1979-1983: 安徽省
1997.09-1997.12: 加拿大Waterloo大学做访问教授。
6.《Plasma Science \u0026 Technology》、《Frontiers of Physics in China》、《
7. Physical Review Letters 和 Chinese Physics Letters 特邀审稿人。
1. 低气压等离子体物理
3. 尘埃等离子体物理
4. 等离子体刻蚀机理
5. 离子束及电磁波与物质相互作用
202. Y. X. Liu, Q. Z. Zhang, W. Jiang, L. J. Hou, X. Z. Jiang, W. Q. Lu, and Y. N. Wang, "Collisionless Bounce
共振 Heating in Dual-
频率 Capacitively Coupled Plasmas", Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 055002 (2011)
201. X. M. Liu, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Driving frequency effects on the mode transition in capacitively coupled
氩 discharges", Chin. Phys. B, 20, 065205 (2011)
200. X. Xu, J. Feng, X. M. Liu, and Y. N. Wang, "Study of the dust removal efficiency in capacitively coupled plasmas with annular electrodes", Curr.
APPL Phys., 11, S131 (2011)
199. Z. H. Bi, Y. X. Liu, W. Jiang, X. Xu, and Y. N. Wang, "A brief review of dual-
频率 capacitively coupled discharges", Curr. Appl. Phys., 11,
S2 (2011)
198. Q. Z. Zhang, W. Jiang, L. J. Hou, and Y. N. Wang, "Numerical simulations of electrical asymmetry effect on electronegative plasmas in capacitively coupled rf discharge", J.
APPL Phys., 109, 013308 (2011)
197. M. Mao, Y. N. Wang and A. Bogaerts, "Numerical study of the
等离子体 化学 in inductively coupled
六氟化硫 and SF6/Ar plasmas used for deep
硅 etching applications", J. Phys. D:
APPL Phys., 44, 435202 (2011)
196. E. Schungel, Q. Z. Zhang, S. Iwashita, J. Schulze, L. J. Hou, Y. N. Wang and U. Czarnetzki, "Control of
等离子体 properties in capacitively coupled
氧 discharges via the electrical asymmetry effect", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 44, 285205 (2011)
195. X. Z. Jiang, Y. X. Liu, Shuo Yang, W. Q. Lu, Z. H. Bi, X. S. Li, and Y. N. Wang, "Spatially resolved measurements of ion
密度 and electron temperature in a dual-
频率 capacitively coupled
等离子体 by complete floating double probe technique", J. Vac. Sci. Techn
奥林匹克里昂女子足球队 A 29, 011006 (2011)
194. Z. H. Hu, Y. H. Song, Z. L. Miskovic, and Y. N. Wang, "
能量 dissipation of ion beam in two-component
等离子体 in the presence of laser irradiation", Laser Part.
beams, 29, 299 (2011)
193. X. S. Li, N. Wang, J. H. Yang, Y. N. Wang, and A. M. Zhu, "Polysilicon Prepared from SiCl4 by Atmospheric-
压强 Non-Thermal
等离子体", Plasma Sci. Technol., 13, 567 (2011)
192. H. Zhang, Z. L. Dai, and Y. N. Wang, "Characteristics of a Collisional Sheath Biased by a Dual
频率 Source", Plasma Sci. Technol., 13, 513 (2011)
191. Z. H. Bi, X. Xu, Y. X. Liu, X. Z. Jiang, W. Q. Lu, and Y. N. Wang, "Comparison of 2D Hybrid Simulational and Experimental Results for Dual-Frequency Capacitively Coupled
氩 Plasmas", Plasma Sci. Technol. 13, 181 (2011)
190. G. L. Zhao, Y. Xu, J. P. Shang, W. Y. Liu, A. M. Zhu, and Y. N. Wang, "
等离子体 Uniformity in a Dual
频率 Capacitively Coupled Plasma Reactor Measured by Optical Emission Spectroscopy", Plasma Sci. Technol., 13, 61 (2011)
189. Z. L. Dai, M. L. Hao, and Y. N. Wang, "Study of Characteristics of the Radio-
频率 Sheath over a Substrate with a Circular Trench",
等离子体 Sci. Technol., 13, 50 (2011)
188. W. Jiang, H. Y. Wang, Z. H. Bi, and Y. N. Wang, "Implicit and electrostatic particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo model in two-dimensional and axisymmetric geometry: II. Self-bias
电压 effects in capacitively coupled plasmas",
等离子体 Sources Sci. Technol., 20, 035013 (2011)
187. Y. Zhang, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Nonlinear wake potential and stopping
功率 for charged particles interacting with a
ONE FCdimensional electron gas", Phys. Plasmas, 18, 112705 (2011)
186. X. M. Liu, Y. H. Song, X. Xu, and Y. N. Wang, "Phase-shift effects on growth and transport of dust particles in VHF capacitively coupled silane discharges: Two dimensional fluid simulation", Phys.
等离子体s, 18, 083508 (2011)
185. Y. Zhang, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Stopping
功率 for a charged particle moving through three-dimensional nonideal finite-
温度 electron gases", Phys. Plasmas, 18, 072701 (2011)
184. X. J. Si, S. X. Zhao, X. Xu, A. Bogaerts, and Y. N. Wang, "Fluid simulations of
频率 effects on nonlinear harmonics in inductively coupled plasma", Phys. Plasmas, 18, 033504 (2011)
183. X. M. Liu, Y. Wang, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Effect of pulse duration on characteristics of modulated radio-frequency SiH4/N2/NH3 discharges", Thin
固体 Films, in press
182. X. Xu, S. X Zhao, Y. R. Zhang, and Y. N. Wang, "
相位shift effect in capacitively coupled plasmas with two radio
频率 or very high frequency sources", J.
APPL Phys., 108, 043308 (2010)
181. S. X. Zhao and Y. N. Wang, "Investigation of the effect of metastable atoms on mode transition in
氩 inductive discharge via a hybrid model", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 43, 275203 (2010)
180. Q. Z. Zhang, W. Jiang, S. X. Zhao, and Y. N. Wang, "
surfacecharging effect of capacitively coupled plasmas driven by combined dc/rf sources", J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 28, 287 (2010)
179. Q. Wang, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Influences of finite Larmor radius on wake effects and stopping
功率 for proton moving in magnetized two-component
等离子体", Phys. Lett. A, 374, 4678 (2010)
178. Y. R. Zhang, X. Xu, S. X Zhao, A. Bogaerts, and Y. N. Wang, "Comparison of electrostatic and electromagnetic simulations for very high
频率 plasmas", Phys. Plasmas, 17, 113512 (2010)
177. Z. C. Li, D. L. Chang, X. S. Li, Z. H. Bi, W. Q. Lu, Y. Xu, A. M. Zhu, and Y. N. Wang, "Experimental investigation of ion
能量 distributions in a dual
频率 capacitively coupled Ar/
四氟化碳 等离子体", Phys. Plasmas, 17, 033501 (2010)
176. Y. R. Zhang, X. Xu, and Y. N. Wang, "Fluid simulation for influence of metastable atoms on the characteristics of capacitively coupled
氩 plasmas", Phys. Plasmas, 17, 033507 (2010)
175. F. Gao, Shu-Xia Zhao, Xiao-Song Li, and Y. N. Wang, "Effects of matching network on the hysteresis during E and H mode transitions in argon inductively coupled
等离子体", Phys. Plasmas, 17, 103507 (2010)
174. X. M. Liu, Y. H. Song, X. Xu, and Y. N. Wang, "Simulation of dust particles in dual-
频率 capacitively coupled silane discharges", Phys. Rev. E, 81, 016405 (2010)
173. Z. H. Hu, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Wake effect and stopping power for a charged ion moving in magnetized two-component plasmas: Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation", Phys. Rev. E, 82, 026404 (2010)
172. H. Y. Wang, W. Jiang, and Y. N. Wang, "Implicit and electrostatic particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo model in two-dimensional and axisymmetric geometry: I. Analysis of numerical techniques",
等离子体s Sources Sci. Technol., 19, 045023 (2010)
171. X. C. Li, L. C. Tian, and Y. N. Wang, "Sheath
动力学 in a cylindrical PET-?lm for plasma immersion ion implantation", Vacuum, 84, 1118 (2010)
170. X. M. Liu, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "One-Dimensional Fluid Model for Dust Particles in Dual-
频率 Capacitively Coupled Silane Discharges", Chin. Phys. Lett., 26, 085201 (2009)
169. H. Y. Wang, W. Jiang, and Y. N. Wang, "Parallelization and optimization of electrostatic Particle-in-Cell/Monte-Carlo Coupled codes as applied to RF discharges", Comp. Phys. Comm., 180, 1305 (2009)
168. S. X. Zhao, X. Xu, X. C. Li, and Y. N. Wang, "Fluid simulation of the E-H mode transition in inductively coupled
等离子体", J. Appl. Phys., 105, 083306 (2009)
167. S. X. Zhao, F. Gao, and Y. N. Wang, "Dynamic investigation of mode transition in inductively coupled plasma with a hybrid model", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 42, 225203 (2009)
166. W. Jiang, H. Y. Wang, S. X. Zhao, and Y. N. Wang, "Hysteresis induced by gap length effects in capacitively coupled plasmas at low pressures", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 42, 102005 (2009)
165. C. Z. Li, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "
能量 loss of a charged particle moving outside a nano-dielectric sphere covered with infinitesimally thin metal film", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, 267, 3129 (2009)
164. S. Y. You, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Channeling of protons in double-walled
碳 nanotubes in kinetic model", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, 267, 3133 (2009)
163. Z. L. Dai, C. S. Liu, and Y. N. Wang, "Two-Dimensional Simulation of a Dual
频率 Sheath Near an Electrode with a Cylindrical Hole",
等离子体 Sci. \u0026 Technol., (In press)
162. Z. H. Bi, Z. L. Dai, X. Xu, Z. C. Li, and Y. N. Wang, "Numerical results for the Ar and CF4
混合物 gas in a dual
频率 capacitively coupled plasma using a hybrid model", Phys.
等离子体s, 16, 043510 (2009)
161. F. Gao, S. X. Zhao, X. S. Li, and Y. N. Wang, "Comparison between experiment and simulation for
氩 inductively coupled plasma", Phys. Plasmas, 16, 113502 (2009)
160. Z. H. Hu, Y. H. Song, G. C. Wang, and Y. N. Wang, "Nonlinear stopping power for ions moving in magnetized two-component plasmas", Phys.
等离子体s, 16, 112304 (2009)
159. C. Z. Li, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Wake effects and
能量 loss for a charged particle moving above a thin metal film", Phys.
REV A, 79, 062903 (2009)
158. Z. H. Hu, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Dynamic polarization and energy dissipation for charged particles moving in magnetized two-component plasmas", Phys. Rev. E, 79, 016405 (2009)
157. X. Xu, H. Ge, S. Wang, Z. L. Dai, Y. N. Wang, and A. M. Zhu, "Influence of the low-
频率 source parameters on the
等离子体 characteristics in a dual frequency capacitively coupled plasma reactor: Two dimensional simulations", Prog. Nat. Sci., 19, 677 (2009)
156. X. S. Li, Z. H. Bi, D. L. Chang, Z. C. Li, S. Wang, X. Xu, Y. Xu, W. Q. Lu, A. M. Zhu, and Y. N. Wang, "Modulating effects of the low-
频率 source on ion
能量 distributions in a dual frequency capacitively coupled
等离子体", Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 031504 (2008)
155. Z. L. Dai, C. S. Liu, and Y. N. Wang, "Comparison between dual radio
频率 and pulse-driven sheath near insulating substrates", Chin. Phys. Lett. 25, 632 (2008)
154. Y. Liu, Z. L. Dai, and Y. N. Wang, "Dust particle properties in a dual-frequency driven sheath", Chin. Phys. Lett. 25, 1372 (2008)
153. D. Zhao, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Kinetic study on channeling of protons in metallical
碳 nanotubes", Chin. Phys. Lett. 25, 2588 (2008)
152. C. Z. Li, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Interactions of a charged particle with parallel two-dimensional quantum electron gases", Chin. Phys. Lett. 25, 2981 (2008)
151. S. Y. Miao, C. S. Ren, D. Z. Wang, Y. T. Zhang, B. Qi, and Y. N. Wang, "Conical DC discharge inambient air using Water as an electrode", IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 36, 126 (2008)
150. C. S. Ren, D. Z. Wang, and Y. N. Wang, "Improvement of the graft and dyeability of linen by DBD treatment in ambient air", J. Matt. Proc. Technol., 206, 216 (2008)
149. X. S. Li, C. K. Lin, C. Shi, Y. Xu, Y. N. Wang, and A. M. Zhu, "Stable kilohertz spark discharges for high-efficiency conversion of
甲烷 to
氢 and
乙炔", J. Phys. D:
APPL Phys. 41, 175203 (2008)
148. C. Z. Li, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Wake effects and stopping
功率 for a charged particle moving above two-dimensional quantum electron gases", Phys. Lett. A, 372, 4500 (2008)
147. W. Jiang, X. Xu, Z. L. Dai, and Y. N. Wang, "Heating mechanisms and particle flow balancing of capacitively coupled plasmas driven by combined dc/rf sources", Phys.
等离子体s 15, 033502 (2008)
146. Y. H. Song, D. Zhao, and Y. N. Wang, "Kinetic study on self-
能量 and stopping
功率 of charged particles moving in metallic
碳 nanotubes", Phys. Rev. A, 78, 012901 (2008)
145. S. Wang, X. Xu, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "
频率 matching effects on characteristics of bulk plasmas and sheaths for dual-frequency capacitively coupled
氩 discharges: one-dimensional fluid simulation", Plasma Sci. \u0026 Technol. , 10, 58 (2008)
144. X. L. Qi, C. S. Ren, T. C. Ma, and Y. N. Wang, "Cu films deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering enhanced by ICP and external magnetic field confinement",
等离子体 Sci. \u0026 Technol., 10, 320 (2008)
143. X. Xu and Y. N. Wang, "Influence of downstream flow on conduction phase of coaxial plasma opening switch", Plasma Sci. \u0026 Technol., 10, 429 (2008)
142. K. Wang, J. Li, C. S. Ren, D. Z. Wang, and Y. N. Wang, "Surface modification of
聚乙烯 (PE) films using dielectric barrier discharge
等离子体 at atmospheric
压强", Plasma Sci. \u0026 Technol. , 10, 433 (2008)
141. F. Liu, W. C. Wang, W. Zheng, and Y. N. Wang, "Investigation of spatially resolved spectra of OH and N2+ in N2 and H2O
混合物 wire-plate positive pulsed streamer discharge", Spect. Acta A 69, 776 (2008)
140. 胡章虎, 王琼, 宋远红, 王友年, "带电粒子与磁化
强激光与粒子束, 20, 8090 (2008)
高飞, 毛明, 丁振峰, 王友年, "
射频感应耦合Ar2N2 等离子体物理特性的Langmuir 探针测量及理论研究",
物理学报, 57, 5123 (2008)
138. M. Mao, S. Wang, Z. L. Dai, and Y. N. Wang, "RF electric field penetration and power deposition into nonequilibrium planar-type inductively coupled
等离子体s", Chinese Phys 16, 2045 (2007)
137. X. C. Li and Y. N. Wang, "Two-Dimensional Fluid Model of Pulse Sheath in Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation With Dielectric Substrates", IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 35, 1489 (2007)
136. K. Jiang, L. J. Hou, X. Xu and Y. N. Wang, "Waves and wakes excited by a moving disturbance in a 2D magnetized
Dusty plasma", New Journal of Physics 9 (2007) 57
135. Z. L. Miskovic, Y. N. Wang and Y. H. Song, "
动力学 of fast molecular ions in solids and
等离子体s: A review of recent theoretical developments", Nucl. Instr. and Methods B256, 57 (2007)
134. S. Wang, X. Xu, and Y. N. Wang, "Numerical investigation of ion
能量 distribution and ion angle distribution in a dual-
频率 capacitively coupled
等离子体 with a hybrid model", Phys. Plasmas 14, 113501 (2007)
133. Z. L. Dai, X. Xu, and Y. N. Wang, "A self-consistent hybrid model of a dual frequency sheath: Ion
能量 and angular distributions", Phys. Plasmas 14, 013507 (2007)
132. K. Jiang, Y. H. Song, and Y. N. Wang, "Theoretical study of the wave dispersion relation for a two-dimensional strongly coupled Yukawa system in a magnetic field", Phys.
等离子体s 14, 103708 (2007)
131. L. Wei and Y. N. Wang, "Quantum ion-acoustic waves in single-walled
碳 nanotube studied with a quantum hydrodynamic model", Phys. Rev. B 75, 193407 (2007)
130. M. Mao, Z. L. Dai, and Y. N. Wang, "Two-dimensional self-consistent kinetic model for solenoidal inductively coupled
等离子体", Plasma Sci. \u0026 Technol. 9, 30 (2007)
129. S. Chung, D.J. Mowbray, Z. L. Miskovic, F.O. Goodman, Y. N. Wang, "Dynamic interactions of fast ions with multiwalled
碳 nanotubes", Radiation Physics and
化学 76, 524 (2007)
128. 张健, 任春生, 齐雪莲, 王友年, "射频感应
等离子体的Langmiur探针和光谱诊断", 核聚变与等离子体物理, 27(2), 156 (2007)
127. 侯璐景, 姜克, 王友年, "带电粒子与二维强耦合尘埃等离子体的相互作用", 物理, 36(3), 203 (2007)
115. Lu-Jing Hou,Z. L. Miskovic,Ke Jiang and You-Nian Wang,“
能量 loss of a charged particle moving over a 2D strongly coupled dusty plasma”,Phys.
REV Letts. 96,255005(2006).
114. Ke Jiang,Lu-Jing Hou,You-Nian Wang and Z. L. Miskovic,“Excitations of Mach cones and
能量 dissipation by charged particle moving over two-dimensional strongly coupled dusty
REV E73 016404 (2006).
113. Da-Peng Zhou,Yuan-Hong Song,You-Nian Wang and Z.L. Miskovic,“Coulomb explosions and stopping of molecular ions channeled through
碳 nanotubes”,Phys. Rev. A 73,033202(2006).
112. Zheng-Feng Ding,Long-Wei Chen and You-Nian Wang,“Numerical studies on the transition of tuned substrate self-bias in a radio-frequency inductively coupled
等离子体”,Phys. Plasmas 13,043504(2006).
111. You-Nian Wang and Lu-Jing Hou,“Rotation of 2D finite dust Coulomb clusters in magnetic field”,Thin
固体 Films 506-507,647(2006).
110. Xue-Chun Li and You-Nian Wang,“Investigation of secondary electron emission effects in
等离子体 immersion ion implantation with dielectric substrates”,Thin Solid Films 506-507,307(2006).
109. Ming Mao and You-Nian Wang,“Heating mechanism in one-dimensional bounded magnetized inductively coupled
等离子体”,Phys Lett. A 359,240(2006).
108. Xiang Xu and You-Nian Wang,“Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of a Coaxial High-
密度 Plasma Opening Switch”,IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 34 (No.4),1529 (2006).
107. Li-Hong Wang,Zhong-Ling Dai,and You-Nian Wang,“Investigation of dual radio-frequency driven sheaths and ion distribution bombarding an insulator substrate”,Chin. Phys. Lett. 23,688(2006).
106. Zhong-Ling Dai,and You-Nian Wang,“Characteristics of single and dual radio-frequency (RF)
等离子体 sheaths”,Front. Phys. China 2,178(2006).
105. Wei Jiang,Ming Mao,and You-Nian Wang,“ A
时间dependent analytical sheath model for dual
频率 capacitively coupled plasma",Phys. Plasma 13,accepted (2006).
104. Da-Peng Zhou,You-Nian Wang,and Z.L. Miskovic,"Dynamic polarization effects in ion channeling through single-wall
碳 nanotubes",Phys.
REV A 72,023202(2005).
103. Yuan-Hong Song,You-Nian Wang,and Z.L. Miskovic,"Vicinage effects in
能量 loss and electron emission during grazing scattering of heavy molecular ions from a
固体 surface",Phys.
REV A 72,012903(2005).
102. Yuan-Hong Song,You-Nian Wang,and Z. L. Miskovic,"Theoretical study of swift molecular ions specularly reflected from solid surfaces under glancing angle of incidence",Nucl. Intsr. \u0026 Methods. B 230,158(2005).
101. D. J. Mowbray,Z. L. Miskovic,F.O. Goodman,and You-Nian Wang,"Dynamic interactions of fast ions with
碳 nanotubes", Nucl. Intsr. \u0026 Methods. B 230,142(2005).
100. Z. L. Miskovic,F. O. Goodman,Yuan-Hong Song,and You-Nian Wang,"Stochastic effects of charge transfer on image interaction and plasmon excitation in ion-
surface grazing scattering",Nucl. Intsr. \u0026 Methods. B 230,391 (2005).
99.Gui-Qiu Wang,You-Nian Wang,and Z. L. Miskovic,"Coulomb explosion and
能量 loss of fast C_60 clusters in
等离子体s",Phys. Plasma,12,042702(2005).
98. Lu-Jing Hou,You-Nian Wang,and Z. L. Miskovic,"Formation and rotation of two-dimensional Coulomb crystals in magnetized complex plasma",Phys. Plasma,12,042104(2005).
97. Ke Jiang,Lu-Jing Hou,and You-Nian Wang,"Interactions of a projectile charge with two-dimensional dusty
等离子体s",Chinese Phys. Lett. 22,1713(2005).
96. Ming Mao and You-Nian Wang,"Self-consistent kinetic
描写文 of the low-
压强 solenoidal inductively coupled argon discharge",Plasma Sci. \u0026 Techn. 7,2640(2005).
95. Zhen-Qun Guan,Zhong-Ling Dai,and You-Nian Wang,“Simulations of dual rf-biased sheaths and ion
能量 distributions arriving at a dual rf-biased electrode”,Phys. Plasma,12,123502 (2005)
94. Zheng-Feng Ding,Jing-Chao Sun and You-Nian Wang,“Influences of Discharge Parameters on Tuned Substrate Self-bias in a Radio-frequency Inductively Coupled Plasma”,Plasma Sci. \u0026 Techn,7,3117 (2005).
93. Jiu-Li Wang,Gu-Ling Zhang,You-Nian Wang et. al.,“Grid-shadow effects in grid-enhanced plasma source ion implantation”,Surf. Coat. Techn. 92,101 (2005).
92. Li Wei,Shaowen Sun,and You-Nian Wang,“Influence of nonlinear absorption effects on optical bistability in
半导体 ring resonators,Opt. Laser Techn. 37,432(2005).
91. Lu-Jing Hou,You-Nian Wang,and Z. L. Miskovic,"Theoretical study of laser-excited Mach cones in dusty
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90. Lu-Jing Hou,You-Nian Wang,and Z. L. Miskovic,"Two-dimensional radio-frequency sheath
动力学 over a nonflat electrode with perpendicular magnetic field", Phys. Plasmas 11,4456(2004).
89. Lu-Jing Hou,You-Nian Wang,and Z. L. Miskovic,"Two-dimensional fluid simulation of collisional
等离子体 sheath over rf powered electrode with cylindrical hole ",Plasma Sci. \u0026 Techn.6,2404(2004).
88. Ding Zhenfeng,Huo Weigang,Wang Younian,"The tuned substrate self-bias in a radio-frequency inductively coupled
等离子体",Plasma Sci. \u0026 Techn. 6,2549(2004)
87. D. J. Mowbray,Z. L. Miskovic,F.O. Goodman,and You-Nian Wang,"Interactions of fast ions with
碳 nanotubes: Two-fluid model",Phys.
REV B 70,195418 (2004).
86. L. Wei and You-Nian wang,"Electromagnetic wave propagation in single-wall carbon nanotubes",Phys. Lett. A 333,303(2004).
85. Zhong-Ling Dai and You-Nian Wang,"Simulations of ion transport in a collisional radio-frequency plasma sheath",Phys. Rev. E 69,036403 (2004)
84. Z. F. Ding,L. W. Chen,and You-Nian Wang,"Splitting and mating properties of dispersion curves of wave modes in a cold magnetoplasma-filled cylindrical conducting waveguide",Phys. Plasmas 11,1168 (2004)
83. Gui-Qiu Wang and You-Nian Wang,"Influence of strong laser fields on Coulomb explosions and
能量 losses of correlated-ion clusters in plasmas",Phys. Plasmas 11,1187 (2004).
82. You-Nian Wang and Z. L. Miskovic,"Interactions of fast ions with
碳 nanotubes: self-energy and stopping
REV A 69,022901 (2004).
81. Hong-Wei Li,You-Nian Wang,and Z. L. Miskovic,"Interactions of fast C_20 clusters with solids: Coulomb explosions,charge states,and
能量 losses",J. Phys: Condens. Matter 16,1231 (2004).
80. Ming Mao and You-Nian Wang,"Influence of external magnetic field on anomalous skin effects in inductively coupled
等离子体s",Chinese Phys. Lett. 21,511 (2004).
79. Xue-Chun Li and You-Nian Wang,"Secondary-electron emission effects in plasma immersion ion implantation with dielectric substrates",Chinese Phys. Lett. 21,364 (2004).
78. D. J. Mowbray,Z. L. Miskovic,F.O. Goodman,and You-Nian Wang,"Wake effect in interactions of fast ions with
碳 nanotubes",Phys. Lett. A 329,94 (2004).
77. Cun-Sheng Ren,Zong-Xin,You-Nian Wang,and Hung YU,“ Corrosion behavior of TiN films prepared by vacuum ard deposition and
氮 ion beam dynamic mixing implantation”,Surf. Coat. Techn. 185,210 (2004).
76. Jiang-Liang Zhang,Chang Tan,Wen-Chun Wang,and You-Nian Wang,“A spectroscopic scheme to measure the expansion velocity of ablation
等离子体s formed by high intensive pulsed ion beam”,Vacuum 73,673 (2004).
75. Wen-Chun Wang,Feng Liu,Jia-Liang Zhang,Yue Liu,and You-Nian Wang,“Study on
密度 distribution of high energy electrons in pulsed corona discharge”,Vacuum 73,333(2004).
74. Jiu-Li Wang,Gu-Ling Zhang,Yuan-Fu Liu,You-Nian Wang et al.,"Influence of ion
物种 ratio on grid-enhanced plasma source ion implantation”,Chinese Phys. 13,65 (2004).
73.王久丽,张谷令,王友年等, “等离子体源离子注入鞘层及鞘层扩展
物理学报》Vol.53,No.8 (2004).
71. 芦岩,王友年,“碰撞对非对称
射频鞘层特性的影响”,《物理学报》Vol.53,No.8 (2004).
70. Gui-Qiu Wang,You-Nian Wang,and Z. L. Miskovic,"Coulomb explosions and
能量 loss of molecular ions in plasmas",Phys. Rev. E 68,036405(2003)
69. Yuan-Hong Song,You-Nian Wang,and Z. L. Miskovic,"Kinetic electron emission induced by grazing scattering of heavy ions form metal surfaces",Phys. Rev. A 68,022903 (2003).
68. Lu-Jing Hou,You-Nian Wang,and Z. L. Miskovic,"Induced potential of a dust particle in a collisional radio-frequency sheath",Phys.
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64. Gui-Qiu Wang and You-Nian Wang,"Influence of laser field on interaction between swift molecular ions and solids",Acta Physica Sinica 52,939(2003)[in Chinese].
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53. Lu-Jing Hou,You-Nian Wang,and Z. L. Miskovic,“Wake effects on vertical alignment of two dust particles in a rf
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49. Hua-Tan Qiu,You-Nian Wang,and Teng-Cai Ma,“Collisional effects on the radio-frequency sheath
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47. Z. L. Miskovic,S. G. Davison,F. Q. Goodman,W. K. Liu,You-Nian Wang,“Stopping
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44. Xian Meng,You-Nian Wang and Teng-Cai Ma,“Effects of electron emission on steady-state plasma sheaths”,J. Appl. Phys. 88,40 (2000).
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42. 邱华檀,王友年,“速C60离子团在固体中的库仑爆炸过程I-球壳层模型”,《
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1. You-Nian Wang and Teng-Cai Ma,“Stopping power and
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