(1) 应用模式体系模拟和揭示(逼近)高等植物体内的生物矿化过程, 以及矿化的结构和功能关系, 为理解生物矿化结构赋予植物抵抗各种环境胁迫的可能作用提供相关的线索;
1.Lijun Wang,* Encarnacion Ruiz-Agudo, Christine V. Putnis and Andrew Putnis. Direct observations of the modification of
方解石 growth morphology by Li through selectively stabilizing an energetically unfavourable face. CrystEngComm, 13, 3962-3966, 2011. 2.Encarnacion Ruiz-Agudo, Christine V. Putnis, Lijun Wang and Andrew Putnis. Specific effects of background electrolytes on the kinetics of step propagation during
方解石 growth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 3803-3814, 2011. 3. Xiudong Yang, Baoquan Xie, Lijun Wang*, Yueling Qin, Zachary J. Henneman and George H. Nancollas*. Influence of
镁 Ions and Amino Acids on the Nucleation and Growth of Hydroxyapatite. CrystEngComm 13, 1153-1158, 2011(*通讯作者). 4. Lijun Wang*, Jianwei Lu, Fangsen Xu, Fusuo Zhang.
动力学 of Crystallization and Dissolution of
钙 Orthophosphates at the Near-Molecular Level. Chinese Sci.Bull,56, 713-721, 2011. (英文版) 5. 王荔军*,鲁剑巍,
张福锁*. 近分子尺度下正
磷酸钙的结晶和溶解动力学. 科学通报 2010, 55, 2794-2802. (中文版) 6. Guangchuan Wang, Lijun Wang*, Peng Liu, Yang Yan, Xurong Xu* and Ruikang Tang. Extracellular Silica Nanocoat Confers Thermotolerance on Individual Cells: A Case Study of Material-Based Functionalization of Living Cells. ChemBioChem 2010, 11, 2368-2373. (*通讯作者) 7. Xiudong Yang,* Lijun Wang,* Yueling Qin, Janet Moradian-Oldak, Zachary J. Henneman and George H. Nancollas. How Amelogenin Orchestrates the Organization of Hierarchical Elongated Microstructures of Apatite.The Journal of Physical Chemistry B2010, 114, 2293-2300. (*共同第一作者) 8.Suresh Neethirajan, Richard Gordon and Lijun Wang. Potential of Silica Bodies (Phytoliths) for Nanotechnology. Trends in Biotechnology 27(8), 461-467, 2009. 9. Lijun Wang and George H. Nancollas. Pathways to Biomineralization and Biodemineralization of Calcium
磷酸盐: the Thermodynamic and Kinetic Controls. DaltonTransactions 2665-2672, 2009. 10. Lijun Wang and George H. Nancollas.
钙 Orthophosphates: Crystallization and Dissolution. Chemical Reviews 108, 4628-4669, 2008. 11. Lijun Wang and George H. Nancollas.
动力学 of Biomineralization and Biodemineralization, Chapter 13 InBiomineralization. From Nature to Application. Vol. 4 of Metal Ions in Life Sciences edited by Astrid Sigel, Helmut Sigel, and Roland K. O. Sigel. Wiley and Sons, Ltd., Chichester, U.K. 2008, p 413-456. 12. Lijun Wang, Xiangying Guan, Haoyong Yin, Janet Moradian-Oldak, and George H. Nancollas. Mimicking the Self-Organized Microstructure of Tooth Enamel. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 5892-5899, 2008. 13. Lijun Wang, Xiangying Guan, Ruikang Tang, John R. Hoyer, Andrzej Wierzbicki, James J. De Yoreo and George H. Nancollas. Phosphorylation of Osteopontin Is Required for Inhibition of
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磷酸盐 System. Langmuir24, 7058-7060, 2008.(*共同第一作者) 15.Chaochun Zhang, Lijun Wang, Qing Nie, Wenxu Zhang, Fusuo Zhang. Long-term Effects of Exogenous
硅 on Cadmium Translocation and
毒性 in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Environmental and Experimental
植物学 62, 300-307, 2008. 16. Lijun Wang, Xiangying Guan, Chang Du, Janet Moradian-Oldak, and George H. Nancollas. Amelogenin Promotes the Formation of Elongated Apatite Microstructures in a Controlled Crystallization System. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111, 6398-6404, 2007. 17. Lijun Wang, Ruikang Tang, Tammy Bonstein, Peter J. Bush and George H. Nancollas. Enamel Demineralization in Primary and Permanent Teeth. Journal of Dental Research85 (4), 359-363, 2006. 18. Lijun Wang,Wei Zhang, S. R. Qiu, J. R. Hoyer, James J. DeYoreo, G. H. Nancollas. Inhibition of
钙 Oxalate Monohydrate Crystallization by the Combination of Citrate and Osteopontin. Journal of Crystal Growth 291, 160-165, 2006. 19. Lijun Wang,James J. DeYoreo,Xiangying Guan,S. R. Qiu,John R. Hoyer,and George H. Nancollas. Constant Composition Studies Verify the Utility of the Cabrera-Vermilyea (C-V) Model in Explaining Mechanisms of
钙 Oxalate Monohydrate Crystallization. CrystalGrowth \u0026
设计 6, 1769-1775, 2006. 20. Lijun Wang,Qiu, S.R.,Wierzbicki, A., Salter, A., Zachowicz, W.J., Hoyer, J. R., James J. DeYoreo and Nancollas, G. H., Modulation of
钙 Oxalate Crystallization by Linear Aspartic Acid-Rich Peptides. Langmuir22, 7279-7285, 2006. 21. Lijun Wang,George H. Nancollas, Z. J. Henneman, E. Klein and Steve Weiner. Nanosized Particles in Bone and Dissolution Insensitivity of Bone Mineral. Biointerphases 1, 106-111, 2006. 22. Lijun Wang, R. Tang, T. Bonstein, C. A. Orme, P. Bush and G. H. Nancollas. A New Model for Nanoscale Enamel Dissolution. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109, 999 -1005, 2005. 23. Lijun Wang, Nie Qing, Zhuang Jiaqi, Li Min, Yang Wensheng, Zhang Fusuo, Li Tiejin, Wang Yunhua. Biosilicified Structures for Cooling Plant Leaves: A Mechanism of Highly Efficient Midinfrared Thermal Emission. Applied Physics Letters 87(19), 194105, 2005. 24.R. Tang, Lijun Wang, C. A. Orme, T. Bonstein, P. Bush and G. H. Nancollas. Dissolution at the Nanoscale: Self-preservation of Biominerals. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 43, 2697-2701, 2004. 25.R. Tang, Lijun Wang, and G. H. Nancollas. Size-effects in the Dissolution of
羟基磷灰石: An Understanding of Biological Demineralization. Journal of Materials
化学 14, 2341 – 2346, 2004.