- 1978.9-1982.7:南京大学生物系
- 1982-1988:
- 1991-1993:
1. 蓝藻水华生态学和生物学;
3. 水体生态修复技术和应用;
4. 藻种资源的保藏和应用。
宋立荣担任国际期刊《Ecological Informatics》和《Journal of Environmental Sciences》的编委,以及国内期刊《
1、 在蓝藻水华暴发机制研究方面,从生理层面系统研究了
2、 在蓝藻毒素研究方面,揭示了太湖北部湖区蓝藻毒素在水柱中、底泥中及水生生物体内的来源、分布、迁移、归宿;通过蓝藻水华(自然和人为处置)与环境污染物迁移及风险研究,综合评价了藻源污染物(即
3、 在重污染湖泊治理和生态修复方面,通过对高原湖泊-
4、 在淡水微藻资源的研究和利用方面,致力于国家水生生物种质资源库-淡水藻种库的业务管理。二十年多来,坚持分离、收集我国不同地区的藻种资源,坚持为科研和产业界提供优质藻种;联合研究团队和骨干企业,将藻种资源优势转化为科研和产品创新的能力,服务于科研和产业的创新和发展的要求。
藻水华形成过程及其环境特征研究 -
孔繁翔, 宋立荣. 科学出版社, 2011年.
滇池流域水污染治理与富营养化控制技术研究 -
郭怀成, 贺彬, 宋立荣,
段昌群, 徐晓梅, 罗毅, 刘永. 中国环境出版社, 2017年.
巢湖浮游植物图谱 -张琪, 宋立荣, 李林, 刘刚, 唐晓先. 中国环境出版社, 2018年.
宋立荣*, 张琪, 郑凌凌, 李天丽, 杜帆.
微藻种质资源库——藻类科学研究和产业发展的重要平台[J]. ACTA HYDROBIOLOGICA SINICA, 2020, 44(5): 1020-1027.
张琪 继往开来守护藻种资源——记
Ilia Ostrovsky#, Sha Wu#, Lin Li*, Lirong Song. 2020. Bloom-forming toxic cyanobacterium
微囊藻属: Quantification and monitoring with a high-frequency echosounder,
液态水 Research, 183, 116091.
Meng-Yun Chen,Wen-Kai Teng,Liang Zhao,Chun-Xiang Hu,Yang-Kai Zhou,Bo-Ping Han*,Li-Rong Song*,Wen-Sheng Shu*. 2020. Comparative genomics reveals insights into cyanobacterial evolution and habitat adaptation. The ISME Journal. DOI: 10.1038/s41396-020-00775-z.
Lu Z., Dai J., Zheng L. Teng Z., Zhang Q., Qiu D., Song L.*, 2020. Disodium 2-oxoglutarate promotes
碳 flux into astaxanthin and fatty acid biosynthesis pathway in Haematococcus, Bioresource Technology, 299,122612.
Lu, Z., Zheng, L., Liu, J., Dai, J., and Song, L*. 2019. A novel fed-batch strategy to boost cyst cells production based on the understanding of intracellular
碳 and
氮 新陈代谢 in Haematococcus pluvialis. Bioresource Technology 289, 121744.
Bai F., Jia Y., Yang C., Li T., Wu Z., Liu J., Song L.*, 2019. Multiple physiological response analyses aid the understanding of sensitivity variation between Microcystis aeruginosa and
小球藻属 sp. under
百草枯 exposures, Environmental Sciences Europe,31(1),1-17.
Cui H., Yang Z., Lu Z., Wang Q., Liu J., Song L.*, 2019. Combination of utilization of CO2 from flue gas of biomass
功率 植物界 and medium recycling to enhance cost-effective Spirulina production, J Appl Phycol 31, 2175–2185.
Shan, K*; Song, LR*; Chen, W; Li, L; Liu, LM; Wu, YL; Jia, YL; Zhou, QC; Peng, L. 2019. Analysis of environmental drivers influencing interspecific variations and associations among bloom-forming
蓝菌门 in large, shallow eutrophic lakes. Harmful Algae, 84: 84-94.
Shan, K*; Shang, MS; Zhou, BT; Li, L; Wang, XX; Yang, H; Song, LR*. 2019. Application of Bayesian network including
微囊藻属 morphospecies for microcystin risk assessment in three cyanobacterial bloom-plagued lakes, China. Harmful Algae, 83: 14-24.
Jia, YL*; Chen, QQ; Crawford, SE; Song, LR; Chen W; Hammers-Wirtz, M; Strauss, T; Seiler, TB; Schaffer, A; Hollert, H. 2019. Cyanobacterial blooms act as sink and source of endocrine disruptors in the third largest fresh
液态水 lake in China. Environmental Pollution, 245: 408-418.
Wu Y., Huang L., Wang Y., Li L., Li G., Xiao B., Song L.*, 2019. Reducing the Phytoplankton Biomass to Promote the Growth of Submerged Macrophytes by Introducing Artificial Aquatic Plants in Shallow Eutrophic
液态水s, Water, 11(7):1370.
Zheng, LL#; Lu, Z#; Zhang, Q; Li, TL; Song, LR*. 2018. A fluorescence ratio-based method to determine microalgal viability and its application to rapid optimization of cryopreservation. Cryobiology, 81: 27-33.
Zhao, L; Song, YL; Li, L; Gan, NQ; Brand, JJ; Song, LR*. 2018. The highly heterogeneous methylated genomes and diverse restriction-modification systems of bloom-forming
微囊藻属 Harmful Algae, 75:87-93.
Zhang, Q; Zheng, LL; Li, TL; Li, RH; Song, LR*. 2018. Aliteralla shaanxiensis (Aliterellaceae), a new coccoid cyanobacterial
物种 from China. Phytotaxa, 374(3): 211-220.
Zhang, Q; Zheng, LL; Li, TL; Liu, GX; Song, LR*. 2018. Morphology and phylogeny of three planktonic Radiococcaceae sensu lato species (Sphaeropleales, Chlorophyceae) from China, including the description of a new
物种 Planktosphaeria hubeiensis sp. nov. Fottea, Olomouc, 18(2): 243–255.
Lin, LZ; Shan, K; Xiong, Q; Zhou, QC; Li, L; Gan, NQ; Song, LR*. 2018. The ecological risks of
氢 peroxide as a cyanocide: its effect on the community structure of bacterioplankton. Journal of Oceanology and
湖沼学, 36(6): 2231-2242.
Zhou, QC*; Li, L; Huang, LC; Guo, LL; Song, LR*. 2018. Combining
氢 peroxide addition with sunlight regulation to control algal blooms. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(3): 2239-2247.
Jia, YL; Li, HL; Qu, YM; Chen, W*; Song, LR*. 2018. Phytotoxicity, bioaccumulation and potential risks of
植物界 irrigations using cyanobloom-loading fresh
液态水 Science of the Total Environment, 624: 704-712.
Jia, YL; Chen, W; Zuo, YX; Lin, LZ; Song, LR*. 2018. Heavy metal migration and risk transference associated with cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophic fresh
液态水. Science of the Total Environment, 613-614: 1324-1330.
Zuo, J; Chen, LT; Shan, K; Hu, LL; Song, LR*; Gan, NQ*. 2018. Assessment of different mcy genes for detecting the toxic to non-toxic
微囊藻属 ratio in the field by multiplex qPCR. Journal of Oceanology and
湖沼学, 36(4): 1132-1144.
Li, RH*, Song, LR; Philip T. ORR. 2018.
蓝菌门 and cyanotoxins: responses and detection. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 36( 4): 1029-1031.
甘南琴,魏 念,宋立荣*. 2017.
微囊藻素生物学功能研究进展 [J]. 湖泊科学,29(01):1-8.
Chen, W*; Jia, YL; Liu, AY; Zhou, QC; Song, LR*. 2017. Simultaneous elimination of cyanotoxins and PCBs via mechanical collection of
蓝菌门l blooms: An application of "green-bioadsorption concept". Journal of Environmental Sciences, 57: 118-126.
Ding, Y; Gan, NQ; Liu, J; Zheng, LL; Li, L*; Song, LR. 2017. Survival, recovery and microcystin release of Microcystis aeruginosa in cold or dark condition. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 35(2): 313-323.
Wu, S; Song, LR; Sommerfeld, M; Hu, Q; Chen, W*. 2017. Optimization of an effective method for the conversion of crude algal lipids into biodiesel. Fuel, 197: 467-473.
Zhang, T*; Li, L; Zheng, LL; Song, LR*. 2017. Effects of nutritional factors on the geosmin production of
鞘丝藻属 kuetzingii UTEX 1547 (Oscillatoriales,
蓝菌门). Phycologia, 56(2): 221-229.
Zhu, L.; Zancarini, A.; Louati, I.;De, C. S.; Duval, C.; Tambosco, K.;Bernard, C.; Debroas, D.; Song, L. R.;Leloup, J.; Humbert, J–F.*, Bacterial Communities Associatedwith Four Cyanobacterial GeneraDisplay Structural and FunctionalDifferences: Evidence from anExperimental Approach. Frontier in Microbiology 2016, 7:1662.
Zhou, Q. C.; Zhang, Y. L.*; Lin, D. M; Shan, K.; Luo, Y.; Zhao, L.; Tan, Z. W.; Song, L. R.*, The relationships of meteorological factors and nutrient levels with phytoplankton biomass in a shallow eutrophic lake dominated by cyanobacteria, Lake Dianchi from 1991 to 2013. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016, 23: 15616.
Wei, N.; Hu, L. L.; Song, L. R.*; Gan, N. Q.*, Microcystin-bound protein patterns in different cultures of Microcystis aeruginosa and field samples. Toxins 2016, 8, 293.
Hu, L. L.; Shan, K.; Lin, L.; Shen, W.; Huang, L. C.; Gan, N. Q.; Song, L. R.*, Multi-year assessment of toxic genotypes and microcystin concentration in northern Lake Taihu, China. Toxins2016, 8, 23.
Qiao, Q.*; Huang, Y. Y.*; Qi, J.; Qu, M.Z.; Jiang, C.; Lin, P. C.; Li, R. H.; Song, L. R.; Yonezawa, T.; Hasegawa, M.; Crabbe, M .J. C.; Chen, F.; Zhang, T. C.; Zhong, Y.,The genome and transcriptome of Trichormus sp NMC-1: insights into adaptation to extreme environments on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Scientific Reports 2016, 6, 29404.
Jiang, J. H.; Zhang, N.; Yang, X. J.; Song, L. R.; Yang, S.*, Toxic metal biosorption by macrocolonies of cyanobacterium Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing. Journal of Applied Phycology 2016, 28, 4: 2265-2277.
Feng, W. Y.; Zhu, Y. R.*; Wu, F. C.*; Meng, W.; Giesy, J.; He, Z. Q.; Song, L. R.; Fan, M.,Characterization of
磷 forms in lake macrophytes and algae by solution P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016,23, 8: 7288-7297.
Zhu, L.*; Zuo, J.; Song, L. R.*; Gan, N. Q.*,Microcystin-degrading bacteria affect mcyD expression and microcystin synthesis in
微囊藻属 spp Journal of Environmental Sciences 2016, 41: 195-201.
Wu, Y.L., Li, L., Zheng, L.L., Dai, G.Y., Ma, H.Y., Shan, K., Wu, H.D., Zhou, Q.C., Song, L.R.*,Patterns of succession between bloom-forming cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and
微囊藻属 and related environmental factors in large, shallow Dianchi Lake, China. Hydrobiologia 2016, 765:1–13.
Ma, H. Y.; Wu, Y. L.; Gan, N. Q.; Zheng, L. L.; Li, T. L.; Song, L. R.*, Growth inhibitory effect of
微囊藻属 on Aphanizomenon flos-aquae isolated from cyanobacteria bloom in Lake Dianchi, China. Harmful Algae 2015, 42, 43-51.
Jiang, J.; Zhang, N., Yang; X., Song, L. R.; Yang, S.*, Toxic metal biosorption by macrocolonies of cyanobacterium Nostoc sphaeroides Kützing. Journal of Applied Phycology 2015, 28, 2265–2277.
Wu, X. Q.*; Wang, C. B.; Tian, C. C.; Xiao, B. D.; Song, L. R.*, Evaluation of the potential of anoxic biodegradation of intracellular and dissolved microcystins in lake sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2015, 286, 395-401.
Jia, M. K.*; Hu, X. L.; Wang, S. L.; Huang, Y. P.*; Song, L. R.*, Photocatalytic properties of hierarchical BiOXs obtained via an
乙醇assisted solvothermal process. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2015, 35, 172-180.
Wang, S. Q.; Zhu, L.; Li, Q.; Li, G. B.; Li, L.; Song, L. R.; Gan, N. Q.*, Distribution and population
动力学 of potential anatoxin-a-producing cyanobacteria in Lake Dianchi, China. Harmful Algae 2015, 48, 63-68.
Dai, G. F.; Zhong, J. Y.*; Song, L. R.*; Guo, C. J.; Gan, N. Q.; Wu, Z. B., Harmful algal bloom removal and eutrophic water remediation by commercial nontoxic polyamine-co-polymeric ferric sulfate-modified soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, 22 (14), 10636-10646;
Wang, Z.; Zhang, J. Q.;Song, L. R.; Li, E. H.*; Wang, X. L.; Xiao, B. D.*, Effects of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate on the growth and toxin production of
铜锈微囊藻 isolated from Lake Dianchi. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, 22 (7), 5491-5499.
Bai, S. J.; Dai, J. C.; Xia, M.; Ruan, J.; Wei, H. H.; Yu, D. Z.; Li, R. H.; Jing, H. M.; Tian, C. Y.; Song, L. R.; Qiu, D. R.*, Effects of intermediate metabolite carboxylic acids of TCA cycle on
微囊藻属 with overproduction of phycocyanin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015, 22 (7), 5531-5537.
Song, L.R.*, Zhang Q, Zheng L L, et al. The freshwater algae culture collection at the Institute of Hydrobiology (FACHB): algal resources for fundamental and applied research [J]. Algological Studies, 2014, 145: 5-14.
Zhou, Q.C., Chen, W., Shan, K., Zheng, L.L., Song, L.R.*, (2014). Influence of sunlight on the proliferation of
蓝菌门l blooms and its potential applications in Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 26, 626-635.
Zhu, L., Wu, Y.L., Song, L.R.*, Gan, N.Q.*, (2014). Ecological
动力学 of Toxic
微囊藻属 spp. and Microcystin-Degrading Bacteria in Dianchi Lake, China. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80, 1874-1881.
Wu, Y.L., Li, L., Gan, N.Q., Zheng, L.L., Ma, H.Y., Shan, K., Liu, J., Xiao, B.D., Song, L.R.*, (2014). Seasonal
动力学 of
液态水 bloom-forming Microcystis morphospecies and the associated extracellular microcystin concentrations in large, shallow, eutrophic Dianchi Lake. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 26, 1921-1929.
Shan, K.,LI, L.,WANG, X.X.,WU, Y.L.,HU, L.L.,YU, G.L., Song, L.R.*, (2014). Modelling
Ecosystem structure and trophic interactions in typical cyanobacterial bloom-dominated shallow Lake Dianchi, China. Ecological Modelling 291: 82-95.
Ding, Yi, Song, Lirong, \u0026 Sedmak, Bojan*. (2013). UVB radiation as a potential selective factor favoring microcystin producing bloom forming
蓝菌门. PLoS One, 8(9), e73919.
Liu, Aiqiu, Zhu, Tao, Lu, Xuefeng*, \u0026Song, Lirong. (2013). Hydro
碳 profiles and phylogenetic analyses of diversified cyanobacterial
物种 Appl.
能量, 111, 383-393.
Yang, Chen, Zhang, Wei, Ren, Minglei, Song, Lirong, Li, Tao*, \u0026 Zhao, Jindong*. (2013). Whole-Genome Sequence of Microcystis aeruginosa TAIHU98, a Nontoxic Bloom-Forming Strain Isolated from Taihu Lake, China. Genome Announc, 1(3).
Yang, Wanwan, Tang, Zepei, Zhou, Fanqi, Zhang, Weihao*, \u0026Song, Lirong. (2013). Toxicity studies of tetracycline on Microcystis aeruginosa and Selenastrum capricornutum. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol., 35(2), 320-324.
Zhou, Qichao, Wei, Nian, Zheng, Lingling, \u0026Song, Lirong*. (2013). Host re-identification of cyanophage PP and its implications for host range and specificity. Virol Sin, 28(5), 306-308.
Chen, W.*, Jia, Y., Li, E., Zhao, S., Zhou, Q., Liu, L., andSong, L*. (2012) Soil-Based Treatments of Mechanically Collected
蓝菌门l Blooms from Lake Taihu: Efficiencies and Potential Risks. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 13370-13376.
Dai, G., Quan, C., Zhang, X., Liu, J., Song, L.*, and Gan, N*. (2012) Fast removal of cyanobacterial toxin microcystin-LR by a low-cytotoxic microgel-Fe(III) complex.
液态水 Res. 46, 1482-1489.
Ding, Y., Gan, N., Li, J., Sedmak, B., andSong, L*. (2012)
氢 peroxide induces apoptotic-like cell
死亡 in Microcystis aeruginosa (Chroococcales, Cyanobacteria) in a dose-dependent manner. Phycologia 51, 567-575.
越南盾, G., Xie, S., Zhu, X.*, Han, D., Yang, Y.,Song, L., Gan, L., and Chen, W. (2012) Responses of
黄色 catfish (
pelteobagrus fulvidraco Richardson) exposed to dietary
蓝菌门 and subsequent recovery. Toxicon 60, 1298-1306.
Gan, N.#, Xiao, Y.#, Zhu, L., Wu, Z., Liu, J., Hu, C., and Song, L*. (2012) The role of microcystins in maintaining colonies of bloom-forming Microcystis spp. Environ. Microbiol. 14, 730-742.
Tan, X., Ma, P., Song, L.*, and Zhang, Q. (2012) Physiological and ultrastructural responses of
微囊藻属 aeruginosa to different
磷 concentrations. Fresenius Environ. Bull. 21, 838-843.
Wang, Z., Xiao, B.*, Song, L., Wang, C., and Zhang, J. (2012) Responses and toxin bioaccumulation in duckweed (Lemna minor) under microcystin-LR, linear alkybenzene sulfonate and their joint stress. J. Hazard. Mater. 229-230, 137-144.
Wu, X., Zheng, L., andSong, L*. (2012) Development on a cryopreservation protocol of Microcystis aeruginosa using penetrating and non-penetrating cryoprotectants. Shuisheng Shengwu Xuebao 36, 344-351.
Wu, Z.*, Zeng, B., Li, R., and Song, L. (2012) Combined effects of
碳 and
磷 levels on the invasive cyanobacterium, Cylindrospermopsis racibor
SK-II Phycologia 51, 144-150.
Wu, Z.*, Zeng, B., Li, R., andSong, L. (2012) Physiological regulation of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) in response to inorganic
磷 limitation. Harmful Algae 15, 53-58.
Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Song, Z., Xie, Z.*, Li, L., and Song, L. (2012) Bioaccumulation of microcystins in two fresh
液态水 gastropods from a
高原 lake, Lake Dianchi. Environ. Pollut. (Oxford, U. K.) 164, 227-234.
Zhang, X.*, Song, L., Zhang, P., He, J., Liu, Y., Matsuura, H., and Watanabe, M. M. (2012) Grazing on toxic cyanobacterial blooms by tadpoles of edible frog Rana grylio. Phyc
奥林匹克里昂女子足球队 Res. 60, 20-26.
Zhou, Q.*, Chen, W., Zhang, H.,
peng, L., Liu, L., Han, Z., Wan, N., Li, L., and Song, L*. (2012) A flow cytometer based protocol for quantitative analysis of bloom-forming cyanobacteria (
微囊藻属) in lake sediments. J. Environ. Sci. (Beijing, China) 24, 1709-1716.
Zhu, C., Chen, C., Zhao, L., Zhang, Y., Yang, J.,Song, L., and Yang, S*. (2012) Bioflocculant produced by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J.
APPL Phycol. 24, 1245-1251.
Dong, G., Zhu, X., Han, D., Yang, Y., Song, L., and Xie, S*. (2011) Response and recovery of hybrid sturgeon from subchronic oral administration of cyanobacteria. Environ Toxicol 26, 161-170.
Liu, L., Li, L., Zuo, Y., Huang, Y., and Song, L*. (2011) Adsorption of 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin by a low-cost hybrid adsorbent synthesized from fly ash and bentonite. J.
液态水 Supply: Res. Techn
奥林匹克里昂女子足球队--AQUA 60, 478-485.
Sun, X., Mi, L., Liu, J.,Song, L.*, Chung, F.-L., and Gan, N*. (2011) Sulforaphane prevents microcystin-LR-induced oxidative damage and apoptosis in BALB/c mice. Toxicol.
APPL Pharmacol. 255, 9-17.
Wang, Z., Xiao, B.*, Song, L., Wu, X., Zhang, J., and Wang, C. (2011) Effects of microcystin-LR, linear alkylbenzene sulfonate and their mixture on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seeds and seedlings. Ecotoxicology 20, 803-814.
Wu, X., Wu, Z., and Song, L*. (2011) Phenotype and
温度 affect the affinity for dissolved inorganic carbon in a cyanobacterium
微囊藻属. Hydrobiologia 675, 175-186.
Gan, N., Huang, Q., Zheng, L., andSong, L*. (2010) Quantitative assessment of toxic and nontoxic Microcystis colonies in natural environments using fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry. Sci China Life Sci 53, 973-980.
Gan, N., Mi, L., Sun, X., Dai, G., Chung, F.-L., and Song, L*. (2010) Sulforaphane protects Microcystin-LR-induced toxicity through activation of the Nrf2-mediated defensive response. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 247, 129-137.
Gan, N., Sun, X., and Song, L*. (2010) Activation of Nrf2 by Microcystin-LR Provides Advantages for Liver Cancer Cell Growth. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 23, 1477-1484.
peng, L., Liu, Y., Chen, W.*, Liu, L., Kent, M., and Song, L*. (2010) Health risks associated with consumption of microcystin-contaminated fish and shellfish in three Chinese lakes: Significance for fresh
液态水 aquacultures. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 73, 1804-1811.
Wang, Z., Xiao, B.*, Wu, X., Tu, X., Wang, Y., Sun, X., and Song, L. (2010) Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) in water of Lake Dianchi-spatial and seasonal variation, and kinetics of biodegradation. Environ. Monit. Assess. 171, 501-512.
Zhang, T., Li, L.*, Zuo, Y., Zhou, Q., and Song, L*. (2010) Biological origins and annual variations of earthy-musty off-flavours in the Xionghe Reservoir in China. J.
液态水 Supply: Res. Technol.--AQUA 59, 243-254.
Zuo, Y., Li, L., Zhang, T., Zheng, L., Dai, G., Liu, L., andSong, L*. (2010) Contribution of
链霉菌属 in sediment to earthy odor in the overlying water in Xionghe Reservoir, China.
液态水 Res. 44, 6085-6094.
宋立荣*,陈 伟. 2009. 水华蓝藻产毒的生物学机制及毒素的环境归趋研究进展 [J]. 湖泊科学,21(6):749-757.
Chen, W.,
peng, L., Wan, N., and Song, L*. (2009) Mechanism study on the frequent variations of cell-bound microcystins in cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Taihu: Implications for water quality monitoring and assessments. Chemosphere 77, 1585-1593.
Chen, W., Zhang, C., Song, L., Sommerfeld, M., and Hu, Q*. (2009) A high throughput Nile
红色 method for quantitative measurement of neutral lipids in
微藻 J. Microbiol. Methods 77, 41-47.
Dong, G., Zhu, X.*, Han, D., Yang, Y., Song, L., and Xie, S. (2009) Effects of dietary cyanobacteria of two different sources on growth and recovery of hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus × O. aureus). Toxicon 54, 208-216.
Gong, Y., Chou, H.-N., Tu, C.-d., Liu, X., Liu, J.*, andSong, L. (2009) Effects of arsenate on the growth and microcystin production of Microcystis aeruginosa isolated from Taiwan as influenced by extracellular
磷酸盐. J. Appl. Phycol. 21, 225-231.
Gong, Y., Song, L., Wu, X., Xiao, B., Fang, T., and Liu, J*. (2009) Effects of arsenate on microcystin content and leakage of Microcystis strain PCC7806 under various phosphate regimes. Environ. Toxicol. 24, 87-94.
Hu, C., Gan, N., Chen, Y., Bi, L., Zhang, X., and Song, L*. (2009) Detection of microcystins in environmental samples using
surface PLASMON resonance biosensor. Talanta 80, 407-410.
Song, L.*, and Chen, W. (2009) Production of microcystins in bloom-forming cyanobacteria and their environmental fates: a review. Journal of Lake Sciences 21, 749-757.
Zhang, T., Li, L.*, Song, L., and Chen, W. (2009) Effects of
温度 and light on the growth and geosmin production of
鞘丝藻属 kuetzingii (Cyanophyta). J. Appl. Phycol. 21, 279-285.
Zuo, Y., Li, L.*, Wu, Z., and Song, L*. (2009) Isolation, identification and odour-producing abilities of geosmin/2-MIB in actinomycetes from sediments in Lake Lotus, China. J.
液态水 Supply: Res. Technol.--AQUA 58, 552-561.
Chen, W., Song, L.*,
peng, L., Wan, N., Zhang, X., and Gan, N. (2008) Reduction in microcystin concentrations in large and shallow lakes: Water and sediment-interface contributions. Water Res. 42, 763-773.
Hu, C., Gan, N., He, Z., and Song, L*. (2008) A novel chemiluminescent immunoassay for microcystin (MC) detection based on gold nanoparticles label and its application to MC analysis in aquatic environmental samples. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 88, 267-277.
Wan, N., Song, L*., Wang, R., and Liu, J. (2008) Spatio-temporal distribution of algal biomass in Dianchi Lake and its impact factors. Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica 32, 184-188.
Wei, L., Sun, B., Song, L., and Nie, P*. (2008) Gene expression profiles in liver of zebrafish treated with microcystin-LR. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 26, 6-12.
Shen, H., and Song, L*. (2007) Comparative studies on physiological responses to
磷 in two phenotypes of bloom-forming
微囊藻属 Hydrobiologia 592, 475-486.
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