现任山东省小麦分子育种学岗位“泰山区学者”特聘教授,中国遗传学会理事,山东遗传学会副理事长兼秘书长,《作物学报》常务编委,《The Crop Journal》编委。
Wheat genetics and breeding with an emphasis on wheat breeding and germplasm enhancement using chromosome engineering and molecular marker-assisted selection; marker-assisted backcrossing; genetics of 植物界 disease and pest resistances; gene mapping (including QTLs); genetics of wheat soft grain texture; and genetics of plant-pathogen interactions.
1) Applying genomic approaches for wheat improvement
The combined use of conventional breeding with MAS, genetics, and 生物信息学 accelerated the development of new wheat cultivars with enhanced yield, grain quality and disease/昆虫纲 resistances (FHB, BYDV, Sr, Lr, Yr, Hessian fly, and so on). Selection efficiency had been significantly increased by using markers-trait associations.
2) Understanding the mechanisms of wheat–pathogens interactions:
Induction of wheat defense and stress-related genes in response to 镰刀菌属 graminearum; Identification of differentially expressed genes corresponding to FHB resistance using SSH, GeneCalling and a cDNA library; Selection of candidate genes for specific 植物界 defense; Verification of the integrated network for resistance to pathogens in the plant-pathogen interactions; Analysis of FHB resistance in wheat using the 病毒Induced Gene Silencing (Vigs) system.
3) Genetic study on 植物界 resistance gene
amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) mapping for powdery mildew resistance gene (Pm29) and microsatellite (SSR) mapping for 黄色 Rust resistance gene (Yr15); Identification of QTLs controlling low FHB incidence in wheat and determination of the location of Striga gesnerioides resistance in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata).
4) Applying genomic approaches for wheat germplasm enhancement
Marker-assisted selection in wheat breeding and germplasm enhancement; Improvement of Triticum aestivum D genome diversity exploiting Aegilops tauschii D genome; Improvement of soft winter wheat for resistance to 镰刀菌属 head blight; Bring genomics into wheat fields.
5) Introgressing alien interest genes into adapted wheat lines
Gene introgressions for Rust resistance, powdery mildew resistances and quality traits; Developing and releasing an excellent cultivar ‘Shannong 408698’ with leaf rust resistance and quality traits; Identification of FHB resistance genes from Thinopyron elongatum (E, 2n=14) and Leymus multicaulis (XN, 2n=28); Pyramiding barley 黄色 dwarf 病毒 (BYDV) resistance genes Bdv2 and Bdv3 into one genotype using ph mutant and null-tetrasomic lines and marker-assisted selection.
6) Expanding the current range of softer wheat textures by introgressing additional active genes from T. monococcum
Selection of translocation lines with shortened T. monococcum fragment carrying Pina and Pinb using Pina-Am1, Pinb-Am1 and Gsp-Am1 allele-specific 脱氧核糖核酸 makers and ph mutant; Construction of a series of backcrossing segregation populations (BC1一级方程式锦标赛) of Ham using crosses between Chinese Spring-T. monococcum translocation (CS - 5Am) and wheat cultivars differing in grain textures; Effect of additional T. monococcum active softness genes on wheat grain textures using the molecular markers; Development of wheat varieties with much softer grain textures than soft wheat.
7) Crown Rust and 黄色 dwarf 病毒 resistance gene mapping in oats
Genetics of crown rust and YDV resistance genes in oats (Avena sativa); Introgression of YDV resistances from wild diploid into cultivated oats by embryo rescue.
1) L. Kong, J. M. Anderson, and H. W. Ohm. 2007. A network integration of 网络广播电台LRR resistance genes and pathogen-response (PR) genes involved in the plant-pathogen interaction. (in preparation)
2) L. Kong, J. M. Anderson, and H. W. Ohm. 2007. Identification of disease resistances in wheat-Leymus multicaulis derivatives and characterization of L. multicaulis chromatin using microsatellite 脱氧核糖核酸 markers. Genome (submitted).
3) X. Shen, L. Kong, H. Sharma, and H. W. Ohm. 2007. Marker-assisted reduction of a chromosome segment of Thinopyrum ponticum carrying Fasurium head blight resistance. 植物界 Breeding (submitted).
4) L. Kong, J. M. Anderson, and H. W. Ohm. 2007. Segregation distortion in bread wheat of Thinopyrum intermedium 7E segment carrying Bdv3. Plant Breeding (submitted).
5) L. Kong, H. W. Ohm, and J. M. Anderson. 2007. Expression analysis of defense-related genes in wheat in response to infection by 镰刀菌属 graminearum. Genome. 50: 1038-1048.
6) L. Kong, S. E. Cambron, and H. W. Ohm. 2007. Hessian fly resistance genes H16 and H17 are mapped to a resistance gene cluster in the distal region of chromosome 1AS in wheat. Molecular Breeding. DOI 10.1007/s11032-007-9119-5.
7) M. Bonafede§, L. Kong§ (§ Two first authors contributed equally to this research), G. Tranquilli, H. Ohm, and J. Dubcovsky. 2007. Reduction of a Triticum monococcum chromosome segment carrying the softness genes Pina and Pinb translocated to bread wheat. Crop Science 47: 821-826.
8) L. Kong, J. M. Anderson, and H. W. Ohm. 2005. Induction of wheat defense and stress-related genes in response to 镰刀菌属 graminearum. Genome. 48: 29-40.
9) L. Kong, H. Ohm, S. Cambron, and C. Williams. 2005. Molecular mapping determines that Hessian fly resistance gene H9 is located on chromosome 1AS of wheat. 植物界 Breeding. 124: 525-531.
10) J. Gilsinger, L. Kong, X. Shen, and H. Ohm. 2004. 脱氧核糖核酸 markers associated with low 镰刀菌属 head blight incidence and narrow flower opening in wheat. Theor. APPL 獛属 110: 1218-1225.
11) O. Boukar, L. Kong, B.B. Singh, L. Murdock, and H. Ohm. 2004. AFLP markers and AFLP-derived SCAR marker associated with Striga gesnerioides resistance in cowpea. (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp). Crop Science. Crop Science. 44: 1259-1264.
12) X. Shen, L. Kong, and Herbert Ohm. 2004. 镰刀菌属 Head Blight resistance in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum)-Lophopyrum genetic lines and tagging of alien chromatin by PCR markers. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108: 808-813.
13) F.J. Zeller, L. Kong, L. Hartl, V. Mohler and S.L.K. Hsam. 2002. Chromosomal location of genes for resistance to powdery mildew in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.) 7. Gene Pm29 in line Pova. Euphytica 123:187-194.
14) C. Li, Y. Liu, C. Du, and L. Kong. 2002. Embryological studies on the fertility of the original and reciprocal crosses between T. aestivum and Ae. Sqarrosa. Acta Agronomica Sinuca. 28(2):170-174.
15) L. Kong, Y. 越南盾, H. Zhang, C. Ma, and H. Wang. 2000. Studies on the fertility of original cross and reciprocal cross between T. aestivum and Ae. tauschii. Acta Botanica Boreali-occidendalia Sinica. 20(4): 519-523.
16) D. Fu, L. Kong, Y. Xiao, X. Zhang, and X. Yang. 2000. Production and cytological study of fertility of intergeneric hybrids of T. aestivum with Ae. vavilovii. Acta Botanica Boreali-occidendalia Sinica. 20(4): 511-518.
17) L. Kong, Y. 越南盾, and J. Jia. 1999. Location of powdery mildew resistance gene in Am6, Amphidiploid between Triticum durum and Aegilops sqarrosa, and its utilization. Acta Phytophylacica Sinica. 26(2): 116-120.
18) L. Kong, and Y. 越南盾 1999. Creation of new resistance amphidiploid between Triticum carthlicum and Aegilops sqarrosa. Acta Botanica Boreali-occidendalia Sinica. 19(2):196-199.
19) L. Kong, Y. Dong and J. Jia. 1998. Random amplified Polymorphism of 脱氧核糖核酸 analysis in Aegilops sqarrosa. Acta Botanica Sinica. 40(3):223-227.
20) L. Kong and Y. 越南盾 1998. Preliminary studies on cytogenetics of progenies between Triticum aestivum L. and Aegilops sqarrosa L. Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica. 31(2):209-213.
21) S. Liu, J. Jia, H. Wang, and L. Kong. 1999. Homoelogy identification between 偃麦草属 elongatum (2n=14) and wheat chromosomes by using biochemical and molecular markers. Chinese Journal of Genetics. 26(1);75-81.
22) S. Liu, H. Wang, and L. Kong. 1998. Special chromosome marker for E genome and 脱氧核糖核酸 polymorphism between 冰草属 elongatum (2n=14) and common wheat detected by RAPD markers. Acta Agronomic Sinica. 24(6):685-690.
23) S. Liu, H. Wang, and L. Kong. 1998. Polymorphism detection between wheat and Agropyron elongatum (2n=14) by using molecular markers. Acta Botanica Borealis-Occidendalia Sinica. 18(5):7-10.
24) S. Liu, H. Wang, Z. Qi, F. Kong, and L. Kong. 1998. Studies on transmission characteristics of alien chromosomes in hybrid progenies between octoploid Agrotriticum, Tritileymus and Triticum aestivum. Acta Botanica-Occidendalia Sinica. 18(5):122-126.
25) L. Kong, and Y. 越南盾 1997. Studies on cytogenetic diversity of powdery mildew resistant genes from Aegilops sqarrosa. Acta Agronomica Sinica. 23(2):176-180.
26) L. Kong, and Y. Dong. 1997. Studies on cytogenetics of progenies between Triticum aestivum L. and Amphidiploid from Triticum durum-Aegilops sqarrosa. Acta Agronomica Sinica. 23(4):505-508.
27) L. Kong, Y. 越南盾, and J. Jia. 1997. Chromosome configurations and fertility characteristics of hybrids between Triticum aestivum L. and Aegilops sqarrosa L. Acta Biogiae Experimentalis Sinica. 30(1);35-43.
28) C. Li, L. Kong and, X. Kong. 1996. Primary selection of RAPD marker from U and C genomes of goatgrass (Aegilops). Journal of Shandong Biotechnology. First Issue:17-23.
29) H. Wang, L. Kong, and L. Jiang. 1996. Segregation of chromosome and traits in self-bred and backgrossed progenies of hybrids between octoploid Tritilytrigia and Triticum aestivum. Acta Agronomica Sinica. 22(4):508-512.
30) L. Li, X. Li, and L. Kong. 1996. 冰草属 plants distributed in Xilingol grassland. Crop Genetic Resources. 4:9-11.
31) L. Kong, F. Guo, and H. Wang. 1993. Cytoembryological studies on low fertility in hybrids between octoploid Agrotriticum and Triticum aestivum L. Proc. Int. Wheat Genet. Symp. 8th Beijing, P. R. China. Vol. 1: 261-265.
32) H. Wang, D. Zhang, and L. Kong. 1993. Anther culture studies on hybrid progenies between octoploid Tritilytrigia and Triticum aestivum. Acta Botanica Borealis-Occidendalia Sinica 13(3): 186-191.
33) L. Kong. 1992. Cytogenetic studies on offspring of octoploid Agrotriticum × Triticum aestivum L. Chinese Journal of Genetics 19(4): 317-323.
34) H. Wang, L. Kong, and L. Jiang. 1992. A method for increasing seed setting 频率 of T. aestivum × E. elongata. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University 23(3): 265-270.
35) Z. Ruan, L. Kong, and Y. Wei. 1992. Comparative studies on pollen cytomorphology of male sterile and male fertile in 葱属 fistulosum L. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University 23(1): 60-66.
36) L. Kong, H. Wang, and F. Guo. 1991. Cytological observation of microsporogenesis and pollen development in octoploid Agrotriticum, T. aestivum and their hybrids. Acta Botanica Sinica 33(3): 603-609.
37) F. Guo, L. Kong, and H. Wang. 1992. An embryological study on the low fertility of 一级方程式锦标赛 plants from T. trititrigia × T. aestivum L. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 25(5): 20-3.
38) L. Kong. 1990. Tendency of chromosome segregation of offspring between octoploid Agrotriticum and T. aestivum. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University 21(4): 1-7.
39) L. Kong, and Y. 越南盾. 1999. Advances on the genetic diversity of Aegilops sqarrosa. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University 30(4): 464-470.
40) L. Kong, and Y. Dong. 1998. Progress in effective utilization of Aegilops sqarrosa. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University 29(4): 543-548.
41) Y. Yu, L. Kong, and D. Zhang. 1990. Isolation of nuclei and studies on nuclear 脱氧核糖核酸 part characeristecs in 葱属 sativum L. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University 21(2): 54-58.
42) H. Wang, J. Zhao, L. Jiang, and L. Kong. 1989. Cytological and main traits inheritance of the ten man-made superior wheat germplasm lines. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University 19(2): 1-7.
1) C.Zila, L. Kong, H. W. Ohm. 2007. Molecular mapping of 镰刀菌属 head blight resistance of common wheat Xing117. Nov. 4-8. New Orleans, MI.
2) L. Kong, J. M. Anderson, and H. W. Ohm. 2007. Expression analysis of defense-related genes in wheat in response to infection by 镰刀菌属 graminearum using GeneCalling. Nov. 4-8. New Orleans, MI.
3) H. W. Ohm, L. Kong, and X. Shen. 2007. Backcrossing Multiple Novel Genes/Traits into Adapted Wheat Backgrounds by Marker-Assisted Selection. March 23-27. Sanya, Hainan, China.
4) L. Kong, J. M. Anderson and H. W. Ohm. 2007. Segregatiuon distortion in bread wheat of Thinopyrum intermedium 7E segment carrying Bdv3. Poster# 276. The International Conference on the Status of 植物界 \u0026 动物界 Genome Research XV. January 13-17. San Diego, CA.
5) S. R. Scofield, C. Cakir, A. S. Brandt, L. Kong, and J. M. Anderson. 2007. 病毒induced gene silencing in hexaploid wheat. Poster# 794. The International Conference on the Status of 植物界 \u0026 动物界 Genome Research XV. January 13-17. San Diego, CA.
6) L. Kong, J. Anderson, and H. Ohm. 2006. Development of a 世界斯诺克中国公开赛dominant marker diagnostic for 黄色 dwarf 病毒 resistance transferred from Thinopyrum intermedium into common wheat. June, 2006. Wheat Field Trip Day, Purdue Agronomy Research Center, West Lafayatte, IN.
7) L. Kong, M. Bonafede, J. Dubcovsky, and H. Ohm. Development of STS markers linked to grain texture and a co-dominant marker for the adjacent BGGP gene to Gsp from Triticum monococcum. The International Conference on the Status of 植物界 \u0026 动物界 Genome Research XIV, Poster #120. January 14-18. San Diego, CA.
8) X. Shen, L. Kong, H. Sharma, and H. Ohm. Development and characterization of a wheat translocation line with 镰刀菌属 head blight resistance derived from Thinopyrum Ponticum. Proceedings of the 2006 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Poster #67. December 10-12. Ralergh, NC.
9) S. Scofield, A. Brandt, C. Cakir, L. Kong, and J. Anderson. 2006. 病毒induced gene silencing in hexaploid wheat. Proceedings of the 2006 National 镰刀菌属 Head Blight Forum. Poster #58. December 10-12. Ralergh, NC.
10) L. Kong, M. Bonafede, J. Dubcovsky, and H. Ohm. 2006. 脱氧核糖核酸 markers linked to the grain texture locus in diploid wheat. Poster #120. January 14-18. San Diego, CA.
11) M. Bonafede, L. Kong, G. Tranquilli, H. Ohm, and J. Dubcovsky. Reduction of a Triticum monoccum chromosome segment carrying the softness genes Pina and Pinb translocated to bread wheat. Poster #319. January 14-18. San Diego, CA.
12) X. Shen, H. Sharma, L. Kong, and H. Ohm. 2006. Development of chromosome recombinant line of wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum with resistance to 镰刀菌属 head blight. Poster #308. January 14-18. San Diego, CA.
13) X. Shen, H. Sharma, L. Kong, and H. Ohm. 2005. Molecular characterization of a chromosome recombinant carrying a FHB QTL from Lophopyrum ponticum. Proceedings of the 2005 National 镰刀菌属 Head Blight Forum. Poster #38. December 11-13. Milwaukee, WI.
14) H. Sharma, L. Kong, X. Shen, and H. Ohm. 2005. Shortening the chromosome 7el2 segment from Thinopyrum Ponticum in the wheat translocation line KS24-2. Poster #238-4. ASA-CSSA-SSSA. Nov. 6-10, 2005, Salt Lake City, UT.
15) L. Kong, J. Dubcovsky, and H. Ohm. 2005. STS markers linked to grain texture in diploid wheat, and Marker-Assisted Selection to shorten the segment of T. monococcum chromosome 5Am conferring soft-textured grain using Ph mutant. Eastern and Southern Wheat Breeding Conference, 9-12 May, 2005. Bowling Green, KY.
16) L. Kong, H. Ohm, and J. Anderson. 2005. Expression analysis of defense-related genes in wheat in response to infection by 镰刀菌属 graminearum. Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Poster #74. December 11-13. Milwaukee, WI.
17) L. Kong, J. Anderson, and H. Ohm. 2005. Distorted transmission of a wheatgrass translocation for YDV resistance and marker-assisted backcrossing into wheat. 植物界 \u0026 动物界 Genome XII Conference, San Diego, California, USA, January 15-19.
18) L. Kong, J. M. Anderson, and H. W. Ohm. 2004. Identification and characterization of defense response genes from wheat differentially induced by infection with 镰刀菌属 graminearum. 植物界 \u0026 动物界 Genome XII Conference, San Diego, California, USA, p111.
19) J. Gilsinger, L. Kong, X. Shen, and H. Ohm. 2004. 脱氧核糖核酸 markers linked to narrow flower opening and low FHB incidence in wheat. 2nd International Symposium on 镰刀菌属 Seminar, Orlando, Florida, USA.
20) L. Kong, X. Shen, J. Uphaus, J. Gilsinger, M. Giovanini, H. Sharma, and H. Ohm. 2004. Development of 脱氧核糖核酸 markers and marker-assisted selection in wheat breeding. Soft Winter Wheat Field Trip of Eastern ÜSA, West Lafayette, IN, USA, June 15, 2004.
21) J. Gilsinger, L. Kong, X. Shen, and H. Ohm. 2004. 脱氧核糖核酸 markers linked to flower opening and low FHB incidence in wheat. Soft Winter Wheat Field Trip of Eastern ÜSA, West Lafayette, IN, USA, June 15, 2004.
22) X. Shen, L. Kong, and H. Ohm. 2004. Pyramiding FHB resistance derived from wheatgrass with QTLs from wheat. Soft Winter Wheat Field Trip of Eastern U.S.A., West Lafayette, IN, USA, June 15, 2004.
23) X. Shen, L. Kong, and H. W. Ohm. 2004. Marker-assisted characterization of 镰刀菌属 head blight resistance in wheat derived from wheatgrass. 植物界 \u0026 动物界 Genome XII Conference, San Diego, California, USA, p183.
24) L. Kong, J. M. Anderson, and H. Ohm. 2003. Identification of scab resistance gene expression in wheat following inoculation with 镰刀菌属 植物界 \u0026 动物界 Genome XI Conference, San Diego, California, USA, p808.
25) L. Kong, J. M. Anderson, and H. W. Ohm. 2002. Identification of scab resistance gene expression in wheat following inoculation with 镰刀菌属 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY, USA, p30.
26) L. Kong, J. M. Anderson, and H. W. Ohm. 2003. Identification and characterization of defense response genes from wheat differentially induced by infection with 镰刀菌属 graminearum. Annual Meetings for American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Denver, CO, USA, p227.
27) H. Ohm, L. Kong, X. Shen, and J. Uphaus. 2003. Marker-assisted backcrossing of traits into soft winter wheat. Southern Small Grains Workers Conference. Little Rock, AR, USA. April 27-29.
28) X. Shen, L. Kong, and Herbert W. Ohm. 2002. Novel source of type II resistance to 镰刀菌属 Head Blight. 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY, USA, p212.
29) J. peng, A. Korol, T. Fahima, J, Cheng, L. Kong, M.S. Roder, Y.I. Ronin, and E. Nevo. 2001. Massive negative interference, and putative quasi-linkage upon hybridization of wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, with cultivated wheat, T. durum. 植物界 \u0026 动物界 Genome IX Conference, San Diego, California, USA. p432.
30) X. Shen, L. Kong, and H. Ohm. 2002. 镰刀菌属 head blight resistance in hexaploid wheat-Lophopyrium genetic line and tagging of the alien chromatin by PCR markers. 2003. Annual Meetings for American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Denver, CO, USA, p206.
31) X. Shen, L. Kong, and H. Ohm. 2003. Pyramiding FHB resistance derived from wheatgrass with QTLs from wheat. Annual Meetings for American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Denver, CO, USA, p206.
32) L. Kong, Y. Dong, R.- C. Wang. 1997. Analysis in Aegilops squrrosa L. 植物界 \u0026 动物界 Genome V Conference, San Diego, California, USA. P-66先锋式战斗机
33) L. Kong, F. Guo, and H. Wang. 1993. Cytoembryological studies on low fertility in hybrids between octoploid Agrotriticum and Triticum aestivum L. Proc. Int. Wheat Genet. Symp. 8th Beijing, P. R. China. Vol. 1: 261-265.
1.The Scientific Research Society sigma Xi.
2.American Society of Agronomy (ASA).
3.Crop Science Society of American (CSSA).