化学工程学院副院长。 1968年10月出生于
化学领域国际高水平研究性杂志如J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Chem., Chem. Mater., Chem. Commun. 等,论文被他引或评述4300多次,H指数39。应邀担任国际知名期刊Inorg. Chem. Comm.亚太地区主编,J. Mater. Chem.顾委,《
丁颖科技奖, 2011年获宝刚优秀教师奖。
1. 超分子结构化学,主要涉猎配位超分子结构多样性中的超分子类质
2. 配位
4. 建立了一些纳米尺度分子工程的新组装方法并提出设计新思想,阐明了一些结构组装机理和模板调控机制。包括:1)提出
吸附客体分子。另外,还组装出系列箱形、书形、椅形金属超分子,为特定外形金属分子构筑体的设计合成提供了思路。阐述这些设计思想的工作在JACS,Angew. Chem., Inorg. Chem., Dalton Trans.等著名期刊发表了一系列高水论文,并被国际同行大量引用并在综述、进展、专著中多次介绍或评述,有关方法被在权威综述中选做典型合成方法或客体分子识别范例。这些规则金属超分子构筑体被期望在分子识别、分离、传输,分子器件、分子机器以及选择
5. 建立了一些微纳配位空间
晶体工程的结构模型并提出新的结构概念,阐明了一些结构转化机理和组装规律。包括: 首次提出“超分子位置异构”概念;第一次发现
梯形结构 Borromean 二维拓扑网状结构模型;通过溶液热力学证实“开环超分子异构”机理,阐明联系封闭型零维结构与多维开放型结构的结构转化机理;明确报道了配位聚合物中的(3,6)拓扑网结构模型; 得到第一例非手性单股螺旋配位聚合物; 发现三角架
堆积作用控制的配位聚合物维数递增规律等。以上结果在 Inorg. Chem., Cryst. Growth \u0026 Des., CrystEngComm., Dalton Trans.等著名期刊发表了一系列高水论文,并被国际同行大量引用,多项结果被在综述、进展、专著中做长篇幅介绍。该研究方向对应的
6. 发现一些温和或环保型合成微尺度功能固体与纳米材料的新方法。包括:制备了系列棒状、花瓣状、树枝状金属
荧光探针等研究提供合成信息等;获得三价稀土高效发光配合物,实现高效率能量传输,分别产生红光Eu(III), 蓝光Ce(III)和绿光Tb(III)的发射。其中三价Ce(III)配合物作为蓝光发光材料具有发光强度高,波长和强度容易调节的特点,是稀土配合物中极少被研究的对象。他们系统研究了Ce(III)配合物的光致和电致发光机理,并初步考察了其作为LED发光材料的性能;利用Borromean配位聚合物生长了单晶微管,提出
配位化合物单晶管的生长机制。以上结果在 Adv. Mater.,Chem. Mater.,J. Phys. Chem. B, Inorg. Chem., Dalton Trans.等著名期刊发表了一系列高水论文,多篇论文得到审稿人高度评价。微纳尺度形貌、大小均一的金属基固体新材料和纳米材料在电、磁、半导体、通讯、航天等诸多方面具有重要科学价值。该课题组在微尺度金属-金属间合功能固体和
1. 1998年以来,主持多项国家自然科学基金、
2. 在包括
美国《J. Am. Chem. Soc.》、《Inorg. Chem.》、《Cryst. Growth \u0026 Des.》,
德国《Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.》,
英国《Chem. Commun.》、《Dalton Trans.》等国内外
3. 2000年获
迄今,苏成勇教授已在国内外学术杂志上正式发表论文150多篇, 绝大部分发表于美国科技信息所权威学术文献索引SCI收录的期刊上,包括
化学综合学科国际最高水平的研究性杂志J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.和国际一流水平化学及专业杂志Adv. Mater., Chem. Mater., Chem. Commun.、Inorg. Chem.、Dalton Trans.等国际著名期刊,其中高影响因子(Impact Factor \u003e 3)的论文50多篇,充分说明苏成勇教授是一位活跃于国际学科前沿,多产并且科研成果具有国际一流水平的青年学者。同时,他的学术成果已被发表于60多种、包括国际顶级研究型杂志Science, PNAS, Angew. Chem.,JACS 和权威性评述杂志Chem. Rev., Chem. Soc. Rev., Adv. Inorg. Chem.,Coord. Chem. Rev. 在内的学术文章引用或评述1200多次,单篇最高被引用超过100次,论文平均被引次数超过6次/篇,被专著引用30多篇次。曾被著名Eur. Inorg. Chem.等杂志编辑部邀请撰写个人研究成果专题综述论文,论文被
无机化学杂志Inorg. Chem.等选做封面论文,曾多次应邀在国内外学术会议作大会和邀请报告,应邀到德国、美国、
(影响因子Impact Factor高于2的论文,*任通讯联系人论文):
1. Yu Liu, Mei
pan, Qing-Yuan Yang, Lei Fu, Kang Li, Shi-Chao Wei, and Cheng-Yong Su*, Dual-Emission from a Single-Phase
香港警察冲锋队Ag Metal–Organic Framework: An Alternative Way to Get White-Light Phosphor, Chem. Mater., 2012, 24, 1954–1960.
2.Kang Li, Yu Liu, Cheng Yan, Lei Fu, Shi-Chao Wei, Hai-Ping Wang, Mei
pan* and Cheng-Yong Su*, Cocrystallization of coordinative and inorganic lanthanide centers showing dual emission via linked or unlinked antenna, CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 3868-3874
3. Yu, Zhi-Quan; Pan, Mei*; Jiang, Ji-Jun; Liu, Zhi-Min; Su, Cheng-Yong*, Anion Modulated Structural Diversification in the Assembly of Cd(II) Complexes Based on a Balance-like Dipodal Ligand, Cryst. Growth Des. 2012, 12, 2389-2396.
4.Cheng Yan, Kang Li, Shi-Chao Wei, Hai-Ping Wang, Lei Fu, Mei
pan* and Cheng-Yong Su*, Lanthanide homometallic and d–f heterometallic MOFs from the same tripodal ligand: structural comparison, one photon (OP) vs. two photon (TP) luminescence and selective guest adsorption behavior, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 9846-9852
5.Qiu-Ping Luo, Xiao-Yun Yu, Bing-Xin Lei, Hong-Yan Chen, Dai-Bin Kuang*, and Cheng-Yong Su*, Reduced Graphene Oxide-Hierarchical ZnO Hollow Sphere Composites with Enhanced Photocurrent and Photocatalytic ActivityQiu-Ping, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, 116, 8111–8117.
6.Guo-Bi Li, Jian-Rong He, Mei
pan, Hai-Ying Deng, Jun-Min Liu* and Cheng-Yong Su,* Construction of 0-D to 3-D cadmium complexes from different pyridyl diimide ligands, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 4626–4633
7.Guo-Bi Li, Jian-Rong He, Jun-Min Liu* and Cheng-Yong Su*, Anion effect on the structural diversity of three 1D coordination polymers based on a pyridyl diimide ligand, CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 2152–2158.
8.Jia-Jian Jiang, Cheng Yan, Mei
pan,* Zi Wang, Hai-Ying Deng, Jian-Rong He, Qing-Yuan Yang, Lei Fu, Xian-Fang Xu, and Cheng-Yong Su,* Structural Conformation and Optical and Electrochemical Properties of Imidazolyl-Substituted Naphthalenediimide and Its HgII, CdII, and CuII Halide Complexes, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2012, 1171–1179
9. Li, Shao-Yong; Xu, Yao-Wei; Zeng, She-Quan; Xiao, Li-Min; Duan, Hong-Quan; Lin, Xue-Lian; Liu, Jun-Min*; Su, Cheng-Yong*, Highly selective fluorescent calixarene chemosensor for acidic amino acids in pure aqueous media, Tetrahedron Lett, 2012, 53, 2918-2921
10.Qiong-Yan Yu, Jin-Yun Liao, Shi-Ming Zhou, Yong Shen, Jun-Min Liu,* Dai-Bin Kuang, and Cheng-Yong Su*, Effect of Hydrocarbon Chain Length of Disubstituted
三苯胺Based Organic Dyes on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 22002–22008
11.Guo-Bi Li, Jun-Min Liu*, Yue-Peng Cai, Cheng-Yong Su,* Structural Diversity of a Series of Mn(Ⅱ), Cd(Ⅱ) and Co(Ⅱ) Complexes with
吡啶 Donor Diimide Ligands, Cryst. Growth \u0026 Des., 2011, 11, 2763-2772.
12.Qiu-Ping Luo, Bing-Xin Lei, Xiao-Yun Yu, Dai-Bin Kuang* and Cheng-Yong Su*, Hiearchical ZnO rod-in-tube nano-
建筑 arrays produced via a two-step hydrothermal and ultrasonication process, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 8709
13. Yu Liu, Mei
pan,* Kang Li, Cheng Yan, Yong Shen, Cun-Yuan Zhao, Wei Wang, and Cheng-Yong Su*, Metal-Directed Assembly of Hexameric Ring, Dimeric Ring and 1D Chain from a Branched Tripodal Ligand, Cryst. Growth Des. 2011, 11, 4876–4884
14. Yu Liu, Kang Li, Shi-Chao Wei, Mei
pan* and Cheng-Yong Su*, Structural tuning of meso-hexamer, chiral-trimer and chiral-chain by anion direc
曾卓 supramolecular interactions, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13 (14), 4564 - 4571
15.Mei Pan*, Xiao-Ming Lin, Guo-Bi Li, and Cheng-Yong Su*, Progress in the study of metal-organic materials applying naphthalene diimides (NDIs) ligands, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2011, 255, 1921–1936. (Review)
16.Xiaobing Wang, Jing Huang, Shenglin Xiang, Yu Liu, Jianyong Zhang,* Andreas Eichhöfer, Dieter Fenske, Shi Bai and Cheng-Yong Su,* Discrete Ag6L6 coordination nanotubular structures based on a T-shaped pyridyl diphosphine, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 3849–3851..
17.Kumar Biradha,* Cheng-Yong Su*, and Jagadese J. Vittal*, Recent Developments in Crystal Engineering, Cryst. Growth \u0026 Des., 2011, 11, 875-886. (Invited Perspective)
18.Qing-Yuan Yang, Kang Li, Jian Luo, Mei
pan and Cheng-Yong Su,* A simple topological identification method for highly (3,12)-connected 3D MOFs showing anion exchange and luminescent properties, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47 (14), 4234 - 4236.
19.Sujuan Wang, Lei Li, Jianyong Zhang,* Xiaochen Yuan and Cheng-Yong Su*, Anion-tuned sorption and catalytic property of a soft metal-organic solid with polycatenated frameworks, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21(20), 7098-7104.
20.Qian Zhang, Lisi He, Jun-Min Liu, Wei Wang, Jianyong Zhang* and Cheng-Yong Su*, Pd2L2 metallacycles as molecular containers for small molecules, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 11171–11179.
21.Ji-Jun Jiang, Mei
pan, Jun-Min Liu, Wei Wang, and Cheng-Yong Su*, Assembly of Robust and Porous
氢-Bonded Coordination Frameworks: Isomorphism, Polymorphism, and Selective Adsorption, Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 10166–10173.
22.Rui Yang, Lei Li, Ying Xiong, Jian-Rong Li, Hong-Cai Zhou, Cheng-Yong Su*, Two Robust Porous Metal–Organic Frameworks Sustained by Distinct Catenation: Selective Gas Sorption and Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Guest Exchange, Chem. Asian. J. 2010, 5, 2358-2368. (Inner Cover)
23.Qian Zhang, Jianyong Zhang, Qiong-Yan Yu, Mei
pan and Cheng-Yong Su,* Ring-Opening Isomerization Based on the 3-Connecting Node: Formation of a 0-D M2L3 Cage, 1-D Loop-and-Chain, and 2-D (6, 3) Network Cryst. Growth \u0026 Des., 2010, 10, 4076-4084.
约翰·约翰逊 Jiang, L. Li, M.-H. Lan, M.
pan, A. Eichhöfer, D. Fenske, C.-Y. Su* Thermally Stable Porous
氢Bonded Coordination Networks Displaying Dual Properties of Robustness and
动力学 upon Guest Uptake, Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 1841-1848.
25.Yong-Ru Liu, Lei Li, Tao Yang, Xing-Wen Yu and Cheng-Yong Su*, Dehydration and rehydration behavior of a trinodal topological 3-D framework of Cd(II) benzimidazole-5,6-dicarboxylate, CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 2712–2718.
26. Li, Guo-Bi; Liu, Jun-Min; Yu, Zhi-Quan; Wang, Wei; Su, Cheng-Yong;* Assembly of a 1D Coordination Polymer Through in situ Formation of a New Ligand by Double C-C Coupling on
三氯甲烷 under Solvothermal Conditions, Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48(18), 8659–8661.
27.Qi-Ting He, Xiang-Ping Li, Yu Liu, Zhi-Quan Yu, Wei Wang and Cheng-Yong Su*, Copper(I) Cuboctahedral Coordination Cages: Host-Guest Dependent Redox Activity, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2009, 48, 6156-6159.
壮族, Jianyong Zhang, Qing Wang, Zhao-Hua Chu, Dieter Fenske, Cheng-Yong Su*,
温度Dependent Guest-Driven Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Ligand Exchange in a Two-Fold Interpenetrated CdII Grid Network, Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15(31), 7578-7585.
29.Sheng-Run Zheng, Qing-Yuan Yang, Rui Yang, Mei
pan*, Rong Cao and Cheng-Yong Su*, Metal-Directed Assembly of Coordination Polymers with a Multifunctional Semirigid Ligand Containing Pyridyl and Benzimidazolyl Donor Groups, Cryst. Growth \u0026 Des., 2009, 9 (5), 2341–2353.
30.Ji-Jun Jang, Lei Li, Tao Yang, Dai-Bin Kuang, Wei Wang and Cheng-Yong Su* Self-assembly of 2D Borromean networks through
氢bonding recognition Chem. Commun., 2009, 2387-2389.
31.Hai-Ying Deng, Jian-Rong He, Mei
pan*, Lei Li and Cheng-Yong Su*, Synergistic metal and anion effects on the formation of coordination assemblies from a N,N-
胺醚(3-pyridylmethyl)naphthalene diimide ligand, CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 909-917.
32.Qing-Yuan Yang, Sheng-Run Zheng, Rui Yang, Mei
pan, Rong Cao and Cheng-Yong Su*, An unusual 3D coordination polymer assembled through parallel interpenetrating and polycatenating of (6,3) nets CrystEngComm, 2009, 11(4), 680-685.
33.Mei Pan, Xiang-Li Zheng, Yu Liu, Wei-Sheng Liu and Cheng-Yong Su*, Structural and photoluminescent studies of lanthanide complexes with tripodal triRNTB (N-substituted
乙酰丙酮铁(benzimidazol-2-ylmethyl)amine): ligand substituent, anionic and secondary ligand effects Dalton Trans., 2009, 2517-2569.
34.Yong-Ru Liu, Lisi He, Jianyong Zhang*, Xiaobing Wang and Cheng-Yong Su*, Evolution of Spherical Assemblies to Fibrous Networked Pd(II) Metallogels from a
吡啶-Based Tripodal Ligand and Their Catalytic Property, Chem. Mater. 2009, 21(3), 557–563.
35.Qing Wang, Jianyong Zhang*, Chun-Feng
壮族, Yu Tang and Cheng-Yong Su*,Guest Inclusion and Interpenetration Tuning of Cd(II)/Mn(II) Coordination Grid Networks Assembled from a Rigid Linear Diimidazole Schiff Base Ligand Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48(1), 287-295.
36.Yue-Peng Cai,* Qiong-Yan Yu, Zheng-Yuan Zhou, Zuo-Jun Hu, Hua-Cai Fang, Ning Wang, Qing-Guang Zhan, Li Chen and Cheng-Yong Su* Metal-directed assembly of two 2-D 4d-4f coordination polymers based on elliptical triple-decked cylinders hinged by meso-double helical chains CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 1006-1013. (Cover paper).
37.Ji-Jun Jiang, Sheng-Run Zheng, Yu Liu, Mei
pan, Wei Wang, and Cheng-Yong Su,* Self-assembly of Triple Helical and meso-Helical Cylindrical Arrays Tunable by
胺醚Tripodal Coordination Converters Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47, 10692-10699.
38.Ji-Jun Jiang, Yong-Ru Liu, Rui Yang, Mei
pan, Rong Cao and Cheng-Yong Su*, The
Interplay娱乐 of coordinative and
氢bonding in directing the [M(4,4’-bpy)2(H2O)2] square-grid networks: formation of 3D porous framework [Cd(4,4’-bpy)2(H2O)2](ClO4)2(4,4’-bpy)(CH3OH)2 CrystEngComm, 2008, 10(9), 1147 - 1153.
39.C.-L. Chen, Z.-Q. Yu, Q. Zhang, M.
pan,* J.-Y. Zhang, C.-Y. Zhao, C.-Y. Su,* Formation of Disilver(I) Metallacycle and 1D Polymeric Chain from the same Mononuclear Building Block: Assembly Mechanism upon Crystallization, Cryst. Growth \u0026 Des., 2008, 8(3), 897–905.
40.S.-R. Zheng, Q.-Y. Yang, Y.-R. Liu, J.-Y. Zhang, Y.-X. Tong, C.-Y. Zhao, and C.-Y. Su,* Assembly of CdI2-Type Coordination Networks from Triangular Ligand and Octahedral Metal Center: Topological Analysis and Potential Framework Porosity Chem. Commun., 2008, 356-358.
41.Gao-Ren Li,* Xi-Hong Lu, Wen-Xia Zhao, Cheng-Yong Su,*
YEXiang Tong, Controllable Electrochemical Synthesis of Ce4+-Doped ZnO Nanostructures from Nanotubes to Nanorods and Nanocages Cryst. Growth \u0026 Des., 2008, 8(4), 1276–1281.
42.A.-M. Qin, X.-S. Zhou,
YF系列火箭发动机 Qiu, Y.-P. Fang,* C.-Y. Su, S,-H. Yang, Periodically Twinned Nanotowers and Nanodendrites of
汞 Selenide Synthesized via a Solution–Liquid–Solid Route, Adv. Mater. 2008, 20, 768–773.
43.X.-P. Li, M.
pan, S.-R. Zheng, Y.-R. Liu, Q.-T. He, B.-S. Kang, C.-Y. Su,* Dimension-Increase via Hydrogen Bonding and Weak Coordination Interactions from Simple Complexes of 2-(Pyridyl)benzimidazole Ligands Cryst. Growth \u0026 Des., 2007, 7(12), 2481–2490.
44.X.-L. Zheng, Y. Liu, M.
pan, X.-Q. Lü, J.-Y. Zhang, C.-Y. Zhao, Y.-X. Tong, C.-Y. Su,* Bright
蓝色Emitting Ce3+ Complexes with Encapsulating Polybenzimid-azole Tripodal Ligands for Potential Electroluminescent Devices, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2007, 46(39), 7399 –7403.
45.X.-L. Zhang, C.-P. Guo, Q.-Y. Yang, T.-B. Lu, Y.-X. Tong, C.-Y. Su,* Discrete Chiral Single-Crystal Microtubes Assembled with Honeycomb Coordination Networks Showing Structural Diversity and Borromean Topology in One Single Crystal, Chem. Mater. 2007, 19(19), 4630 – 4632.
46.X.-L. Zhang, C.-P. Guo, Q.-Y. Yang, W. Wang, W.-S. Liu, B.-S. Kang, C.-Y. Su,* Formation of two (6, 3) networks showing structural diversity, Borromean topology and conformational chirality in the same crystal, Chem. Commun. 2007, 4242-4244.
47.Z.-M. Liu, Y. Liu, S.-R. Zheng, Z.-Q. Yu, M.
pan, C.-Y. Su,* Assembly of Trigonal and Tetragonal Prismatic Cages from Octahedral Metal Ions and a Flexible Molecular Clip, Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46(15), 5814 -5816. (Cover paper)
48.X.-P. Li, J.-Y. Zhang, M.
pan, S.-R. Zheng, Y. Liu, C.-Y. Su*, Zero to Three Dimensional Increase of Silver(I) Coordination Assemblies Controlled by Deprotonation of 1,3,5-Tri(2-benzimidazolyl)benzene and Aggregation of Multinuclear Building Units, Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46, 4617-4625.
49.C.-L. Chen, J.-Y. Zhang, C.-Y. Su*, Coordination Assemblies of Metallacyclic, Prismatic and Tubular Molecular Architectures Based on the Non-rigid Ligands Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2007, (19), 2997-3010. (Invited Microreview).
50.A.-M. Qin, Y.-P. Fang,*
大前锋 Tao, J.-Y. Zhang, C.-Y. Su*, Silver Telluride Nanotubes Prepared by the Hydrothermal Method, Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46(18), 7403-7409.
51.X.-Q. Lü, M.
金钟炫 He, Y.-P. Cai, B.-S. Kang, C.-Y. Su*, Three-fold parallel interlocking of 2D brick-wall networks showing ladder-like unsymmetrical Borromean links, CrystEngComm, 2006, 8(11), 827 – 829.
XQ Lu, Y.-Q. Qiao,
J.R He, M.
pan, B.-S. Kang, C.-Y. Su,* Triple-St
南非兰特ed Helical and Plywood-Like Arrays: Two Uncommon Framework Isomers Based on the Common One-Dimensional Chain Structures, Cryst. Growth \u0026 Des., 2006, 6(8), 1910-1914.
53.C-L Chen , B-S Kang and C-Y Su*, Recent Advances in Supramolecular
设计 and Assembly of Silver(i) Coordination Polymers, Aust. J. Chem., 2006, 59(1) 3–18. (Invited review, cover paper of the special issue RESEARCH
front: Silver(I) — a Crystal Engineering Renaissance).
WG电子竞技俱乐部 Lu, C.-Y, Su, T.-B. Lu*, L. Jiang,
Jackie McLean Chen, Two stable 3D metal-organic frameworks constructed by nanoscale cages via sharing the single-layer walls J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128(1), 34-35.
55.C.-L. Chen,
HY Tan, Q. Zhang, J.-H. Yao, C.-Y. Su*, Disilver(I) Rectangle-shaped Metallacycles: X-Ray Crystal Structure and Dynamic Behavior in Solution Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44(23), 8510-8520.
约翰·约翰逊 Jiang, X.-P. Li, X.-L. Zhang, B.-S. Kang, C.-Y. Su* A new Ag(I)–4,4’-bipyridine coordination polymer of honeycomb (6,3) networks containing a Ag6(4,4’-bipy)6 hexagonal ring of 17 26 Å dimensions CrystEngComm, 2005, 7, 603-607.
57.Lü, X.-Q.; Jiang,
约翰·约翰逊; Chen, C.-L.; Kang, B.-S.; Su, C.-Y.* 3D Coordination Polymers with Nitrilotriacetic and 4,4'-Bipyridyl Mixed Ligands: Structural Variation Based on Dinuclear or Tetranuclear Subunits Assisted by Na-O and/or O-H···O Interactions Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44(13), 4515-452.
58.Lü, X.-Q.; Jiang, J.-J.; zur Loye, H.-C.;* Kang, B.-S.; Su, C.-Y.* A Non-interpenetrated 1D Molecular Ladder and 2D Butterfly Network: Effect of Positional Isomerism of Semirigid
胺醚pyridylmethylpyromellitic Diimide Ligands on the
建筑 of Their Metal(II) Complexes Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44(6), 1810-1817.
59.Qin, A.-M.; Fang, Y.-P.;, Ou, H.-D.; Liu, H.-Q.; Su, C.-Y.* Formation of Various Morphologies of Covellite Copper
硫化物 Submicron Crystals by Hydrothermal Method without Surfactant Cryst. Growth \u0026 Des. 2005, 5(3), 855-860.
60.C.-L. Chen, A. M. Goforth, M. D. Smith, C.-Y. Su, H.-C. zur Loye* Co2(ppca)2(H2O)(V4O12)0.5]: A Framework Material Exhibiting Reversible Shrinkage and Expansion through a Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Transformation Involving a Change in the Cobalt Coordination Environmen Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2005, 44, 6673-6677.
61. Su, C.-Y.; Goforth, A. M.; Smith, M. D.; Pellechia, P. J.; zur Loye, H.-C.* Exceptionally Stable, Hollow Tubular Metal-Organic Architectures: Synthesis, Characterization, and Solid-State Transformation Study J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126(11), 3576-3586.
62. Su, C.-Y.; Goforth, A. M.; Smith, M. D.; zur Loye. H.-C.* Assembly of large simple 1D and rare polycatenated 3D molecular ladders from T-shaped building blocks containing a new, long N,N -bidentate ligand, Chem. Commun. 2004, (19), 2158-2159.
63. Su, C.-Y.;, Smith, M. D.; Goforth, A. M.; zur Loye, H.-C.* A Three-Dimensional, Noninterpenetrating Metal-Organic Framework with the Moganite Topology: A Simple (42.62.82)(4.64.8)2 Net Containing Two Kinds of Topologically Nonequivalent Points, Inorg. Chem. 2004, 43, 6881-6883.
64. Su, C.-Y.;* Cai, Y.-P.; Chen, C.-L.; Smith, M. D.; Kaim, W.;* zur Loye, H.-C.* Ligand-directed Molecular
建筑s: Self-assembly of Two-dimensional Rectangular Metallocycles and Three-dimensional Trigonal or Tetragonal Prisms. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125(28), 8595-8613.
65. Su, C.-Y.; Smith, M. D.; zur Loye, H.-C.* Columnar Supramolecular Architecture Self-Assembled from S4-Symmetric Coordination Nanotubes Encapsulating
Neutral Guest Molecules. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2003, 42(34), 4085-4089.
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74. Su, C.-Y.; Cai, Y.-P.; Chen, C.-L; Lissner, F.; Kang, B.-S.;* Kaim, W.* Self-Assembly of Trigonal-Prismatic Metallocages Encapsulating BF4- or CuI32- as Anionic Guests: Structures and Mechanism of Formation Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2002, 41(18), 3371-3375.
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