中国人工智能学会理事,IEEE Trans. on System, Man \u0026 Cybernetics-C、Int. J.及自动化学报等期刊编委,入选国家百千万人才工程,国务院政府特殊津贴专家。
无线网络与应用、工业认知网络、物联网及应用等国际前沿研究。先后主持973课题、基金委重点项目等30余项,出版专著2部,在IEEE Trans.Automatic Control等国际顶级期刊发表论文112篇,他引超过1400次。研究成果已获国家
先后主持和完成国家杰出青年基金项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、上海市科委重大项目、973一级子课题、铁道部基金项目等30多项科研课题。在IEEE 系列汇刊、Automatica等国际知名期刊上发表SCI论文130篇,SCI他引1002次,单篇最高SCI引用156次。2008年获“IEEE模糊系统汇刊杰出论文奖”,获“教育部
Research Interests:
泛函 Differential and Difference Equations
ctrl and
英特尔ligent Control of
时间时延 Systems
Control and Synchronization of Chaotic System and its applications in Secure Communications
Congestion Control of Networks
Wavelet Technology and its application
数据 Mining and Data Infusion Technology
1.Principal Investigator, Analysis and synthesis of
监察 systems,Outstanding Youth Scientific Foundation of P. R. China,RMB1,600,000,2005-
2.Principal Investigator, Study on Chaotic Control and Synchronization for
时间 Delay Systems, National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB210,000, January 2003 to December 2005.
3.Principal Investigator, Wavelet-based Intelligent Monitoring Technology and its application in Castings’ Wear Condition Monitoring, Education Committee of Hebei
一级行政区, P.R.China, RMB20,000, March 2002 to March 2004.
4.Principal Investigator, Study of the Theory and Application of Distributed Parameter Systems, Education Foundation of Mechanical Department, P.R.China, RMB18,000, January 1997 to December 1998.
5.Principal Investigator, Study of the Oscillation Theory and Application of
泛函 Differential Equations, Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang
一级行政区, P.R.China, RMB30,000, January 1996 to December 1998.
6.Principal Investigator, Study of the Stability, Stabilization and
监察 of Linear Systems, Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang
一级行政区, P.R.China, RMB17,000, January 1996 to December 1998.
7.Principal Investigator, Chaotic Control of Nonlinear Systems and Study of Intelligent Fault Prediction of and Diagnosis, National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB125,000, January 1999 to December 2001.
8.Principal Investigator, Chaotic Control Based Secure
传播学 Technology and Its Applications, Natural Science Foundation of Hebei
一级行政区, P.R.China, RMB50,000, January 2001 to December 2002.
9.Principal Investigator, Congestion
监察 for ATM Networks, Doctorate Foundation of Hebei Province, P.R.China, RMB30,000, January 2002 to December 2004.
10.Principal Investigator, Study on Optimization Theory and Congestion Control of
时间delay Systems in ATM Networks, National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB190,000, January 2002 to December 2004.
11.Principal Investigator (with G. R. Duan, PI), Parameterized
设计 Methods for Robust Control Systems, National Education Committee Foundation for Young Researchers, P.R.China, RMB300,000, March 1997 to December 2000.
12.Principal Investigator (with G. R. Duan, PI), Study of the
设计 Methods of Eigenstructure Assignment for Generalized Linear Systems, National Natural Science Foundation of China, RMB100,000, January 1996 to December 1998.
Internet congestion
ctrl in high speed networks
1. Guan XP, Yang B, Long CN, Liu ZX, Congestion
监察 based on optimal problem for long range dependence network, J. of High Speed Networks, 14(3): 215-226, 2005.
2. Long CN, Zhao B, Guan XP,tc. The
黄色 active queue management algorithm.
计算机 Networks, 47(4):525-550, MAR 2005.
3. Long CN, Zhao B, Guan XP,SAVQ: Stabilized adaptive virtual queue management algorithm, IEEE Commun. Lett., 9 (1): 78-80, JAN 2005.
4. Gao HJ, Lam J, Wang CH, Guan XP, Further results on local stability of REM algorithm with
时间varying delays, IEEE Communications Letters, 9(5): 402-404, MAY 2005
5. Long CN, Wu J, Guan XP, Local stability of REM algorithm with time-varying delays, IEEE Commun. Lett., 7(3):142-144, MAR 2003.
ctrl and Intelligent Control of
时间时延 Systems
1. Guan XP, Gang Feng, Cailian Chen, A stabilization method of chaotic systems based on full delayed feedback controller
物理学 Letters A, 348: 210-221, 2006
2. Changchun Hua, Fenglei Li and Guan XP, Observer-based adaptive
监察 for uncertain
时间delay systems, Information Sciences, 176: 201-216, 2006
3. Changchun Hua, Guan XP. New Results on Stability Analysis of Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays.
物理学 Letters A, 253(4): 335-340, 2006.
4. Hua CC, Guan XP, Shi P, Robust Backstepping
监察 for a class of
时间 delayed systems, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 50(6): 894-899, 2005.
5. Hua CC, Guan XP, Shi P, Robust decentralized adaptive control for nonlinear interconnected systems with time-
时延, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and
ctrl, 127: 656-662, 2005.
6. Chen CL, Feng G, Guan XP, Delay-dependent analysis and controller synthesis for discrete-
时间 T-S fuzzy systems with time delays, IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, 13(5), 2005.
7. Guan XP, Chen CL, Shi P, On robust stability for uncertain time-
时延 systems: a polyhedral Lyapunov-Krasovskii approach, Circuits, Systems \u0026 Signal Processing, 24 (1): 1-18, FEB 2005.
8. Hua CC, Guan XP, Shi P, Adaptive fuzzy control for uncertain interconnected
时间delay systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 153(3): 447-458, AUG 2005.
9. Hua CC, Guan XP, Shi P, Robust adaptive
监察 for uncertain time-delay systems, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 19(7): 531-545, SEP 2005.
10. Hua CC, Guan XP, Shi P, Robust stabilization of a class of nonlinear
时间delay systems, Applied
数学 and Computation, 155 (3): 737-752, AUG 2004.
11. Hua CC, Guan XP, Comments on "State feedback stabilization for a class of stochastic time-delay nonlinear systems", IEEE Trans. on Automatic
监察, 49 (7): 1216-1216, JUL 2004.
12. Hua CC, Guan XP, Duan GR, Variable structure adaptive fuzzy control for a class of nonlinear
时间 时延 systems, Fuzzy sets and Systems, 148 (3): 453-468, 2004.
13. Guan XP, Chen CL, Delay-dependent guaranteed cost
监察 for T-S fuzzy systems with time delays, IEEE Trans. On Fuzzy Systems, 12 (2): 236-249, APR 2004.
14. Hua CC, Guan XP, Shi Y, Robust adaptive control for a class of nonlinear stochastic
时间delay systems, Journal of Nonlinear
动力学 and Systems Theory, 4(3): 303-316, 2004.
15. Guan XP, Wu J, Long CN, et al., Resilient guaranteed cost
监察 for uncertain discrete linear jump systems, Int. J. of Systems Science, 34 (4): 283-292, MAR 2003.
16. Guan XP, Hua CC, Duan GR, Comments on "Robust stabilization of a class of
时间delay nonlinear systems", IEEE Trans. on Automatic
监察, 48 (5): 907-908, MAY 2003.
17. Guan XP, Chen CL,
peng HP, Fan ZP, Time-delay feedback control of time-delay systems, Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 13 (1): 193-205, JAN 2003.
18. Guan XP, Liu YC, Chen CL, Shi P, Observer-based robust for H∞
监察 for uncertain
时间delay systems, ANZIAM Journal, 44: 625-634, APR 2003.
19. Guan XP, Liu YC, Shi P, Ramesh KA, Stabilization of discrete time-delay systems with parametric uncertainty, Systems Analysis Modeling Simulation, 42:1335-1345, 2002.
20. Guan XP, Long CN and Duan GR, Robust optimal guaranteed cost
监察 for 2-D discrete systems, IEE Proceeding-Control Theory and Applications,148 (5): 355-361, SEP 2001.
21. Lin ZY, Guan XP, Liu YC, etc, Observer-based robust control for uncertain systems with
时间varying delay, IMA Journal of Mathematical
监察 and Information, 18(3): 439-450, 2001.
22.Guan XP, Lin ZY, Duan GR, Robust guaranteed cost control for discrete-time uncertain systems with delay, IEE Proc. (part D)-
ctrl Theory and Application, 146(6):598-602, 1999.
Control and Synchronization of Nonlinear Dynamic System and its applications in Secure
1. Chen CL, Feng G, Sun D, Guan XP, H∞ output feedback control of discrete
时间 fuzzy systems with application to chaos
监察, IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, 13(4), 2005.
2. Hua CC, Guan XP, Shi P, Adaptive feedback control for a class of chaotic systems, Chaos, Solitons \u0026 Fractals, 23: 757–765, FEB 2005.
3. Hua CC, Guan XP, Synchronization of chaotic systems based on PI observer
物理学 Letters A, 334 (5-6): 382-389, JAN 2005.
4. Hua CC, Yang B, Ouyang GX, Guan XP, A new chaotic secure
传播学 scheme, Physics Letters A 342 (4): 305-308 JUL 18 2005
5. Zhang XY, Guan XP, Li HG, Adaptive synchronization with nonlinear input,
汉语词类 物理学, 14 (2): 279-284, FEB 2005.
6. Hua CC, Guan XP, Adaptive
监察 for chaotic systems, Chaos Solitons \u0026 Fractals, 22 (1): 55-60, OCT 2004.
7. Hua CC, Guan XP, Synchronization of chaotic systems based on adaptive observer
汉语词类 物理学, 13 (9): 1391-1395, SEP 2004.
8. Chen CL, Feng G, Guan XP, Parameter identification based synchronization for a class of chaotic systems with offset vectors, Physics Letters A, 330 (1-2): 65-74, SEP 2004.
9. Hua CC, Guan XP,
传播学 scheme via cascade chaotic systems,
汉语词类 物理学 Letters, 21 (8): 1441-1444, AUG 2004.
10. Hua CC, Guan XP, Li XL, Shi P, Adaptive observer-based
监察 for a class of chaotic systems, Chaos Solitons \u0026 Fractals, 22 (1): 103-110, OCT 2004.
11. Chen CL, Feng G, Guan XP, Robust synchronization of chaotic Lur'e systems via delayed feedback control,
物理学 Letters A, 321 (5-6): 344-354, FEB 2004.
12. Guan XP, He YH, Stabilizing unstable
Equilibrium 小数点 of unified chaotic systems with unknown parameter using sliding
调式 监察,
汉语词类 Physics Letters, 21 (2): 227-229, FEB 2004.
13. Hua CC, Guan XP, A Simple Adaptive Controller for Chaotic Systems.
动力学 of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Ser Series B: Applications \u0026 Algorithms, 11: 25-34, 2004.
14. Hua CC, Guan XP, Robust control of
时间delay chaotic systems,
物理学 Letters A, 314 (1-2): 72-80, JUL 2003.
15. Guan XP, Chen CL, Adaptive fuzzy
监察 of chaotic systems with H∞ tracking
表演, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 139 (1):81-93, OCT 2003.
16. Guan XP, Hua CC, Synchronization of uncertain
时间 delay chaotic systems using the adaptive fuzzy methods,
汉语词类 Physical Letters, 19 (8): 1031-1034, AUG 2002.
Data Mining and Data Infusion Technology
1. Li XL, Ouyang GX, Guan XP, Du R, Ram position control in plastic injection molding machines with higher-order iterative learning,
监察 and Intelligent Systems, 34(1): 64-71, 2006.
2. Li XL, Du R, Guan XP, Utilization of information maximum for condition monitoring with applications in a machining process and a water pump, IEEE-ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 9 (4): 711-714, DEC 2004.
3. Li XL, Guan XP,
时间频率analysis-based minor cutting edge
断裂 detection during end milling, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 18 (6): 1485-1496, NOV 2004.
4. Li XL, Guan XP and Wang HR, Identification of tool wear states with fuzzy classification, Int. J.
计算机 Integrated Manufacturing, 12(6): 503-509, 1999.
Signal Processing and
意象 Processing
1. Li XL, Li HX, Guan XP, Fuzzy estimation of feed-cutting force from current measurement - A case study on intelligent tool wear condition monitoring, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-C, 34 (4): 506-512, NOV 2004.
2. Li XL, Ouyang GX, Yao X, Guan XP, Dynamical characteristics of pre-epileptic seizures in
家鼠属 with recurrence quantification analysis,
物理学 Letters A, 333 (1-2): 164-171, NOV 2004.
1. Liu ST, Liu YQ, Guan XP, Yang J, Existence of monotone positive solution of neutral partial difference
方程, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 247:384-396, JULY 2000.
2. Cheng SS, Guan XP, Yang J, Positive solutions of a nonlinear neutral equation with positive and
阳性 coefficients, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 86 (3): 169-192, FEB 2000.
3. Liu ST, Guan XP, Yang J, Nonexistence of positive solution of a class of nonlinear delay partial difference
方程, J.
数学 Anal. Appl., 234: 361-371, 1999.
4. Guan XP, Yang J,
AGB星 and oscillatory behavior of higher order nonlinear neutral difference equation, Vietnam Journal of Mathematical, 27(3):223-230, 1999.
5. Guan XP, Yang J, Comparison criteria of positive solutions for a nonlinear neutral difference equation with positive and
阳性 coefficients, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 15(3):326-332,1999.
6. Guan XP, Yang J, Positive solution of second order nonlinear neutral delay difference equations, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 22(3): 383-391, 1999.
7. Guan XP, Yang J, Oscillatory behavior of higher order nonlinear neutral difference
方程, Hokkaido
数学 Journal, XXVIII (2):393-403,1999.
8. Guan XP and Yang J,
AGB星 and oscillatory behavior of higher order nonlinear neutral forced difference equation, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 39:251-259, 1999.
9. Guan XP, Yang J, Cheng SS, Linear comparison criteria for a nonlinear neutral differential
方程, Annales Polonici Mathematical, LXIV.2:161-173, 1996.
书 名:信号处理与模式识别-自动化系统工程师资格认证
作 者:关新平
ISBN: 7111186400
页 数: 155
开 本: 16开
书 名:自动化理论、技术与应用(第10卷)
ISBN: 7-312-01595-6
出版日期: 2003-03-01
书 名:《混沌控制及其有保密通信中的应用》
作 者:关新平,
Xinping Guan , Zhengping Fan, Cailian Chen and Changchun Hua, Chaotic Control, Synchronization and Its Applications in Secure Communication , National Defence Press, P.R.China, October 2002. (in
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