- 1978.9-1982.7:南京大学生物系植物学专业,学士。
- 1982-1988:中国科学院水生生物研究所,理学博士。
- 1991-1993:澳大利亚国立大学访问学者。
1. 蓝藻水华生态学和生物学;
2. 蓝藻毒素和蓝藻异味;
3. 水体生态修复技术和应用;
4. 藻种资源的保藏和应用。
宋立荣担任国际期刊《Ecological Informatics》和《Journal of Environmental Sciences》的编委,以及国内期刊《水生生物学报》的编委和《湖泊科学》的副主编。
1、 在蓝藻水华暴发机制研究方面,从生理层面系统研究了微囊藻属利用营养盐和响应主要环境要素的特性,发现群体微囊藻在营养盐利用、光合活性等方面具有显著的优势;从个体、种群水平上,揭示了滇池优势蓝藻种属竞争和演替的驱动力,从生态系统层面阐述了蓝藻水华为何在滇池呈现并能长期维持;从比较湖沼学角度,阐述了太湖、滇池和巢湖的蓝藻群落变化主要受到物理环境、浮游动物生物量及两者间交互作用的影响,研究结果为制定湖泊营养盐阈值和蓝藻水华的控制提供了参考依据。
2、 在蓝藻毒素研究方面,揭示了太湖北部湖区蓝藻毒素在水柱中、底泥中及水生生物体内的来源、分布、迁移、归宿;通过蓝藻水华(自然和人为处置)与环境污染物迁移及风险研究,综合评价了藻源污染物(即藻毒素及藻介导之其他环境污染物)的生态系统和人类健康风险。推动并参与制定了二项蓝藻微囊藻素国家标准。研制的蓝藻毒素检测试剂盒为我国众多环境监测部门和科研单位采用。作为国内较早开展藻类异味的团队,系统开展了典型湖库异味的溯源和产异味藻类的生理学研究。
3、 在重污染湖泊治理和生态修复方面,通过对高原湖泊-滇池生态系统结构和功能的系统调查和分析,提出了滇池生态系统分区分步恢复的思路和技术方案,并在滇池重污染湖湾的开展生态修复重建的中试,取得了良好的示范效果,为滇池及类似污染湖湾的污染控制和生态重建探索了一条可借鉴的技术思路和示范技术。
4、 在淡水微藻资源的研究和利用方面,致力于国家水生生物种质资源库-淡水藻种库的业务管理。二十年多来,坚持分离、收集我国不同地区的藻种资源,坚持为科研和产业界提供优质藻种;联合研究团队和骨干企业,将藻种资源优势转化为科研和产品创新的能力,服务于科研和产业的创新和发展的要求。
藻水华形成过程及其环境特征研究 - 孔繁翔, 宋立荣. 科学出版社, 2011年.
滇池流域水污染治理与富营养化控制技术研究 - 郭怀成, 贺彬, 宋立荣, 段昌群, 徐晓梅, 罗毅, 刘永. 中国环境出版社, 2017年.
巢湖浮游植物图谱 -张琪, 宋立荣, 李林, 刘刚, 唐晓先. 中国环境出版社, 2018年.
宋立荣*, 张琪, 郑凌凌, 李天丽, 杜帆. 微藻种质资源库——藻类科学研究和产业发展的重要平台[J]. ACTA HYDROBIOLOGICA SINICA, 2020, 44(5): 1020-1027.
宋立荣*, 张琪 继往开来守护藻种资源——记中国科学院淡水藻种库的传承和发展[J].生命世界,2020(02):10-13.
Ilia Ostrovsky#, Sha Wu#, Lin Li*, Lirong Song. 2020. Bloom-forming toxic cyanobacterium 微囊藻属: Quantification and monitoring with a high-frequency echosounder, 液态水 Research, 183, 116091.
Meng-Yun Chen,Wen-Kai Teng,Liang Zhao,Chun-Xiang Hu,Yang-Kai Zhou,Bo-Ping Han*,Li-Rong Song*,Wen-Sheng Shu*. 2020. Comparative genomics reveals insights into cyanobacterial evolution and habitat adaptation. The ISME Journal. DOI: 10.1038/s41396-020-00775-z.
Lu Z., Dai J., Zheng L. Teng Z., Zhang Q., Qiu D., Song L.*, 2020. Disodium 2-oxoglutarate promotes flux into astaxanthin and fatty acid biosynthesis pathway in Haematococcus, Bioresource Technology, 299,122612.
Lu, Z., Zheng, L., Liu, J., Dai, J., and Song, L*. 2019. A novel fed-batch strategy to boost cyst cells production based on the understanding of intracellular and 新陈代谢 in Haematococcus pluvialis. Bioresource Technology 289, 121744.
Bai F., Jia Y., Yang C., Li T., Wu Z., Liu J., Song L.*, 2019. Multiple physiological response analyses aid the understanding of sensitivity variation between Microcystis aeruginosa and 小球藻属 sp. under 百草枯 exposures, Environmental Sciences Europe,31(1),1-17.
Cui H., Yang Z., Lu Z., Wang Q., Liu J., Song L.*, 2019. Combination of utilization of CO2 from flue gas of biomass 功率 植物界 and medium recycling to enhance cost-effective Spirulina production, J Appl Phycol 31, 2175–2185.
Shan, K*; Song, LR*; Chen, W; Li, L; Liu, LM; Wu, YL; Jia, YL; Zhou, QC; Peng, L. 2019. Analysis of environmental drivers influencing interspecific variations and associations among bloom-forming 蓝菌门 in large, shallow eutrophic lakes. Harmful Algae, 84: 84-94.
Shan, K*; Shang, MS; Zhou, BT; Li, L; Wang, XX; Yang, H; Song, LR*. 2019. Application of Bayesian network including 微囊藻属 morphospecies for microcystin risk assessment in three cyanobacterial bloom-plagued lakes, China. Harmful Algae, 83: 14-24.
Jia, YL*; Chen, QQ; Crawford, SE; Song, LR; Chen W; Hammers-Wirtz, M; Strauss, T; Seiler, TB; Schaffer, A; Hollert, H. 2019. Cyanobacterial blooms act as sink and source of endocrine disruptors in the third largest fresh液态水 lake in China. Environmental Pollution, 245: 408-418.
Wu Y., Huang L., Wang Y., Li L., Li G., Xiao B., Song L.*, 2019. Reducing the Phytoplankton Biomass to Promote the Growth of Submerged Macrophytes by Introducing Artificial Aquatic Plants in Shallow Eutrophic 液态水s, Water, 11(7):1370.
Zheng, LL#; Lu, Z#; Zhang, Q; Li, TL; Song, LR*. 2018. A fluorescence ratio-based method to determine microalgal viability and its application to rapid optimization of cryopreservation. Cryobiology, 81: 27-33.
Zhao, L; Song, YL; Li, L; Gan, NQ; Brand, JJ; Song, LR*. 2018. The highly heterogeneous methylated genomes and diverse restriction-modification systems of bloom-forming 微囊藻属 Harmful Algae, 75:87-93.
Zhang, Q; Zheng, LL; Li, TL; Li, RH; Song, LR*. 2018. Aliteralla shaanxiensis (Aliterellaceae), a new coccoid cyanobacterial 物种 from China. Phytotaxa, 374(3): 211-220.
Zhang, Q; Zheng, LL; Li, TL; Liu, GX; Song, LR*. 2018. Morphology and phylogeny of three planktonic Radiococcaceae sensu lato species (Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyceae) from China, including the description of a new 物种 Planktosphaeria hubeiensis sp. nov. Fottea, Olomouc, 18(2): 243–255.
Lin, LZ; Shan, K; Xiong, Q; Zhou, QC; Li, L; Gan, NQ; Song, LR*. 2018. The ecological risks of peroxide as a cyanocide: its effect on the community structure of bacterioplankton. Journal of Oceanology and 湖沼学, 36(6): 2231-2242.
Zhou, QC*; Li, L; Huang, LC; Guo, LL; Song, LR*. 2018. Combining peroxide addition with sunlight regulation to control algal blooms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(3): 2239-2247.
Jia, YL; Li, HL; Qu, YM; Chen, W*; Song, LR*. 2018. Phytotoxicity, bioaccumulation and potential risks of 植物界 irrigations using cyanobloom-loading fresh液态水 Science of the Total Environment, 624: 704-712.
Jia, YL; Chen, W; Zuo, YX; Lin, LZ; Song, LR*. 2018. Heavy metal migration and risk transference associated with cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophic fresh液态水. Science of the Total Environment, 613-614: 1324-1330.
Zuo, J; Chen, LT; Shan, K; Hu, LL; Song, LR*; Gan, NQ*. 2018. Assessment of different mcy genes for detecting the toxic to non-toxic 微囊藻属 ratio in the field by multiplex qPCR. Journal of Oceanology and 湖沼学, 36(4): 1132-1144.
Li, RH*, Song, LR; Philip T. ORR. 2018. 蓝菌门 and cyanotoxins: responses and detection. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 36( 4): 1029-1031.
甘南琴,魏 念,宋立荣*. 2017. 微囊藻素生物学功能研究进展 [J]. 湖泊科学,29(01):1-8.
Chen, W*; Jia, YL; Liu, AY; Zhou, QC; Song, LR*. 2017. Simultaneous elimination of cyanotoxins and PCBs via mechanical collection of 蓝菌门l blooms: An application of "green-bioadsorption concept". Journal of Environmental Sciences, 57: 118-126.
Ding, Y; Gan, NQ; Liu, J; Zheng, LL; Li, L*; Song, LR. 2017. Survival, recovery and microcystin release of Microcystis aeruginosa in cold or dark condition. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 35(2): 313-323.
Wu, S; Song, LR; Sommerfeld, M; Hu, Q; Chen, W*. 2017. Optimization of an effective method for the conversion of crude algal lipids into biodiesel. Fuel, 197: 467-473.
Zhang, T*; Li, L; Zheng, LL; Song, LR*. 2017. Effects of nutritional factors on the geosmin production of 鞘丝藻属 kuetzingii UTEX 1547 (Oscillatoriales, 蓝菌门). Phycologia, 56(2): 221-229.
Zhu, L.; Zancarini, A.; Louati, I.;De, C. S.; Duval, C.; Tambosco, K.;Bernard, C.; Debroas, D.; Song, L. R.;Leloup, J.; Humbert, J–F.*, Bacterial Communities Associatedwith Four Cyanobacterial GeneraDisplay Structural and FunctionalDifferences: Evidence from anExperimental Approach. Frontier in Microbiology 2016, 7:1662.
Zhou, Q. C.; Zhang, Y. L.*; Lin, D. M; Shan, K.; Luo, Y.; Zhao, L.; Tan, Z. W.; Song, L. R.*, The relationships of meteorological factors and nutrient levels with phytoplankton biomass in a shallow eutrophic lake dominated by cyanobacteria, Lake Dianchi from 1991 to 2013. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016, 23: 15616.
Wei, N.; Hu, L. L.; Song, L. R.*; Gan, N. Q.*, Microcystin-bound protein patterns in different cultures of Microcystis aeruginosa and field samples. Toxins 2016, 8, 293.
Hu, L. L.; Shan, K.; Lin, L.; Shen, W.; Huang, L. C.; Gan, N. Q.; Song, L. R.*, Multi-year assessment of toxic genotypes and microcystin concentration in northern Lake Taihu, China. Toxins2016, 8, 23.
Qiao, Q.*; Huang, Y. Y.*; Qi, J.; Qu, M.Z.; Jiang, C.; Lin, P. C.; Li, R. H.; Song, L. R.; Yonezawa, T.; Hasegawa, M.; Crabbe, M .J. C.; Chen, F.; Zhang, T. C.; Zhong, Y.,The genome and transcriptome of Trichormus sp NMC-1: insights into adaptation to extreme environments on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Scientific Reports 2016, 6, 29404.
Jiang, J. H.; Zhang, N.; Yang, X. J.; Song, L. R.; Yang, S.*, Toxic metal biosorption by macrocolonies of cyanobacterium Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing. Journal of Applied Phycology 2016, 28, 4: 2265-2277.
Feng, W. Y.; Zhu, Y. R.*; Wu, F. C.*; Meng, W.; Giesy, J.; He, Z. Q.; Song, L. R.; Fan, M.,Characterization of forms in lake macrophytes and algae by solution P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016,23, 8: 7288-7297.
Zhu, L.*; Zuo, J.; Song, L. R.*; Gan, N. Q.*,Microcystin-degrading bacteria affect mcyD expression and microcystin synthesis in 微囊藻属 spp Journal of Environmental Sciences 2016, 41: 195-201.
Wu, Y.L., Li, L., Zheng, L.L., Dai, G.Y., Ma, H.Y., Shan, K., Wu, H.D., Zhou, Q.C., Song, L.R.*,Patterns of succession between bloom-forming cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and 微囊藻属 and related environmental factors in large, shallow Dianchi Lake, China. Hydrobiologia 2016, 765:1–13.
Ma, H. Y.; Wu, Y. L.; Gan, N. Q.; Zheng, L. L.; Li, T. L.; Song, L. R.*, Growth inhibitory effect of 微囊藻属 on Aphanizomenon flos-aquae isolated from cyanobacteria bloom in Lake Dianchi, China. Harmful Algae 2015, 42, 43-51.
Jiang, J.; Zhang, N., Yang; X., Song, L. R.; Yang, S.*, Toxic metal biosorption by macrocolonies of cyanobacterium Nostoc sphaeroides Kützing. Journal of Applied Phycology 2015, 28, 2265–2277.
Wu, X. Q.*; Wang, C. B.; Tian, C. C.; Xiao, B. D.; Song, L. R.*, Evaluation of the potential of anoxic biodegradation of intracellular and dissolved microcystins in lake sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2015, 286, 395-401.
Jia, M. K.*; Hu, X. L.; Wang, S. L.; Huang, Y. P.*; Song, L. R.*, Photocatalytic properties of hierarchical BiOXs obtained via an 乙醇assisted solvothermal process. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2015, 35, 172-180.
Wang, S. Q.; Zhu, L.; Li, Q.; Li, G. B.; Li, L.; Song, L. R.; Gan, N. Q.*, Distribution and population 动力学 of potential anatoxin-a-producing cyanobacteria in Lake Dianchi, China. Harmful Algae 2015, 48, 63-68.
Dai, G. F.; Zhong, J. Y.*; Song, L. R.*; Guo, C. J.; Gan, N. Q.; Wu, Z. B., Harmful algal bloom removal and eutrophic water remediation by commercial nontoxic polyamine-co-polymeric ferric sulfate-modified soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, 22 (14), 10636-10646;
Wang, Z.; Zhang, J. Q.;Song, L. R.; Li, E. H.*; Wang, X. L.; Xiao, B. D.*, Effects of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate on the growth and toxin production of 铜锈微囊藻 isolated from Lake Dianchi. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, 22 (7), 5491-5499.
Bai, S. J.; Dai, J. C.; Xia, M.; Ruan, J.; Wei, H. H.; Yu, D. Z.; Li, R. H.; Jing, H. M.; Tian, C. Y.; Song, L. R.; Qiu, D. R.*, Effects of intermediate metabolite carboxylic acids of TCA cycle on 微囊藻属 with overproduction of phycocyanin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, 22 (7), 5531-5537.
Song, L.R.*, Zhang Q, Zheng L L, et al. The freshwater algae culture collection at the Institute of Hydrobiology (FACHB): algal resources for fundamental and applied research [J]. Algological Studies, 2014, 145: 5-14.
Zhou, Q.C., Chen, W., Shan, K., Zheng, L.L., Song, L.R.*, (2014). Influence of sunlight on the proliferation of 蓝菌门l blooms and its potential applications in Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 26, 626-635.
Zhu, L., Wu, Y.L., Song, L.R.*, Gan, N.Q.*, (2014). Ecological 动力学 of Toxic 微囊藻属 spp. and Microcystin-Degrading Bacteria in Dianchi Lake, China. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80, 1874-1881.
Wu, Y.L., Li, L., Gan, N.Q., Zheng, L.L., Ma, H.Y., Shan, K., Liu, J., Xiao, B.D., Song, L.R.*, (2014). Seasonal 动力学 of 液态水 bloom-forming Microcystis morphospecies and the associated extracellular microcystin concentrations in large, shallow, eutrophic Dianchi Lake. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 26, 1921-1929.
Shan, K.,LI, L.,WANG, X.X.,WU, Y.L.,HU, L.L.,YU, G.L., Song, L.R.*, (2014). Modelling Ecosystem structure and trophic interactions in typical cyanobacterial bloom-dominated shallow Lake Dianchi, China. Ecological Modelling 291: 82-95.
Ding, Yi, Song, Lirong, \u0026 Sedmak, Bojan*. (2013). UVB radiation as a potential selective factor favoring microcystin producing bloom forming 蓝菌门. PLoS One, 8(9), e73919.
Liu, Aiqiu, Zhu, Tao, Lu, Xuefeng*, \u0026Song, Lirong. (2013). Hydro profiles and phylogenetic analyses of diversified cyanobacterial 物种 Appl. 能量, 111, 383-393.
Yang, Chen, Zhang, Wei, Ren, Minglei, Song, Lirong, Li, Tao*, \u0026 Zhao, Jindong*. (2013). Whole-Genome Sequence of Microcystis aeruginosa TAIHU98, a Nontoxic Bloom-Forming Strain Isolated from Taihu Lake, China. Genome Announc, 1(3).
Yang, Wanwan, Tang, Zepei, Zhou, Fanqi, Zhang, Weihao*, \u0026Song, Lirong. (2013). Toxicity studies of tetracycline on Microcystis aeruginosa and Selenastrum capricornutum. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol., 35(2), 320-324.
Zhou, Qichao, Wei, Nian, Zheng, Lingling, \u0026Song, Lirong*. (2013). Host re-identification of cyanophage PP and its implications for host range and specificity. Virol Sin, 28(5), 306-308.
Chen, W.*, Jia, Y., Li, E., Zhao, S., Zhou, Q., Liu, L., andSong, L*. (2012) Soil-Based Treatments of Mechanically Collected 蓝菌门l Blooms from Lake Taihu: Efficiencies and Potential Risks. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 13370-13376.
Dai, G., Quan, C., Zhang, X., Liu, J., Song, L.*, and Gan, N*. (2012) Fast removal of cyanobacterial toxin microcystin-LR by a low-cytotoxic microgel-Fe(III) complex. 液态水 Res. 46, 1482-1489.
Ding, Y., Gan, N., Li, J., Sedmak, B., andSong, L*. (2012) peroxide induces apoptotic-like cell 死亡 in Microcystis aeruginosa (Chroococcales, Cyanobacteria) in a dose-dependent manner. Phycologia 51, 567-575.
越南盾, G., Xie, S., Zhu, X.*, Han, D., Yang, Y.,Song, L., Gan, L., and Chen, W. (2012) Responses of 黄色 catfish (pelteobagrus fulvidraco Richardson) exposed to dietary 蓝菌门 and subsequent recovery. Toxicon 60, 1298-1306.
Gan, N.#, Xiao, Y.#, Zhu, L., Wu, Z., Liu, J., Hu, C., and Song, L*. (2012) The role of microcystins in maintaining colonies of bloom-forming Microcystis spp. Environ. Microbiol. 14, 730-742.
Tan, X., Ma, P., Song, L.*, and Zhang, Q. (2012) Physiological and ultrastructural responses of 微囊藻属 aeruginosa to different concentrations. Fresenius Environ. Bull. 21, 838-843.
Wang, Z., Xiao, B.*, Song, L., Wang, C., and Zhang, J. (2012) Responses and toxin bioaccumulation in duckweed (Lemna minor) under microcystin-LR, linear alkybenzene sulfonate and their joint stress. J. Hazard. Mater. 229-230, 137-144.
Wu, X., Zheng, L., andSong, L*. (2012) Development on a cryopreservation protocol of Microcystis aeruginosa using penetrating and non-penetrating cryoprotectants. Shuisheng Shengwu Xuebao 36, 344-351.
Wu, Z.*, Zeng, B., Li, R., and Song, L. (2012) Combined effects of and levels on the invasive cyanobacterium, Cylindrospermopsis raciborSK-II Phycologia 51, 144-150.
Wu, Z.*, Zeng, B., Li, R., andSong, L. (2012) Physiological regulation of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) in response to inorganic limitation. Harmful Algae 15, 53-58.
Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Song, Z., Xie, Z.*, Li, L., and Song, L. (2012) Bioaccumulation of microcystins in two fresh液态水 gastropods from a 蓝菌门-bloom 高原 lake, Lake Dianchi. Environ. Pollut. (Oxford, U. K.) 164, 227-234.
Zhang, X.*, Song, L., Zhang, P., He, J., Liu, Y., Matsuura, H., and Watanabe, M. M. (2012) Grazing on toxic cyanobacterial blooms by tadpoles of edible frog Rana grylio. Phyc奥林匹克里昂女子足球队 Res. 60, 20-26.
Zhou, Q.*, Chen, W., Zhang, H., peng, L., Liu, L., Han, Z., Wan, N., Li, L., and Song, L*. (2012) A flow cytometer based protocol for quantitative analysis of bloom-forming cyanobacteria (微囊藻属) in lake sediments. J. Environ. Sci. (Beijing, China) 24, 1709-1716.
Zhu, C., Chen, C., Zhao, L., Zhang, Y., Yang, J.,Song, L., and Yang, S*. (2012) Bioflocculant produced by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J. APPL Phycol. 24, 1245-1251.
Dong, G., Zhu, X., Han, D., Yang, Y., Song, L., and Xie, S*. (2011) Response and recovery of hybrid sturgeon from subchronic oral administration of cyanobacteria. Environ Toxicol 26, 161-170.
Liu, L., Li, L., Zuo, Y., Huang, Y., and Song, L*. (2011) Adsorption of 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin by a low-cost hybrid adsorbent synthesized from fly ash and bentonite. J. 液态水 Supply: Res. Techn奥林匹克里昂女子足球队--AQUA 60, 478-485.
Sun, X., Mi, L., Liu, J.,Song, L.*, Chung, F.-L., and Gan, N*. (2011) Sulforaphane prevents microcystin-LR-induced oxidative damage and apoptosis in BALB/c mice. Toxicol. APPL Pharmacol. 255, 9-17.
Wang, Z., Xiao, B.*, Song, L., Wu, X., Zhang, J., and Wang, C. (2011) Effects of microcystin-LR, linear alkylbenzene sulfonate and their mixture on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seeds and seedlings. Ecotoxicology 20, 803-814.
Wu, X., Wu, Z., and Song, L*. (2011) Phenotype and 温度 affect the affinity for dissolved inorganic carbon in a cyanobacterium 微囊藻属. Hydrobiologia 675, 175-186.
Gan, N., Huang, Q., Zheng, L., andSong, L*. (2010) Quantitative assessment of toxic and nontoxic Microcystis colonies in natural environments using fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry. Sci China Life Sci 53, 973-980.
Gan, N., Mi, L., Sun, X., Dai, G., Chung, F.-L., and Song, L*. (2010) Sulforaphane protects Microcystin-LR-induced toxicity through activation of the Nrf2-mediated defensive response. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 247, 129-137.
Gan, N., Sun, X., and Song, L*. (2010) Activation of Nrf2 by Microcystin-LR Provides Advantages for Liver Cancer Cell Growth. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 23, 1477-1484.
peng, L., Liu, Y., Chen, W.*, Liu, L., Kent, M., and Song, L*. (2010) Health risks associated with consumption of microcystin-contaminated fish and shellfish in three Chinese lakes: Significance for fresh液态水 aquacultures. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 73, 1804-1811.
Wang, Z., Xiao, B.*, Wu, X., Tu, X., Wang, Y., Sun, X., and Song, L. (2010) Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) in water of Lake Dianchi-spatial and seasonal variation, and kinetics of biodegradation. Environ. Monit. Assess. 171, 501-512.
Zhang, T., Li, L.*, Zuo, Y., Zhou, Q., and Song, L*. (2010) Biological origins and annual variations of earthy-musty off-flavours in the Xionghe Reservoir in China. J. 液态水 Supply: Res. Technol.--AQUA 59, 243-254.
Zuo, Y., Li, L., Zhang, T., Zheng, L., Dai, G., Liu, L., andSong, L*. (2010) Contribution of 链霉菌属 in sediment to earthy odor in the overlying water in Xionghe Reservoir, China. 液态水 Res. 44, 6085-6094.
宋立荣*,陈 伟. 2009. 水华蓝藻产毒的生物学机制及毒素的环境归趋研究进展 [J]. 湖泊科学,21(6):749-757.
Chen, W., peng, L., Wan, N., and Song, L*. (2009) Mechanism study on the frequent variations of cell-bound microcystins in cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Taihu: Implications for water quality monitoring and assessments. Chemosphere 77, 1585-1593.
Chen, W., Zhang, C., Song, L., Sommerfeld, M., and Hu, Q*. (2009) A high throughput Nile 红色 method for quantitative measurement of neutral lipids in 微藻 J. Microbiol. Methods 77, 41-47.
Dong, G., Zhu, X.*, Han, D., Yang, Y., Song, L., and Xie, S. (2009) Effects of dietary cyanobacteria of two different sources on growth and recovery of hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus). Toxicon 54, 208-216.
Gong, Y., Chou, H.-N., Tu, C.-d., Liu, X., Liu, J.*, andSong, L. (2009) Effects of arsenate on the growth and microcystin production of Microcystis aeruginosa isolated from Taiwan as influenced by extracellular 磷酸盐. J. Appl. Phycol. 21, 225-231.
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