中国兵工学会光学专业委员会第四届委员。担任J. Appl. Phys.、J. Phys.: Condens. Matter、Chin. Phys. Lett.、Chin. Opt. Lett.、Chin. Phys.、科学通报、物理学报、光学学报和半导体学报等特邀评审。
1. X. Q. Zhang, Z. G. Yao, and S. H. Huang, Intrinsic exciton transitions in high-quality ZnO thin films grown by
等离子体enhanced molecular-beam epitaxy on sapphire substrates, J.
APPL Phys. 99 (2006) 063709
2. X.Q. Zhang Ikuo Suemune, H. Kumano, Z.G. Yao, S.H. Huang, Room
温度 ultraviolet lasing action in high-quality ZnO thin films, J. Lumin.,
122123 (2007) 828
3. Z.G. Yao, X.Q. Zhang, Ikuo. Suemune, S.H. Huang, Room-temperature stimulated emission from ZnO thin films grown by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering, J. Lumin.,122–123 (2007) 825
4. Peng Du, Xiqing Zhang, Xuebai Sun, and Yongsheng Wang,n-type ZnS used as electron transport material in organic light-emitting diodes,Chin. Phys. 15(2006)1370
5. Yao Zhi-Gang, Zhang Xi-Qing, Shang Hong-Kai et al, Lasing action of ZnO thin film grown by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering, Chin. Phys., 14(2005)1205
6. D.D. Wang, Y.S. Wang, X.Q. Zhang, Z.Q. He, L.X. Yi, L.E. Deng, C.X. Zhang, X. Han, Enlargement of complete two-dimensional band gap by using photonic
晶体 heterostructure,
APPL Phys. B, 340(2005)1882
7. W.Q. Peng, S.C. Qu, G.W. Cong,
XQ Zhang, Z.G. Wang, Optical and magnetic properties of ZnS nanoparticles doped with Mn2+, J.Crystal Growth 282 (2005) 179–185
8. D. P. Xiong,X. Q. Zhang et al, Optical properties of ZnO thin films deposited by rf sputtering on SiO2 substractes. Chin Opt. Lett 2 (2004)179
9. X. Q. Zhang, Ikuo Suemune et al,
surfaceemitting stimulated emission in high-quality ZnO thin films, J. Appl. Phys., 96(2004) 3733
10. X. Q. Zhang, ZK Tang et al, Second harmonic generation in self-assembled ZnO microcrystallite thin films, Thin
固体 Films 250 (2004)320
11. X. Q. Zhang, Z. K. Tang, A. Ohtomo, and H. Koinuma,Optical gain in second harmonic generation in self assembled ZnO microcrystannite thin films J.
晶体 Growth 259(2003) 286.
12. X. Q. Zhang, Z. K. Tang et al, Resonant exciton Second harmonic generation in self assembled ZnO microcrystannite thin films J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15(2003) 5191
13. X. Q. Zhang, S. Ganapathy, I. Suemune et al, Improvement of InAs quantum-dot optical properties by strain compensation with GaNAs capping layers,
APPL Phys. Lett.83(2003) 4524.
14. Sasikala Ganapathy, X. Q. Zhang, Ikuo Suemune et al, GaNAs as Strain Compensating Layer for 1.55mm Light Emission from InAs Quantum Dots, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.42 (2003) 5598.
15. X. Q. Zhang, Sasikala Ganapathy, Ikuo Suemune et al, Photoluminescence study of InAs quantum dots embedded in GaNAs strain compensating layer grown by metalorganic-molecular-beam epitaxy, J.
APPL Phys. 92(2002) 6813.
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