources and Evaluation. (SCI-E)
Ji Donghong, Yang Lingpeng Chinese document re-ranking based on local and global distribution. Language Resources and Evaluation (accepted) (SCI-E)
Ji Donghong, Huang Changning \u0026 Gong Junping.Adding New Words into a Chinese Thesaurus. Computers and 人文科学概论, Vol 33(1), 1998. (SCI-E)
Niu Zhengyu, Ji Donghong, Tan Chew Lim. Using Cluster Validation Criterion to Identify Optimal Feature Subset and Cluster Number for Document Clustering, 43(3), Information Processing and 管理学, 2007. (SSCI, SCI-E, EI)
Niu Zhengyu, Ji Donghong. Learning Model Order from labeled and Unlabeled Data for Partially supervised Classification, with Application to WSD. Computer Speech and Language, 2007. (EI)
Ji Donghong, Huang Changning. A Semantic Composition Model for Chinese Nouns and Adjectives. Communications of COLIPS, 1997
Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong, Tan Chew Lim. Automatic Relation Extraction by Model Order Identification and Name labeling. Proceedings of IJCNLP2005, LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 3651: 390-401 2005. (SCI-E, EI)
Zheng-Yu Niu, 越南盾Hong Ji, Chew Lim Tan, Lingpeng Yang. Word Sense Disambiguation by Semi-supervised Learning. CICLing 2005: 238-241, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3408. (SCI-E, EI)
Guodong Zhou, Lingpeng Yang, Jian Su, Donghong Ji. Mutual Information Independence Model Using Kernel Density Estimation for Segmenting and Labeling Sequential Data. CICLing 2005: 155-166. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3406.(SCI-E, EI)
Zhengyu Niu, Donghong Ji, Tan Chew Lim. Document Clustering based on Cluster Validation. Proceeding of CIKM'2004. (EI)
Tang Li, Ji Donghong. Conceptual Basis for Lexical Relatedness, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Text processing and Computational Linguistics, 2004. Also in Lecture notes in Computer Science. (SCI-E, EI)
Quan Changqin, He, Tingting, Hu Po, Ji Donghong. Application of Boosting to Chinese word sense disambiguation. Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering, IEEE 失明KE'05, 2005, p9-13. (EI)
Zhengyu Niu, Donghong Ji, Tan Chew Lim.Learning Word Sense With Feature Selection and Order Identification Capabilities. ACL04 Conference Proceedings, 2004: 629-636.
Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong. Relation Extraction Using Label Propagation Based Semi-supervised Learning. Proceedings of ACL 2006.
Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong. Unsupervised Relation Disambiguation Using Spectral Clustering. Proceedings of ACL 2006
Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong. Unsupervised Relation Disambiguation with Order Identification Capabilities. Proceedings of EMNLP 2006
Zhengyu Niu, Donghong Ji, Tan Chew Lim. Partially Supervised Sense Disambiguation by Learning Sense Number from Tagged and Untagged Corpora. Proceedings of EMNLP 2006
Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong. Semi-supervised Relation Extraction with Label Propagation. Proceedings of NAACL-HLT, 2006
Zhengyu Niu, Donghong Ji, Tan Chew Lim. Word Sense Disambiguation Using Label Propagation Based Semi-Supervised Learning. Proceedings of ACL 2005
Zhengyu Niu, Donghong Ji, Tan Chew Lim. A Semi-Supervised Feature Clustering Algorithm with Application to Word Sense Disambiguation. Proceedings of HLT/EMNLP 2005
Chen Jinxiu, Ji Donghong, Tan Chew Lim. Feature Selection for Unsupervised Relation Extraction. Proceedings of IJCNLP 2005
Ji Donghong. Some Studies on Computational 语义学 3rd Conference on China-Japan Natural Language. Processing, 2004, Hong Kong
Hu Po, He Tingting, Ji Donghong. Automatic Summarization based on Clustering. Proceedings of Automatic Summarization, CIT 2004
Tang Li, Ji Donghong. A Semantic Analysis Model for Chinese sentences. Proceedings of Workshop on Chinese Information Processing, ACL 2004
Tang Li, Ji Donghong. Mapping between Syntactic structure and conceptual structures. Proceedings of International Conference on Lexical Resource and Evaluation, 2004
Zhengyu Niu, Donghong Ji, Tan Chew Lim. Optimizing Feature Set for Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text (SENSEVAL3)
Ji Donghong, Tang Li. Building a Conceptual Graph Bank for Chinese Sentences. European Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Sep. 2003
Tang Li, Ji Donghong. A Project on A Lexical Tree Bank of Chinese Sentences. XVII International Congress of Linguists, July 2003, Prague, Czech Republic
Tang Li, Ji Donghong.A Formal Model of Semantic Representations. COMPLEX 2003, 7th Conference on Computational Lexicography and Text Research, April 2003, Budapest, Hungary
Ji Donghong, Yang Lingpeng, Nie Yu.Chinese Language IR based on Term Extraction. 3rd NTCIR workshop, October 2002, Tokyo
Ji Donghong.设计 and Construction of Conceptual Graph 提顶·玛哈由踏纳 3rd Workshop on Chinese Lexical 语义学 May 2002, Taipei.
Lua K. T., Ji Donghong.Meaning Transfer in the process of word formation. in Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Chinese Lexical Semantics. May 2002, Taipei.
Ji Donghong.Semantic Annotation of Chinese Phrases using Recursive Graphs. In Proceedings of ACL’2000 workshop on Chinese Information Processing, Hong Kong
Ji Donghong, Huang Changning, \u0026 Gong Junping. Combining a Chinese Thesaurus with a Chinese Dictionary. In Proceedings of ACL/COLING’98