2011-至今 幼儿教育质量评估工具的开发与实践
2010-至今“Impact of Vocational Education and Training”职教影响项目
2010-2011 “Financial
资产 Building”FAB项目
Wang L; Huang X; Schnell J. (2014). Communicative Representations of Chinese “Gao-Kao” High Stakes Testing Using Paralleled Testing in the U.S. as Cross-Cultural Context. American Journal of Applied Psychology. 2014, 2, (2), 33-37.
宋映泉(2013). 学前教育的质量与表现性评价——以幼儿园过程性质量评价为例 //北京大学教育评论 2013,11(1):2-10
Wang L; Huang X; Schnell J. (2013). Using Burke’s Dramatistic Pentad to Interpret Chinese “Gao-Kao” High Stakes Testing and Stressing ? Paralleled Testing in the U.S. as Cross-Cultural Context. KOME ? An International Journal of Pure
传播学 Inquiry. 2013,1(2)2, 55-63.
Loyalka, P; Liu, CF; Song, YQ; Yi, HM ; Huang, XT; Wei, JG ; Zhang, LX; Shi, YJ ; Chu, J; Rozelle, S. (2013) Can information and counseling help students from poor rural areas go to high school? Evidence from China. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS . 41(4), 1012-1025.
Huang, X. (2012) 从当代教育测量学角度看我国高考研究. 教育与考试. (已接受))
Wang, L. \u0026 Huang, X. (2012) 高中英语学习策略量表编制与Rasch多维度分析. 心理学探新, 32 (1).
Tan, S.H. \u0026 Huang, X. (2012) 我国教育评价现状与改进建议. 中国教育学刊,2012 (1).
Huang, X. \u0026 Song, Y. \u0026 Prashant, L. (2012) 运用Rasch方法测量中国学前教育中师生互动质量 (Measuring the quality of teacher-child interaction in China’s preschools: A Rasch Measurement Approach). 2012 PROMS亚太地区客观测量学术论坛大会报告.
Huang, X. \u0026 Prashant, L. (2012) 通过建立纵向链接量表测量中国某省中职学校增值情况(Constructing Vertically Scaled
数学 Tests to Measure the Value-Add in China’s VET Schools). 2012 IMPS国际心理计量学会年会大会报告.
Huang, X. (2011) PISA 2006 科学测试试题对中美学生的的功能一致性研究 (The Functional Equivalence of the PISA 2006 Science Assessment between U.S. and Chinese Students.). 2011 AERA 年会全文收录并作大会报告
Huang, X. (2011) 分析PISA 2006 科学测试对中国内地与
香港特别行政区学生的公平性(The Measurement Equivalence of the PISA 2006 Science Assessment between Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese Students). 2011年国际心理
Huang, X. \u0026 Zhang, Y. (2008) 剑桥少儿英语考试中所测量的语言技巧与知识元素分析(Language Skills and Components Measured in the Cambridge Young Learner’s English Tes)t. (paper accepted for presentation at 2008 AERA meeting in NYC) 2008 AERA 年会全文收录并作大会报告
Lee, Y \u0026 Huang, X. (2008) 通过数据模拟研究多层线性回归中的共线性和去中效应(A Simulation Study of Collinearity and Centering Effects in HLM). (accepted for poster presentation at 2008 NCME meeting in NYC) 2008 NCME 年会海报
Converse, P., Wolfe, E. W., and Huang, X. (2008) 纸质与邮件的混合型问卷问卷形式对问卷回收率的影响(Response Rates for Mixed-Mode Surveys Using Mail and Email/Web). American Journal of Evaluation, 29, 99-107. 《美国评价学刊》第29期
Wang, L., and Huang, X. (2006).
Huang, X., Wolfe, E., W. \u0026 Oswald, Frederick L. (2006) 比较回答纸质问卷和网络问卷人群的特征差异 (A Comparison of the Characteristics of Respondents to Paper- and Web-Based Surveys). (presentation at 2006 AERA meeting in San Francisco) 2006 AERA 年会全文收录并作大会报告
Huang, X. \u0026 Wang,. L. (2006)
国际教育成就评价协会儿童认知发展状况测验中英文版本的项目反应差异分析(Validity Equivalence Between the Chinese and English Versions of the IEA Child Cognitive Developmental Status Test). (presentation at the 13th International Objective Measurement Workshop in Berkeley) 2006 IOMW 年会全文收录并作大会报告
Huang, X. \u0026 Wolfe, E, W. (2005) 学龄前儿童语言发展水平测试对中美儿童的公平性分析(Explanations of Translation Differences on Chinese and English versions of a Language Test for Preschooler). (presentation at 2005 AERA meeting in
蒙特利尔) 2005 AERA 年会全文收录并作大会报告
教育学 博士
加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(University of
加利福尼亚州, Berkeley)
专业方向:量化研究和评估(Quantitative Method and Evaluation)
2007 教育学 硕士学位美国加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)