福州大学兼职教授;广东省光电子器件与系统重点实验室学术委员会成员;基金委信息学部项目评审专家;“973”首席科学家;科技部863平板显示重大项目总体组专家;广东省光学学会副理事长;核心期刊《发光学报》、《液晶与显示》、《华南理工大学学报》-自然科学版编辑,“中国物理快报(英文版)”特约评审,国际有影响的刊物Adv. Mater.,Appl. Phys. Lett.等审稿人。
(1)项目名称:有机高分子化合物发光平板显示技术(项目编号:2002AA303240),类型年限: 国家科技部“863”项目(2002-2004)
(8)项目名称:有机/高分子电致发光重大基础问题研究(项目编号:2002CB613400),类型年限:科技部“973”(2002-2008) 简要说明:课题五负责人
(9)项目名称:广东省TFT 平板显示产业知识产权(项目编号:2008A070500006),类型年限:广东省软科学研究项目,2008.6~12
(10)项目名称:高性能发光材料研制及印刷型发光显示屏技术研究(项目编号: 2008A010500002),类型年限:广东省科技计划项目,2008.10~2009.12
(11)项目名称:有机/有机高分子化合物平板显示材料的基础研究(项目编号:2009CB623604),类型年限:科技部“973”(2009-2013) 简要说明: 课题四负责人(课题名称:有机显示器件的组装制备与性能优化)
1.High-performance polymer heterojunction solar cells of a polysilafluorene derivative Ergang Wang, Li Wang, Linfeng 蓝姓, Chan Luo, Wenliu 壮族, Junbiao Peng, and Yong Cao APPL Phys. Lett. 92, 033307 (2008)
2.Impedance spectroscopy investigation of electron transport in solar cells based on blend film of polymer and nanocrystals Wenbo Huang, Junbiao Peng*, Li Wang, Jian Wang, and Yong Cao Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 013308 (2008)
3. 均聚物 light-emitting diodes with cathodes printed from conducting Ag paste,Zeng WJ, Wu HB, Zhang C, Huang F, Peng JB*, Yang W, Cao Y, ADVANCED MATERIALS 19 (6): 810-+ MAR 19 2007
4. High-efficiency white-light emission from a single copolymer: Fluorescent 蓝色, green, and 红色 chromophores on a conjugated polymer backbone, Luo J, Li XZ, Hou Q, peng JB*, Yang W , Cao Y ,ADVANCED MATERIALS 19 (8): 1113-1117 APR 20 2007
5. Degradation characteristics and light-induced effects of polymer thin-film transistors , Liu YR, Peng JB*, Laic PT, Yang K, Cao Y , THIN 固体 FILMS 515 (11): 4808-4811 APR 9 2007
6. Influence of 均聚物 dielectrics on C60-based field-effect transistors ,Jianlin Zhou, Fujia Zhang, Lifeng Lan, Shangsheng Wen, and Junbiao Peng* ,Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 253507 (2007)
7. Poly(3-hexylthiophene) thin-film transistors with dual insulator layers , Zhou JG, Yang KX, Zhou JL , Liu YR, Peng JB*, Cao Y ,JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS \u0026 REVIEW PAPERS 46 (3A): 913-916 MAR 2007
8. 均聚物 thin-film transistor based on a high dielectric constant gate insulator, Wen L, Peng JB*, Yang KX, Lan LF, Niu QL, Cao Y,CHINESE PHYSICS 16 (4): 1145-1149 APR 2007
9. Novel chemosensory materials based on polyfluorenes with 2-(2 '-pyridyl)-benzimidazole and groups in 5-甲基3-(pyridin-2-yl)-1,2,4-三唑 the side chain,Du B, Liu RS, Zhang Y, Yang W, Sun WB, Sun ML, Peng JB*, Cao Y,均聚物 48 (5): 1245-1254 FEB 23 2007
10. Modelling the threshold-电压 shift of polymer thin-film transistors under constant and variable gate-bias stresses, Liu YR, Peng JB*, Lai PT, 半导体 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 22 (3): 259-262 MAR 2007
11. Synthesis and optoelectronic characterization of conjugated phosphorescent polyelectrolytes with a neutral Ir complex Inc. into the polymer backbone and their neutral precursors, Zhang Y, Xu YH , Niu QL , Peng JB*, Yang W, Zhu XH, Cao Y, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS 化学 17 (10): 992-1001 2007
12. 均聚物 white-light-emitting diodes with high work function cathode based on a novel phosphorescent chelating copolymer,Xiong Y, Zhang Y, Zhou JL, Peng JB *, Huang WB, Cao Y, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 24 Pages: 3547-3550 Published: 2007
13. Charge transport and the relationship between 表演 and light intensity of the solar cell based on the blend of MEH-PPV and PCBM,Yu, HZ; Peng, JB*, CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE Volume: 28 Pages: 2359-2363 Published: 2007
14. Principle and progress of 均聚物 solar cells,Yu, HZ; Peng, JB*,PROGRESS IN 化学 Volume: 19 Pages: 1689-1694 Published: 2007
15. Title: Influence of the solvent and device structure on the 表演 of the MEH-PPV: PCBM solar cell,Yu, HZ; Peng, JB*,ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA Volume: 23 Pages: 1637-1641 Published: 2007
16. Efficient 红色 phosphorescence 均聚物 light-emitting diodes with dual function polymer, Xu YH, Liang B, Peng JB*, Nlu QL, Huang WB, Wang J,ORGANIC 电子学 Volume: 8 Pages: 535-539 Published: 2007
17. Organic electrical bistable devices,Shi, SW; Peng, JB*, PROGRESS IN 化学 Volume: 19 Pages: 1371-1380 Published: 2007
18. Full color and monochrome PM PLED FPDs made with solution processes,Peng, JB*; Niu, QL; Shao, YX; Xu, W; Wang, L; Han, SH; Liu, NL; Cao, Y; Wang, J, Conference Information: Asia Display 2007 International Conference (AD'07), Date: MAR 12-16, 2007 Shanghai PEOPLES R CHINA,Source: AD'07: PROCEEDINGS OF ASIA DISPLAY 2007, VOLS 1 AND 2 Pages: 387-391 Published: 2007
19. Efficient polymer white-light-emitting diodes with a single-emission layer of fluorescent polymer blend, Niu QL, Xu YH, Jiang JX, Peng JB*, Cao Y, JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Volume: 126 Issue: 2 Pages: 531-535 Published: OCT 2007
20. Stability of polymer thin-film transistors based on poly(2-methoxy-5-(2 '-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene), Liu YR, Peng JB*, Lai PT, APPLIED surface SCIENCE 253 (17): 6987-6991 JUN 30 2007
21. Stability study of saturated 红色 均聚物 light-emitting diodes, Xu W, Peng JB*, Xu YH, Wang J, Huang Z , Niu QL, Cao Y,: CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 52 (12): 1612-1615 JUN 2007
22. 表演 improvement of polymer light-emitting diodes based on fluorene co均聚物 with cesium 氟化物/aluminum cathode, Tian RY , Yang RQ, Peng JB*, Cao Y, : ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 56 (4): 2409-2414 APR 2007
23.Yang YT, Geng H, Yin SW, Shuai ZG, Peng JB* First-principle band structure calculations of tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato)aluminum JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B 110 (7): 3180-3184 FEB 23 2006(影响因子4.033)
24. Poly(3,6-silafluorene-co-2,7-fluorene)-based high-efficiency and color-pure 蓝色 light-emitting polymers with extremely narrow band-width and high spectral stability, Wang EG, Li C, Mo YQ, Zhang Y, Ma G, Shi W, Peng JB *, Yang W, Cao Y, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS 化学 16 (42): 4133-4140 2006(影响因子3.688)
25. Zhen HY (Zhen, Hongyu), Xu W (Xu, Wei), King W (King, Wei), Chen QL (Chen, Qiliang), Xu YH (Xu, Yunhua), Jiang JX (Jiang, Jinxing), Peng JB * (Peng, Junbiao), Cao Y (Cao, Yong) White-light emission from a single polymer with singlet and triplet chromophores on the backbone MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 27 (24): 2095-2100 DEC 19 2006 (影响因子3.126)
26. Polymer light-emitting diodes with novel environment-friendly 乙醇soluble conjugated copolymer Hou LT (Hou, Lintao), Huang F (Huang, Fei), Peng JB* (Peng, Junbiao), Wu HB (Wu, Hongbin), Wen SS (Wen, Shangsheng), Mo YQ (Mo, Yueqi), Cao Y (Cao, Yong) Source: THIN 固体 FILMS 515 (4): 2632-2634 DEC 5 2006 (影响因子1.569)
27. Efficient 均聚物 white-light-emitting diodes with a phosphorescent dopant Xu YH (Xu, Yunhua), Zhang XJ (Zhang, Xiuju), Peng JB* (Peng, Junbiao), Niu QL (Niu, Qiaoli), Cao Y (Cao, Yong) SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 21 (10): 1373-1376 OCT 2006 (影响因子1.222)
28. Lai GH (Lai, Guohong), Li ZL (Li, Zhenglin), 成姓 L (Cheng, Lan), Peng JB* (Peng, Junbiao) Field emission characteristics of conducting polymer films conditioned by electric discharge JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE \u0026 TECHNOLOGY 22 (5): 677-680 SEP 2006(影响因子0.901)
29. Efficient polymer light-emitting diodes with violet 蓝色 emission based on blends of PSiF6-PPP and PSiFC6C6 Tian RY (Tian Renyu), Ivio YQ (Ivio Yueqi), Peng JB * (Peng Junbiao) CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 51 (22): 2805-2808 NOV 2006 (影响因子0.783)
30. Xu YH, Peng JB*, Cao Y Progress of white organic light-emitting diodes PROGRESS IN 化学 18 (4): 389-398 APR 2006 (影响因子0.457)
31.: Wang L, Liang B (Liang, Bo), Huang F (Huang, Fei), Peng JB (Peng, Junbiao), Cao Y (Cao, Yong) Utilization of H₂O/乙醇soluble polyelectrolyte as an electron injection layer for fabrication of high-efficiency multilayer saturated 红色phosphorescence polymer light-emitting diodes by solution processing APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 89 (15): Art. No. 151115 OCT 9 2006(影响因子4.127)
32. : Zhao L (Zhao, Li), Li C (Li, Chun), Zhang Y (Zhang, Yong), Zhu XH (Zhu, Xu-Hui), Peng JB(Peng, Junbiao), Cao Y (Cao, Yong) 120-12-7cored dendrimer for solution-processible 蓝色 emitter: Syntheses, characterizations, photoluminescence, and electroluminescence MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS 27 (12): 914-920 JUN 24 2006(影响因子3.126)
33. Zhang Y, Hou QO, Mo YQ, Peng JB, Cao Y High-efficiency saturated 红色 bilayer light-emitting diodes: Comparative studies with devices from blend of the same light-emitting polymers CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 23 (4): 1015-1018 APR 2006 (影响因子1.276)
34. Xu YH, Peng JB*, Mo YQ, et al. Efficient polymer white-light-emitting diodes APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86 (16): Art. No. 163502 APR 18 2005(影响因子4.127) Times Cited: 14
35. Xu YH, Peng JB*, Jiang JX, et al.* Efficient white-light-emitting diodes based on 均聚物 codoped with two phosphorescent dyes APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 87 (19): Art. No. 193502 NOV 7 2005 (影响因子4.127) Times Cited: 6
36. Tian RY, Yang RQ, Peng JB*, et al. Efficient 光伏产业 cells from low band-gap fluorene-based co均聚物 CHINESE PHYSICS 14 (5): 1032-1035 MAY 2005 (影响因子1.256)
37. Hou LT, Hou Q, Peng JB*, et al. 表演 of polymer light-emitting diodes with saturated 红色emitting poly (co-4,7-dithien-2-yl-2, 1, 3-benzothiadiazole-咔唑 or 三苯胺) ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 54 (11): 5377-5381 NOV 2005(影响因子1.051)
38. Xie YQ, Guo JH, Peng JB*, et al. High-efficiency 红色phosphorescent 6CPt electroluminescence ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 54 (7): 3424-3428 JUL 2005 (影响因子1.051)
39. Zhang Y, Yang J, Hou Q, Mo YQ, Peng JB*, Cao Y Near infrared polymer light-emitting diodes CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 50 (10): 957-960 MAY 2005 (影响因子0.783)
40. Luo J, Peng JB, Cao Y, et al. High-efficiency red light-emitting diodes based on polyfluorene copolymers with extremely low content of 4,7-di-2-thienyl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole-comparative studies of intrachain and interchain interaction APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 87 (26): Art. No. 261103 DEC 26 2005(影响因子4.127)
41. Hou LT, Hou Q, Mo YQ, Junbiao Peng, Yong Cao, All-organic flexible polymer microcavity light-emitting diodes using 3M reflective multilayer polymer mirrors APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 87 (24): Art. No. 243504 DEC 12 2005(影响因子4.127)
42.: Hou LT, Huang F, Zeng WJ, Peng JB, Cao Y High-efficiency inverted top-emitting polymer light-emitting diodes APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 87 (15): Art. No. 153509 OCT 10 2005 (影响因子4.127) Times Cited: 5
43. Hou Q, Zhang Y, Li FY, Peng JB, Cao Y 红色 electrophosphorescence of conjugated organoplatinum(II) polymers prepared via direct metalation of poly(fluorene-co-tetraphenylporphyrin) copolymers ORGANOMETALLICS 24 (19): 4509-4518 SEP 12 2005(影响因子3.473) Times Cited: 4
44. Wu HB, Huang F, Peng JB, Yong Cao, High-efficiency electron injection cathode of Au for polymer light-emitting devices ORGANIC 电子学 6 (3): 118-128 JUN 2005 (影响因子2.429) Times Cited: 7
45. Wu HB, Huang F, Peng JB, Yong Cao, Efficient electron injection from bilayer cathode with aluminum as cathode SYNTHETIC METALS 153 (1-3): 197-200 Part 2 Sp. Iss. SI SEP 21 2005(影响因子1.32)
46. Liu YR, Lai PT, Li GQ, Li B, Peng JB, Lo HB Effects of post-deposition annealing on tuning properties of Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 thin-film 电容器s for 微波 integrated circuits MATERIALS 化学 AND PHYSICS 94 (1): 114-118 NOV 15 2005(影响因子1.136)