中德教育研究项目“Modeling Material flows and production systems for sustainable resource use in intensified crop production in the North China Plain”子课题“作物生产体系中灌溉和施肥的优化研究”,主要参加人。
液态水 and nutrient management for aerobic rice in Beijing, North China”,参加人
主要论文: Yang, L, H. Tao (Corresponding), P. Wang, (2011) Root Characteristic of Different Canopy-type of Maize in Response to Inter-
植物界Competition. The 11th Asia Maize Conference sponsored by CIMMYT.Zhou, X., H. Tao, P. Wang. (2011) Effects of post-anthesis soil
液态水deficit on the yield components and water use efficiency of maize (Zea mays L.). The 11th Asia Maize Conference sponsored by CIMMYT.Wei, F., H. Tao (Corresponding), and S, Lin, B.A.M. Bouman, L. Zhang, P. Wang, and K. Dittert, 2011, Rate and duration of grain filling of aerobic rice HD297 and their influence on grain yield under different growing conditions. ScienceAsia, 37, 98-104.Tao, H.,K. Dittert, L. Zhang, S. Lin, V. Römheld, B. Sattel
Macher2007. Effects of soil
液态水content on growth, tillering and manganese uptake of lowland rice grown in the water-saving ground cover rice production system (GCRPS). J. of
植物界Nutrition and Soil Science.170, 7-13.Kreye, C., K. Dittert, X. Zheng, X. Zhang, S. Lin, H. Tao, B. Sattelmacher. 2007. Fluxes of
甲烷and nitrous oxide in
液态水saving rice production in north China. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems. 77: 293-304.Wei, Y., X. Xu, H. Tao, P.Wang. 2006. Growth performance and physiological response in the halophyte (
枸杞属barbarum L.) grown at salinity soil. Annals of Applied
生物学146, 263-269.Tao, H., H
.BRueck, K. Dittert, C. Kreye, S. Lin, and B. Sattel
Macher2006. Growth and yield formation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the
液态水saving ground cover rice production system (GCRPS). Field Crops Research. 95, 1-12.Dittert, K., S. Lin, Y.C. Xu,
文化放送Shen, X.L. Fan,
hbTao, C. Kreye, X.H. Zheng, and B. Sattel
Macher2005. Saving
液态水with the ground cover rice production system in China .