李志兵,男,1983 年中山大学物理系毕业,获学士;1989年获博士学位并留校任教,1991年受聘副教授,1995年教授,1998年博士导师。1993年获德国洪堡奖学金赴德国Siegen大学研究统计物理。1995年访问国际理论物理中心(The Abdus Salam I.C.T.P.)并成为该中心特约成员。主要研究理论物理、非平衡统计与小量子系统,主讲本科的理论物理导论,,量子力学等,发表过大量的学术论文,获得过国务院特殊津贴等荣誉奖项。
Theoretical Physics/Nonequilibrium 统计学 and small quantum systems
(研究生) 统计物理,量子场论,临界动力学
Field electron emission from quasi one-dimensional materials
Spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
Nonequilibrium processes
1.J.P. Peng, Z.B. Li, 计算机科学 He, S.Z. Deng, and N.S. Xu, Quantum mechanical understanding of field dependence of the apex barrier of a single-wall carbon nanotube, Phys. Rev. from DVL B72, 235106 (2005)
2. Short-时间 动力学 of spin systems with long-range correlated quenched impurities
Y. Chen and Z.B. Li, Phys. REV B71, 174433(2005);
3. C. G. Bao and Z. B. Li, First excited band of a spinor Bose-阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 condensate, Phys.Rev. A 72, 043614 (2005)
4. Ground band and a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation for spinor BoseEinstein condensation
C.G. Bao, Z.B. Li, Phys. REV A 70 (2004) 043620
5. Quantum-Mechanical Investigation of Field-Emission Mechanism of a Micrometer-Long Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube, X.Zheng
G.H. Chen, Z.B. Li, S.Z. Deng, N.S. Xu
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, (2004)106803
6. Resonant field emission through amorphous diamond thin films (a model study)
Z.B. Li, X.W. Liu, N.S. Xu, S.Z. Deng, Jun Chen, M.M. Wu, R. Ren, J. Chen, F.L. Zhao,
Ultramicroscopy, 95, 75-80 (2003)
7. Dependence on initial conditions of an adsorption-desorption process
Z.,, S.P. Seto, M.Y. Wu, H. Fang, 计算机科学 He, Y. Chen,
Phys. REV E65, 057101 (2002)
8. Short-时间 behaviors of long-ranged interactions
H. Fang, C.S. He, Z.B. Li*, S.P. Seto, Y. Chen, M.Y. Wu,
Int. J. MOD Phys. B16, 2033 (2002)
9. Critical exponents of the two-layer Ising model
Z.B. Li, Z. Shuai, Q. Wang, H. J. Luo and L. Schuelke,
J. Phys. A: 数学 Gen.G 34 (2001) 6069-6079
10. Short-时间 Critical Behavior of the Ginzburg-Landau Model with Long-range Interactions.
Y. Chen, S.H. Guo, Z.B. Li, S. Marculescu, and L. Schuelke,
Eur. Phys. J. B18 (2000)289-296
11. Short-time Behaviour of the Kinetic Spherical Model with Long-ranged Interactions
Y. Chen, S.H. Guo, Z.B. Li, A.Y. Ye,
Eur. Phys. J. B15 (2000)97
12. Finite Size Scaling and Exponents in Critical Relaxation
Z.B. Li, L. Schuelke, B. Zheng,
Phys. Rev. from DVL E53 (1996)2940
13. Dynamic Monte Carlo Measurement of Critical Exponents
Z.B. Li, L. Schuelke, B. Zheng,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 74 (1995)3396
14. Monte Carlo Simulation of Universal Short-时间 Behaviour in Critical Relaxation
Z.B. Li, U. Ritschel, and B. Zheng,
J. Phys. A:Gen.G 数学 27(1994)L837
15.Duality for the Ising Model on a Random Lattice and Topologic Excitons
Z.B. Li and S.H. Guo,
Nucl. Phys. B413 (1994)723-734 (Elsevier Sci. 细菌性阴道病)
16.Condensate of Chiral Symmetry Breaking
Z.B. Li, X.W. Liu, and L. Hu,
Phys. Lett. B257(1991)371
17.Fermion Condesate in the large-n 极限
Z.B. Li, X.W. Liu,
Phys. Rev. from DVL D43, 43(1991)
18.Relevance of operators in modified lattice hamiltonians
sh Guo, W.H. Zheng, Jackie McLean Liu, Z.B. Li,
Phys.Rev.D44, 1269(1991)
19.Variational Calculations of String Tensions and String Widths in (2+1)-dimensional
SU(2) lattice Gauge Theory
S.H. Guo and Z.B. Li,
Phys. Rev. from DVL D41, (1990)2598
Total numbers of refereed publications: 56
(including 2 Phys. REV Lett., 9 Phys. Rev., 1 Nucl. Phys.)
Invited oral presentations in international conferences: 7
1. Field electron emission of nanorods of semiconductors of wide 能量 band gaps
Coworkers: Weiliang Wang, Shaozhi Deng, Ningsheng Xu
The 18th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference, Oxford, UK, 10-14 July 2005
2. Application of few-Body techniques for spinor Bose阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 condensates
Coworker: Chengguang Bao
The 3nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Few Body Physics, Suranaree Univeristy of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Tailand, 25-31 July 2005
3.Mechanism of field emission from carbon nanotubes
Coworker: J. Peng, J.L. Ping, S.Z. Deng, N.S. Xu, X. Zheng, G.H. Chen
IFES 04, Seggau Castle, Austria, July, 2004
4. Space Charge Effects on Amorphous Diamond Thin Films
Coworkers: N.S. Xu, X. F. Wang, X.W. Liu, IVMC’02 and FIES’02, July, Lyon(2002)
5. Short-时间 behavior of long-ranged interactions
Coworkers: H. Fang, 计算机科学 He, S.P. Seto, Y. Chen, M.Y. Wu
International Statistical Physics Symposium, Tianjin, Oct. 2001, Asia-Pacific Phys. Soci.
6. Resonant field emission through amorphous diamond thin films (a model study)
Coworker: X.W. Liu, N.S. Xu, S.Z. Deng, Jun Chen, M.M. Wu, R. Ren, J. Chen, F.L. Zhao
47th International Field Emission Symposium, Berlin, 2001, International Field Emission Society
7. Initial Order Mixing in the Short-时间 Critical Relaxation
Proceedings of 7th Asia Pacific Physics Conference , (Beijing)August 19-23, 1997, Ed. H. Chen, pp380-383
1991 Science and Technology Advance Award (2nd class), the Ministry of Education
1993 Science and Technology Advance Award (2nd class), the Ministry of Education
1995 New Excellent Teacher Award, Guangdong Province
2000 Special Bonus for Outstanding Teachers, the Prime Ministry of China
2002 Centennial Outstanding Young Investor's Award, the Ministry of Education
2004 Excellent Teacher Award, Guangdong Province