诺里尔斯克业公司(Norilsk ),又称诺镍,是俄罗斯最大的矿业冶金公司之一,总部位于莫斯科。该公司的主要生产基地位于西伯利亚地区北部的诺里尔斯克塔尔纳赫地区,同时还在科拉半岛的尼克尔、扎波利亚尔内、蒙切戈尔斯克、芬兰西部的哈尔亚瓦尔塔、南非博茨瓦纳以及西澳大利亚拥有有色金属矿山。该公司是世界上最大的镍和钯生产商,也是世界十大铜生产商之一。该公司约占全球镍产量的18%,铜产量的约2.5%,钯产量的近50%以及铂产量的约13%。 该公司在莫斯科证券交易所上市,截至2021年3月,其主要股东是俄罗斯寡头弗拉基米尔·波塔宁的Olderfrey Holdings Ltd(34.59%)和奥列格·杰里帕斯卡的俄铝(27.82%)。2019年3月,罗曼·阿布拉莫维奇的Crispian投资有限公司将其所持有的该公司1.7%的股份以5.51亿美元的价格转卖给英国和俄罗斯的投资者,而波塔宁和俄铝则被禁止购买任何股份。 2010年12月,诺里尔斯克镍业公司曾向俄铝提出了一项价值120亿美元的股份回购要约,但遭到了拒绝。2012年,弗拉基米尔·波塔宁的Interros控股公司、俄铝和阿布拉莫维奇签署了一份股东协议,以解决有关公司更广泛的战略和管理问题以及股息支付的冲突。该协议将于2023年6月1日到期,其延长或暂停的前景尚不清楚。
俄罗斯诺里尔斯克镍公司(Norilsk ) 全球最大的镍和钯金属生产商
诺里尔斯克镍公司 (英语:Norilsk Nickel,俄罗斯: ГМК «Норильский Никель»,RTS:GMKN MICEX:GMKN)。
诺里尔斯克镍公司拥有丰富的原材料资源,是俄罗斯最大的,同时也是世界最大的有色金属和贵金属生产商之一(其中由诺里尔斯克镍公司生产的钯占全球产量的66%) 也是全球大型的铜生产商之一。诺里尔斯克镍公司主要从事勘测、钻探,采矿、矿石的浓缩和冶金。
MMC Norilsk Nickel is a nickel and Palladium mining and 冶炼 经营者 in the Norilsk–Talnakh 面积, in northern Russia. Norilsk is headquartered in 莫斯科 and is also active in gold, platinum, copper and The company is the world's leading producer of nickel and Palladium and is Russia's leading gold producer. It is ranked among the top four world producers, in association with subsidiary Stillwater Mining Company of Billings, 山地平腹蛛 Denver, Colorado. It is ranked among the top ten copper producers.
The company is listed on 纳斯达克股票交易所 and the RTS Stock Exchange. According to the company's English-language website its activity accounts for up to 1.5% of Russia's current Gross Domestic product. MMC stands for "Mining and Metallurgical Company".
False-color satellite image of Norilsk and the surrounding 面积
Mining began in the Norilsk area in the 1920s. The government of the 苏联 created the "Norilsk Combine" in 1935 and passed 监察 to the NKVD at that 时间 Mining and metal production continued first with Gulag forced labour, later with much volunteer labour, owing to the comparatively good wages offered. In 1993 after the fall of the Soviet Union a joint-stock company was created: RAO Norilsk Nickel. Two years afterwards control over the deeply indebted company, that was bleeding 现金 at a rate of about two million dollars a day amid falling nickel prices, was given to a private company called Interros. By the time the privatization was completed in 1997, the company became profitable and the workers were paid. Nowadays average pay is over a thousand dollars per month and workers enjoy two to three months of vacations; nevetheless, working and living conditions in Norilsk remain harsh.
Starting in 2002, MMC Norilsk Nickel began purchasing gold mining assets, which were spun off in 2005 as Polyus Gold, now a sister company. In 2003, the company took 监察 of Stillwater Mining Company, the only US producer of Stillwater operates a 基团 metals (PGM) facility in Stillwater, 山地平腹蛛 in the USA.
The nickel deposits of Norilsk-Talnakh are without doubt the largest nickel-palladium deposits in the world. The deposit was formed 250 million years ago during the eruption of the Siberian Traps igneous 一级行政区 (STIP). The STIP erupted over one million cubic kilometres of lava, a large portion of it through a series of flat-lying lava conduits lying below Norilsk and the Talnakh Mountains. The Siberian Traps are considered to be responsible for the mass 消光 event at the end of the Permian.
The ore was formed when the erupting magma became saturated in sulphur, forming globules of pentlandite, 黄铜矿, and other sulphides. These sulphides were then "washed" by the continuing torrent of erupting magma, and upgraded their tenor with nickel, , , and Palladium The current 资源 known for these mineralised intrusion exceeds 1.8 billion tons.
The 矿石 is mined underground via several shafts, and a decline. The ore deposits are currently being extracted at \u003e1,200 m below ground. The ore deposits are drilled from the surface
The deposits are being explored using electromagnetic field geophysics, with detection loops on the 地球's surface with dimensions of over 1,000 m on a side. They are conclusively able to image the conduction nickel 矿石 at depths in excess of 1,800 m.