• 2013年12月 - 至今,武汉大学遥感信息工程学院,讲师;
• 2011年02月 - 2013年11月,美国乔治梅森大学 水/能源科学智能空间信息计算中心,研究助理教授/博士后
• 2005年09月 - 2011年06月,武汉大学测绘学遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,GIS专业,博士;
• 2001年09月 - 2005年06月,武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,GIS专业,本科;
• Web GIS/分布式地理信息处理 (DGIP)/地理信息服务组合/科学工作流
• 地理信息服务质量 (QoGIS)的理论与方法
• 空间信息云计算高性能计算
• 时空驱动的地理信息处理任务调度和优化
• 大数据实时处理/数据挖掘/众源GIS/实时GIS 、
• 在研科研项目
• 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于非均衡时空访问模式的网络地图服务计算资源弹性分配方法(2016.1-2018.12)
• 武汉大学自主科研项目:面向用户并发时空不均型空间应用的云计算能力供求匹配方法——以网络地图服务为例(2014.4-2016.4)
•  吴华意,章刘彻,桂志鹏,沈盛。地理信息服务质量的理论与方法. 武汉大学出版社, 2011, 256pp, ISBN 978-7-307-08397-4/P·178.
Yang, C., Huang, Q., Li, Z., Xu, C., Liu, K (Eds),Spatial Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach (空间云计算:应用方法), 2013. CRC Press/Taylor \u0026 Francis, 304p. ISBN: 978-1466593169.(作为章节作者参与该书六个章节的撰写)
Yang, C., Sun M., Liu K., Huang Q., Li Z.,GuiZ., Jiang Y., Xia J., Yu M., Xu C.,LostrittoP., Zhou N., 2014.Contemporary Computing Technologies for Processing Big Spatiotemporal 数据, inSpace乐队时间 Integration in Geography and GIScience: Research Frontiers in the U.S. and China. Mei-Po Kwan, Douglas Richardson, Donggen Wang and Chenghu Zhou (Eds), Dordrecht: Springer, 372p. ISBN 978-94-017-9204-2.
• 2)英文刊物论文
• Gui, Z., Yu, M., Yang, C.*, Jiang, Y., Chen, S., Xia, J., Huang, Q., Liu, K., Li, Z., Hassan M., 2015. Developing Subdomain Allocation Algorithms based on Spatial and Communicational Constraints to Accelerate Dust Storm Simulation. PLoS ONE. (Accepted) (SCI)
Gui, Z., Yang, C.*, Xia, J., Huang, Q., Liu, K., Li, Z., Yu, M.A, Sun, M., Zhou, N., Jin, B., 2014.A 送达 Brokering and 推荐信 Mechanism for Better Selecting Cloud Services. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105297. (SCI) (2013IF 3.534)
Gui, Z., Yang, C.*, Xia, J., Liu, K., Xu, C., Li, J., Lostritto, P., 2013.A 表演, semantic and 送达 quality enhanced distributed search engine for improving geospatial 资源 discovery. International Journal of Geographic Information Science, 27(6), 1109-1132. (SCI) (2013IF 1.479)
Gui, Z., Yang, C.*, Xia, J., Li, J., Abdelmounaam, R., 2013.A 可视化enhanced graphical user interface for geospatial 资源 探索频道 Annals of gis, 19(2), 109-121.
Qi, K.,Gui, Z.*, Li, Z., Guo, W., Wu, H., Gong, J., 2015.An Extended Mechanism to Verify, Constrain and Enhance Geoprocessing Workflows Invocation. Transactions in GIS. (SSCI) (2015 IF 1.398)
Wu, H., You, L.*,Gui, Z., Hu, K., Shen, P., 2015. GeoSquare: collaborative geoprocessing models’ building, execution and sharing on Azure Cloud. Annals of gis, 21(4), 109-121.
Xia, J., Yang, C.*,Gui, Z., Liu, K., Li, Z., 2014.Optimizing an Index with Spatiotemporal Patterns to Support GEOSS Clearinghouse. International Journal of Geographic Information Science, 28(7), 1459-1481. (SCI) (2013IF 1.479)
Xia, J., Yang, C.*, Liu, K.,Gui, Z., Li, Z., Huang, Q., Li, R., 2014.Adopting Cloud Computing to Optimize Spatial Web Portals for Better 表演 to Support Digital 地球 and Other Global Geospatial Initiatives. International Journal of Digital Earth. (SCI) (2013IF 2.212)
Wu, H., You, L.*,Gui, Z., Gao, S., Li, Z., Yu, J., 2014.FAST: A Fully Asynchronous and Status-Tracking Pattern for Geoprecessing Services Orchestration. Computers \u0026 Geosciences, 70, 213-228. (SCI) (2013IF 1.562)
Liu, K., Yang, C.*, Li, W.,Gui, Z., Xu, C., Xia, J., 2014.Using semantic search and knowledge reasoning to improve the discovery of 地球 science records: an Example with the ESIP Semantic Testbed. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, 5(2), 44-58.
Huang, Q., Yang, C.*, Liu, K., Xia, J., Xu, C., Li, J.,Gui, Z., Sun, M., Li, Z., 2013.Evaluating Open-Source Cloud Computing Solutions for Geosciences. Computers \u0026 Geosciences, 59, 41-52. (SCI) (2013IF 1.562)
Gong, J.*, Wu, H., Zhang, T.,Gui, Z., Li, Z., You L., 2012.Geospatial 送达 Web: towards integrated cyberinfrastructure for GIScience. Geo-spatial Information Science, 15(2), 73-84.
• 3)中文刊物论文
•  游兰,桂志鹏*,胡凯,高双,吴华意, 2016. 云环境下空间信息服务链的实时处理框架模型研究. 测绘科学. (已接收)
胡凯, 游兰*,桂志鹏, 沈平, 吴华意, 2016. 基于弹性业务逻辑组合的在线遥感应用框架. 测绘科学. (已接收, 2016.09)
李锐, 唐旭, 石小龙, 樊珈佩,桂志鹏*, 2015.网络GIS中最佳负载均衡的分布式缓存副本策略. 武汉大学学报信息科学版, 40(10), 1287-1293.
吴华意, 李锐*, 周振, 蒋捷,桂志鹏, 2015.公共地图服务的群体用户访问行为时序特征模型及预测 武汉大学学报信息科学版, 2015, 40(10), 1279-1286.
游兰*, 张海兵,桂志鹏, 胡凯, 吴华意, 2015.一种时区聚类协同过滤的空间信息服务质量预测. 测绘科学, 2015, 40(5), 99-105.
沈平,桂志鹏*,游兰,胡凯,吴华意。一种主动发现网络地理信息服务的主题爬行纲 地球信息科学, 17(2), 185-190.
高双, 游兰*,桂志鹏, 吴华意, 2015.基于语义扩展的空间信息服务描述模型. 计算机应用, 35(S1), 178-182.
章汉武, 吴华意*, 胡月明,桂志鹏, 2010.从地理空间数据质量到地理空间信息服务质量. 武汉大学学报信息科学版, 35(9), 1104-1107.
章汉武*,桂志鹏, 吴华意, 2008.网格环境下空间信息服务注册中心的设计与实现. 武汉大学学报信息科学版, 33(5), 533-536.
桂志鹏*,吴华意,朱欣焰李德仁 遥感空间信息服务链可视化建模与执行。天津大学学报,2009, 42(E):190-194.
Gui, Z.*, Wu, H., Chen, Y., Liu, W., 2009.The Research on QoS Assessment and Optimization for Geospatial Service Chain. In: Proceedings of the 17International Conference on Geoinformatics, Aug. 12-14, Fairfax, VA, USA, 2009. (EI)
Gui, Z.*, Wu, H., Wang, Z., 2008.A 数据 Dependency Relationship Directed Graph and Block Structures Based Abstract Geospatial Information Service Chain Model. In Proceedings of the 2008 Fourth International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information 管理学, 2, 21-27. (EI)
Gui, Z.*, Wu, H., Chen, Y., 2008.Research on visual modeling for geospatial services composition. In: Proceedings Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment, Guangzhou, China. SPIE, 7143:71432Y. (EI)
Li, F., Long, X., Du, S., Zhang, L., Liu, Z., Li, M., Li, F.,Gui, Z.*, Yu, H., 2015. Analyzing campus mobility patterns of college students by using GPS trajectory 数据 and Graph-based Approach. In: Proceedings of the Geoinformatics 2015. (EI)
Xiang, B., Li, X., Zhang, M., Lu, L., Li, F., Zhao, B.,Gui, Z.*, 2015. An extensible simulation framework for diagnosing the execution of the distributed geospatial web services. In: Proceedings of the Geoinformatics 2015. (EI)
Wu, S., Zhang, M., Huang, Q., Zhang, Y., Wan, C., Zhang, K., Cao, J.,Gui, Z.*, Qin, K., 2015. Design a Web Portal for Visualizing and Exploring Service Quality of Global OGC Web Map Services. In: Proceedings of the Geoinformatics 2015. (EI)
Liu, Y., Chen, Y.*, Wang, S.,Gui, Z., Wu, H., 2015. Design and Implement of Spatial Statistical Services Based on GeoSquare. In: Proceedings of the Geoinformatics 2015. (EI)
Gao, S., You, L.*,Gui, Z., Wu, H., 2014.Extending WSDL for Describing Complex Geo数据 in GIS Services. In: Third International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro-Geoinformatics 2014), Aug. 11-14, 2014, Beijing, China. (EI)
Yu, M., Yang, C.*, Huang, Q.,Gui, Z., Xia, J., 2013.Utilizing high spatiotemporal 分辨率 soil moisture for dust storm modeling. In: Second International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro-Geoinformatics), Aug. 12-16, 2013, Fairfax, 南阿拉巴马大学 (EI)
You, L.*,Gui, Z., Guo, W., Shen, S. \u0026 Wu, H., 2012.A geospatial web services composition framework supporting RealNetworks时间 status monitoring. ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., I-4, 175-179.
Huang, Q.*, Xia, J., Yang, C., Liu, K., Li, J.,Gui, Z., Hassan, M., Chen, S., 2012.An Experimental Study of Open-Source Cloud Platforms for Dust Storm Forecasting. In: International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2012), Nov. 6-9, 2012, Redondo Beach, CA.
Wu, H.*, You, L.,Gui, Z., 2011.DIY GEOSPATIAL WEB SERVICE CHAINS: GEOCHAINING MAKE IT EASY. In: ISPRS joint-WG workshop on ‘Geospatial 数据 Infrastructure: from data acquisition and updating to smarter services’, Guilin, China, 2011, Vol. XXXVIII-4/W25.
Chen, Y.*, Gong, J., Cao, H.,Gui, Z., 2009.Workflow-Oriented the Optimal Path Web Services in Multi-Level Road Network. In: Proceedings of the Geoinformatics 2009. (EI)
桂志鹏, 陈妍, 刘露, 2015. 地理信息网络服务技术的互动式教学探索与课程实践. 华中师范大学学报自然科学版(教学与研究卷), No. 3, 181-185.