本杰明·富兰克林·Lickey博士( Dr. Benjamin Franklin Lickey)与他的妻子苏珊于1919年成立了在美国
工商管理硕士学 位,工商管理博士学位,
林肯大学,目前博士领导的米哈伊尔韦布罗德斯基,主席和校长,是经认证理事会独立院校( ACICS )和主席团私人中学后教育和
职业教育( BPPVE )的
Lincoln University is a private, non-profit, non-sectarian educational institution based in
奥克兰大学, California. It was founded in 1919 in San Francisco by Dr. Benjamin Franklin Lickey, and was chartered under the laws of
加利福尼亚州 in 1926. In 1950, the University became a non-profit tax-exempt institution under the United States Internal
营业收入 Code, Section 501 (c) (3).
From the school's founding in 1919, Lincoln has placed an emphasis on adult education and urban outreach, as well as keeping an international orientation. These characteristics became distinguishing marks of the institution. Lincoln University was among the first post-secondary educational institutions in California to offer programs with a focus on the needs of the working adults. The emphasis was further refined to also meet the demands of international students.
Lincoln University serves the needs of the community by continuously modifying its programs, to follow the needs of the job market. Constant growth and academic development were always a characteristic of the school. In the 1960's and 1970's, the University developed a curriculum for an outstanding, well-balanced Business Administration program, which was finalized in 2009 by the approval of the Doctor of Business Administration Degree. In the 1980’s, a strong
计算机 Science program was developed, and in 2005, it introduced programs in Diagnostic Imaging, as well as several certificates in allied health fields. Lincoln University is always looking toward the future, making sure its curriculum is well-suited for today’s and tomorrow’s needs, and its professional faculty team can address those needs.