奚廷斐,1975 年
西北大学有机高分子化合物专业毕业, 1982 年
1. Xuenan Gu,Yufeng Zheng,Yan Cheng,Shengping Zhong, Tingfei Xi. In vitro corrosion and biocompatibility of binary
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2 . Zhi-Xiong Zhang, T.F.Xi, et al. In vitro study of endothelial cell lining vascular grafts grown within the recipients peritoneal cavity, Tissue Engineering(Part A) , 14(6) : 1109-1120 ,( 2008 )
3. Chen DD, Xi TF, Bai J, Biological effects induced by nanosilver particles: in
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4. L. Chen , T.
fxi , Z.M. Yang , Different Growth of Vascular Cells on Polyether-ester Copolymers with Various Composition Relative to the Surface Hydrophilicity , Tissue Engineering, 12(4) : 1016, (2006)
5. Fu HY, Xi TF, Wang CR, Detection of porcine endogenous
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6. Wang W, Xi TF, Zhang AY, et al., Effect of steam sterilization on surface properties of poly (ether-esters) copolymer, Tissue Engineering, 12(4): 995-996, (2006)
7. T.F.Xi , C.X.Fan , X.M.Feng , Z.Y.Wan ,
铬Wang , L.L.Chou , Cytotoxicity and altered c-myc gene expression by medical polyacrylamide hydrogel , J.Biomed.Mat.Res. 78A : 283-290, (2006)
8. Wan ZY, Xi TF, Zhao P, et al., In vitro degradation of medical polyacrylamide hydrogel I. Oxidation, ASBM6: ADVANCED BIOMATERIALS VI, Volume:288-289, Pages: 397-400 (2005)
9. N.Huang, ……,T.F.Xi.Hemocompatibility of
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11. Michio Sato,Tingfei Xi, Akitada Nakamura, Yasushi Kawasaki, Takashi Umemura, Mitsuhiro Tsuda: Degradation of polyetherurethane by subcutancous implantion into
家鼠属 2: Changes of contact angle infrared. Spectra. an nuclear magnetic
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12. Tingfei Xi, Michio Sato, Akitada Nakamura, Yasushi Kawasaki, Takashi Umemura, Mitsuhiro Tsuda: Degradation of polyetheruthane by subcutacous implantion into
家鼠属 1: Molecular weight change and
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13. Xi Tingfei, Ma jiazhen, Tian wenhua, Lei xuehui, Long Shuhui and Xi Baoshu: Prevension of tissue calcification on bioprosthetic heart valve by epoxy compounds: A study of calcification tests in vitro and in
vivo, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. 1992, 26:1241-1251.
14. Xi Tingfei, Tian Wenhua, Lei Xuehui, Zhao Lejun and Kazuhiko Ishihara: Hemocompatibility of polymer having phospholipid polar groups evaluated by monoclonal antibody method, Biomaterials, 1992, 13(6):357-360.
正在完成十五项国家和部级课题,拟写了 180 多篇论文 ( 其中 30 再次在国外期刊发表并被 SCI 收录 ) ,主编或参与编写 15 本著作,主持或参与起草 16 个国家或行业标准。负责的“医疗器械分子生物学评价方法研究”获
二等奖 (2007 年 ) “医疗器械生物学评价标准和试验方法研究”获
北京市科技进步二等奖 (2002 年 ) , “医用热硫化甲基乙烯基硅橡胶标准研究”( 1988 年)、“医用高分子材料血液相容性体外
抗凝血药评价方法研究”( 1990 年)和“用血小板单克隆抗体评价生物材料血液相容性研究”( 1994 年)分别获卫生部科技进步
三等奖,共同负责的“水溶性纺织止血材料止血机理研究”( 1998 年)和“人工心脏瓣膜材料表面改性研究”( 1998 年)分别获北京市和
四川省科技进步三等奖。 1994 年被授予“卫生部有突出贡献的中青年专家”称号,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。