香港理工大学从事合作研究。Journal of Sound and Vibration、Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration等国际期刊审稿人。
国家高技术研究发展计划子课题、国家973计划课题、地震行业基金等项目的研究工作。发表论文40余篇,其中包括《Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics》、《Engineering Structure》等6篇SCI论文。获得教育部科技进步
Guo A.X., Cui L.L., Li H. Impact stiffness of the contact-element models for the pounding analysis of highway bridges: experimental evaluation. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, published online.(SCI)
Guo A.X., Zhao
QJ, Li H. Experimental study of a higway bridge with shape memory alloy restrainers focusing on the mitigatioin of unseating and pounding. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2012, 11(2):195-204 (SCI)
Guo A.X., Li Z.J., Li H.
小数点to-Surface Pounding of Highway Bridges with Deck Rotation Subjected to Bi-directional Earthquake Excitations. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2011, 15(2):274-302 (SCI).
Guo A.X., Li Z.J., Li H. Experimental and analytical study on pounding reduction of base-isolated highway bridges using MR dampers. Earthquake Engineering and Structural
动力学, 2009, 38(11):1307-1333 (SCI)
Guo A.X., Li H. Pounding reduction of highway bridge with pounding effect by using magnetorheological dampers under earthquake excitations. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2008.11(3):317-334. (SCI)
Guo A.X., Xu Y.L., Li H. Dynamic characteristics of cable-stayed bridge tower with multi-stage
Pendulum 质量 damper under wind excitations during construction I: theory. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2007,6(4) (SCI)
Guo A.X., Xu Y.L., Li H. Dynamic characteristics of cable-stayed bridge tower with multi-stage
Pendulum 质量 damper under wind excitations during construction II: experiment. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2007,6(4):64-69. (SCI)
Xu Y.L., Guo A.X. Microvibration control of coupled high tech equipment- building system in vertical direction, International Journal of
固体 and Structures. 2006,23:6521-6534. (SCI)
Guo A.X., Xu Y.L. and Wu B. Seismic reliability analysis of hysteretic structure with viscoelastic dampers. Engineering Structures, 2002, 24: 373-383. (SCI)
Guo A.X., LI Z.J., Li H. Experimental study of highway bridges with pounding effects subjected bi-directional earthquake excitations. The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008, Beijing
Guo A.X., Li Z.J. The pounding effect analysis of elevated bridge induced from earthquake motion with the explicit finite element method. The Proceeding of 4th China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Control and Monitoring, 2006, Hangzhou
Guo A.X., Li Z.J., Li H. Semi-active control of highway bridge with pounding effect by using magnetorheological dampers under earthquake excitations, International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering, 2007, Harbin
Guo A.X., Li Z.J. and Li H. Pounding analysis of elevated bridges subjected to earthquake excitations by using explicit finite element method, the 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference Commemorating the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, 2006, San Francisco
Guo A.X., Cui L.L. and Li H. Semiactive Control of Structural Pounding of Elevated Bridge with MR Dampers under Earthquake Excitations, 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 2006, San Diego
Guo A.X., Cui L.L. and Li H. Structural control of seismically induced pounding of elevated bridges by using magnetorheological dampers, IABMAS'06, 2006, Portugal
Guo A.X., Li Z.J., Li H. Pounding analysis of elevated bridges subjected to earthquake excitations by using explicit finite element method, International Conference on Bridge Engineering, 2006, Hong Kong
Guo A.X., Li Z.J., Li H. Bi-direction seismic control of
半导体 facilities with hybrid isolation platform by using MR dampers, The 4th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2006, Taiwan
Guo A.X., Li Z.J. and Li H. Pounding analysis method and control of highway bridges under seismic excitations, the 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, 2005, Shenzhen
Guo A.X., Li Z.J. and Li H. Damage research of steel tube
混凝土 arch bridges. the 2nd International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, 2005, Shenzhen
Guo A.X., Xu Y.L. and Li H. Hybrid control of buildings under horizontal and vertical ground motion. SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials/NDE 2004, San Diego, California
Guo A.X., Xu Y.L. and Wang Y.B. Dynamic analysis of hybrid control platform for protecting buildings subject to traffic-induced ground motion. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, 2004, Hawaii
Guo A.X., Xu Y.L. Wind-induced vibration control of cable-stayed bridge towers using multi-stage
Pendulum 质量 damper. The 18th Australian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures \u0026 Materials, 2004, Perth, Western Australia
Guo A.X., Li Z.J., Li H. The damage investigation of the western arch bridges of China. Third China-Japan-US Symposium on Structural Health Monitoring and Control and Fourth Chinese National Conference on Structural Control. 2004.10, Dalian, China
Guo A.X., Li H. Active control analysis of composite shallow shell coupled with discretely distributed piezoelectric actuator and sensor patches. ISSE
YE7, 2002, Tianjin, China.
Guo A.X., Li H. An efficient method for establishing the rule-base of fuzzy controller and its application in adaptive fuzzy control of flexural beam with piezoelectric patches. International Conference on Advances \u0026 New Challenge in Earthquake Engineering Research, 2002,Harbin, China.