2001-2003年在加拿大 University of 多伦多 作博士后。
4、非重碰机制(Beyond rescattering mechanism)引起的强场效应及强激光场中的相对论效应。
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Fei Li, Facheng Jin, Yujun Yang, Jing Chen, Zong-Chao Yan, Xiaojun Liu and Bingbing Wang, Understanding two-photon double ionization of helium from the perspective of the characteristic 时间 of dynamic transitions, J. Phys. B: At. 摩尔 Opt. Phys. 52, 195601 (2019)
Facheng Jin, Huihui Yang, Bingbing Wang, Limin Wei and Huachun Wu, Angular resolved above-threshold ionization spectrum of an atom in IR+XUV orthogonally polarized two-color laser fields, Optics Express 27, 20755 (2019).
Facheng Jin, Fei Li, Jing Chen, Xiaojun Liu and Bingbing Wang, Angle-resolved photoelectron 能量 spectrum from the high-order above threshold ionization process in IR+XUV two-color laser fields, J. Phys. B: At. 摩尔 Opt. Phys. 51, 245601 (2018).
Facheng Jin, Jing Chen, Yujun Yang, Xiaojun Liu, Zong-Chao Yan, and Bingbing Wang, Nonsequential double ionization of helium in IR+XUV two-color laser fields II: collision-excitation ionization process, J. Phys. B: At. 摩尔 Opt. Phys. 51, 035601 (2018).
Facheng Jin, Jing Chen, Yujun Yang, Zong-Chao Yan and Bingbing Wang*, Intensity dependence of nonsequential double ionization of helium in IR+XUV two-color laser fields, J. Phys. B: At. 摩尔 Opt. Phys. 49, 195602 (2016).
Facheng Jin, Yuanye Tian, Jing Chen, Yujun Yang, Xiaojun Liu, Zong-Chao Yan, and Bingbing Wang*, Nonsequential double ionization of helium in IR+XUV two-color laser fields: collision-ionization process, Phys. REV A, 93, 043417 (2016).
Jigen Chen, Yujun Yang, Jing Chen, Bingbing Wang*, Probing dynamic information and spatial structure of Rydberg wave packets by harmonic spectra in a few-cycle laser pulse, Phys. Rev. from DVL A, 91, 043403 (2015).
XiaoLei Hao and Jing Chen*, WeiDong Li, Bingbing Wang, Xiaodong Wang, W. Becker, Quantum Effects in Double Ionization of below the Threshold Intensity, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 073002 (2014).
Kui Zhang, Jing Chen, Panming Fu, Zong-Chao Yan, and Bingbing Wang*, Terracelike structure in the above-threshold-ionization spectrum of an atom in an IR+XUV two-color laser field, Phys. REV A, 88, 043435 (2013).
Shan-Shan Wei, Su-Yu Li, Fu-Ming Guo*, and Yu-Jun Yang*, and Bingbing Wang*, Dynamic stabilization of ionization for an atom irradiated by high-frequency laser pulses studied with the Bohmian-trajectory scheme, Phys. REV A, 87, 063418 (2013).
Xi Zhao, Jing Chen, Panming Fu, Xueshen Liu, Zong-Chao Yan, and Bingbing Wanarrier-envelope-phase effect in a long laser pulse with tens of optical cycles, Phys. Rev. A, 87, 043411 (2013).
Z. Zhen, D. Peng, X. Zhao, J. Chen, F. Guo, Y. Yang, P. Fu, Z.-C. Yan and B. Wang*, CEP effect on bound-bound transition in high 频率 region, Phys. Rev. from DVL A, 86, 0343432 (2012).
J.-G. Chen, R. Wang, Z. Zhai, J. Chen, P. Fu, B. Wang*, Frequency-selected enhancement of high-order-harmonic generation by interference of degenerate Rydberg states in a few-cycle laser pulse, Phys. Rev. A, 86, 033417 (2012).
B. Wang, Y. Guo, J. Chen, Z.-C. Yan and P. Fu, 频率domain theory of nonsequential double ionization in intense laser fields based on nonperturbative QED, Phys. REV A, 85, 023402 (2012).
Z. Zhai, Q. Zhu, J. Chen, Z.-C. Yan, P. Fu and B. Wang*, High-order harmonic generation by a Rydberg atom in an ultrashort low-频率 laser pulse, Phys. Rev. from DVL A, 83, 043409 (2011)
H. Li, J. Chen, H. Jiang, P. Fu, J. Liu, Q. Gong, Z.-C. Yan and B. Wang*, Resonance enhancement of nonsequential double ionization by a magnetic field, Phys. Rev. A, 83,013408 (2011)
D. peng, B. Wu, P. Fu, B. Wang*, J. Gong and Z.-C. Yan, Sensitive 频率 dependence of the carrier-envelope phase effect on bound-bound transitions: An interference perspective, Phys. REV A 82, 053407 (2010).
Z. Zhai, J. Chen, Z.-C. Yan, P. Fu and B. Wang*, Directly Probing Rydberg atomic wavefunction by high-order harmonic generation in an intense few-cycle laser pulse, Phys. Rev. A 82,043422 (2010)
B. Wang*, Y. Guo*, B. Zhang, Z. Zhao, Z. –C. Yan and P. Fu, Charge distribution effect on imaging molecular structure by high-order above threshold ionization, Phys. Rev. from DVL A 82, 043402 (2010)
H. Kang, W. Quan, Y. Wang, Z. Lin, M. Wu, H. Liu, X. Liu*, B. Wang*, H. J. Liu, Y. Q. Gu, X. Y. Jia, J. Liu, J. Chen*, Y. Cheng, Structure effects in angle-resolved high-order above-threshold ionization of molecules, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 203001 (2010).
Y. Guo P. Fu, Z. Yan, J. Gong and B. Wang*, Imaging the geometrical structure of the H2+ molecular ion by high-order above threshold ionization in an intense laser field, Phys. Rev. from DVL A 80, 063408 (2009).
J. Niu, R. Wang, B. Wang, L-A Wu and P. Fu, Six-wave mixing spectroscopy in a Doppler-broadened cascade four-level system, J. Phys. B 42, 175505(2009).
H. Li, J. Chen, H. Jiang, P. Fu, J. Liu, Q. Gong, Z.-C. Yan and B. Wang*, Intensity dependence of non-sequential double ionization of helium in a few-cycle laser pulse, J. Phys. B, 42, 125601 (2009).
B. Wang, J. Chen, X. L, J. Liu, Z-C Yan, and P. Fu, Attosecond pulse-controlled high-order harmonic generation in an ultrashort laser field, Phys. Rev. A 78, 023413 (2008).
H. Li, J. Chen, H. Jiang, P. Fu, J. Liu, Q. Gong, Z.-C. Yan and B. Wang*, Carrier-envelope phase dependence of non-sequential double ionization in few-cycle pulses, Optics Express 16, 20562-20570 (2008).
H. Li, B. Wang*, J. Chen, H. Jiang, X. Li, J. Liu, Q. Gong, Z.-C. Yan and P. Fu, Effects of a static-electric field on non-sequential double ionization, Phys. Rev. from DVL A 76, 033405 (2007)
B. Wang, L. Gao, X. Li, D. Guo and P. Fu*, 频率domain theory of high-order above-threshold ionization based on nonperturbative quantum electrodynamics, Phys. REV A 75, 063419 (2007)
B. Wang, P. Fu, J. Liu, and B. Wu, Self-trapping of Bose-阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 condensates in optical lattices, Phys. Rev. from DVL A 74,063610 (2006).
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