铁幕演说(Iron Curtain Speech)是1946年3月5日英国前首相温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill)在美国富尔顿城威斯敏斯特学院发表的一场名为“和平砥柱”的演讲,旨在联合美国与其他说英语的国家共同反对苏联和共产主义
第二次世界大战结束后,美苏的实力不断崛起,加之战后美苏等国家的意识形态和制度的不同,美苏在欧洲形成了对峙的局面,丘吉尔认为美国始终是维护资本主义国家利益的,便于1946年1月16日应美国总统哈里·S·杜鲁门(Harry S. Truman)的邀请访美,1946年3月5日在杜鲁门的陪同下于威斯敏斯特学院发表了“铁幕演说”,他认为美国当时处于世界权力的巅峰,应该联合英国以及其他说英语的国家共同反对苏联共产主义的扩张。而时任苏联领导人的约瑟夫·维萨里奥诺维奇·斯大林(俄语:Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин,英语:Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin)则表明温斯顿·丘吉尔的这次演讲是在制造战争。
丘吉尔的这次“铁幕演说”宣传反苏反共,拉开了“美苏冷战”(Cold War)的序幕,而“铁幕”一词也成为了战后国际关系中有关东西方对抗的专有名词。在“铁幕演说”后一年,1947年3月12日美国提出了杜鲁门主义冷战正式开始,因此丘吉尔的这篇演说也被世人认为是“冷战宣言”。
1946年1月丘吉尔访美,同年3月5日在时任美国总统杜鲁门陪同下于密苏里州富尔顿的威斯敏斯特学院发表“和平砥柱”(The Sinews of Peace)演讲。丘吉尔在这次演讲中,针对美苏之间的紧张局势,发表了他的看法,他认为新的战争和暴政正在威胁着世界,而根源就是苏联和国际共产主义运动。同时丘吉尔宣称“从波罗的海什切青到亚得里亚海边的的里雅斯特,一幅横贯欧洲大陆的铁幕已经降落下来了”,铁幕之后的中、东欧的一些古老城市受到了苏联的“高压控制”,比如华沙柏林布达佩斯布拉格维也纳、贝尔格莱德、布加勒斯特特等。同时在这张铁幕外面,共产党的“第五纵队”也遍布各国。而且对苏联的“权力和主义”无限扩张的情况,不能采取“绥靖政策”。温斯顿·丘吉尔提出美国当时处于世界权力的巅峰,美国要认清苏联对所谓的“自由世界”已经构成了军事威胁,美国应当担负起对未来的责任,丘吉尔主张英美要建立反共军事联盟,并提议军事上要保持密切的联系,共同研究潜在的危险,用实力反对苏联,同时他还呼吁那些说英语的国家一起联合起来遏制以苏联为首的共产主义的扩展。
The United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power. It is a solemn moment for the American Democracy. For with primacy in power is also joined an awe inspiring accountability to the future. If you look around you, you must feel not only the sense of duty done but also you must feel anxiety lest you fall below the level of achievement. Opportunity is here now, clear and shining for both our countries. To reject it or ignore it or fritter it away will bring upon us all the long reproaches of the after-时间 It is necessary that constancy of mind, persistency of purpose, and the grand simplicity of decision shall guide and rule the conduct of the English-speaking peoples in peace as they did in war. We must, and I believe we shall, prove ourselves equal to this severe requirement.
When American military men approach some serious situation they are wont to write at the head of their directive the words "over-all strategic concept." There is wisdom in this, as it leads to clarity of thought. What then is the over-all strategic concept which we should inscribe today? It is nothing less than the safety and welfare, the freedom and progress, of all the homes and families of all the men and women in all the lands. And here I speak particularly of the myriad cottage or apartment homes where the wage-earner strives amid the accidents and difficulties of life to guard his wife and children from privation and bring the family up in the fear of the Lord, or upon ethical conceptions which often play their potent part.
To give security to these countless homes, they must be shielded from the two giant marauders, war and tyranny. We all know the frightful disturbances in which the ordinary family is plunged when the curse of war swoops down upon the bread-winner and those for whom he works and contrives. The awful ruin of Europe, with all its vanished glories, and of large parts of Asia glares us in the eyes. When the designs of wicked men or the aggressive urge of mighty States dissolve over large areas the frame of civilised society, humble folk are confronted with difficulties with which they cannot cope. For them all is distorted, all is broken, even ground to pulp.
When I stand here this quiet afternoon I shudder to visualise what is actually happening to millions now and what is going to happen in this period when famine stalks the earth. None can compute what has been called "the unestimated sum of human pain." Our Supreme task and duty is to guard the homes of the common people from the horrors and miseries of another war. We are all agreed on that.
Our American military colleagues, after having proclaimed their "over-all strategic concept" and computed available resources, always proceed to the next step-namely, the method. Here again there is widespread agreement. A world organisation has already been erected for the prime purpose of preventing war, UNO, the successor of the League of Nations, with the decisive addition of the United States and all that that means, is already at work. We must make sure that its work is fruitful, that it is a reality and not a sham, that it is a force for action, and not merely a frothing of words, that it is a true temple of peace in which the shields of many nations can some day be hung up, and not merely a cockpit in a Tower of Babel. Before we cast away the 固体 assurances of national armaments for self-preservation we must be certain that our temple is built, not upon shifting sands or quagmires, but upon the rock. Anyone can see with his eyes open that our path will be difficult and also long, but if we persevere together as we did in the two world wars-though not, alas, in the interval between them-I cannot doubt that we shall achieve our common purpose in the end.
I have, however, a definite and practical proposal to make for action. Courts and magistrates may be set up but they cannot function without sheriffs and constables. The United Nations Organisation must immediately begin to be equipped with an international armed force. In such a matter we can only go step by step, but we must begin now. I propose that each of the Powers and States should be invited to delegate a certain number of air squadrons to the service of the world organisation. These squadrons would be trained and prepared in their own countries, but would move around in rotation from one country to another. They would wear the uniform of their own countries but with different badges. They would not be required to act against their own nation, but in other respects they would be directed by the world organisation. This might be started on a modest scale and would grow as confidence grew. I wished to see this done after the First World War, and I devoutly trust it may be done forthwith.
It would nevertheless be wrong and imprudent to Entrust the secret knowledge or experience of the atomic bomb, which the United States, Great Britain, and Canada now share, to the world organisation, while it is still in its infancy. It would be criminal madness to cast it adrift in this still agitated and un-united world. No one in any country has slept less well in their beds because this knowledge and the method and the raw materials to apply it, are at present largely retained in American hands. I do not believe we should all have slept so soundly had the positions been reversed and if some Communist or neo-Fascist State monopolised for the time being these dread agencies. The fear of them alone might easily have been used to enforce totalitarian systems upon the free democratic world, with consequences appalling to human imagination. God has willed that this shall not be and we have at least a breathing space to set our house in order before this peril has to be encountered: and even then, if no effort is spared, we should still possess So formidable a superiority as to impose effective deterrents upon its employment, or threat of employment, by others. Ultimately, when the essential brotherhood of man is truly embodied and expressed in a world organisation with all the necessary practical safeguards to make it effective, these 功率s would naturally be confided to that world organisation.
Now I come to the second danger of these two marauders which threatens the cottage, the home, and the ordinary people-namely, tyranny. We cannot be blind to the fact that the liberties enjoyed by individual citizens throughout the British Empire are not valid in a considerable number of countries, some of which are very powerful. In these States control is enforced upon the common people by various kinds of all-embracing police governments. The power of the State is exercised without restraint, either by dictators or by compact oligarchies operating through a privileged party and a political police. It is not our duty at this time when difficulties are so numerous to interfere forcibly in the internal affairs of countries which we have not conquered in war. But we must never cease to proclaim in fearless tones the great principles of freedom and the rights of man which are the joint inheritance of the English-speaking world and which through Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Habeas Corpus, trial by jury, and the English common law find their most famous expression in the American Declaration of Independence.
All this means that the people of any country have the right, and should have the power by constitutional action, by free unfettered elections, with secret ballot, to choose or change the character or form of government under which they dwell; that freedom of speech and thought should reign; that courts of justice, independent of the executive, unbiased by any party, should administer laws which have received the broad assent of large majorities or are consecrated by time and custom. Here are the title deeds of freedom which should lie in every cottage home. Here is the message of the British and American peoples to mankind Let us preach what we practise - let us practise what we preach.
I have now stated the two great dangers which menace the homes of the people: War and Tyranny. I have not yet spoken of poverty and privation which are in many cases the prevailing anxiety. But if the dangers of war and tyranny are removed, there is no doubt that science and co-operation can bring in the next few years to the world, certainly in the next few decades newly taught in the sharpening school of war, an expansion of material well-being beyond anything that has yet occurred in human experience. Now, at this sad and breathless moment, we are plunged in the hunger and distress which are the aftermath of our stupendous struggle; but this will pass and may pass quickly, and there is no reason except human folly or sub-human crime which should deny to all the nations the inauguration and enjoyment of an age of plenty. I have often used words which I learned fifty years ago from a great Irish-American orator, a friend of mine, Mr. Bourke Cockran. "There is enough for all. The 地球 is a generous 母亲; she will provide in plentiful abundance food for all her children if they will but cultivate her soil in justice and in peace." So far I feel that we are in full agreement.
Now, while still pursuing the method of realising our overall strategic concept, I come to the crux of what I have travelled here to Say. Neither the sure prevention of war, nor the continuous rise of world organisation will be gained without what I have called the fraternal association of the English-speaking peoples. This means a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and Empire and the United States. This is no time for generalities, and I will venture to be precise. Fraternal association requires not only the growing friendship and mutual understanding between our two vast but kindred Systems of society, but the continuance of the intimate relationship between our military advisers, leading to common study of potential dangers, the similarity of weapons and manuals of instructions, and to the interchange of officers and cadets at technical colleges. It should carry with it the continuance of the present facilities for mutual security by the joint use of all Naval and Air Force bases in the possession of either country all over the world. This would perhaps double the mobility of the American Navy and Air Force. It would greatly expand that of the British Empire Forces and it might well lead, if and as the world calms down, to important financial savings. Already we use together a large number of islands; more may well be entrusted to our joint care in the near future.
The United States has already a Permanent Defence Agreement with the Do-minion of Canada, which is so devotedly attached to the British Commonwealth and empire This Agreement is more effective than many of those which have often been made under formal alliances. This principle should be extended to all British Commonwealths with full reciprocity. Thus, whatever happens, and thus only, shall we be secure ourselves and able to work together for the high and simple causes that are dear to us and bode no ill to any. Eventually there may come-I feel eventually there will come-the principle of common citizenship, but that we may be content to leave to destiny, whose outstretched arm many of us can already clearly see.
There is however an important question we must ask ourselves. Would a special relationship between the United States and the British Commonwealth be inconsistent with our over-riding loyalties to the World Organisation? I reply that, on the contrary, it is probably the only means by which that organisation will achieve its full stature and strength There are already the special United States relations with Canada which I have just mentioned, and there are the special relations between the United States and the South American Republics. We British have our twenty years Treaty of Collaboration and Mutual Assistance with Soviet Russia. I agree with Mr. Bevin, the Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, that it might well be a fifty years Treaty so far as we are concerned. We aim at nothing but mutual assistance and collaboration. The British have an alliance with Portugal unbroken since 1384, and which produced fruitful results at critical moments in the late war. None of these clash with the general interest of a world agreement, or a world organisation; on the contrary they help 信息技术 "In my father's house are many mansions." Special associations between members of the United Nations which have no aggressive point against any other country, which harbour no 设计 incompatible with the Charter of the United Nations, far from being harmful, are beneficial and, as I believe, indispensable.
I spoke earlier of the Temple of Peace. Workmen from all countries must build that temple. If two of the workmen know each other particularly well and are old friends, if their families are inter-mingled, and if they have "faith in each other's purpose, hope in each other's future and charity towards each other's shortcomings"-to quote some good words I read here the other day-why cannot they work together at the common task as friends and partners? Why cannot they share their tools and thus increase each other's working powers? Indeed they must do so or else the temple may not be built, or, being built, it may collapse, and we shall all be proved again unteachable and have to go and try to learn again for a third 时间 in a school of war, incomparably more rigorous than that from which we have just been released. The dark ages may return, the Stone Age may return on the gleaming wings of science, and what might now shower immeasurable material blessings upon mankind, may even bring about its total destruction. Beware, I say; 时间 may be short. Do not let us take the course of allowing events to 漂移 along until it is too late. If there is to be a fraternal association of the kind I have described, with all the extra strength and 证券 which both our countries can derive from it, let us make sure that that great fact is known to the world, and that it plays its part in steadying and stabilising the foundations of peace. There is the path of wisdom. Prevention is better than cure.
A shadow has fallen upon the scenes so lately lighted by the Allied victory. Nobody knows what Soviet Russia and its Communist international organisation intends to do in the immediate future, or what are the limits, if any, to their expansive and proselytising tendencies. I have a strong admiration and regard for the valiant Russian people and for my wartime comrade, Marshal Stalin. There is deep sympathy and goodwill in Britain-and I doubt not here also-towards the peoples of all the Russias and a resolve to persevere through many differences and rebuffs in establishing lasting friendships. We understand the Russian need to be secure on her western frontiers by the removal of all possibility of German aggression. We welcome Russia to her rightful place among the leading nations of the world. We welcome her flag upon the seas. Above all, we welcome constant, frequent and growing contacts between the Russian people and our own people on both sides of the Atlantic. It is my duty however, for I am sure you would wish me to state the facts as I see them to you, to place before you certain facts about the present position in Europe.
From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. 华沙, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, 布加勒斯特 and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and, in many cases, increasing measure of control from Moscow. Athens alone-Greece with its immortal glories-is free to decide its future at an 选举 under British, American and French observation. The Russian-dominated Polish Government has been encouraged to make enormous and wrongful inroads upon Germany, and mass expulsions of millions of Germans on a scale grievous and undreamed-of are now taking place. The Communist parties, which were very small in all these Eastern States of Europe, have been raised to pre-eminence and power far beyond their numbers and are seeking everywhere to obtain totalitarian control. Police governments are prevailing in nearly every case, and so far, except in Czechoslovakia, there is no true democracy.
温斯顿·丘吉尔的这次演说引起了世界的震惊,1946年3月6日世界各大报纸的头条新闻都是有关丘吉尔铁幕演说的报道,比如《纽约时报》说“英美两国为同一命运所支配,应同情和支持丘吉尔的建议 ”,又有《纽约先驱论坛报》称丘吉尔的演说是“向市民居住的杂乱无章和破败不堪的街头掷去的一束炸弹”。而丘吉尔的这次演说也遭到了舆论界的反对,《芝加哥太阳报》报道“紧随着这位伟大而盲目的贵族所高举的大旗,就会使我们投入这个世界最恐怖的战争中去”,《华盛顿邮报》认为丘吉尔要联合国配备一支武装部队的建议是“不合逻辑 的附加物”。而且美国国会一部分议员宣称“温斯顿·丘吉尔建议美英在联合国机构之外联合对付苏联这一点太过火”。3月8日,美国总统哈里·S·杜鲁门和国务卿贝尔纳斯举行了记者招待会,否认美国政府和丘吉尔演说有任何关系,杜鲁门说他未见过讲稿,不知道演讲稿的内容,并对此表示“迷惑”,贝尔纳斯也推说他对演说内容毫不知情。1946年3月15日纽约街头出现了反对丘吉尔的标语,在市政府大厦门前还有反对丘吉尔的群众示威,群众和前来镇压示威游行的警察发生冲突 ,二十多人被捕,副国务卿戴维·艾奇逊也借故不出席纽约市政府欢迎丘吉尔的晚宴。
学者滕淑娜在《试论二战后艾德礼工党政府的对美外交与“冷战”的起源》中认为二战后的英国衰落之势不可避免,而苏联成为世界上最强大的陆上军事强国,成为欧洲大陆无人能敌的大国。因苏联的强大英国认识到依靠自己和其它西欧国家的力量不能同苏联对抗,女王陛下政府便把目光放在了与自己属于同一意识形态领域的美国身上,试图寻求美国对世界事务承担更多的义务,这时英国的外交策略是通过当时的在野党领袖温斯顿·丘吉尔的“铁幕演说 ”来体现的。
丘吉尔的这篇“铁幕演说”的“铁幕”一词也引起了不少人的讨论,根据丘吉尔自己的回忆他首次接触“铁幕”一词是他年少时在维多利亚式剧院里见到的防火装置,后来约瑟夫·戈培尔又用它形容中国工农红军向欧洲的推进,而且丘吉尔用了一段时间仔细比较和推敲近似的表述,比如“帷幕(veil)”或“屏幕(screen)”等,一直到1945年8月16日的下议院公开使用了“铁幕”一词,这个词正好刻画出了战后欧洲的图景。而且剑桥大学国际史荣誉教授大卫·雷纳兹(David Reynolds)认为温斯顿·丘吉尔的这次演说其实传达的核心信息是“和平”,不过最后还是成了美苏冷战的导火索,丘吉尔其实也要负责任,他在演说标题上的举棋不定,演说原先的题目是《论世界事务》(World Affairs)这种大白话。只是在演说前一天他把标题改成了《和平砥柱》。媒体拿到的抢先版文本有不少都没有用这个表述,一定程度上影响了报道的平衡性