研究兴趣与方向:降糖生物多肽的结构改造,多肽激动剂与受体的相互作用及信号传导,多肽药物的给药途径。高特异性抗VEGF单克隆抗体的人源化及药理学研究。新型Check-Point 靶向抗癌及抗病毒药物的生物化学及药理学研究。
具有20多年生物医药教育及工作背景,专注于蛋白质多肽和基因工程药物研发。迄今已在国际权威学术杂志发表论文著作数20余篇,其中以第一及通讯作者在《自然》杂志上发表2篇论文,同时拥有9项蛋白质大分子药物及设计的国际专利,在Eli Lilly 任职期间,3次获最高总裁奖。近年来主持完成了几个新药的研制工作。其中,系列3.1类新药已取得国家食品药品监督管理总局新药临床批件,两个单克隆抗体创新药在临床申报阶段。此外,他和他的团队还凭借在非天然氨基酸及其用于蛋白质生物药修饰上的创新研究成果,开展了一系列长效、稳定生物多肽及大分子药物的研发。
1980 – 1984武汉大学化学学士;
2012 - 至今 武汉大学药学院教授。
有2篇论文以第一作者在《自然》上发表,7项药物设计及优化的美国专利。在Eli Lilly \u0026 Co.任职11年期间,主持或参与完成了多部药政法规和药品研发指南性文件的编写,为美国食品和药品审评工作框架的制订做出了重要贡献。同时,张发明教授致力于企业管理和药品的全球联合研发、推动行业ISO标准、参与国际药品标准的协调,尝试多国晋级申报,领衔海外融资生产,发展三板块市场合作等一系列中国医药集团有限公司研发能力提升和产品国际化的战略实践。2009年第一批武汉市“3551人才计划”入选者及2010年 第五批入选者。
1. Wibowo AS, Singh M, Reeder KM, Carter JJ, Kovach AR, Meng W, Ratnam M, Zhang F, Dann CE . Structures of human folate receptors reveal biological trafficking states and diversity in folate and antifolate recognition. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Sep 17;110(38):15180-8.
2. Rogers T, Li P, Smiley D, DiMarchi RD, and Zhang F., (2007), 设计, synthesize and crystallization of a novel 胰高血糖素 analog as a therapeutic agent. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 2007 Jul 1;63(Pt 7):599-601.
3. Singh J, Ling L, Sawyer JS, Lee W, Zhang F, Yingling JM., (2005), Successful discovery of TbRI (ALK5) kinase inhibitors using HTS, target-hopping and virtual screening, 化学 Today, 23 (3): 35-38.
4. Hamdouchi C, Zhong B, Mendoza J, Zhang F et al. (2005), Structure-Based 设计 of a New Class of Highly Selective Aminoimidazo[1,2-á]吡啶Based Inhibitors of Cyclin Dependent Kinases,bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal 化学 Letters. 15 (7): 1943-1947.
5. Jaramillo C , Zhang F. et al (2004), Aminoimidazo[1,2-a]pyridines as a new structural class of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Part 1: 设计, synthesis, and biological evaluation,bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal 化学 Letters. 14(24): 6095-6099.
6. J. Singh, J. Yingling, Zhang F, et al (2004), Transforming the TGF-â pathway: Convergence of distinct generation strategies on a novel kinase pharmcophroe for TbRI, Current Opinion in Drug Discovery and Development 7(4): 10-20.
7. Al-Awar RS, Ray JE, Zhang F. etal (2004). Preparation of novel aza-1,7-annulated indoles and their conversion to potent indolocarbazole kinase inhibitors . Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 14(15): 3925-3928.
8. Sawyer JS, Beight DW, Zhang F, Yingling JM (2004). Synthesis and activity of new aryl- and heteroaryl-substituted 5,6-dihydro-4H-pyrrolo[1,2-b]pyrazole inhibitors of the transforming growth factor-beta type I receptor kinase domain.Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 14(13): 3581-3584.
9. Hadouchi C, Keyser H, Zhang F, Brooks H, et al (2004). The discovery of a new structural class of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, aminoimidazo(1,2-a]pyridines.Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. 3(1):1-9
10. Vincent J.-P, Johnson RB, Parsons S, Zhang F, Wang QM (2003). Identification of a C-terminal regulatory motif in hepatitis C 病毒 核糖核酸dependent RNA polymerase: structural and biochemical analysis.J. Virology. 77: 9020-9028
11. Sanchez-Martinez C, Shih C, Zhu G, Dempsey JA, Zhang F(2003) . Studies on Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitors:Indolo[2,3-a]pyrrolo[3,4-c]carbazoles versus Bis-indolylmaleimides,Bioorganic \u0026 Medicinal 化学 Letters 13 :3841-3846.
12. Vieth M, Brooks H, Hamdouchi C, McMillen W, Sawyer JS, Yingling J, and ZhangF(2003). Combining Medicinal Chemistry with Chemogenomic and 计算机Aided Structure-Based 设计 in Development of Novel Kinase Inhibitors, 细胞 摩尔 Biol. Lett 8 (2A):566-567
13. Sawyer JS,Herron DK,Edward CR, Zhang F, and Yingling J (2003). Synthesis and Activity of New Aryl- and Heteroaryl-Substituted 吡唑 Inhibitors of the Transforming Growth Factor-beta Type I Receptor Kinase Domain.Journal of Medicinal 化学 46 (19):3953-3956.
14. Wang QM, Hockman M, Staschke K, Zhang F, Parsons S (2002). Oligomerization and Cooperative 核糖核酸 Synthesis Activity of HCV RNA-Dependent RNA 均聚物ase,J. Virology. 76 :3865-3872
15. Jin L, Briggs S, Clawson D, Schevitz R, Smiley D, Tashjian A, Zhang F (2000). “晶体 Structure of Human Parathyroid Hormone 1-34 at 0.9 Å Resolution”,J. Biol. Chem. 275:27238-27244.
16. Zhang F, Basinski M, DiMarchi RDet al. (1997) “Crystal Structure of theObese Protein Leptin-E100”, Nature387:206-209
17. Zhang J, Zhang F, Ebert D, Cobb MH, and Goldsmith EJ(1995) “Activity of the MAP Kinase ERK2 is Controlled by a Flexible Surface Loop”,Structure 3:299-307.
18. Zhang F, Strand A, Robbins D, Cobb MH, and Goldsmith EJ (1994) “晶体 Structure of MAP kinase ERK2 at 2.3Å Resolution”. Nature. 367: 704-711.
19. Zhang F, Robbins D, Cobb MH and Goldsmith EJ (1993) “ Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Studies of Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase-2/MAP kinase with an Incorporated His-tag”.J. 摩尔Biol. 233: 550-552.
20. Lin Z, Li J , Zhang F and Tsou C-L (1993) “Structure of D-Glyceraldehyde-3-磷酸盐 Dehydrogenase from Palinurus Versicolor Carrying the fluorescent NAD Derivatives at 2.7 Å Resolution”Arch. Biochem. Biophy. 302 :161-166.
21. Zhang F, Kobe B, Stewart CB, Rutter W and Goldsmith EJ (1991) “ Structural Evolution of an Enzyme Specificity: The Structure of Rat Carboxypeptidase A2 at 1.9 Å Resolution”.J. Biol. Chem. 266: 24606-24612.
1. Faming Zhang, John Beals, etal. (1997) “Obese Protein: Three-Dimensional Structure, Surface Properties, and 捕手Binding Model”. In Leptin: The Voice of Adipose Tissue, W.F. Blum/W.Kiess/W.Rascher Eds. Edition J \u0026 J, 25-31.
2. Lei Jin, Armen Tashjian, and Faming Zhang (2003), “ Toward an Understanding of Human Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) Structure and 函数”, in Parathyroid Hormone Molecular Biology, Tally Nareh/Justin 电子数据系统 Landes Bioscience.
3. Faming Zhang, figure and text (21-23) contributions to college textbook “Fundamentals of Biochemistry”, 2/e by Voet and Pratt, John Wiley \u0026 Sons.
4. Faming Zhang, figure and text contributions to: Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy in Adults with Hypopituitary Disease. V1.1.
5. John Mayer, Faming Zhang, Richard DiMarchi (2007) “Insulin Structure and 函数” , Biopolymers, April 4.