第四届国家 973 计划信息科学领域专家咨询组副组长;
日本应用物理学杂志(日语 Journal of Applied Physics)Overseas Editor;
Applied Physics Express杂志 Overseas Editor;
ECOC(European Conference on Optical 传播学)欧洲光通信会议程序委员会委员;
曾任IEEE量子光学杂志(Journal of Quantum 电子学)编委;
曾任IEEE光波技术杂志(Journal of Lightwave Technology)编委;
罗毅教授致力于研究增益耦合分布反馈激光器,与电吸收调制器单片集成的增益耦合半导体激光器,以及其他种类的半导体光电器件。在此期间,他利用分子束外延(MBE)首次研制出带有损耗光栅的GaAlAs/砷化镓 多量子阱增益耦合DFB激光器,以及带有电吸收调制器的单片集成增益耦合DFBB激光器。 此外,他提出并使用LPE和MOVPE混合生长法得到周期调制载流子光栅的新型1.55微米InGaAsP / InP增益耦合DFB激光器结构。并在国内首次利用LPE制得了 1.3微米的InGaAsP / InP增益耦合DFB激光器。近年来,他的研究小组成功研制出了1.55微米InGaAsP / InP增益耦合DFB激光器和电吸收调制器的集成器件,这些器件可分别应用于2.5 Gb/s, 10 Gb/s和 40Gb/s的高速光纤系统。获得2012 年国家技术发明二等奖
从1999年起他开始了对氮化镓基光电器件,其中包括高亮度蓝、绿发光二极管和高功率HEMT器件的研究。发明网格状二维蓝宝石图形衬底,并优化其外延条件,将位错密度降低两个数量级;提出了载流子俘获与复合分别优化的台阶型In氮化镓/GaN多量子阱结构,较常规量子阱结构蓝光LED 的发光内量子效率提高了25 个百分点。系统优化了GaN 基异质材料ICP 刻蚀工艺,同时获得更高刻蚀速率和优化刻蚀条件以得到更好表面形貌。获得2011年国家科技进步二等奖
自2003年起,他开始研究固态照明的关键技术。常规封装白光 LED 用于照明时存在照明均匀性差、光能利用率低,导致半导体照明光源产品难以进入通用照明市场。他提出在常规封装LED 器件外构置三维自由光学曲面将光线高效、均匀投射到被照明区域的思想和总光通量可简单线性扩展的光源模组拓扑结构,发挥LED 体积小、可调控光线行为的优势,同时提高照明均匀性和光能利用率。专利成果转让至合作企业并实现了产业化,形成照明光源系列产品。获得2014年国家技术发明二等奖
发表SCI论文141 篇;各类论文他引总计2192次(SCI 他引860 次)、单篇最高104次,第一、二作者论文被11部国外教科书引述;第一发明人授权专利12项并转让7 项。
1. X. L. Mao, H. T. Li, Y. J. Han, and Y. Luo, Two-step design method for highly compact three-dimensional freeform optical system for LED surface light source, Optics Express, 22(106) (2014), A1491-A1506.
2. Y. J. Chen, Yijing, V. Krishnamurthy, Y. C. 赖姓, Y. Luo, Z. B. Hao, L. Wang, and S. T. Ho, Fabrication of sub-200 nm 氮化铝GaN-氮化铝 waveguide with cleaved end facet, Journal of Vacuum Science \u0026 Technology B, 32(4) (2014), 041207.
3. L. Niu, Z. B. Hao, Y. X. E, J. N. Hu, L. Wang, and Y. Luo, MBE-grown AlN-on-Si with improved crystalline quality by using on-insulator substrates, Applied Physics Express, 7(6) (2014), 065505.
4. K. Wu, T. B. Wei, H. Y. Zheng, D. Lan, X. C. Wei, Q. Hu, H. X. Lu, J.X. Wang, Y. Luo, and J. M. Li, Fabrication and optical characteristics of phosphor-free InGaN nanopyramid white light emitting diodes by nanospherical-lens photolithography, Journal of Applied Physics, 115(12) (2014), 123101.
5. D. Liu, C. Z. 太阳, B. Xiong, and Y. Luo, Nonlinear 动力学 in integrated coupled DFB lasers with ultra-short delay, Optics express, 22(5) (2014), 5614-5622.
6. X. L. Mao, H. T. Li, Y. J. Han, and Y. Luo, A two-step design method for high compact rotationally symmetric optical system for LED surface light source, Optics Express, 22(102) (2014), A233-A247.
7. K. Wu, T. B. Wei, D. Lan, H. Y. Zheng, J. X. Wang, Y. Luo, and J. M. Li, Large-scale SiO2 photonic 晶体 for high efficiency GaN LEDs by nanospherical-lens lithography, Chinese Physics B, 23(2) (2014), 028504.
8. W. B. Lv, L. Wang, L. Wang, Y. C. Xing, D. Yang, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, InGaN quantum dot green light-emitting diodes with negligible 蓝色 shift of electroluminescence PEAK wavelength, Applied Physics Express, 7(2) (2014), 025203.
9. K. Wu, T. B. Wei, D. Lan, X. C. Wei, H. Y. Zheng, Y. Chen, H. X. Lu, K. Huang, J. X. Wang, Y. Luo, and J. M. Li, Phosphor-free nanopyramid white light-emitting diodes grown on {10 1ˉ 1} planes using nanospherical-lens photolithography, Applied Physics Letters, 103(24) (2013), 241107.
10. X. N. Zhao, B. Xiong, C. Z. 太阳, and Y. Luo, Low drive 电压 optical phase modulator with novel InGaAlAs/ InAlAs 倍数quantum-barrier based 美国国家仪器(NI)有限公司n heterostructure, Optics express, 21(21) (2013), 24894-24903.
11. K. Wu, Y. Y. 张姓, T. B. Wei, B. Sun, H. Y. Zheng, H. X. Lu, Y. Chen, J. X. Wang, Y. Luo, and J. M. Li, Light extraction improvement of InGaN light-emitting diodes with large-面积 highly ordered ITO nanobowls photonic 晶体 via selfassembled nanosphere lithography, Aip Advances, 3(9)(2013), 092124.
12. K. Wang, Y. J. Han, H. Li, and Y. Luo, Overlapping-based optical freeform surface construction for extended lighting source, Optics express, 21(17) (2013), 19750-19761.
13. W. B. Lv, L. Wang, J. X. Wang, Y. C. Xing, J. Y. 郑姓, D. 杨姓, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, Green and Red Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Multilayer InGaN/GaN Dots Grown by Growth Interruption Method, 日语 Journal of Applied Physics, 52(8S) (2013), 08JG13.
14. J. N. Hu, Z. B. Hao, L. Niu, Y. X. E, L. Wang, and Y. Luo, Atomically smooth and homogeneously N-polar AlN film grown on by alumination of Si3N4, Applied Physics Letters, 102(14) (2013), 141913.
15. H. T. Li, X. L. Mao, Y. J. Han, and Y. Luo, Wavelength Dependence of Colorimetric Properties of Lighting Sources Based on Multi-Color LEDs, Optics Express, 21(3)(2013), 3775-3783.
16. D. Liu, C. Z. Sun, B. Xiong and Y. Luo, Suppression of Chaos in Integrated Twin DFB Lasers for Millimeter-Wave Generation, Optics Express, 21(2)(2013), 2444-2451.
17. T. Shi, B. Xiong, C. Z. Sun, and Y. Luo, Back-to-Back UTCPDs With High Responsivity, High 色彩饱和度 Current and Wide Bandwidth, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25(2)(2013), 136-139.
18. H. T. Li, S. C. Chen, Y. J. Han, and Y. Luo, A Fast Feedback Method to 设计 Easy-Molding Freeform Optical System with Uniform Illuminance and High Light Control Efficiency, Optics Express, 21(1)(2013), 1258-1269.
19. Z. B. Guo, L. Wang, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, Modeling and experimental study on sensing response of an AlGaN/GaN HEMT-based sensor, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 176(2013), 241-247.
20. W. B. Lv, L. Wang, J. X. Wang, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, InGaN/GaN multilayer quantum dots 黄色green light-emitting diode with optimized GaN barriers, Nanoscale research letters, 7(1) (2012), 1-8.
21. K. Y. Qian, J. Ma, W. Fu, and Y. Luo, Research on scattering properties of phosphor for high power white light emitting diode based on Mie scattering theory, Acta Physica Sinica, 61(20) (2012), 204201.
22. 钱可元,马骏,付伟,罗毅,基于Mie散射理论的白光发光二极管荧光粉散射特性研究,物理学报,61(20)(2012),204201.
23. J. Y. Zheng, L. Wang, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, L. X. Wang, and X. K. Chen, A GaN p-i-p-i-n Ultraviolet 雪崩 Photodiode, Chinese Physics Letters, 29(9)(2012), 097804.
24. J. X. Wang, L. Wang, L. Wang, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, A. Dempewolf, M. Muller, F. Bertram And J. Christen, An Improved Carrier Rate Model to Evaluate Internal Quantum Efficiency and Analyze Efficiency Droop Origin of InGaN Based Light-Emitting diodes, Journal of Applied Physics, 112(2)(2012), 023107.
25. W. Zhao, L. Wang, J. X. Wang, W. B. Lv, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, Growth and Characterization of Self-assembled Low-indium Composition InGaN Nanodots by Alternate Admittance of Precursors, Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science, 209(6)(2012), 1096-1100.
26. Y. B., Hu, Z. B. Hao, J. N. Hu, L. Niu, L. Wang, and Y. Luo, Studies on the composition of InGaN/AlN quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy, Acta Physica Sinica, 61(23)(2012), 237804.
27. 胡懿彬,郝智彪,胡健楠,钮浪,汪莱,罗毅,分子束外延生长InGaN/AlN量子点的组分研究,物理学报,61(23)(2012),237804.
28. L. Niu, Z. B. Hao, J. N. Hu, Y. B. Hu, L. Wang, and Y. Luo, Improving the Emission Efficiency of MBE-Grown GaN/AlN QDs by Strain Control, Nanoscale Research Letters, 6(2011), 611.
29. W. B. Lv, L. Wang, J. X. Wang, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, 密度 Increase of Upper Quantum Dots in Dual InGaN Quantum-Dot Layers, Chinese Physics Letters, 28(12)(2011), 128101
30. J. X. Wang, L. Wang, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, Efficiency Droop Effect Mechanism in an InGaN/GaN 蓝色 MQW LED, Chinese Physics Letters, 28(11)(2011), 118105
31. D. J. Hao, K. Y. Qian, and Y. Luo, Use of Adjusted Molecular 动力学 Method for Dot Pattern 设计 in Large Scale Light-Emitting Diode Edge-Lit Backlight Unit, Optical Engineering, 50(10)(2011), 104001.
32. W. C. Situ, Y. J. Han, H. T.Li, and Y. Luo, Combined Feedback Method for Designing a Free-Form Optical System with Complicated Illumination Patterns for an Extended LED Source, Optics Express, 19(S5)(2011), A1022-A1030.
33. S. Q. Li, L. Wang, Y. J. Han, Y. Luo, H. Q. Deng, J. S. Qiu, and J. Zhang, A new growth method of roughed p-GaN in GaN-based light emitting diodes, Acta Physica Sinica, 60(9)(2011), 098107.
34. 李水清,汪莱,韩彦军,罗毅,邓和清,丘建生,张洁,氮化镓发光二极管结构中粗化p型氮化镓层的新型生长方法,物理学报,60(9)(2011),098107.
35. T. Shi, B. Xiong, C. Z. Sun, and Y. Luo, Study on The 色彩饱和度 Characteristics of High-Speed Uni-Traveling-Carrier Photodiodes Based on Field Screening Analysis, Chinese Optics Letters, 9(8)(2011), 082302.
36. W. Zhao, L. Wang, J. X. Wang, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, Theoretical Study on Critical Thicknesses of InGaN Grown on (0001) GaN, Journal of 晶体 Growth, 327(1)(2011), 202-204.
37. W. Zhao, L. Wang, J. X. Wang, and Y. Luo, Luminescence Properties of InxGa1?xN (x~0.04) Films Grown by Metal Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy, Chinese Physics B, 20(7)(2011), 076101.
38. W. Zhao, L. Wang, J. X. Wang, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, Edge Dislocation Induced Self-Assembly of InGaN Nano-Flower on GaN by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Journal of Applied Physics, 110(1)(2011), 014311.
39. W. Zhao, L. Wang, W. B. Lv, L. Wang, J. X. Wang, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, Growth Behavior of High-Indium-Composition InGaN Quantum Dots Using Growth Interruption Method, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50(6)(2011), 065601
40. L. Wang, W. Zhao, Z. Hao, and Y. Luo, Photocatalysis of InGaN Nanodots Responsive to Visible Light, Chinese Physics Letters, 28(5)(2011), 057301.
41. J. Wang, Y. C. Xing, and Y. Luo, Ab Initio Study of GaN Periodically Substituted by Transition Metal for Intermediate Band Materials. Physics Status Solidi B, 248(4)(2011), 964-968.
42. L. L. Cao, Y. J. Han, Z. X. Feng, and Y. Luo, Reflector 设计 for Large-Size Spherical surface Sources, Optical Engineering, 50(2)(2011), 023001.
43. W. J. Fan, Z. B. Hao, E. Stock, J. B. Kang, Y. Luo, and D. Bimberg, Comparision between Two Types of Photonic-晶体 Cavities for Single Photon Emitters, 半导体 Science and Technology, 26(1)(2011), 014014.
44. J. X. Wang, L. Wang, W. Zhao, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, Understanding Efficiency Droop Effect in InGaN/GaN 倍数Quantum-Well 蓝色 Light-Emitting Diodes with Different Degree of Carrier Localization, Applied Physics Letters, 97(20)(2010), 201112.
45. L. Wang, L. Wang, F. Ren, W. Zhao, J. X. Wang, J. N. Hu, C. Zhang, Z. B. Hao, and Y. Luo, GaN grown on AlN/sapphire templates, Acta Physica Sinica, 59(11)( 2010), 8021-8025.
46. 汪莱,王磊,任凡,赵维,王嘉星,胡健楠,张辰,郝智彪,罗毅,AIN/蓝宝石模板上生长的GaN研究,物理学报,59(11)(2010),8021-8025.
47. F. Ren, Z. B. Hao, J. N. Hu, C. Zhang, and Y. Luo, Effects of AlN Nucleation Layer Thickness on 晶体 Quality of AlN Grown by 等离子体Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Chinese Physics B, 19(11)(2010), 116801.
48. Z. X. Feng, Y. Luo, and Y. J. Han, 设计 of LED Freeform Optical System for Road Lighting with High Luminance/Illuminance Ratio, Optics Express, 18(21)(2010), 22020-22031.
49. H. Yuan, C. Z. Sun, J. M. Xu, Q. Wu, B. Xiong, and Y. Luo, 设计 and fabrication of multilayer antireflection coating for optoelectronic devices by 等离子体 enhanced chemical vapor deposition, Acta Physica Sinica, 59(10)(2010), 7239-7244
50. 袁贺,孙长征,徐建明,武庆,熊兵,罗毅,基于等离子体增强化学气相沉积技术的光电子器件多层抗反膜的设计和制作,物理学报,59(10)(2010),7239-7244
51. L. Wang, J. Wang, W. Zhao, X. Zou, and Y. Luo, Effects of InGaN Barriers with Low Indium Content on Internal Quantum Efficiency of 蓝色 InGaN Multiple Quantum Wells, Chinese Physics B, 19(7)(2010), 076803.
52. F. Ren, Z. B. Hao, C. Zhang, J. N. Hu, and Y. Luo, High Quality AlN with Thin Interlayer Grown on a Sapphire Substrate by 等离子体Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Chinese Physics letters, 27(6)(2010), 068101.
53. W. J. Fan, Z. B. Hao, Z. Li, Y. S. Zhao, and Y. Luo. Influence of Fabrication Error on the Characteristics of a 2D Photonic-晶体 Cavity. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 28(10)(2010), 1455-1458.
54. C. Zhang, Z. B. Hao, F. Ren, J. N. Hu, and Y. Luo, Improvement of AlN Film Quality by Controlling the Coalescence of Nucleation Islands in 等离子体Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Chinese Physics letters, 27(5)(2010), 058101.
55. Y. Luo, Z. X. Feng, Y. J. Han, and H. T. Li, 设计 of Compact and Smooth Free-Form Optical System with Uniform Illuminance for LED Source, Optics Express, 18(9)(2010), 9055-9063.
56. J. X. Wang, L. Wang, W. Zhao, X. Zou, and Y. Luo, Study on Internal Quantum Efficiency of 蓝色 InGaN 倍数Quantum-Well with an InGaN Underneath Layer, Science In China Series E-Technological Sciences, 53(2)(2010), 306-308.
57. F. Ren, Z. B. Hao, L. Wang, L. Wang, H. T. Li, and Y. Luo, Effects of SiNx on Two-Dimensional Electron Gas and Current Collapse of AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors, Chinese Physics B, 19(1)(2010), 017306.
1998~2012 年担任集成光电子学国家重点联合实验室主任,在信息类国家重点实验室评估中连续3次获得优秀;
1995 年获国家杰出青年科学基金
1999 年任教育部长江特聘教授;
主持973 项目3 项;
获国家技术发明二等奖2 项(均排名1),国家科技进步二等奖1项(排名2),省部级奖3 项(均排名1)