曾于2007年6月至2008年3月,接受美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校空间科学与工程研究所(ssec)资助,作为访问学者赴该所从事卫星遥感图像处理研究。目前,担任吉林省遥感学会理事、SPIE Optics + Photonics:Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Processing VII委员会成员、SPIE会议-吉林大学学生会组织者。
1、遥感影像处理:多光谱遥感图像的分类、高光谱遥感影像处理和分析、被动微波遥感数据处理、被动微波混 合像元分解、卫星遥感影像数据压缩;
1. Gu lingjia, Zhao Kai, Zhang Shuwen, Zhang shuang. Comparative analysis of microwave brightness 温度 data in Northeast China using AMSR-E and MWRI products [J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 2011, 21(1): 84–93. (SCI:000286191700009)
2. Gu Lingjia, Zhao Kai, Zhang Shuang, Zheng Xingming. An AMSR-E Data Unmixing Method for Monitoring Flood and Waterlogging Disaster [J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 2011, 21(6): 666-675. (SCI index)
3. 顾玲嘉,赵凯,孙健,郑兴明.被动微波遥感数据超分辨率增强与混合像元分解研究综述.2012, 27(1),0000-0000.
4. Lingjia Gu, Ruizhi Ren, Shuang Zhang. Automatic Cloud Detection and Removal Algorithm for MODIS Remote Sensing Imagery [J]. Journal of Software (JSW), 2011, 6(7):1289-1296. (EI: 2011 3114195381)
5. Lingjia Gu, Kai Zhao, Xingming Zheng. Research of Snow Detection in Northeast China based on MODIS and AMSR-E Data. 2011 3rd International Conference on Computer 设计 and Applications (ICCDA2011), 2011, V7:297-301
6. Gu Lingjia, Ren Ruizhi, Zhang Shuang. Stripe noise removal method in MODIS imagery based on block optimal linear predictor [J]. Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition).2010,40: 328-333.(EI :20104613383721)
7. Gu Lingjia, Ren Ruizhi, Wang Haofeng. MODIS imagery geometric precision correction based on longitude and latitude information [J]. Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications.2010, 17(1):73-78. (EI :20103213145553).
8. Ruizhi Ren, Shuxu Guo,Lingjia Gu*. Stripe Noise Removal Method for MODIS Remote Sensing Imagery. The 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2010) .2010, 1565-1569. (EI: 20104313316566)
9. Ren Ruizhi, Guo Shuxu, Gu Lingjia*. Fast bowtie effect elimination for MODIS L1B data, The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications [J]. 2010, 17(1):120-126. (EI:20101112769378)
19. Ruizhi Ren, Shuxu Guo, Lingjia Gu*. Automatic thick cloud removal for MODIS remote sensing imagery, 2009 International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science, ICIECS 2009.2009, 5364509(EI:20101212792230)
11. Lingjia Gu, Shuxu Guo, Ruizhi Ren. Target Image Mosaic Algorithm Based on Interest Points Matching,ICCCAS 2007 - International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems 2007,July 11 - 13, 2007,Kitakyushu, Japan, II:755-759. (EI: 20081211153603).
12.Lingjia Gu. An Automatic Target Image Mosaic Algorithm, EUROCON 2007 - The International Conference on Computer as a Tool, Sept. 9-12, 2007: 369-374, 华沙, Poland. (EI: 20082811354130)
13. Lingjia Gu, Shuxu Guo, Jin Duan, Ruizhi Ren. A novel method for target detection and tracking [J]. SPIE Newsroom Defense \u0026 Security, 28,4 April 2007, SPIE Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1200702.0524
14. GU Lingjia, GUO Shuxu, REN Ruizhi, YANG Yue. Target Detection Method Based on Wavelet Transform and Improved Watershed Algorithm, ISTM-2007, 7th International Symposium on Test and Measurement, 5-8 August 2007:1150-1154, Beijing China.(ISTP: BGY55)
15. Lingjia Gu, Shuxu Guo, Wenbo Jing, Chao Zhai, Xinji Lu. The compression algorithm of target image based on ROI, Proceedings of the SPIE, Satellite Data Compression, Communications, and Archiving III,2007,Vol.6683, 66830M.( EI: 20081711214516)
16. Gu Lingjia, Guo Shuxu,Zhang Dan,Wang Yali. Research of the camera calibration based on digital image processing, Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol.6696, Applications of Digital Image Processing XXX, 2007: 66961W. (EI: 20081711214624)
17. Lingjia Gu, Shuxu Guo, Ruizhi Ren and Shuang Zhang. Target Image Mosaic Algorithm Based on Interest Points Matching,ICCCAS 2007 - International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems 2007,July 11 - 13, 2007,Kitakyushu, Japan, Vol II:755-759. (EI: 20081211153603)
18. Lingjia Gu, Shuxu Guo,Jin Duan, Wenbo Jing, Ruizhi Ren. Research of the Novel Fast Dynamic Target Detection Method, 19th International Conference on Computer Application in Industry \u0026 Engineering,(CAINE-2006), LasVegas, Nevada, USA, Nov.13-15,2006:32-36.(EI: 9560488)
19. Gu Lingjia, Guo Shuxu, Ren Ruizhi, Shan Jiangdong. A Novel Method of Dynamic Target Detection, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 6357 I, Sixth International Symposium on instrumentation and Control Technology: Signal Analysis, Measurement Theory, Photo-Electronic Technology and Artificial Intelligence, 2006,63570E (EI: 20070610408356)

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