武汉大学动力与机械学院(现武汉大学) 农田水利工程专业学士、硕士和博士学位;1995-1997年在中国农业大学从事
中国自然资源学会水资源专业委员会委员。同时担任《Paddy and Water Environment》(Springer) 编辑、《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering》编委、《
溶质运移理论”(51125036), 2012~2015;
3、国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目《农业综合节水关键技术研究与示范》课题“农业综合节水效益评价与环境响应评估方法”(2011BAD25B05),2011- 2013;
4、水利部公益性行业项目“集约化种植区水体农业面源污染风险及调控” (20090108),2009- 2012;
生产率的调亏灌溉技术研究“(CIJRP-2009006), 2010-2012;
地下水硝酸盐污染效应与调控研究“ (50979106), 2010~2012
近年来,先后在《Journal of Hydrology》《Advances in Water Resources》《Agricultural Water Management》《Journal of Contaminant Hydrology》《Plant and Soil》《Water Resources Research》等10余种国际刊物,《
1.Liu H., H. Yang, J. Zheng, D. Jia, J. Wang, Y. Li, G. Huang. Irrigation scheduling strategies based on soil matric potential on yield and fruit,quality of mulched-drip irrigated chili pepper in Northwest China. Agricultural
H₂O Management, 2012, 115: 232-241.
2.Zheng J., G. Huang, J. Wang, Q. Huang , L. S. Pereira, X. Xu, H. Liu. Effects of water deficits on growth, yield, and water
生产率 of drip irrigated onion (
葱属 cepa L.) in an arid region of Northwest China. Irrigation Science. DOI: 10.1007s00271-012-0378-5, 2012.
3.Huo Z., S. Feng, G. Huang, Y. Zheng, Y. Wang, P. Guo. Effect of groundwater level depth and irrigation amount on water fluxes at water table and water use of wheat. Irrigation and
排水法 DOI: 10.1002ird.685, 2012.
4.Li J., K. You, H. Zhan, and G. Huang. Analytical solution to subsurface air
压强 in a three-layer unsaturated zone with atmospheric pressure changes. Transport in Porous Media, DOI: 10.1007s11242-012-9964-5, 2012.
5.Ghanbarian-Alavijeh B., R. Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, G. Huang. Estimating
质量 fractal
量纲 of soil using artificial neural networks for improved prediction of
H₂O retention curve. Soil Science, 2012, 177: 471-479.
6.Li J., H. Zhan, G. Huang, and K. You. Determining Air Permeability in Reclaimed Coastal Land Based on Tidal Fluctuations. Environmental
地球 Scien
国际消费类电子产品展览会, 2012,66:1259–1268
7.Gao G., H. Zhan, S. Feng, B. Fu, G. Huang. A
无线电话immobile model with an
AGB星 scale-dependent dispersion
函数 Journal of Hydrology. 2012, 424–425: 172-183
8.Huo Z., S. Feng, S. Kang, G. Huang, F. Wang, P. Guo. Integrated neural networks for monthly river flow estimation in arid inland basin of Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 2012, 420–421:159-170
9.Xu X., G. Huang, H. Zhan, Z. Qu, Q. Huang. Integration of SWAP and MODFLOW-2000 for estimation of groundwater recharge and evapo
蒸腾作用 Journal of Hydrology, 2012, 412-413:170-178
10.Xu X., G. Huang, Z. Qu, L. S. Pereira. Using MODFLOW and GIS to assess changes in groundwater
动力学 in response to
H₂O储蓄 measures in irrigation districts of the upper
黄色 River basin. Water Resources
管理学, 2011, 25: 2035-2059
11.Wang K. G. Huang. Effect of
渗透性 variations on solute transport in highly heterogeneous porous media. Advances in
H₂O Resources, 2011, 34: 671-683
12.Li J, H Zhan, G. Huang, and K You. Tide-induced
气流 in a two-layered coastal land with atmospheric
压强 fluctuations. Advances in Water Resource, 2011, 34:649-658
13.Wen Z., G. Huang, H. Zhan. Non-Darcian flow to a well in leaky aquifers using the Forchheimer
方程 Hydrogeology Journal, 2011,19: 563-573
14.Li J., G. Huang, H, Zhan. On the Applicability of linearization method of vapor flow in porous media. Transport in Porous Media, 2011, 87:815-834
15.Liu H., G. Huang, L. Yu, Y. Luo. Responses of winter wheat evapotranspiration and yield to sprinkler irrigation regimes. Agricultural
H₂O Management, 2011, 98: 483-492
16.Wen Z., G. Huang, H. Zhan, Solutions for non-Darcian flow to an
X波段 well. Ground Water, 2011, 49(2): 280-285
17.Wen Z., G. Huang, H. Zhan, Constant-head test in leaky aquifers with a finite-thickness skin. Journal of Hydrology, 2011, 399:326-334
18.Ghanbarian-Alavijeh B., H. Milla´n, G. Huang. A review of fractal, prefractal and pore-
固体-fractal models for parameterizing the soil
H₂O retention curve. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2011, 91: 1-14
19.Xu X., G. Huang, Z. Qu, L. S. Pereira. Assessing the groundwater
动力学 and predicting impacts of water-
储蓄 in the Hetao Irrigation District,
黄色 River basin. Agricultural
H₂O Management, 2010, 98:301-313
20.Gao, G., H. Zhan, S. Feng, B. Fu, Y. Ma, and G. Huang. A new
无线电话immobile model for reactive solute transport with scale-dependent dispersion. Water Resources Research, 2010, 46, W08533, DOI:10.10292009WR008707.
21.Gao G., S. Feng, H. Zhan, G. Huang, X. Mao. Evaluation anomalous solute transport in large heterogeneous soil column with
无线电话immobile model. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2009, 14(9):966-974, 10.1061 (ASCE) HE.1943-5584.0000071
22.Gao G., H. Zhan, S. Feng, G. Huang, X. Mao. Comparison of alternative models for simulating anomalous solute transport in a large heterogeneous soil column. Journal of Hydrology, 2009, 377: 391-404
23.Zhan H., Z. Wen, G. Huang, and D. Sun. Two-dimensional solute transport in an aquitard-aquifer system. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2009, 107, 162-174
24.Liu H., G. Huang. Laboratory experiment on drip emitter clogging with fresh
H₂O and treated sewage effluent. Agricultural Water Management, 2009, 96: 745-756
25.Wen Z., G. Huang, H. Zhan. A numerical solution for non-Darcian flow in a confined aquifer using the
功率 law
函数 Journal of Hydrology, 2009, 364 : 99–106
26.Wen Z., G. Huang, H. Zhan. Non-Darcian flow to a well in an aquifer-aquitard system. Advances in
H₂O Resources, 2008, 31: 1754–1763
27.Huang Q., G. Huang, H. Zhan. A finite element solution for the fractional advection- dispersion
方程 Advances in Water Resources, 2008, 31:1578-1589
28.Liu H., S. Cohen, J. Tanny, J. H. Lemcoff, G. Huang.
蒸腾作用 measurement of banana (Musa sp.) plants with the thermal dissipation probe method.
植物界 and Soil, 2008, 308:227-238
29.Liu H., S. Cohen, J. Tanny, J. H. Lemcoff, G. Huang. Estimation of banana (Musa sp.) plant
蒸腾作用 using a standard 20 cm
pan in a greenhouse. Irrigation and
排水法 Systems, 2008, 22(3-4): 311-323
30.Wang X., G. Huang. Evaluation on the irrigation and
受精卵 管理学 practices under the application of treated sewage
H₂O in Beijing, China. Agricultural Water Management, 2008, 95:1011-1027
31.Wen Z., G. Huang, H. Zhan, J. Li. Two-region non-Darcian flow toward a well in a confined aquifer, Advances in Water Resources, 2008,31:818-827
32.Wen Z., G. Huang, H. Zhan. An analytical solution for non-Darcian flow in a confined aquifer using the
功率 law
函数 Advances in
H₂O Resources, 2008, 31:44-55
33.Huang, G., Q. Huang, H. Zhan.
质证 of one-dimensional scale-dependent fractional advection dispersion
方程 Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2006, 85:53-71
34.Xiong Y., G. Huang, Q. Huang, Modeling solute transport in one-dimensional homogeneous and heterogeneous soil columns with continuous
时间 random walk. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2006, 86:163-175
35.Wen Z., G. Huang, H. Zhan. Non-Darcian flow in a single vertical
断裂 toward a well. Journal of Hydrology, 2006, 330: 698-708
36.Huang G. and R. Zhang. Evaluation of soil
H₂O retention curve with pore-solid fractal model. Geoderma, 2005, 127: 52-61
37.Huang G. Modeling soil water regime and corn yields considering climatic uncertainty.
植物界 and Soil , 2004, 259 (1-2): 221-229