何晖光是IEEE高级会员,世界华人生物医学工程学会会员。他担任《Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience》杂志编委,并在国家自然科学基金,国家国家高技术研究发展计划,科技部国际合作项目担任评审专家。他还是《Schizophrenia Bulletin》《JBO》《JNM》等十余个国际杂志的审稿人,以及自动化学报,电子学报,中国医学影像技术杂志的审稿专家。此外,何晖光还在中国自动化学会模式识别与机器智能专业委员会、中国图象图形学会机器视觉专业委员会、中国计算机学会、中国图象图形学会视觉大数据专业委员会、中国人工智能学会模式识别专业委员会、中国计算机学会计算机视觉专业委员会担任委员。
1. 大规模断层数据的分割与重建的研究及应用
2. 基于混合匹配的指纹识别系统与应用
3. 数字几何的研究及其在医学可视化中的应用
4. 2006年获中科院王宽诚教育奖
5. 2007年北京市科技新星
6. 2009年获中科院“卢嘉锡青年人才奖”
1.Hongwei Wen, Yue Liu, Islem Rekik, Shengpei Wang, Zhiqiang Chen, Jishui Zhang, Yue Zhang, Yun Peng*, Huiguang He*, Combining Disrupted and Discriminative Topological Properties of 泛函 Connectivity Networks as Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Accurate Diagnosis of Early Tourette 综合征 Children, Molecular 神经科学, 2017, In Press, DOI: 10.1007/s12035-017-0519-1
2.H Wen, Y Liu, I Rekik, S Wang, Z Chen, J Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Peng*, H He*,Multi-modal 倍数 kernel learning for accurate identification of Tourette 综合征 children, Pattern Recognition, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.pat柯克船2016.09.039
3.J Wang, T Li, P Zhou, N Wang, J Xian*, H He*,Altered 泛函 connectivity within and between the default model network and the visual network in primary open-angle 青光眼: a resting-state fMRI study,Brain Imaging and Behavior, 1-10, doi:10.1007/s11682-016-9597-3
4.J Wang, T Li, N Wang, J Xian*, H He*,Graph theoretical analysis reveals the reorganization of the brain network pattern in primary open angle glaucoma patients, European radiology, 2016 Nov;26(11):3957-3967
5.H Wen, Y Liu, J Wang, I Rekik, J Zhang, Y Zhang, H Tian, Y Peng*, H He*,Combining tract‐and atlas‐based analysis reveals microstructural abnormalities in early Tourette 综合征 children, Human brain 映射, 2016 May;37(5):1903-19
6.J Wang, T Li, BA Sabel, Z Chen, H Wen, J Li, X Xie, D Yang, W Chen, J Xian*, H He*,Structural brain alterations in primary open angle 青光眼: a 3T MRI study, Scientific reports, 2016 Jan 8;6:18969. doi: 10.1038/srep18969.
7.Li W, Li J, Wang J, Zhou P, Wang Z, Xian J*, He H*., 泛函 Reorganizations of Brain Network in Prelingually Deaf Adolescents. Neural Plast. 2016;2016:9849087. doi: 10.1155/2016/9849087.
8.Jieqiong Wang, Wen Miao, Jing Li, Meng Li, Zonglei Zhen, Bernhard Sabel, Junfang Xian,Huiguang He*. Automatic segmentation of the lateral geniculate nucleus: Application to 监察 and 青光眼 patients [J]. Journal of 神经科学 methods, 2015, 255: 104-114.
9.Wen Miao, Fengyuan Man, Shaoqin Wu, Bin Lv, Zhenchang Wang, Junfang Xian, Bernhard A Sabel,Huiguang He*, Yonghong Jiao. Brain Abnormalities in Congenital 纤维化 of the Extraocular Muscles Type 1: A Multimodal MRI Imaging Study [J]. PloS one, 2015, 10(7): e0133473.
10.Wenjing Li, Jianhong Li, Zhenchang Wang, Yong Li, Zhaohui Liu, Fei Yan, Junfang Xian,Huiguang He*.Grey matter connectivity within and between auditory, language and visual systems in prelingually deaf adolescents [J]. Restorative neurology and 神经科学, 2015.
11.Xuejiao Chen, Jiaxi Hu,Huiguang He*, Jing Hua. Spherical 容积单位preserving Demons registration [J]. 计算机Aided 设计, 2015, 58: 99-104.
12.Meng Li, Coraline D Metzger, Wenjing Li, Adam Safron, Marie-José Van Tol, Anton Lord, Anna Linda Krause, Viola Borchardt, Weiqiang Dou, Axel Genz, Hans-Jochen Heinze,Huiguang He*, Martin Walter. Dissociation of glutamate and cortical thickness is restricted to regions subserving trait but not state markers in major depressive disorder [J]. Journal of affective disorders, 2014, 169: 91-100.
13.Jieqiong Wang, Wenjing Li, Wen Miao, Dai Dai, Jing Hua,Huiguang He*, Age estimation using cortical surface pattern combining thickness with curvatures, Medical \u0026 Biological Engineering \u0026 Computing, 2014,
14.Van Tol, 迈克尔·乔丹, M. Li, C. D. Metzger, N. Hailla, D. I. Horn, W. Li, H. J. Heinze,H. He*, M. Walter*, "Local cortical thinning 友情链接 to resting-state disconnectivity in 少校 depressive disorder." Psychological medicine (2014): 1-13.
15.Liu, Yue, Wen Miao, Jieqiong Wang, Peiyi Gao, Guangheng Yin, Liping Zhang, Chuankai Lv, Peiyi Gao, Huiguang He, Yun Peng "Structural Abnormalities in Early Tourette 综合征 Children: A Combined Voxel-Based Morphometry and Tract-Based Spatial 统计学 Study." PloS one , no. 9 (2013): e76105.
16.X. Chen,H. He*, G. Zou, X. Zhang, X. Gu, J. Hua, Ricci flow-based spherical parameterization and surface registration, 计算机 异象 and 意象 Understanding, 容积单位 117, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 1107-1118 (SCI, IF=1.5)
17.Li, J., W. Shi, M. Li, Z. Wang,H. He, J. Xian, B. Lv, and F. Yan. "时间dependent diffusion tensor changes of optic nerve in patients with indirect traumatic optic neuropathy." Acta Radiologica (2013): 0284185113506900.
18.Li W, Van Tol MJ, Li M, Miao W, Jiao Y, Heinze HJ, Bogerts B,He H*, Walter M. Regional specificity of sex effects on subcortical volumes across the lifespan in healthy aging. Hum Brain Mapp. 2014, 35 (1), 238-247. (SCI Index: IF=6.9)
19.Wen Miao, Jianhong Li, Ming Tang, Junfang Xian, Wenjing Li, Zhaohui Liu, Sha Liu, Sabel BA, Zhenchang Wang,Huiguang He*, Altered white matter integrity in Children with Prelingual deafness: a High 分辨率 Tract-Based Spatial 统计学 imaging Study, American Journal of Neuroradiology, published online on December 28, 2012, 10.3174/ajnr.A3370. (SCI Index:IF=2.9)
20.Jianhong Li, Wenjing Li, Junfang Xian, Yong Li, Zhaohui Liu, Sha Liu, Xiaocui Wang, Zhenchang Wang,Huiguang He*, Cortical thickness analysis and optimized voxel-based morphometry in children and adolescents with prelingually profound sensorineural hearing loss, Brain Research, 容积单位 1430, 9 January 2012, Pages 35-42 (SCI Index:IF=2.7)
21.Li W, Li J, Xian J, Lv B, Li M, Wang C, Li Y, Liu Z, Liu S, Wang Z,He H*, Sabel BA. Alterations of grey matter asymmetries in adolescents with prelingual deafness: A combined VBM and cortical thickness analysis , Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2012 Oct 9. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 23047496 (SCI Index: IF=2.5)
22.Lu J, Li W,He H*, Feng F, Jin Z, Wu L. Altered hemispheric symmetry found in left-sided mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE/HS) but not found in right-sided MTLE/HS. Magn Reson Imaging. 2013 Jan;31(1):53-9. (SCI Index: IF=1.99)
23.Dai Dai,Huiuang He*, Joshua T. Vogelstein, Zeng-guang Hou, Accurate prediction of AD patients using cortical thickness networks, Machine 异象 and Applications, DOI 10.1007/s00138-012-0462-0, (SCI Index:IF=1.0 )
24.Dai D, Wang J, Hua J,He H*. Classification of ADHD children through multimodal magnetic 共振 imaging. Front Syst Neurosci. 2012;6:63. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2012.00063. Epub 2012 Sep 3.
何晖光与多个国际知名学府和医疗机构有合作,包括美国Arizona State University、Waney State University、北卡罗来纳大学,德国University of Magdeburg,以及首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院北京协和医院首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院,北京天坛医院,北京大学人民医院,南京军区总医院等。

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