谭保才,2018年6月任山东大学青岛校区副校长兼生命科学学院院长。泰山学者海外特聘专家。1997年获得佛罗里达大学(University ofFlorida)植物分子遗传学博士学位,获佛罗里达大学1997年度最佳博士学位论文奖;曾任香港中文大学生物系研究副教授、香港中文大学深圳研究院教授。
起止时间 学位 毕业院校 专业
1992/09 - 1997/06 博士 佛罗里达大学(美国)植物分子遗传学
1984/09 - 1987/06 硕士 兰州大学 植物生理学
1980/09 - 1984/06 学士 兰州大学 植物生理学
2013/12 - 至 今 山东大学生命科学学院 特聘教授,院长,泰山区学者
2011/01 - 2013/12 香港中文大学深圳研究院 研究员
2007/12 - 2013/12 香港中文大学植物分子与农业技术研究所 研究副教授
2001/03 - 2007/12 佛罗里达大学癌症与遗传研究所 研究助理教授
1997/07 - 2001/02 佛罗里达大学植物分子与细胞生物学 博士后
1992/08 - 1997/06 佛罗里达大学园艺科学系 研究助理
1987/06 - 1992/08 兰州大学生物系 讲师
课题组主要以玉米为模式植物研究种子发育的分子遗传调控机制。种子发育与粮食作物的产量和品质密切相关,解析种子发育的分子遗传调控机制既是植物学的一个根本问题,也是农业生产高产优质育种的重要基础。种子发育过程涉及复杂的遗传调控网络,突变体是解析遗传网络组成元件的主要遗传材料。我们利用Mutator转座子分离了大量的玉米种子发育突变体,开发了针对性的基因克隆技术,通过基因克隆和遗传学、分子生物学和细胞生物学分析,查明这些基因的分子功能,解析调控种子发育的分子机制和调控网络,为分子育种提供理论基础。目前为止,实验室克隆了40多个玉米籽粒发育关键基因,通过功能解析,揭示了调控种子发育的重要途径并创新了相关的基础理论,如确立了植物激素ABA是通过间接途径合成;发现了一个前所未知的阿魏属蔗糖循环途径;该循环介导单子叶植物中细胞壁木聚糖阿魏酰化;初步解析了细胞器核糖核酸编辑和内含子剪接的机制,为后续研究奠定了基础。其中,关于ABA合成途径的研究成果被编入美国《Plant Physiology》(Taiz\u0026Zaiger ed.)大学教材,并被翻译成中文等语言。实验室参与构建的UniformMu突变体库供全球科学家使用,成为玉蜀黍属遗传学研究最重要的资源。
2014-2016,Hong Kong RGC,Functional analysis of SMALL KERNEL 11 and identification of its interacting proteins.
2013-2015,Hong Kong RGC,Functional analysis of Empty pericarp5 in maize seed development.
2012-2014,Hong Kong RGC,Functional analysis of EMB15 in maize seed development.
2012-2016,深圳孔雀计划(Co-PI),Applied research of plant molecular biotechnology on modern agriculture.
2010-2012,Hong Kong RGC, Genetic and functional dissection of Emb12 and Emb14 in maize embryo development.
1. Yang, D., Liu, H., Li, X., Zhang, YF系列火箭发动机, Zhang, X., Yang, H., Liu, M., Koch, K.E., McCarty, D.R., Li, S., Tan, B.C.* (2024). A 蔗糖 ferulate cycle linchpin for ferulyolation of arabinoxylans in plant 鸭跖草类植物 Nature Plants DOI: 10.1038/s41477-024-01781-1.
2. Yang, Y.Z.*, Liu, X.Y., Gao, S., Zhang, S.G., Tan, B.C.* (2024). 无规共聚聚丙烯21 is involved in the splicing of nad2 introns via interacting with PPR-SMR1 and SPR2 and is essential to maize seed development. J. 獛属 Genomics DOI: 10.1016/j.jgg2024.08.010
3. Chen, B.#, Wang, J.#, Gui, Y., Wang, L., Wei, Q., Huang, M., Tan, B.C.* (2024). C1-FDX is required for the assembly of mitochondrial complexes I and V. PLoS Genetics (in press).
4. Wang, L., Chen, B., Ma, B., Wang, Y., Wang, H., Sun, X., Tan, B.C.* (2024). Maize Dek51 encodes a DEAD-box 核糖核酸 解旋酶 essential for pre-rRNA processing and seed development. Cell Reports 43, 114673.
5. Wang, Y., Huang, Z.Q., Tian, K.D., Li, H., Xu, C., Xia, B., Tan, B.C.* (2024). 倍数 factors interact in the editing of the 无规共聚聚丙烯E+ targeted sites in maize mitochondria and plastids. Plant Commun. 5: 100836.
6. Liu X.Y., Jiang, R.C., Ma, B., Wang, Y., Yang, Y.Z., Xu, C., Sun, F., Tan, B.C.* (2024). Maize requires Embryo defective27 for embryogenesis and seedling development. Plant Physiology 195: 430-445.
7. Ma, B.#, Liu, H.#, Xiu, Z., Yang, H.H., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Tan, B.C.* (2024). Defective kernel 58 encodes an Rrp15p domain-containing protein essential to ribosome biogenesis and seed development in maize. New Phytologist 241: 1662-1675.
8. Yang Y.Z., Ding, S., Liu., X.Y., Xu, C., Sun, F., Tan, B.C.* (2023). The DEAD-box 核糖核酸 解旋酶 ZmRH48 is required for the splicing of 倍数 mitochondrial introns, mitochondrial complex biosynthesis, and seed development in maize. JIPB 65: 2456-2468.
9. Zu, X., Luo, L., Wang, Z., Gong, J., Yang, C., Deng, X., Song, X., Wang, Y., Xu, C., Qiao X., Chen, C., Tan, B.C., Cao, X.* (2023). A mitochondrial pentatricopeptide repeat protein enhances cold tolerance by modulating mitochondrial superoxide in rice. Nature Commun. 14: 6789.
10. Wang, Y., Li, H., Huang, Z.Q., Ma, B., Yang, Y.Z., Xiu, Z.H., Wang, L., Tan, B.C.* (2023). Maize 无规共聚聚丙烯E proteins mediate 核糖核酸 C-to-U editing in mitochondria by recruiting the trans deaminase PCW1. Plant Cell 35: 529–551.
11. Yang, Y.Z.#, Liu, X.Y.#, Tang, 约翰·约翰逊, Wang, Y., Xu, C., Tan, B.C.* (2022). GRP23 plays a core role in E-type editosomes via interacting with MORFs and atypical 无规共聚聚丙烯DYWs in Arabidopsis mitochondria. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 119: e2210978119.
12. Liu, H., Xiu, Z., Yang, H., Ma, Z., Yang, D., Wang, H., Tan, B.C.* (2022). SHREK1 encoding a WD40 protein involves in ribosome biogenesis by regulating pre-rRNA processing in maize. Plant Cell 34: 4028-4044.
13. Cao, S.K.#, Liu, R.#, Wang, M., Sun, F., Sayyed, A., Shi, H., Wang, X., Tan, B.C.* (2022). (2022). Small 无规共聚聚丙烯 protein SPR2 interacts with PPR-SMR1 to facilitate the splicing of introns in maize mitochondria. Plant Physiology 190: 1763-1776.
14. Zhao, J.#, Cao, S.K.#, Li, X.L., Sun, F., Jiang, R.C., Xu, C.H., Tan, B.C.* (2022). Emp80 is required for mitochondrial nad7 and atp4 transcript editing and seed development in maize. New Phytologist 234: 1237-1248.
15. Wang F., Yu, Z., Zhang, M., Wang, M., Lu, X., Liu, X., Li, Y., Zhang, X., Tan, B.C., Li, C.*, Ding Z.* (2021). ZmTE1 promotes plant height by regulating intercalary meristem formation and internode 细胞 elongation in maize. Plant Biotechnol. J. 20: 526-537.
16. Liu, X.Y., Jiang, R.C., Wang, Y., Tang, J.J., Sun, F., Yang, Y.Z., Tan, B.C.* (2021). ZmPPR26, a DYW-type pentatricopeptide repeat protein, is required for C-to-U 核糖核酸 editing at atpA-1148 in maize chloroplasts. J. Exp. Bot. 72: 4809-4821.
17. Xu, C., Shen, Y., Li, C., Lu, F., Zhang, M.D., Meeley, R.B., McCarty, D.R. Tan, B.C.* (2021). Emb15 encodes a 质体 ribosomal assembly factor essential for embryogenesis in maize. Plant J. 106: 214-227.
18. Yang, Y.Z., Ding, S., Liu, X.Y., Tang, 约翰·约翰逊, Wang, Y., Sun, F., Xu, C., Tan, B.C.* (2021). EMP32 is required for the cis-splicing of nad7 intron 2 and seed development in maize. 核糖核酸 Biology 18: 499-509.
19. Xu, C., Song, S., Yang, Y.Z., Lu, F., Zhang, M.D., Sun, F., Jia, R., Song, R., Tan, B.C.* (2020). DEK46 performs C-to-U editing of a specific site in mitochondrial nad7 introns that is critical for intron splicing and seed development in maize. Plant J. 103: 1767-1782.
20. Liu, R., Cao, S.K., Sayyed, A., Yang, H.H., Zhao J., Wang, X.M., Jia, R.X., Sun, F., Tan, B.C.* (2020). The DYW-subgroup pentatricopeptide repeat protein 无规共聚聚丙烯27 interacts with ZmMOR一级方程式锦标赛 to facilitate mitochondrial 核糖核酸 editing and seed development in maize. J. Exp. Bot. 71: 5495-5505.
21. Wang, H.C., Sayyed, A., Liu, X.Y., Yang, Y.Z., Sun, F., Wang, Y., Wang, M.D., Tan, B.C.* (2020). SMALL KERNEL4 is required for mitochondrial cox1 transcript editing and seed development in maize. JIPB. 62: 777-792.
22. Wang Y., Liu, X.Y., Yang, Y.Z., Huang, J., Sun, F., Lin, J.S., Gu, Z.Q., Sayyed, A., Xu, C., Tan, B.C.* (2019). Empty pericarp21 encodes a novel 无规共聚聚丙烯DYW protein that is required for mitochondrial 核糖核酸 editing at multiple sites, complexes I and V biogenesis, and seed development in maize. PLoS Genetics 15(8): e1008305.
23. Chen, Z.#, Wang, H.C.#, Shen, J., Sun, F., Wang M.D. Xu, C., Tan, B.C.* (2019). 无规共聚聚丙烯SMR1 is required for the splicing of 倍数 mitochondrial introns and interacts with Zm-mCS一级方程式锦标赛 and is essential for seed development in maize. J. Exp. Bot. 70: 5245-5258.
24. Sun, F., Xiu, Z., Jiang, R., Liu, Y., Zhang, X., Yang, Y.Z., Li, X., Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Tan, B.C.* (2019). The mitochondrial pentatricopeptide repeat protein EMP12 is involved in the splicing of three nad2 introns and seed development in maize. J. Exp. Bot. 70: 963-972.
25. Li, X.L., Huang, W.L., Jiang R.C., Sun, F., Wang, H.C., Zhao, J., Xu, C., Tan, B.C.* (2019). EMP18 functions in mitochondrial atp6 and cox2 transcript editing and is essential to seed development in maize. New Phytologist 221: 896-907.
26. Sun, F., Zhang, X., Shen, Y., Wang, H., Liu, R., Wang, X., Gao, D., Yang, Y.Z., Liu, Y., Tan, B.C.* (2018). The pentatricopeptide repeat protein EMPTY PERICARP8 is required for the splicing of three mitochondrial introns and seed development in maize. Plant J. 95: 919-932.
27. Zhang YF系列火箭发动机, 铃木公司 M., Sun F., Tan B.C.* (2017). The 线粒体targeted PENTATRICOPEPTIDE REPEAT78 protein is required for nad5 mature mRNA stability and seed development in maize. Molecular Plant 10: 1321-1333.
28. Yang Y.Z., Ding S., Wang Y., Li C.L., Shen Y., Meeley R., McCarty D.R., Tan B.C.* (2017). Small kernel2 encodes a glutaminase in Vitamin B6 biosynthesis and is essential for maize seed development. Plant Physiology 174: 1127-1138.
29. Cai M., Li S., Sun F., Sun Q., Zhao H., Ren X., Zhao Y., Tan B.C., Zhang Z.*, Qiu F.* (2017). Emp10 encodes a mitochondrial PPR protein that affects the cis-splicing of nad2 intron 1 and seed development in maize. Plant J. 91: 132-144.
30. Tan B.C., Guan J.C., Ding S., Wu S., Koch K.E., McCarty D.R.* (2017). Structure and origin of the White Cap locus and its role in the evolution of grain color in maize. Genetics 206: 135-150.
31. Yang Y.Z., Ding S., Wang H.C., Sun F., Huang W.L., Song S., Xu C.H., Tan B.C.* (2017). The pentatricopeptide repeat protein EMP9 is required for mitochondrial ccmB and rps4 transcript editing, mitochondrial complex biogenesis and seed development in maize. New Phytologist 214: 782-795.
32. Xiu Z., Sun F., Shen Y., Zhang X., Jiang R., Bonnard G., Zhang J., Tan B.C.* (2016). EMPTY PERICARP16 is required for mitochondrial nad2 intron 4 cis-splicing and seed development in maize. Plant J. 85: 507-519.
33. Li C., Shen Y., Meeley R., McCarty D.R., Tan, B.C.* (2015). Embryo defective 14 encodes a 质体targeted cGTPase essential for embryogenesis in maize. Plant J. 84: 785-799.
34. Sun F., Wang X., Bonnard G., Shen Y., Xiu Z., Li, X., Gao, D., Zhang, Z., Tan B.C.* (2015). empty pericarp 7 encodes a mitochondrial E-subgroup pentatricopeptide repeat protein that is required for ccmFN editing, mitochondrial function and seed development in maize. Plant J. 84: 283-295.
35. Chen Y., Hou M., Liu L., Wu S., Shen Y., Ishiyama K., Kobayashi M., McCarty D.R., Tan B.C.* (2014). The maize DWARF 1 encodes a Gibberellin 3-oxidase and is dual-localized to the 细胞核 and cytosol. Plant Physiology 166: 2028-2039.
36. Li X.J., Zhang Y.F., Hou M.M., Sun F., Shen Y., Xiu Z.H., Wang X.M., Chen Z.L., Sun S.S.M., Small I., Tan B.C.* (2014). Small kernel 1 encodes a pentatricopeptide repeat protein required for mitochondrial nad7 transcript editing and seed development in maize and rice. Plant J. 79: 797–809.
37. Shen Y., Li C., Meeley R., McCarty D.R., Tan B.C.* (2013). Embryo defective 12 encodes translation initiation factor 3 and is essential to maize embryogenesis. Plant J. 74: 792-804.
38. Liu Y., Xiu Z.H., Meeley R., Tan B.C.* (2013). Empty pericarp 5 encodes a pentatricopeptide repeat protein that is required for mitochondrial 核糖核酸 editing and seed development in maize. Plant Cell 25: 868-883.
39. Messing 永恒沉睡, Gabelli sb, Echeverria I., Vogel 日本烟草产业, Guan J.C., Tan B.C., Klee H.J., McCarty D.R., Amzel L.M. (2010). Structural insights into maize Viviparous14, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of the phytohormone abscisic acid. Plant Cell 22: 2970-2980.
40. Vogel 日本烟草产业, Tan B.C., McCarty D.R., Klee H.J. (2008). The carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 1 enzyme has broad substrate specificity, cleaving multiple carotenoids at two different bond positions. J. Biol. Chem. 283: 11364-1137.
41. McCarty D.R., Settles A.M., Suzuki M., Tan B.C., Latshaw S., Porch T., Robin K., Baier J., Avigne W., Lai J., Messing J., Koch K.E., Hannah L.C. (2005). Steady-state transposon mutagenesis in inbred maize. Plant J. 44: 52-61.
42. Tan B.C.*, Joseph L.M., Deng W.T., Liu L.J., Li Q.B., Cline K., McCarty D.R. (2003). Molecular characterization of the Arabidopsis nine-cis-expoxycarotenoid dioxygenase gene family. Plant J. 35: 44-56.
43. Tan B.C.*, Cline K., McCarty D.R. (2001). Localization and targeting of VP14 epoxy-carotenoid dioxygenase to the chloroplast membrane. Plant J. 27: 373-382.
44. Tan B.C., Schwartz S., Zeevaart J.A., McCarty D.R.* (1997). Genetic control of abscisic acid synthesis in maize. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94: 12235-12240.
45. SCHWARTZ S.#, Tan B.C.#, Gage D.A., Zeevaart J.A., McCarty D.R.* (1997). Specific oxidative cleavage of carotenoids by VP14 of maize. Science 276: 1872-1875.