沙金庚,男,1949年2月生于金坛区;博士,德国洪堡奖学金、日本学术振兴会邀请学者基金(长期)、新西兰教育基金和加拿大自然科学和工程技术基金等的获得或资助者。现为中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所研究员和所长、研究员,博士生导师,中国古生物学会理事长、国际地球科学计划IGCP 506项目(海相与非海相侏罗系:全球对比和重大地质事件)的首席科学家。
1997、1998、2001、2005和2006年分别获得“中国科学院野外科考先进个人”、“第三届江苏省优秀科技工作者”、“江苏省有突出贡献的中青年专家”、“全国优秀科技工作者”和“江苏省先进工作者”称号。现任中国古生物学会理事长、全国地层委员会副秘书长、国际地球对比计划IGCP506项目(Marine and non-marine Jurassic: Global Correlation and Major Geological Events)的负责人,大陆钻探计划美国科罗拉多高原钻探项目研讨会(ICDP Workshop on the Colorado Plateau Coring Project: 100 Million Years of Climatic, Tectonic, and Biotic Evolution in Continental Cores)召集人之一、国际侏罗系分会副主席、《地层学杂志》共同主编、New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science副主编、Geoheritage编委等。
沙金庚,黑龙江省东部Aucellina(瓣鳃纲)的发现。- 地层学杂志14(3),1990:226-230。
沙金庚等,1990.青海玉树地区中、晚三叠世双壳类。- 见:青海地质科学研究所,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所(主编)青海玉树地区泥盆纪三叠纪地层和古生物(上册)。南京市大学出版社,南京:133-234。
Sha, J. G., 1991. Larval shell of Aucellina and its ecological, biogeographical and classificatory significance. – In: Jin Yugan, Wang Jungeng \u0026 Xu Shanhong (eds.) Palaeoecology of China1. NanjingUniversityPress, Nanjing: 249-265.
Sha, J. G., 1992. Ontogenetic variations of the Early Cretaceous non-marine bivalve Trigonioides (T.) heilongjiangensis and the concept of fossil species. – Pal\u0026auml;ontologische Zeitschrift 66 (3/4): 241-264.
Sha, J. G., 1992. A different opinion on the Geological age of the Longzhaogou and Jixi Groups of eastern Heilongjiang, China. - Acta Geologica Sinica 5 (2): 209-218.
Sha, J. G. \u0026 Fürsich, F. T., 1993. Biostratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous bivalves Buchia and Aucellina of eastern Heilongjiang, northeast China. – Geological Magazine 130 (4): 533-542.
Sha, J. G. \u0026 Fürsich, F. T., 1993. Bivalve faunas of eastern Heilongjiang, northeastern China. I. Non-marine 瓣鳃纲 of the Xiachengzi Formation (Lower Cretaceous). – Beringeria 8: 139-187.
Sha, J. G. \u0026 Fürsich, F. T., 1994. Bivalve faunas of eastern Heilongjiang, northeastern China. II. The Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous buchiid fauna. – Beringeria 12: 3-93.
Sha, J. G. et al., 1994. A revised Early Cretaceous age for the Longzhaogou and Jixi Groups of eastern Heilongjiang, China, previously considered Jurassic: Palaeogeographic implications. – Newsletters on Stratigraphy 31 (2): 101-114.
沙金庚(主编),1995.青海可可西里国家级自然保护区地区古生物。科学出版社,北京市:177 + X页。
Sha, J. G. \u0026 Grant-Mackie, J. A., 1996. Late Permian to Miocene bivalve assemblages from Hohxil, Qinghai-Xizhang 高原, China. – Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand26 (4): 429-455.
Sha, J. G.,1996. Antitropicality of the Mesozoic bivalves. – In: Pang Zhonghe, Zhang Jindong \u0026 Sun Jianhong (eds.) Advance in solid 地球 sciences. Science Press, Beijing: 90-98.
Sha, J. G. et al., 1998. Jurassic 古多齿亚纲, 翼形亚纲 and Isofilibranchia (瓣鳃纲) of the main ridge of the TanggulaMountains, Qinghai-Xizhang Plateau. – Beringeria 21: 3-55.
Sha, J. G. \u0026 Fürsich, F. T., 1999. PalaeotethysOceanclosed before Capitanian times in Hohxil area (W China): New data on the temporal extend of the Palaeotethys. - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Pal\u0026auml;本体论 (7): 440-448.
Sha, J. G., 2001. Distribution patterns of the Jurassic ostreids (瓣鳃纲) from Tanggula of China. – Science in China(Series D) 44 (Supp.): 112-120.
Sha, J. G., 2002. Hispanic Corridor formed as early as Hettangian: On the basis of bivalve fossils. – Chinese Science Bulletin 47 (5): 414-417.
Sha, J. G. et al., 2002. Studies on the Early Cretaceous Longzhaogou and Jixi Groups of eastern Heilongjiang, northeast China, and their bearing on the age of supposedly Jurassic strata in eastern Asia. - Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences 20 (2): 141-150.
Sha, J. G. et al, 2002. New Jurassic Ostreoida (瓣鳃纲) from China(Tanggula Mountains, Qinghai-Xizang 高原) and their paleobiogeographic context. - Journal of Paleontology 76 (3): 431-446.
沙金庚,中生代海相双壳类(软体动物门)的漂浮与假漂浮。- 古生物学报42(3),2003:408-416。
Sha, J. G. et al., 2003. The Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous of eastern Heilongjiang, northeast China: Stratigraphy and regional basin history. – Cretaceous Research 24 (6): 715-728.
Sha, J. G. et al., 2004. From deep-sea to high mountain ranges: Palaeogeographic and biotic changes in Hohxil, the source area of the Yangtze River(Tibet 高原) since the Late Palaeozoic. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Pal\u0026auml;本体论 293 (2): 169-195.
沙金庚、王启飞、卢辉楠(主编),2005.青藏高原羌塘盆地古生物学与地层学丛书. 羌塘盆地微体古生物。科学出版社,北京市:292 + v页。
Sha, J. G. et al., 2006. Some Early Cretaceous nonmarine bivalves from fluvio-lacustrine deposits bearing dinosaurs in Mongoliaand northeastern China. – Cretaceous Research 27 (2): 262-278.
Sha, J. G., Wang, Y. D. \u0026 Turner, S. (eds.), 2006. Marine and non-marine Jurassic:Boundary events and correlation. - Progress in Natural Science 16 (Special Issue). Science in ChinaPress, Beijing: 322 pp
Sha, J. G., 2007. Cretaceous trigonioidid (non-marine 瓣鳃纲) assemblages and biostratigraphy in Asiawith special remarks on the classification of Trigonioidacea. - Journal of Asian 地球 Sciences 29: 62-83.
Sha, J. G. (ed.), 2007. Current research on Cretaceous lake systems in northeast China. – Cretaceous Research 28 (2)