1980 年毕业于福州大学地质专业,随后留校任助教。
1990年应英国皇家学会邀请,前往利物浦大学地球科学系地磁实验室做博士后研究,继续从事中国黄土与古气候的研究,曾经作为英国学者代表利物浦大学,参加英国-德国学者交换项目,前往德国海德堡大学地质系, 协助德方建立古地磁和环境磁学实验室(1991);也曾作为客座研究员(guest scientist),前往德国基尔(Kiel)大学地质系,参加德国GEOMAR格陵兰古气候研究项目(1992)。
1995年澳大利亚Macquarie大学地理系,澳大利亚国家研究员(Australian Research Fellow),2002升为高级研究员,兼澳大利亚国家基金委(Australian Research Council ARC)专家组评委。主持澳大利亚国家基金委和教育部项目。
1. 刘秀铭,刘东生夏敦胜, HESSE Paul, JIRI Chlachula,王 冠, 2007,中国与西伯利亚地区黄土磁化率古气候记录-氧化和还原条件下的两种成土模式分析,中国科学(D辑),37(10)
2. Liu X.M., Liu TS, Hesse P, Xia DS, Chlachula J \u0026 Wang G, 2007,Two pedogenic models for paleoclimatic records of magnetic susceptibility from Chinese and Siberian loess. Science in China –D, 50(4),
3.Bloemendal J., Liu X.M., Sun Y.B. and Li N. N., 2007,An assessment of magnetic and geochemical indicators of 风化作用 and pedogenesis at two contrasting sites on the Chinese Loess Plateau, Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. 。
4.刘秀铭,夏敦胜刘东生,丁仲礼,陈发虎,Begét J.E.,2007,中原地区黄土和阿拉斯加州黄土磁化率气候记录的两种模式探讨。第四纪研究,27(2):210-220。
5.Bloemendal J., Liu X.M.,2005,rock magnetism and geochemistry of two plio-pleistocene chinese loess palaeosol sequences – implications for quantitative palaeoprecipitation reconstruction. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology,199:153-166.
6.Liu X.M., Rolph T., An Z.S.,Hesse P.,2003,Paleoclimatic significance of magnetic properties on the Red Clay underlying the loess and paleosols in China. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology. 199:153-166.
7.Liu X.M., An Z.S., Rolph T., Qian X.K., Hesse P., Lu H.Y. and Zhou J,2001,Magnetic properties of the Red Clay from Loess Plateau, China and its paleoclimatic significance. Sciences in China-D, 44(7): 635-651.
8.刘秀铭,安芷生强小科鹿化煜,周 杰,蔡延军,2001,中国黄土高原红粘土的磁学性质及古气候意义。中国科学(D辑),31(3),192-205.
9. Liu X.M. Hesse P. Begét J.E. and Rolph T.,2001,Pedogenic Destruction of ferrimagnetics in Alaskan loess deposits. Australian Journal of Soil Research.,39:99-115.
10.Liu X.M. Hesse P., Rolph T. and J.E. Beget,2000,Properties of magnetic mineralogy of Alaskan loess: evidence for pedogenesis. Quaternary International,62:93-102.
11.Liu X.M. Hesse P. and Rolph T., 1999, Origin of maghaemite in Chinese loess deposits: aeolian or pedogenic? Physics of 地球 and Planet. Interiors,112:191-201.
12.Liu X.M. Hesse P., Rolph T., 1999. Thermally unstable maghaemite and its palaeoclimatic significance in Chinese loess. Chinese Science Bulletin,44,Supplement 1:64-69.
13.Liu X.M., P.Hesse, Liu T.S. and Bloemendal J.,1998,High resolution climate record from Beijing 面积 during the last glacial-interglacial. Geophysical Research Letter,25:349-352.
15.Liu X.M., T. Rolph, J. Bloemendal, J. Shaw and Liu T.S.,1995,Quantitative estimates of palaeoprecipitation in the loess plateau of China, Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology,113:243-248.
16.Liu X.M., T. Rolph, J. Bloemendal 1995,The citrate-bicarbonate-dithionite (CBD) removable magnetic component of Chinese loess. Quaternary proceedings,4:53-58
17.Liu X.M., J. Bloemendal , T. Rolph,1994,Comments on: Pedogenesis and paleoclimate - interpretation of the magnetic-susceptibility record of chinese loess-paleosol sequences, Geology,23:858-859
18.Liu X.M., Shaw J., Liu SS501, F. Heller,1993,Rock magnetic properties and palaeoclimate of Chinese loess, Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity,45:117-124.
19.刘秀铭,刘东生, J. Shaw, 1993,中国黄土磁性矿物学特征及其古气候意义,第四纪研究,3:281-287
20.刘秀铭,刘东生, Heller F.,许同春,1992,中国黄土磁化率第四纪古气候研究,地质科学,增刊,279-285

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